The Best Male God

Chapter 999: Hard to Fall in Love 2

No matter how the little friends came home with shock in the future, Zhou Zekai went home happily, but I didn't expect that it would be a little faster. I just entered the house, turned on the lights, and sat in the lobby. It is Zhou Zekai's handsome father.

Zhou Zekai is only 15 years old this year, and Zhou Zekai's father is only 35 years old. It is the best golden age for a man. Even in pajamas at this time, he is still very handsome, but his eyes fell on Zhou Zekai at this time. , From top to bottom, then frowned.

"Self study?"

He said this, Zhou Zekai had come over, sitting next to his dad with his buttocks, and then the smell of wine and smoke filled his nose.

"Have you gone to the bar?"

Father Zhou looked at his rebellious son who had entered puberty. He was a bit tangled. He was a big man. He watched his son grow up from a young age. He also knew that the child might be more rebellious when he reached adolescence, but the child was not yet an adult Just go to the bar and lie, it doesn't feel good.

"Well." Zhou Zekai didn't want to hide it. After giving the answer, he looked at his father, and he didn't understand why he had to hang himself from a crooked neck tree like Li Jiahao. , Cowardly married for the parents, and then to hide their sexuality, regardless of the mood of the younger sister, ruined the happiness of the younger sister.

What do you like about such a man?

"If you go to the bar in the future, you can come with me and I will take you to see."

Father Zhou knew that this adolescent child had to follow. If he did it the other way around, he would resist even more. After putting in a lot of hard work on his son for so many years, Father Zhou naturally felt sorry for Zhou Zekai.

Isn't it a bar? They used to play when they were young. It ’s no problem for kids to want to see the world. It ’s fine to play. It ’s good, as long as they do n’t get dirty things, everything is easy to say.

"Well." Zhou Zekai could feel that Zhou's father was concerned about himself, so he decided to give play to his good son's psychology, and turned his head to look at his father.

"Dad, it's true that you said you were going to find me a stepmother?"

As soon as this word came out, Zhou Father was happy, and a smile appeared on his face. When he thought that his son went to the bar because he was jealous, he thought he would find his stepmother before going to the bar, and immediately felt that it was excusable to go to the bar. ~ Father Zhou who cares so much about his son is so happy.

"Do you all listen to these messy things from outside? If I were to find your stepmother, you would have found it when you were a kid. You have to wait for you to be so big before you find your stepmother? Net blindly, dad just look at you Just grow up. "

Don't be like yourself, like men, and like someone like that.

I noticed the sadness flashed in Father Zhou's eyes, Zhou Zekai knew how much in his heart. I am afraid that Father Zhou already knew what kind of person Li Jiahao was, but he couldn't let go and couldn't pull it off. For so many years of affection, he I can't let myself give up, and it is because of this that I will be threatened by Li Jiahao's wife.

But in fact, even if two men talk together, even if they say something ambiguous, it is irrelevant and not so nervous.

"Really? Then you don't like the Li family?"

Zhou Zekai deliberately did not say Li Yixuan's name. He had already seen it from the wisher. Finally, Zhou Father let go of all his feelings, and this reason was due to Li Yixuan's death, because their relationship was hurt. There are too many people, so much that Zhou Father dare not mention his feelings easily.

Even later, Zhou's father suffered more or less from mental illness.

"Also ... okay."

Father Zhou didn't hear who his son was talking about, so the answer he gave was relatively general. He remembered the person who had been in his heart since he was a teenager. Perhaps they should n’t be like this from the beginning.

"So do you know Li Yixuan, who just returned from the Li family?"

Zhou Zekai continued to make progress, making Zhou's father think he was still jealous, reaching out and rubbing his son's hair, tenderly.

"Of course I know, Xuan Xuan is also my childhood friend, but I went abroad to study when I was in junior high school. I only came back a few days ago. I have seen it a few times. You do n’t have to think too much. of."

Zhou's father really didn't want to find his stepmother for his son. He went abroad to find a surrogate mother because he didn't want to hurt other women. If he had a son, his parents wouldn't force himself to marry. Son's.

Zhou Zekai understood Zhou's father's thoughts in his heart, but he still decided to do something big. After hearing what his father said, he looked excitedly at his dad.

"Dad! Then can I chase her? I think I like her so much, she is so beautiful, she is my goddess!"

This week, my father was really blinded by his son's words. He looked blankly at his eyes like Chunxin's adorable son. The expectations in his eyes made Zhou father completely unable to refuse, but this year his son is only fifteen years old. what?

This ... Xuan Xuan seems to be twenty-four years old.

"A Kai, are you talking about Xuan Xuan? Is that the Miss Li?"

The Li family only has such a big lady, so Father Zhou really can't imagine what kind of ghost the son's so-called like is.

"Uh-huh." Zhou Zekai nodded quickly, then still excited, pulling his dad's arm.

"I accidentally met her once before and I like her. She is so pretty and very personal. I heard that she is a psychologist. Dad, can you give her contact information? I want to chase her, Let her be my girlfriend, would you please tell me? By that time, our Zhou family will marry the Li family, the best of both worlds ~ "

The child's innocence made Zhou Father cried and laughed, poking at his son's forehead, helplessly.

"How old are you and you know that business is married? You do n’t have to look at it. Xuan Xuan is twenty-four this year. You are a young child who is still young. Can others like you? I ’ll give you the contact information. Can you catch up with others? "

I met Zhou a few times before, letting Zhou remember that Li Yixuan is a somewhat indifferent girl, which may be the reason for studying psychology. When standing in the crowd, there is always a lonely incompatibility. Confronting her His eyes always make Zhou Father feel like he has nothing to hide, as if his previous relationship with Li Jiahao has been known by the other party.

It is impossible for such a wise and thoughtful girl to like a minor ...

"Huh! Dad, you don't understand this, like me, it's the type of poodle that everyone likes most, but it's flattering for girls. If it doesn't work, I can also be a puppies ~

Zhou Zekai stuck out his tongue and made a tongue-tonguing appearance, which made Zhou Father even more helpless. What do these children think all day long? It's a little wolf dog and a little milk dog. What the hell?

"Okay, little milk dog, what do you call your dad and my age?"

After hearing this question, Zhou Zekai froze, then thought about it.

"Well, you are the old bacon ~"

After all, I ca n’t tell my dad. He said on the Internet that he is called "Old Dog Force", otherwise his dad is probably going to be mad.

The Chou Father said by his son to be old bacon is really helpless. He also knows that boys like to play now, and these are all funny network terms, but the Chou Father who is old bacon is still a bit unacceptable.

"Okay, little milk dog, if you really want to chase Xuan Xuan, Dad doesn't object, but you can't harass people like some men. If Xuan Xuan doesn't like you, don't chase him, understand? ? "

For his son, Zhou's biggest requirement is to hope that he is different from himself and does not like men.

It's too difficult to walk like a man. It can only sneak in the dark, and then tremble after being discovered.

Some doctors believe that homosexuality has a genetic gene, so Father Zhou was not worried about Zhou Zekai's early love, nor was he worried that he would like others at a young age. The most worried thing was that he liked boys and inherited his genes.

Now I see that my son still likes beauty, especially like Xuan Xuan. In fact, Zhou's father is still very relieved.

I like Xuan Xuan this type, it always proves that the son's aesthetic is quite good, and it is better than those who like messy girls.

So under Zhou Zekai's "Coquetry", Zhou's father gave Li Yixuan's contact information to Zhou Zekai, and after taking his son to rest upstairs, he took a break.

After getting the contact information of Li Yixuan, Zhou Zekai went to bed and slept. He didn't think too much. After all, he didn't plan to contact Li Yixuan as his father and son. He decided to disguise himself as one ...

Well, patients who need treatment for mental illness.

In this way, Li Yixuan can be easily reached!

Because of drunkenness, when Zhou Zekai got up the next morning, Zhou's father had already gone to work, and Zhou Zekai was eating with his grandma to explain what happened last night.

When he arrived at the company's Zhou Father, he was a bit uneasy. Finally, after thinking about it, he called Li Yixuan.

Li Yixuan had Zhou's contact information before, but the other party hadn't called, and she didn't call. It was strange that I got the call early in the morning, but I still answered.

"Xuan Xuan, this is Zhou Qirong."

Li Yixuan knew who the other party was. Thinking of what Zhou Qirong had done for so many years, she felt a little sympathy for him.

"Well, Brother Zhou, is there anything wrong?"

Everyone played together when they were young, so Li Yixuan called Zhou Qirong Zhou brother.

Zhou Qirong saw Li Yixuan in good condition, so he was relieved a lot, and replied.

"Well, I'm sorry to call you. I just want to tell you about my son. Didn't you just come back to China? I didn't know how I was seen by that stupid boy. I came back last night and told me to chase after As for you, he is still young. If you do n’t respect you, call me and I will train him. "

Zhou Qirong said, Li Yixuan couldn't help crying or laughing when he heard this, what did Brother Zhou say?

His son wants to chase her? His son ... seems to be only fifteen years old this year, right?

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