The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 374: Follow suit

This "Spider-Man" is a milestone for Hollywood superhero movies, and it is Peter Parker's success on the big screen that opened up the market for superhero movies around the world.

For example, Ronan once, before the release of "X-Men" in 2000, most people's concept of superhero rested on Superman and Batman. At that time, people around hadn't even heard of DC and Marvel.

With Wolverine, Magneto, and Professor X gradually came into view.

Even so, the impression of "X-Men" is just a movie of a group of superpowers. Although Uncle Wolf is extremely popular, it is not a superhero movie that saves mankind.

Until 2002, "Spider-Man" was released.

The birth of this work made the concept of superhero popular all over the world, and countless people all over the world went crazy about it, which greatly promoted the development of superhero comics.

The film's adaptation of comics is very large, and even the Spider-Man in the movie, and the Spider-Man in the mainstream comics, have turned upside down.

Of course, Toby Maguire, who is deeply bitter and bitter, will not be a spooky spider. In this "Spider-Man", one of Marvel's two big-mouthed Spider-Man has no performance at all.

In fact, such a movie is not easy. It has to face the scrutiny of **** fanatics, it has to please viewers who are unfamiliar with the original, and it has to make up for the absence of movies since Spider-Man was born for decades.

If you change to the 1980s or early 1990s, the era of special effects movies, anyone who tries to shoot Spider-Man is obviously regarded as unwise, because it is too difficult to perform.

So from any angle, this movie series is a pioneer, "Spider-Man" can also be regarded as the first person to eat crabs.

And the film adaptation was quite successful.

Those thrilling, rapid dive and flying shots in the city have been very successful, coupled with the comic-style exaggerated shooting and narrative techniques, it is refreshing.

The film was a huge success.

Ronan is very concerned about Spider-Man's every move because he holds the copyright of Marvel's superhero movies.

As soon as Pu was released, the film set several records in succession, such as the unprecedented opening scale of 3,615 theaters in North America, such as the highest Friday and Saturday box office in North America, and the highest first weekend box office.

With $114.84 million in the first three days of the week, "Spider-Man" became the first film in North America with a box office of over 100 million in its first week.

Since then, the standard for the box office success of the top Hollywood productions in the first weekend has also been raised to 100 million US dollars.

The great success of "Spider-Man" has made countless people including Ronan envy. This is more than a gold mine!

Only the Marvel comics were overjoyed, sad, and crying alone.

His own son succeeded and received countless benefits. As a result, most of the profits fell into the godfather's pocket, and Marvel, his own father, had limited profits.

Instead, many comics fans went to the Marvel Comics headquarters to protest, believing that the film adaptation ruined the original comics.

This kind of thing can never be avoided in film adaptation.

But for the film to succeed, the adaptation is necessary.

Perhaps the production team and Sony Columbia are also aware of the impact that the current social situation may have on the film.

Therefore, this "Spider-Man" continues to show people a simple, unlucky, and even bubbling hero. People can't help but ask-the silly, high-spirited, talented and brilliant Peter Parker went? The cute little spider disappeared, replaced by a silly boy named Toby Maguire who got super powers by luck.

After Toby Maguire took off Spider-Man's clothes, he was just a stunned man who most people didn't want to look at. He looked plain, slightly dull, and often made mistakes, which made people think he was useless except for super powers. .

But the Peter Parker in the movie is kind and cute, honest and simple, full of love, and loyal to love. Just like every ordinary person in life, he looks shameless, but in fact he has flowers in his heart.

It can only be said that the protagonists needed by the audience are different in each era.

Shooting according to the original routine, Peter Parker is very handsome, high school students can do atomic science, have a lot of love affairs, love to play tricks, no worries about food and clothing...

It is estimated that many people accept incompetence.

This "Spider-Man" also set a deep enough spiritual core for the superhero theme in the following years-the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

If Nolan’s Batman takes this philosophy to the extreme, then "Spiderman" is the pioneer of this connotation.

In just ten days, the North American box office of "Spider-Man" reached $225 million, breaking almost all breakable North American box office records.

"What a pity."

In the office of Relativity Entertainment, Robert Lee shook his head: "We got so many Marvel superheroes, but there is no Spiderman among them."

Robert Iger looked at Ronan: "We shot too late."

Ronan was rather helpless, saying: "When I entered the film industry, the copyright of Spider-Man was already in the hands of Sony Columbia Pictures. I asked Columbia where Spider-Man was their not for sale."

Robert Iger said: "I thought "Spider-Man" would be successful, but I didn't expect it to be so successful. Superhero movies may no longer be a small category in the future."

"Nowadays special effects technology is developing rapidly, especially computer special effects." Ronan is very calm: "These have improved the most basic technical support for the realization of superhero cinematics. "X-Men" and "Spiderman" have succeeded successively, which proves An era of superhero movies has begun."

Robert Lee’s news has always been well-informed. At this time, he said: "It is said that many companies are promoting superhero film plans. Twentieth Century Fox’s "Dare to Fight" began shooting in March, and "Fantastic Four" was also mentioned by them. It’s daily life. Universal Pictures’ "Hulk" is said to have moved into post-production and will be released next year."

He went on to talk about Marvel next door: "Warner Bros. and DC Comics are preparing for "Catwoman." If not surprisingly, the new Oscar actress Halle Berry will star in Selena Kyle. The new movie "Superman" , Warner Bros. has been making preliminary preparations two years ago, and it is estimated that preparations will be made soon..."

Robert Iger answered: "Superhero movies are going to be swarming."

Robert Lee also said: "Most of these films will be invested in hundreds of millions of dollars, and they are all top commercial productions." He looked serious: "With the success of "Spider-Man", many companies and many people want to learn from superheroes. Share a piece of the pie."

Ronan smiled and said, "A lot of people are contacting me recently, wanting to buy the superhero copyright in our hands."

"You are very farsighted." Robert Iger felt that he couldn't do without admiration: "At such a low price, I bought so many superhero copyrights."

He laughed: "Even if we resell the copyright, it will be a lot of money."

Ronan shook his head: "We will not sell the copyrights, and we must try our best to gather the copyrights of Marvel superheroes in the hands of major Hollywood companies.

Robert Lee said: "I have been staring at the companies where these superhero copyrights are located. If it is possible to buy in, I will do it as soon as possible."

Ronan reminded: "The first priority is the "Hulk" in the hands of Universal Pictures."

Although I haven't been in contact with Ang Lee for a long time, with Ang Lee's style of director, "The Hulk" will inevitably be made into an author movie.

It can be said that Ang Lee’s ability to invest $10 to 20 million in a movie can be made according to his own style and ideas. He has a certain appeal and the pressure to pay back is not great, but once the film investment is high If Lee Ang makes another author's film, the risk will be doubled up.

In fact, this is suitable for most film directors whose personal style is obviously biased towards literature and art.

"If "The Hulk" is successful..." Robert Iger reminded: "We have no possibility of taking the copyright of "The Hulk"."

Ronan nodded: "Yes, so we have to pray that this superhero masterpiece will fail."

If the film fails, not only is there hope to discuss the copyright of the Hulk with Universal Pictures, but also to beckon and let Ang Lee run back obediently.

This can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Robert Lee had dealt with Ang Lee and said: "I hope Ang Lee will add more humanistic thinking to "The Hulk", just like "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", it will be made into a literary film with other clothes. "

Because he was not familiar with Ang Lee, Robert Iger didn't interrupt.

Ronan said lightly: "From what I know about Li Ang, this possibility is huge."

It is said that Universal Pictures gave Ang Lee the greatest trust. Except for the final editing rights, all other powers were handed over to Ang Lee. Even the final editing rights were also for Lee Ang to provide the completed version for Universal Pictures to review.

Ronan calculated it. According to the development of his previous life, copyrights such as "Hulk" and "Dare Demon" are all possible, but "X-Men" and "Fantastic Four" The series is basically hopeless.

Robert Iger asked at this time: "When will we launch a superhero movie?" He was quite calm: "Judging from the current situation, the industry follows the trend extremely seriously, and superhero movies require huge investment. I suggest a few delays. year."

"This is also my idea." Ronan said directly: "Let's wait a few years, and wait for the audience to start getting tired of superheroes with their heads hidden before launching our superhero movies! And it's a series of movies."

Robert Iger didn't quite understand Ronan's meaning, and looked over curiously. Ronan simply said: "The superheroes in our hands are basically members of the Avengers."

"The Avengers?" Robert Iger is not stupid at all, but extremely smart: "Let the superheroes appear on the big screen as the Avengers team?"

Ronan nodded slightly: "This is one of the most important links in our future production plans."

Robert Iger said immediately: "I understand that I will keep it secret."

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