The Best All-rounder

Chapter 840: Black Market 12 Bathrooms

When they saw someone sitting in that position, all the people around looked at that person.

The complexion of the person who brought that person changed instantly

"He didn't mean it," he just finished.



Those two people disappeared out of thin air, as if the world had evaporated.

"What?" Xia Tian opened his perspective eyes instantly, and his eyes looked around. When his eyes swept to the surrounding ground, there was an undisguised surprise on his face.

location of death

On the right is the location of death.

Whoever sits there is an end, death

Those two people were not sent away by the agency, but died.

This method of death made Xia Xia feel frightened. If Xia Xian hadn't opened his eyes, he would never have imagined that there is such a terrifying method of killing in this world.

"What level of expert is this?" Xia Tian felt that his heart was raised in his throat.

He didn't dare to look up, because he found a pair of eyes staring at him, fear, unprecedented fear. He used to think that people like Yin Nie were already the top masters, but this black market that suddenly appeared seemed even more terrifying.

He believed that as long as he dared to make any changes, he might not end up better than the two just now.

"Do you feel like you're in a panic when you're being stared at by something?" Tang Jie looked at Xia Xia and asked.

"En" Xia Tian nodded.

"I can't see that when you were actually afraid, that person was on the second floor, an old man, no one knew how old he lived, but I checked the classics later, and there was already such a black market in the Song Dynasty, that old man was in The name in the Song Dynasty was that the landlord had a black market all over the world at that time, but it was almost completely wiped out by Genghis Khan. In order to destroy the black market, follow the branch map of the black market and compete for hegemony." Tang Jie said in a low voice.

This is no secret, because this is unofficial history, and most unofficial stories are bullshit.

But sometimes unofficial history is better than history to let people know the past, because history is written by the victors.

"Does every city have a landlord?" Xia Xia asked. If every city had a landlord, it would be too terrifying. This kind of person is completely clueless in Xia Xia and doesn't know what their abilities are.

"There is only one landlord in the black market. I heard that he came to Jianghai City because Jianghai City is too chaotic recently. He is worried that the black market in Jianghai City will be passive." Tang Jie explained.

"En" Xia Tian nodded.

If every city in the black market has such a master, then Xia Xia really doubts that China is in crisis.

step on

A clear footstep came from upstairs, this footstep was too clear.

The sound got closer and closer, Xia Xian didn't look up, because he found that the footsteps were coming towards them.


sat down

That person sat directly on the right, at the table in the summer.

"Your name is Summer, right?" the old man said slowly.

"En" Xia Tian nodded.

"There are a total of twelve guards in the black market. There is a vacancy in the black market. I plan to let you come to the local twelve." The old man said slowly.

Tang Jie, who was on the side, didn't even dare to lift his head. She knew who the person sitting beside them was, the landlord. She didn't dare to go to see the landlord, for fear of causing death.

"What's the benefit?" Xia Tian asked.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Tang Jie kicked him.

Now that he was asked to be the Twelve Guard, he agreed, but he dared to ask what was the benefit. Isn't this courting death?

"The black market covers half of the world, and the status of the twelve guards is second only to me as the landlord and the left and right guardians. After you become the twelve guards, no matter what you need, you can go to the local black market to get it. Of course, it is not unlimited. Yes, just take your own measures." The landlord said lightly.

Tang Jie heard the landlord

If so, you'd be amazed.

With such a high status, this is simply better than a mayor.

If it was summer, she would have agreed long ago.

"What do I need to do?" Xia Tian asked.

"You will find out later." The landlord took out a black ring with a black sword on it. The ring is a circle smaller than the white tiger ring. "Since you already wear the white tiger ring on your left hand, put it on On the right hand, remember no matter what happens, don't take it off, and you can sit anywhere in the black market."

"En" Xia Tian nodded, and at the same time he was even more puzzled. What is the identity of this landlord, who can actually expand his power to half the world, and he actually recognized the White Tiger Ring at a glance.

This is simply too terrifying.

Now he has no right to refuse at all, and the conditions offered by the other party are too generous.

As long as he goes to a city with a black market, he can go to the black market to ask for anything he needs.

As for what he said about taking care of yourself, it's actually very easy to understand, that is, how much credit you have made for the black market. If you don't do anything and take your treasure every day, then the other party will definitely not let it go.


The landlord actually disappeared from their eyes just like that.

Xia Tian put the ring on his right finger.


A tingling sensation came, there was a needle inside the The needle pierced directly into his blood vessel, and then the black sword on the ring turned blood red.

"It's really terrifying that this thing can still recognize the master." Xia Xia looked at the ring on his right hand in surprise, "It seems that this landlord came to Jianghai City not to protect the black market, but to come to me specifically, Even if I don't come today, he will find a way to find me."

"Huhu" Tang Jie gasped, "I don't know anything, and I don't remember anything."

"It's not that serious. As long as you don't talk nonsense, they will naturally not embarrass you." Seeing Tang Jie's pale face, Xia Xia knew that she was quite frightened just now.

"Well, I'm not feeling well right now. I feel a little uncomfortable. You can sit here by yourself. I'll go first." Tang Jie's face was very ugly.

"I'll send it to you," Xia Xia said.

"No, I'll treat you to dinner when you have time in a few days. I'm really feeling a little uncomfortable today." Tang Jie said.

"Then take care of your own safety," Xia Xia said.

"Don't worry, no one from the black market dares to move." Tang Jie smiled slightly, the landlord was sitting beside her just now, which caused her a lot of psychological pressure, so she felt that the whole person was collapsed.

Xia Xia briefly checked Tang Jie's condition and found that he was just overworked, so he would be fine.


Three bells rang and the auction started.

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