The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 460: Hacker attack

The entire Relativity Entertainment has been adhering to the original pragmatic spirit. Ronan met Zach Schneider himself in his office on Tuesday.

This is a small Englishman with an ordinary face and hair color, and a gentle temperament.

Because they were in a completely unequal position, after the two sides greeted each other, Ronan said directly: "Mr. Schneider, I have seen your MV for Madonna and the commercial for Nike. It is impressive. So someone recommended you to me. As the director of this remake of "Dawn of the Living Dead," I also think it will be a suitable candidate."

Zach Schneider didn't want to continue to waste years in the advertising director circle. The dream of a film director is right in front of his eyes, even within reach, and he quickly and respectfully said: "You and Relativity Entertainment value me, this is my honor."

The agent also said next to him: "Zach valued this opportunity very much. As soon as he got the news, he rushed over from London." He quickly asked: "When can we talk about cooperation?"

Not every new director in the film industry can direct a project with a budget of 20 million dollars from the very beginning.

Although this is risky, the opportunity is even more rare.

Ronan said: "Let's put it this way, Director Schneider, you are not our only candidate for director."

Zach Schneider's heart is sinking, but it is not surprising. He knows that it is not easy to impress these big people in the film industry.

The agent just wanted to say something, Ronan raised his hand to stop, and said directly: "Director Schneider, I will ask someone to give you the script and the producer plan. You need to develop a detailed shooting and production plan before I can do it. Decided."

"No problem." Zach Schneider responded immediately: "I will do my best."

Ronan appropriately gave a little hope: "Don't be presumptuous, you are at the top of all the candidates."

The agent and Zach Schneider breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

They said a few more words to Ronan, took the initiative to say goodbye, received relevant information from Connie, and after asking about some specific business work content, they left Relativity Entertainment.

As soon as he left the office building, Zach Schneider said to his agent: "Saidan, please turn off all advertisements and MV invitations. I will not be engaged in other jobs during this time."

The broker hesitated and said: "This may affect your cooperation with some vendors."

Zach Schneider cast his gaze on the thick pile of materials in his hand, and said: "This is an opportunity to determine my future and destiny. I need to concentrate."

The agent thought for a while and said, "Okay." He drove the door to Zach Schneidera: "I have a conversation with Robert Lee of Relativity Entertainment, and I will ask him to get the news in time."

In the office, Ronan is still watching Zach Schneider's information, especially his commercials.

It is necessary for Zach Schneider to write a detailed film production plan based on the script. After all, he has not filmed any film before. Who knows what he thinks?

Although in the style of an advertising director, it is very possible to continue the business style that focuses on formal expression, rather than the so-called connotation and philosophy of life, what if Zach Schneider has any ideas and wants to make a film that focuses on ideological connotation? ?

This is also Ronan's determination that Zach Schneider will shoot "Dawn of the Living Dead" as he once did.

After all, commercial directors with very strong commercial attributes also have brain cramps. The former Michael Bay and the first half of "Escape from the Island" are undoubtedly typical of them.

This is terrible for commercial films.

Ronan read the information and specifically explained that when the next negotiation is about to be made, he and Zach Schneider will have to sign at least two film director contracts.

In addition to "Dawn of the Living Dead", there is also "The Three Hundred Warriors of Spartan" whose film and television adaptation rights have been obtained.

Although the previous movie was successful, Zach Schneider did not form his own unique style. The latter can be said to have a profound influence on Zach Schneider’s career as a director, making Zach Schneider’s works very recognizable. Personal style.

While still on the other side of the Pacific, Ronan has seen almost all films directed by Zach Schneider, from "Dawn of the Living Dead" to "Watchmen" to "Batman vs. Superman", which is extremely impressive.

In Zach Schneider’s films, **** violence is as graceful and gorgeous as a ballet. Massacre has become art in his films, and sacrifice is the most noble Nirvana in his films.

He pursues the ultimate personal image style, and is good at adjusting the rhythm of the film pictures in slow motion. No matter what the audience's evaluation of his film content, he cannot deny the magnificence of his works.

Starting from "The Three Hundred Warriors of Sparta", Zach Schneider’s films are full of personal creations such as slow motion, dark colors, exaggerated violent presentations, etc. The tones are all thick and dark, just like deep oil paintings. , Especially when applied to comic adaptations, it brings a serious feeling to it.

This also makes Zach Schneider's films mixed, and both the audience and the media, the comments are severely polarized.

I love it to the extreme, but I hate it.

"Batman v Superman" undoubtedly magnified this situation to the extreme.

In the eyes of scum fans, the whole "Super Bat" movie is like watching an elegant opera, very artistic, much better than Marvel's TV series superheroes, Marvel's hero movies are completely nutritious, this is The ideal superhero movie in their hearts is a bit dark, a bit depressing, and a classic of moral and philosophical thinking.

This film does have a lot of impressive shots, such as the state funeral of Superman presented in deep tones and high-speed slow motion, but more of it makes non-comic fans and audiences bewildered.

"Martha", which has been used from comics, has become one of the most popular Internet stalks for a while.

Perhaps, in the eyes of many people at that time, DC, which was already seriously behind, wanted to catch up and even fight against Marvel movies. It had to go slant and find another way. DC superhero movies should be dark, serious and cruel... …

But what the fans are waiting for is the first self-denial of Warner Bros. and DC Comics.

Let a director who has directed "The Avengers" and has a typical Marvel style to do post-production and editing for the "Justice League" filmed by Zach Schneider. It can only be said that the top Warner Bros. panicked. Some are at a loss.

The island descendant who later took up the post of chief executive officer of Warner Bros. has limited ability in film.

Moreover, as the CEO of one of the six major companies, he actually fell under the guns of the Mi Rabbits. Is it because our army is not strong? Or do Mi Rabbits have a high?

Robert Lee is very efficient. On Wednesday, he reached an agreement with Eric Newman, and George Clint signed a production contract with Eric Newman on behalf of Shahai Entertainment.

Shahai Entertainment has invested a total of 20 million US dollars to produce the new version of "Dawn of the Living Dead". Eric Newman will serve as the second producer and production manager.

The copyright transfer costs of the project are included in the 20 million US dollars budget.

In addition, Shahai Entertainment also paid US$200,000 as a bonus for the producer of Eric Newman in accordance with Hollywood practice.

The crew of "Dawn of the Living Dead" was also formally established. As the distributor, Embassy Pictures initially planned to release the film in 2004.

As for the actors, they are still provided by CAA. Ronan specifically called Brian Lord to communicate with him, and he planned to let the crew choose actors with certain qualifications and acting skills, but who are not too famous.

As for the director, Ronan has enough patience to wait for Zach Schneider's news.

Embassy Pictures is currently busy preparing for the release of two films, one is "Lost in Tokyo" which will be premiered at the opening of the Cannes Film Festival, and the other is "Summer of Jeans" to be released next month. .

At the same time, "The Bourne Shadow 2" continued to be screened in North America. The number of theaters increased to 3790, and the filming rate exceeded the previous "X-Men 2". Both the theater and the filming rate were temporarily ranked in North America. The first one.

In the past few working days, thanks to the effect of the summer movie market, "The Bourne Shadow 2" has been operating at a high level. It received 9.15 million US dollars on Monday. Although the box office has been declining every working day since then, From Monday to Thursday, I still got 30.56 million U.S. dollars, so that the North American box office passed the 100 million U.S. dollar mark in one fell swoop before the second screening weekend arrived.

Less than a week after the release, the North American box office exceeded 100 million, creating the fastest record of breaking 100 million box office in North America for a film under Relativity Entertainment.

This also greatly boosted the confidence of the entire group company, especially for large-scale production film projects with high investment.

Even some people who were not optimistic about "Pirates of the Caribbean" are quietly changing their minds. Maybe relativity entertainment can reverse the decline of pirate movies?

"The Bourne Shadow 2" has also come to its second screening weekend. Like last weekend's "X-Men 2", it is also facing the market impact of newly released popular movies.

This is a highly anticipated and popular top-level sci-fi production, the first piece is praised as a masterpiece by countless people.

"The Matrix" in 1999 not only captured the attention of global audiences with its bold visual innovations, but also gave birth to a series of equivalent imitations of commercial TV, music TV, and movies. Among them, the doubts about reality and identity are even more impressive. Endless aftertaste.

This also allowed the Wachowski brothers, who can be regarded as newcomers to the film industry, to reach the sky almost one step at a time, thus obtaining the absolute right to speak in the sequel.

"The Matrix 2: Reloading", produced and released by Warner Bros., was released as scheduled on the third weekend of the summer file.

Both inside and outside the circle believe that "The Matrix 2" will become the first R-rated film in North America with a box office of over 100 million.

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