The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 1060: Disintegration

   This time the core member meeting of the Producers Alliance was held in the Bailou Building of Century City, which is also the daily station of the Alliance.

   The news of Hollywood spread very quickly. Even if it was a meeting with a narrow scope of less than twenty people, on the day it was held, a large number of entertainment reporters and even social and political reporters still gathered at the door.

   The Hollywood labor union strike not only affects the film and television industry, but also affects all aspects of society.

  Perhaps, these reporters most hope that the strike will happen. After all, this means that hot news that the world will pay attention to will be generated.

The Hollywood giants participating in the conference, such as Ronan, Kevin Tesohara, Shirley Lansing, Harvey Weinstein, Steven Spielberg and James Murdoch, did not One interviewed by a media reporter, all sullen their faces and entered the Bailou Building with a serious face.

  The meeting was hosted by Del Potro, the director of the Producers League. He mainly introduced the contact with the three major Hollywood unions during the recent period and the reasons for the breakdown of the initial negotiations.

   In short, the Producers Union agrees that members of the three major unions participate in the revenue sharing of DVDs and online new media, but they are extremely dissatisfied with the proportion they demand.

   After all, it is a problem caused by the distribution of benefits.

   The American Producers Union was established for more than 50 years. It was originally composed of producers in the American film and television industry. It was designed to protect the various rights of producers, and then gradually evolved into a community of interests of the capital.

   It is naturally opposite to the trade union organizations that represent labor rights.

   "Each of the three unions requires a 15% revenue share from the new channels. This is impossible!"

As the current leader in Hollywood performance, Kevin Tesuhara’s attitude is very firm: "Members of only three unions want to take half of the revenue from DVD and new media channels. We will not invest in film and television projects in the future. , Just go to be an actor and screenwriter."

   This seems like a joke, but it has been widely recognized.

   "We must not make such a big concession!"

   "This time the concession is huge, what about the next contract period?"

   "Don't forget, they are only going to sign a ten-year contract!"

   Harvey Weinstein, who has always been at odds with Warner Bros. and publicly sprayed Kevin Tesohara several times, also spoke in support: "Such a request will make us directly bankrupt!"

   Even George Lucas, who has a relatively calm personality and is about to retire, said: "We have to consider the future of the entire industry. Compromise is by no means the most appropriate way to deal with it."

   In a sense, these people here are all major shareholders of the Producers League, or those with heavyweight voices. Del Portman is more like an operating officer.

"Everyone, the current situation is not very beneficial to us." Del Potro knew very well that to prevent the three major unions from going on strike at the same time, these people here must make certain concessions, saying: "The three major unions are now clinging together. , Which means advancing and retreating together, making us very passive."

   There is not a idiot here, and they understand that Del Potro is making a vague reminder, and they have thought about countermeasures.

   Ronan’s position is very clear, saying: "I suggest that the three major trade unions be divided."

"Good idea." James Murdoch reacted. As a newcomer to the vanity fair of Hollywood, he felt it was necessary to show his presence on this occasion: "We contacted the directors’ union, the actors’ union and the screenwriters’ union respectively. , Negotiate and offer different prices. For the most important directors’ union and actors’ union, we can make appropriate concessions. They are very likely to compromise in the face of actual interests..."

   Others nodded one after another. This strategy of differentiation and collapse is undoubtedly very suitable for the current situation.

   James Murdoch’s words continue: “In the end, there is one screenwriter’s union. We will suppress it with all our strength. It is best to maintain the 1988 agreement. Even if they go on strike, the impact will be much smaller.”

   Shirley Lansing agrees: "This method is good. However, I have to add that the minimum period of the big agreement must be 20 years, and 10 years are absolutely not possible!"

   Others echoed.

   Although Ronan did not speak again, he would not have any objections. When it comes to dealing with the three major trade unions, everyone here has common interests.

  As the producer union of the management, it will sign a long-term agreement with the major labor unions represented by the labor force, and then negotiate within the framework to revise specific terms every three years.

This meeting did not last long. The conflicts between major companies were not seen in the meeting. In the face of trade union organizations that want to **** profits, the company bosses or actual operators present here are out of common interests. , And reached an agreement almost as quickly as possible.

The Producers Union changed its previous negotiation strategy. While continuing to negotiate with the delegations of the three major unions, it will actively engage with the directors’ union and the actors’ union in private, striving to make some concessions appropriately. First of all Get these two union organizations to avoid the worst Hollywood industry-wide strike from happening.

   There is only one screenwriters union left, so it's much easier to deal with.

   Treating the three major trade unions, including Ronan's Relativity Entertainment, all companies are surprisingly consistent.

   The directors’ union can give more sweet dates as appropriate, followed by the actors’ union.

   As for the screenwriters’ union, it’s best to keep the previous agreement unchanged.

   Although this war without gunsmoke has not officially erupted, preparations for the war have already begun.

While this meeting was going on, hundreds of members of the trade unions gathered in front of the main entrance of the Bailou Building to stage protests. They held up slogans to improve their treatment, and from time to time they shouted "Close! Hollywood is the world of the trade unions." !" Waiting for the slogan.

   Among them, the screenwriters’ union has the most people.

   Screenwriters have a low status in Hollywood. Compared with actors' unions and directors' unions, the income is lower. Except for a few gold medal screenwriters, most screenwriters cannot enjoy the movie's DVD and new media channels.

  The uneven distribution of benefits can be said to be the biggest reason for the strike that is in the making.

   In addition to the requirement to share the proceeds, the screenwriters union also put forward other conditions, such as the selling price of the scripts of the members, and the minimum film project should not be less than US$150,000.

   In fact, many screenwriters earn far more than this. The scripts produced by big film companies cost at least 500,000 US dollars, while well-known screenwriters may get 3 million US dollars for each movie.

   The average annual income of screenwriters from the Screenwriters Guild last year was $200,000, which is high compared to the average annual income of Los Angeles County residents and most Americans.

However, the screenwriters will certainly not look down. They stare at the actors, directors, and producers. The screenwriters compare their income with the actors, directors, and directors of film and television companies, and find the benefit of a substantial salary increase. .

  According to the screenwriters union, the income increase rate of the union screenwriters is less than one-half of the profit increase rate of the entire entertainment industry. Many screenwriters also complain that they are dispensable in the eyes of big companies.

   In fact, this is not unreasonable. Hollywood film companies don't pay much attention to ordinary screenwriters, and even because of the 1988 agreement, they often use non-screenwriters' union screenwriters.

  Relativistic Entertainment has statistics. In the 1990s, 95% of screenwriter positions in the film and television industry were occupied by screenwriters union members, but now this proportion is less than 65%!

   Major companies use a large amount of cheap non-union screenwriters to produce film and television dramas, cartoons and reality shows, which also deepens the contradiction between the two sides.

The screenwriters union believes that the average annual income of ordinary members is less than 40,000 US dollars, and this income condition is below the average income of American citizens. Therefore, they call for an increase in their wages and share, especially in terms of new media profits. , The most obvious performance is the percentage of dividends for DVD and online on-demand.

   As we all know, the US DVD market and the emerging online pay-per-view are quite huge. In fact, this is the main source of interest for major Hollywood manufacturers. How can the major film and television companies behind the Producers Alliance easily compromise.

At the end of the meeting, Ronan chatted with George Lucas and Steven Spielberg for a while, and went to the hall downstairs together. When he was about to leave, he waited for James Murdoch in the hall to leave suddenly. Come here.

   "Can you talk a few words, Ronan?" James Murdoch said.

   Ronan nodded slightly: "Of course."

   The two came to the resting place, and James Murdoch said directly: "I heard that your company has just confirmed two projects?"

   "Two projects?" Ronan smiled and said, "There are too many movie projects that have been confirmed recently. I don't know which two are yours, James?"

James Murdoch had the purpose of temptation: "The two directed by Ridley Scott and Roland related news has long been on the entertainment news. Ronan had nothing to conceal, and said: "It turns out to be "The Martian" and "The Doomsday". There are such two movie projects. Shahai Entertainment has already cooperated with Ridley Scott and Roland Emmer. Rich signed a director agreement. "

James Murdoch deliberately said: "Ronan, as an old friend, I would like to remind you that the cooperation between Fox and these two people in the 20th century has just experienced a tragic failure. Roland Emmerich’s "Ten Thousand Years Before History" With a disastrous box office defeat, Ridley Scott has successively messed up two major production projects, "The Kingdom of Heaven" and "The Pharaoh and the Gods"."

   Ronan was unmoved, just smiled and said, "Thank you for your reminder. This is very important. I will strengthen the management of these two projects."

  James Murdoch never understood why Ronan was so confident to use two losers?

   But there are some things that I can’t say: "You’re welcome, we are friends."

   Ronan said, "Yes, we are friends."

   Then the two went out the main entrance of the building together, shook hands and said goodbye, and got in their respective cars.

   Back at the Fox Tower, James Murdoch said to the assistant: "Inform Jim Pross to come over, I have something to talk to him."

   In the twentieth century, Fox has been digging the corner of relativity entertainment, and now the relativity entertainment suddenly digs the corner of twentieth century Fox, even if it is two losers, he feels a little uncomfortable.



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