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Chapter 876: deal with the devil

When Xia Xia was watching seriously, a terrifying voice came from behind him, and he didn't have to look back to know who it was. (nice novel marshmallow

Blood monster.

That inscrutable experimental weirdo, Xia Xia thought for a moment in his mind quickly, he decided not to do it, he didn't know what the strength of this blood old monster was.

Even if you can beat it, it will definitely surprise Maoshan's masters.

This old blood monster is the most trusted person by the ancestors of Maoshan, and he is definitely not so easy to deal with, and once he is killed, the ancestors of Maoshan will definitely know that Xia Xia will definitely die.

So Xia knew that he couldn't do it.

"Master Blood." Xia Xia looked at the blood monster with a look of panic.

"Boy, whose disciple are you?" Blood Old Monster asked, but as soon as Blood Old Monster finished asking, he said again: "Forget it, there are so many people in Maoshan, I don't know who you are, no matter who you are. My disciple, you are mine from now on, I just need someone to start, come with me."

"Master Blood, this." Xia Xia didn't want to be entangled with such a guy.

"You don't want to?" The blood old monster's eyes turned cold, and then his eyes stared at Xia Xia: "If you don't want to, then I will kill you."

The blood old monster showed murderous aura, and the murderous aura instantly shrouded Xia Xia in it.

"Master, I agree!" Xia Xia hurriedly said.

"Well, come with me, I haven't seen a boy with such strong yang energy for a long time." The blood old monster looked at Xia Xia with satisfaction, he took a book from the bookshelf, and then walked outside.

Summer had to follow up.

The two of them walked for a while, and then returned to the laboratory of the old blood monster. He was peeking outside just now, but now that he came in, he realized how terrifying it was.

He was simply dealing with a devil.

This guy is horrible.

Everything in this room is so terrifying, corpses, dissections, and there are even the corpses of the Tianchi Water Monster here, and the dissections are very disgusting.

Summer's eyes glanced around.

There was something here that he had never heard of before.

"Boy, dig out his heart for me." The old blood monster pointed to a corpse, saying that it was not right because he was still alive, and he was wearing the clothes of a Maoshan disciple.


The blood old monster asked him to dig out the heart of a living person.

"What are you still doing?" The old blood monster looked at Xia Xia with a cold tone.

Xia Xia had no choice but to do it. He raised the knife and fell, and dug out the heart of the Maoshan disciple, and then handed the still beating heart to the old blood monster.

"Follow me!" After saying that, the old blood monster walked inside. When he came to the room inside, Xia Xian was completely shocked.

This room is full of the so-called successful experiments in the mouth of the blood old monster.

The children in this room all had the limbs of different creatures growing on their bodies, and they were all placed in jars and soaked in unknown liquids.

Hundreds of such monsters.

"Boy, although there are hundreds of successful test items, only the ones that survive in the end are the real mountain guardian beasts. If one of them survives successfully, it means success. If there are two If there is one, it means good luck." The blood old monster doesn't seem to be worried that Xia Xia knows these secrets.

"You want to kill me?" Xia Xia frowned and looked at the old blood monster. He knew that once the other party let him know some secrets, it meant that he was going to die, because only dead people can keep secrets.

"You kid is a little too clever, aren't you afraid that I will kill you now?"

"If you want to kill, kill." Xia Xia said very casually.

"Hey, you actually have a little bit of backbone." The **** old monster looked at Xia Xia in surprise: "Okay, as long as you don't provoke me, I won't kill you, come with me, this heart is not for here. These guys eat, but the baby inside."

The blood monster opened the door of a secret room.

Xia Xian walked in with him, and then Xia Xian saw a transparent human doll. The reason why he was said to be transparent was because Xia Xian could see the blood vessels and internal organs of the doll without using a fluoroscopy eye.

"Give him this heart." The blood old monster said lightly.

Xia Tian put the heart in front of the transparent little doll. The transparent little doll instantly opened its **** mouth and swallowed the heart directly. Then he closed his mouth again. During the whole process, he did not open his eyes.

"How, doesn't it feel very magical, this guy is the most successful test item in my life, although I can't wake him up yet, but once he wakes up, he will be the most powerful mountain guardian beast ." The blood old monster said excitedly, he usually does experiments alone, and there is no one around, which makes him feel that his success has no one to share.

So he often went out to catch some Maoshan and told them about his success, but those disciples couldn't share his joy at all, because the faces of those disciples were only fear.

He was very dissatisfied with the expressions of those disciples, so he used the hearts of those disciples to feed this super guardian beast.

"It's amazing, how did you do it?" Xia Xia didn't have any panic on his face, but looked at the old blood monster suspiciously.

"I used the woman who was born in the lunar year, the lunar month, and the lunar day as a container, and then put the gene of the deep pool water monster into her body. After 1111 days of cultivation, it was finally born successfully." The old blood monster said excitedly.

"I think he's just a half-finished product, right?" Xia Xia asked, looking at the old blood monster.

"I really like you more and more. You actually have the same talent as me. I thought no one would be able to see it, but I didn't expect you to be able to see that he is just a half-finished product." Satisfied looking at summer.

Xia Xia has a black line on his face. Now as long as he is a normal person, he can see that this little guy has not yet formed, otherwise he would have been brought out long ago.

"He has been bred for ten years, but he has never opened his eyes in these ten years. The guardian beasts will obey the first person they see after opening their eyes. I have been waiting for him to open his eyes, But he hasn't opened his eyes yet." The blood old monster kept shaking his head when he said this.

"Master, you just said that he was bred with the genes of the Deep Pond Water Monster, so does he have to touch the water of the Tianchi Lake to wake up?" Xia Xia asked, looking at the old blood monster.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the blood old monster's eyes lit up.

"Follow me to the Dan room."

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