The Best All-rounder

Chapter 163: A large number of experts come to help


When hearing this number, Nightmare was also very surprised: "So many."

"I came here once before, but my father brought a lot of people, and he had to go to other experts around to persuade him, so he came late, we didn't have so many people originally, but now, we have gathered these people to come here. , we are not living in vain, if there is a war in Genting Asgard, we are all very capable of fighting." Tian Qiongyu smiled slightly.

"Thank you." Nightmare shrugged.

Although the reputation of Genting Asgard has always been great.

But before, apart from the group of people in the auction, few people would defect directly, but since Xia Xia beheaded the Palace Master, more and more experts came to defect.

And they are all sincere to join Genting Asgard.

He also tried his best to allocate housing to as many people as possible.

However, the accommodation in Genting Asgard is definitely not enough.

Outside the city of Genting Asgard, city construction has also begun one by one.

The city is not Yuncheng, but an ordinary city wall. The city wall is not very high, only about a hundred feet. Although it is relatively strong, it is impossible to withstand the invasion of the monsters.

Of course.

Those cities never thought of relying on the city wall to block the invasion of the demon clan.

These city walls are just to look more disciplined.

It's easier to divide.

"Vice Palace Master, the resources are all arranged. The price of various resources in the city is very low, half of the normal price. Anyone can buy it directly."

"Well, you must be very strange, why don't I give them directly." Nightmare said.

"Yeah, we have already sent a batch before, and now it is no problem to send another batch. We have a lot of resources."

"The first batch was sent out because those people once participated in the defense of Genting Asgard. They paid a lot, so they should have those resources, and they also consumed a lot of their own resources, so we need to compensate them, but now , Many people have never participated in the battle, we directly give them resources for nothing, which will make them dependent, and even become dependent on Genting Asgard in the future, and some people may come to recharge, so selling , we can sell it cheaply, even if it is just a piece of immortal stone, we must let them understand that this is what we sell, not give." Nightmare's requirements are very strict.

"By the way, the deputy hall master, Ziyi's son..."

"Did you get into trouble again?"

"Well, he hurt someone else."

"Grant him. Before the battle begins, he is not allowed to go out for half a step. In addition, you let the steward of Tianlang Pavilion go to apologize to the other party with a heavy gift." Nightmare is also very helpless to this son of Ziyi.

In this life, Ziyi has only been such a son.

But compared to Ziyi, this son is simply a world apart.

Ziyi is a person who can't be faulted in every aspect.

But this, his whole body is full of faults.

And relying on the fact that his father made great contributions to Genting Asgard, he used his power to bully people everywhere.

Every time it is a nightmare to solve for him.

"It can't go on like this. I'm worried that sooner or later he will get into a big disaster."

"Send someone to watch over him, don't let him get into trouble, didn't I find two masters for him? What are those two people doing?" Nightmare said very upset.

He had previously sent two very qualified people to teach Ziyi's son about literature, history, cultivation, and business.

"The two masters were angry and ran away. I told you last time that you were busy at the time, and said that I would take care of it myself, so I looked for a few more, and in the end, he was angry and ran away, this kid is too naughty Now, if it's not well controlled, I'm really worried that one day he will make a big mistake."

"I can only watch it strictly, and teach it slowly. When the hall master leaves the customs, I will tell the hall master." Nightmare has been really busy recently.

Now he has to be distracted by this kind of thing.

But this is also impossible.

Ziyi's contribution to Genting Asgard is incalculable.

Although he is gone.

But his only son will definitely be taken care of by Genting Asgard.


Genting Asgard also has its own bottom line.

What he was most worried about was that one day, Ziyun's son touched the bottom line of Genting Asgard.

So he thought about chatting with Xia about Ziyi's son after he left the country.

In the courtyard of purple clothes.

A huge medium yard.

Except for Ziyi's son, everyone else is a servant.

Ziyi's son used to be a little ruffian outside, and the power of immortality was not even 1000 points, and he had experienced a lot of things outside.

being bullied.

Spend fast when you have some money.

Never want to.

Since coming to Genting Asgard.

He began to live without food and clothing.

He thought to himself that he had picked up a cheap old man, and as a result, he could enjoy it casually, and even those experts outside did not dare to offend him after hearing his identity.

There are still three days until the date of the battle.

Summer is You are finally out. "When Nightmare saw the summer coming out, it also hurried over.

"Did something happen?" Summer asked.

"Recently, a large number of masters have come to support us. Now, almost all of the hidden masters of Tianmai have come to our Genting Asgard. There are also a large number of other mid-end masters. Migration, all the human beings in the entire Tianmai are migrating to us, but many people can't afford space goldfish, so they can only fly over, I don't know how long it will take, but now there is a goal, they rush over through various methods ." Nightmare said.


Xia Tian nodded slightly: "Everyone is here, try to find a way to make everyone settle down."

"Everything has been arranged, and the issue of resources has also been arranged. Genting Immortal Palace is now the peak existence of the Tianmai, and it is also the core existence of all the forces of the Tianmai." Nightmare said.


"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. What we have to consider is how to protect these people." Xia Xia nodded slightly: "Is the area where I fight with Tian Yao Wan Lin ready?"


"That's good, there are only three days left. After three days, you can know whether there is temporary peace in Tianmai." Xia Xia also understood that peace must be fought back by life. And even if he wins, it's only temporary safety.

"By the way, there is a little trouble recently." Nightmare said.

"What's the trouble?" Summer asked.

"The son of Ziyi." Nightmare handed Xia a piece of jade slip, which was what Ziyi's son had done recently.

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