The Best All-rounder

Chapter 8633: 1 important person appears

"Does that mean that if I win, I can save the spiritual world?" Xia Xia asked.

"I don't know, no one knows what will happen after winning, maybe, it is to open the door to the world, maybe it is to dominate the spiritual world, etc." Yunhuo Daojun explained.

"So, I have no choice." The corner of Xia Tian's mouth raised slightly.

"Well, it's not just you, everyone has no choice. Since ancient times, winners and losers have been defeated, and this time is the real end of the battle for everyone. The winner and their subordinates can Those who live and lose, I am afraid all of them will die in the end, or be enslaved." Yunhuo Daojun said.

The winner is the one who holds the throne in the end, and it is impossible for the loser to save themselves, because their lives may also be dominated by others.

Spirit world!

Just need a king.

It's the world that drives it.

"Could it be that if I didn't transcend the calamity, the spiritual world wouldn't be what it is now?" Xia Xia asked.

"No, some things are destiny. Even without you, there will be others. This is a destiny that the spiritual world will accept. Just like when we cultivate to the tribulation period, we all need to transcend tribulation, so does the spiritual world. In this way, if the spiritual world can survive this time, I believe that the spiritual world will also become different, but if it cannot survive, then in the end it will be no different from the failure of human beings to overcome the calamity." Yunhuo said Jun explained.

"The one who survives is the final winner. If that's the case, then you can only choose to survive." Zhuge Yuan smiled slightly, and he glanced at Xia Xia: "Mr. Xia, I think there are some things that can't be avoided."


Xia Xia nodded: "Does anyone know when the fifth realm of the vortex will appear?"

"Well, no one, but a few points have been monitored, because there are fourth-level vortexes in those points, and any vortex has signs of becoming fifth-level, and our major forces will know it immediately. "Yunhuo Daojun explained.

Think about summer.

There is also a fourth-level vortex in his body.

That is to say.

No matter which of these fourth-level vortexes reaches the fifth-level first, it will change the fate of the entire spiritual world.


The entire spiritual world will undergo great changes.

That is, the final destiny is coming.

"I need to digest the news, you have a rest." Xia Xia and Zhuge Yuan returned to their own bodies. After returning to their own bodies, Xia Xia also looked at Zhuge Yuan: "What do you think."

The news I got this time is a bit more, and it is a bit big, and it needs to be digested for the time being in summer.

"Mr. Xia, there are two options, first, think about yourself and find a way to survive; second, save the spiritual world, of course, even if you save the spiritual world, the people in the spiritual world will not remember you well. But no matter which way you choose, you must grab the throne, but the second way is more difficult than the first way." Zhuge Yuan explained.

"The first day you met me? You said, which path would I choose?" Xia Xia asked.

"The second rule." Zhuge Yuan smiled slightly.

"If you know it, think of a way. As for the problem of the throne, I will solve it. I will definitely grab the last throne." Xia Xia said.

"Okay, I just like to chat with a powerful person like you, so I don't have to worry about it at all." Zhuge Yuan believes that working with someone like Xia Xia does not need to consider whether Xia Xia can do well or not.

Because summer can't fail.

"This is the set of all things. I originally wanted to give it to you later, for fear of delaying your cultivation, but now it seems that it must be given to you sooner, so that you can get used to it. Who knows if the ice block will suddenly appear." Gave Zhuge Yuan a storage device.

Zhuge Yuan was not polite either.

Instead, the storage equipment was directly taken back.

At this time, he will not talk nonsense with Xia Xia.

"Mr. Xia, then you must speed up. In the past few days, you have to speed up the rhythm of the battle. You can't let them continue to drag them on. It's best to let the Dragon God Emperor and the people of the Yizi Army fight now. The decisive battle is ahead of time. In this way, we will not be so passive. Although many things will happen in the end, kill one first, it is one. If they can fight both, then kill them all. If one of them is weak and runs away, You have to prepare to intercept and kill those who are running away, people at this level are not so easy to kill, so you must be prepared for everything." Zhuge Yuan reminded.

Summer nodded.

He also understands that it is a bit difficult to kill Dragon God and Shang Jieao in his current situation, but he has already prepared everything. Now he needs to quickly master this fourth-level vortex. If he can master this, it will be at least a short period of time. There will be detached combat power in time.

After that, it was time to find a way to restore the Realm King Judgment.

As long as the Realm King Jutsu recovers, there will be no one he can't kill.

Frozen Throne.

Xia Xia couldn't lose. Before, what his father was most afraid of was that the two of them would meet one day. Xia Xia also thought about this issue, but he also understood that some things could not be avoided.

Since sooner or later they will face each other, he will fight. If he and his father are really left in the end, then he must fight too.

This is his decision.


Summer has recently started on a killing spree.

Whether it was the Dragon God Emperor or the One-word Army, he would kill them all.

And he kills very covertly and the rhythm is very fast.

"Damn it, **** it!!" Shang Jieao shouted angrily.

He actually died of a guardian, more than 200 high-level subordinates, and so many people died, which made him very angry, and now his eyes are full of resentment.

"Great Emperor, maybe it's the Hundred Wings God Lord or the One-Brow Daoist who came forward in person, otherwise it would be impossible for them to have such great fighting power and lethality. Although the strength of their subordinates is not bad, they still don't have such great ability, that is, Say, God Lord Hundred Wings and the others may have come to Tiandan Continent, and they may even attack you." A guardian reminded.

Before, they all thought that they were immortal, so no matter what happened, they were all scheming, and they didn't care what happened next.

But now.

After a Dharma protector died, and so many people died, they were also startled.

At their level, especially when there is a chance to soar, who is willing to work hard and die?

Now that the situation has developed to this point, it is out of their control, so they hope that Shang Jieao can come forward.

"Okay, since they want to play, then I'll play with them and declare war directly on the One-word Army. We fight on the Devil's Peak in Tiandan Continent. If they force me, then I want them to look good." Shang Jieao clenched himself tightly. fist.


Shang Jieao is a very angry person.

He declared war this time, just to have a head-to-head confrontation with the other party, and at the same time to let the other party know that his negotiation is not easy to bully.

declare war.

He gave the one-word army half a month, he believed that no matter where the Hundred Wings God Lord and the others were hiding, half a month would be enough for them to reach the Devil's Peak.

And there.

It's where they're going to fight.

If after half a month, Hundred Wings Divine Master and Yimei Daoren didn't go, it means they are cowardly.

People at their level are very concerned about face.


Although Shang Jieao is impulsive, he is not a blind person. This time, he has two preparations. First, if he doesn't do this, maybe his masters will die. Before Bingfeng comes, his People are all dead, and when the ice seal appears, I am afraid it will be difficult for them to win, so he also wants to take the opportunity to find the God Lord of Hundred Wings and the others; second, they do not necessarily have to divide life and death, and fight each other to shock each other. Now, maybe he can talk about cooperation. He thinks that there will be many people going there. The Dragon God Emperor can cooperate with the people of the One-word Army first, and deal with other forces first.


This time the Devil's Peak.

It was what he thought was inevitable.

"Yes, Great Emperor!" In fact, the people of the Dragon God Great Emperor still have an inexplicable worship of Shang Jieao, because no matter when, Shang Jieao is a strong person.

He is a tough guy.

So they follow the negotiation, and don't have to worry about losing face.

"Devil Peak, I'll let them know that I, Shang Jieao, are not easy to bully." Shang Jieao clenched his fists.

Xia Xia saw that his efforts had paid off, so he didn't do it anymore.

"War has been declared." Xia Xia said.

"Okay, this is good news. Since war has been declared, it proves that they will definitely fight, but what I am most worried about is that Shang Jieao did not just declare war for the sake of a decisive battle." Zhuge Yuan said.

"Huh?" Xia Xia looked at Zhuge Yuan in confusion.

"If it's for the real life and death, he alone would never be able to beat other people's Hundred Wings God Lord and Yimei Daoist. If the One-word Army can have such a big power, he must have a trump card. This point, Shang It is impossible for Jie Ao to not know, then he still declares war on his own initiative, or declares war when the Dragon God is in retreat. This is a problem. I suspect that he also wants to cooperate with traces. After all, no one can predict the final Frozen Throne there. How many powers and masters appear, if he wants to talk about cooperation, I think it will be successful." This is what Zhuge Yuan is most worried about, if they continue to fight, then things are likely to develop to the point where it is impossible.

But if you declare war directly, you may face this problem.

"Is there any way to stop it?" Xia Xia asked.

"There is a way, but if it is exposed, unforeseen things may happen." Zhuge Yuan looked at Xia Xia.

"You just say what to do, and leave the rest to me." Xia Xia said.

"Okay, then I'll say, Mr. Xia, it's up to you next, when they are at war, you go to attack the base camp of the Dragon God Emperor, the more serious the damage, the better, and you have to force the Dragon God to come out ahead of time. Guan, let them be suspicious of each other, but you must not reveal your whereabouts, and you must not let others know that you did it, otherwise not only will it not be effective, but it will increase the speed and determination of their alliance." Zhuge Yuan said.

"Just leave it to me." Xia Tian nodded.

"Devil Peak is very close to their base camp. Once a major event happens, they will find out immediately, so you still have to be careful, and there is an immortal in their base camp." Zhuge Yuan reminded again.

"I know all this, you just need to tell me what to do in the future." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"It's really reliable." Zhuge Yuan also smiled.

"Declaring war? Interesting." Yimei Daoist felt very interesting. In his opinion, the Dragon God Emperor was jumping off the wall. Some time ago, he frantically hunted and killed his subordinates, and then sent people to their site to find faults, and now it is even more so. declare war directly.

"I don't know what Shang Jieao is doing. It's already clear that everyone has to wait for the moment of freezing, but he is declaring war at this time." Hundred Wings God Lord frowned.


He wants to ascend to immortality, he wants to become immortal before the ice seal appears.

But now.

Daoist Yimei didn't give him a chance to continue his cultivation. In this way, he would have no chance to become an immortal and could only help Daoist Yimei.

So he also told Daoist Yimei about the frozen thing.

When Daoist One Eyebrow received this news, he would choose to temporarily stop the attack and development.


He had turned the world upside down long ago.

"No matter what he does, since he has declared war, if we don't go, won't the whole spirit world look down on him." Yimei Daoren no longer wants to be a street rat.

He didn't want to see other people's disdainful eyes on him anymore.


Next, what he has to do is to take on the challenge and take the opportunity to clean up the Dragon God Emperor.

"I heard that the Dragon God is retreating. He declares war on us at this time. Will there be any conspiracy?" God Lord Hundred Wings understands that Shang Jieao is a person who likes to play tricks the most, and he is also a very angry person. .

"No matter what kind of conspiracy, in front of absolute strength, it's just a joke, let's go, go meet him, he's courting death, we'll give him a ride, just the person who can take the opportunity to take over him, such a matter of freezing the throne, We will have even more opportunities." said the one-brow Taoist.

Half a is enough.

Characters like them naturally hide many large teleportation formations.


the edge of the sea.

"Brothers of the sea clan, please let me know that Mr. Xia's brother is visiting Xiajiacheng." A man shouted from the beach.


The people of the sea tribe appeared.

"What's your name? There are not many people left in Xiajiacheng now, and the adult is not there." The person from the Sea Clan reminded.

"I know, the name is just a code name. I said it, and the people inside will not know it. You can just say that a very important person is here, that's all." The man said again.


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