The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 1079: incredible

This is a movie for fans, although the plot is very boring, but the love scenes are enough to cause the adrenaline of female audiences to soar.

From the perspective of a male audience, "New Moon" is full of loose character, absurd plot, clumsy character dialogue and flaky character portrayal.

However, the female audience was full of interest, and the handsome men and beauties performed the forbidden love between vampires and humans on the screen, which made them excited.

The success of the first "Twilight" has made this series a cultural phenomenon.

This set of very magical and adapted from the series of films of the same name has produced a wide range of influence all over the world, and constantly refreshes various records with amazing posture and momentum, which undoubtedly makes this "New Moon" a preparation The anticipated sequel is also the heart of the growing fan base...

Before "New Moon" was released, the number of fans on the official Netflix sharing account had exceeded 10 million! So much so that the crew must publish an open letter to express their gratitude to the fans and their determination to make a good sequel.

Word of mouth has no meaning for such a completely fan-oriented movie. Female audiences directly covered the theaters with crazy crowds.

Speaking of fan-oriented movies, the most famous is undoubtedly the "Star Wars" series by George Lucas.

Of course, to some extent, "Star Wars" cannot be regarded as a fan movie. Although there is basically no market in the East, it is also extremely inclusive.

Movies like the "Twilight" series that have such strong fans and attract so many audiences have never appeared in Hollywood in the past.

At midnight on Friday, "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" collected $26.22 million, directly killing the box office record of the midnight show set by "The Dark Knight" last summer.

Countless crazy female fans have given this magical romance film a magical start.

Too often, the market response of commercial films cannot really be measured by the quality of the film.

On the first day of its release in North America, fans of this sequel burst into the movie with amazing power. In 4,024 theaters, it earned $72.71 million at the box office!

This kind of box office performance is indescribable, after all, the production cost of the film is only 35 million US dollars!

Including publicity and distribution, the total budget of Relativity Entertainment is only $55 million.

"Twilight Saga: New Moon" is being drawn in many overseas markets at the same time. Although there is no specific statistics yet, based on feedback from various quarters, overseas attendance is equally astonishing.

Bad films have a high box office. Looking at the world, they are not uncommon and even common.

Because of romance films, too many male audiences are brought into the arena by female companions. In their eyes, "Twilight Saga: New Moon" is more than ugly.

On the first day of its release, the reputation of the film was over, and it encountered double criticism from critics and fans.

On IMDb, the average score of "New Moon" is 4.5, the positive rate of Rotten Tomatoes website is only 29%, the MetaCritic media comprehensive score is C, and the Cinema theater audience is scored B—.

The famous film critic Roger Albert only gave "New Moon" a star rating, and said: "The characters in the film really deserve to be arrested. I really don't know what they are hanging around there. Watching this film The process is like walking slowly in a tractor."

However, in a very targeted market survey conducted by Embassy Pictures, the film received high praise, especially among female audiences.

Many female viewers expressed their satisfaction with the film and are already looking forward to the third episode.

Therefore, after the first weekend in North America passed, almost all media reported on the box office of "New Moon" with similar titles.

""Twilight Saga: New Moon", incredible box office miracle!"

Within three days of opening in North America, "New Moon" won an incredible box office of $145.83 million!

This is enough to surprise many people.

In the past, what movies did the box office in North America exceed 100 million in the first week? Both are Hollywood’s top commercial giants.

"New Moon" has also become the one with the lowest investment among all North American movies with a box office of over 100 million in the first week.

Overseas, preliminary statistics have received 120 million U.S. dollars at the box office.

"New Moon" was released for three days, and it won more than $260 million in box office worldwide.

The charm of the original book and the **** scenes that make young fans dizzy are indispensable.

The huge success of "New Moon" at the box office will be a topic of interest for book fans, movie fans, media workers, marketing lecturers, etc. for a long time.

As for the next trend of the box office, others dare not say, only one thing can be guaranteed: the next week of "New Moon" must also be very "astonishing".

Some survey data of market segments were also passed to Ronan's office through Embassy Pictures.

Such as the completely rotten reputation.

Is the reputation of "New Moon" really so bad on the surface?

On the general public level, it is true.

But from another angle, it may not be necessary.

In the survey data of Embassy Pictures, among the audience under the age of 18, boys gave 3.2 points and girls 9.2 points...

From this point of view, it is self-evident who the audience of this film is.

Some people in the industry see that Relativity Entertainment has created such an amazing first week box office at such a low cost, and it is inevitable to feel sore.

"Things to go to the kid! Just look at the people sitting in the cinema to know how low-level it is!"

"I think it is a shame for adults to watch such movies!"

These calculations are difficult to prevent the success of "New Moon".

Just like some of the films on the movie market that Ronan once used, commercial success is always completely separated from word of mouth.

For such a low-investment movie, the power of fans is terrible. Those who are interested in observing IMDB’s ratings can easily find that they basically vote for 10 and 1 points. Fans and people who hate it are competing... …

It’s just a fan-oriented movie, and endurance is always a big issue.

Fortunately, "New Moon" investment is low enough.

In order to make the box office trend a little more stable, the Embassy Pictures and crew also tried their best.

Several protagonists in the film are very popular, it can be said that they are very popular, so the publicity on them is almost a flower.

For Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, the true and false couple, Embassy Pictures has fully borrowed and used the strategies of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in the past two years, and it has been effective Outstanding, the box office of "New Moon" is proof.

After the film started, Robert Pattinson and Christine Stewart sprinkled dog food everywhere under the planning of the Embassy Pictures and the crew.

When the two stayed in the hotel, Robert Pattinson would specifically instruct the hotel staff to place roses in every place where Christine Stewart passed, with petals scattered on the floor and bed, and candles, which is very romantic.

In the entertainment media market, celebrities including Julie and Pete, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and other celebrities steal photos of paparazzi, and the price has fallen by at least 30%. Currently, the price is still high and only Robert- Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.

As for the topic of manufacturing, it is a piece of cake for the professionals of the embassy film industry.

For example, it was released in the media that Kristen Stewart deliberately created a slightly raised belly, and then arranged for reporters to interview Kristen Stewart, let her publicly declare: "No, I am definitely not pregnant!"

This kind of denial, on the contrary, makes people think about her pregnancy, and think about whether the man is Robert Pattinson.

The man also broke the rumors just right, and rumors have proposed to Kristen Stewart several times.

Pregnancy seems to be a real hammer.

With the effect of the "Twilight" series of movies, at least during this Valentine's Day, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's "Rock" combination has broken Brad Pitt and Angelie The combination of Na Jolie has become a new generation of Hollywood gossip king.

Others are unwilling to be lonely. For example, the much-watched Little Werewolf in this movie claimed in an interview that one of his jokes made a female fan strip naked on the spot and asked him to sign her underwear.

On Valentine's Day, at the door of Burbank's Big Machine Records, the little werewolf knelt down and proposed to Taylor Swift in public.

The marketing of this film is mainly focused on people. The various methods used by Embassy Pictures to create explosive spots with scandals can be regarded as classic cases in the textbook.

In the second week of the screening, including Valentine's Day, "New Moon" received another $66.27 million in the box office during the last four days of the week.

Although only counting the three days of the weekend, the box office of the next weekend directly received a 75% gorgeous dive, but the base of the first weekend was high enough.

Moreover, this is the consistent trend of fans to movies.

Only ten days after its release, the North American box office of "New Moon" reached 239.25 million US dollars.

In the international market, the film still maintains a strong momentum and leading edge ~ ~ in more than 30 countries and regions, currently a total of 196.58 million US dollars in box office.

However, fan movies have always exploded at the box office in a short period of time, but it is difficult to last.

After the continuous high box office in North America, the market potential of "New Moon" is almost squeezed out.

By the end of February, on the eve of the 80th Oscars, that is, three and a half weeks after its release in North America, this magical romance movie had accumulated US$287.21 million in the North American box office and exceeded US$500 million in the world.

The North American box office of "New Moon" is about to come to an end. According to the analysis of market data, the North American box office will eventually break through 300 million US dollars, but it is difficult to exceed 310 million US dollars.

In the international market, more films will be added to the screenings one after another, and the global box office is very hopeful to hit 800 million US dollars.

This film is enough to create hundreds of millions of dollars in profits for Relativity Entertainment in a short period of time.

Compared with "Crescent Moon", which has a poor reputation, "Slumdog Millionaire", which has an excellent reputation, needs a heavyweight Oscar award to make money.

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