The Best Male God

Chapter 1002: Hard to Fall in Love 5

This was a room that was too empty. Li Yixuan woke up from the bed and realized that she was lying on a soft bed made of roses, starting with soft rose petals, and next to the huge floor-to-ceiling window. Being pulled up, the bright moonlight reflected in this room, but it did not seem dark at all, making Li Yixuan frown, looking at the red rose petals in her hand, and it was really too strange.

At this moment, a melodious violin came suddenly from outside the house. With the bright moonlight, it sounded a different kind of feeling. Li Yixuan hurriedly got out of bed. She wore a red veil of the same color as a red rose until her feet were bare, revealing her white ankles.

Seriously, apart from attending banquets, she doesn't really like red skirts. As a psychologist, she prefers black and white clothing. Red is too warm and not suitable for her.

The sound of the outside piano still floated in. Li Yixuan couldn't care less about it, but was attracted to such a violin. The other party's violin technology is very high. This song Li Yixuan has heard. It is Tchaikov. Sky's lonely heart, the melodious and slow violin slowly played the love and talk of the performer, but in such a night, there was another flavor, so Li Yixuan could not help looking out the window.

There are large red roses outside the window, which is a little bit strange, but if you look closely, one of the red roses glowing in the moonlight is actually standing there with his back to himself, wearing White shirt with a violin on his shoulder.

It was just this back, Li Yixuan immediately thought of a person-Zhou Zekai.

I do n’t know why, from the seemingly weak figure of the other party, Li Yixuan suddenly thought of the boy who confessed to himself, but now everything that he sees through the glass window makes Li Yixuan feel it all Like illusory, or ... she was in a dream.

Eyes fell on the young man, Li Yixuan walked forward, reaching out and slowly touching the floor-to-ceiling window in front of her, as she thought, this was her dream, when her hand touched the floor-to-ceiling window, It's easy to penetrate this layer of glass, which feels a little strange.

In some cases, what people experience together in a dream should be good. Ignorant think that a person will not find that she is dreaming, only when you find that the gap between this world and the real world has changed a lot. Only then will you realize that you are dreaming, and then forcibly break through the dream.

For example, if a person meets a beast in a dream and chases her, but in reality, it is impossible to have all kinds of beasts. Under such psychological hints, even if she encounters a cliff in front, she will jump directly , Because she will surely find that this is already a dream, and in the dream, anything can happen.

Of course, besides this, it is like Li Yixuan's situation. She has realized that this is a dream, but she wants to explore this dream more.

Thinking about it this way, Li Yixuan walked straight forward, and the whole person penetrated the glass and went forward. Only then did you find that after penetrating the glass, the ground was still covered with red roses. Li Yixuan could understand these The meaning of the red rose, stepped on these rose petals with bare feet, and walked towards the teenager in front.

The moonlight was bright and bright. The teenager standing in front of him was playing his own movement, and Li Yixuan found that no matter how she chose to approach the teenager, the end result was that she could n’t move forward. It's near, but it seems to be separated by thousands of rivers and mountains.

So Li Yixuan no longer continued to move forward, but stood still, watching the boy's back, she believed that the other party would definitely turn around.

This piece of music really feels comfortable, slow and melodious, and if there is nothing like feelings, it makes the scene at this moment become ambiguous. When the song finally came to an end, Li Yixuan I found that the violin in the other's hand turned into a red rose petal and was blown away by the wind ...

This gust of wind was not big, and raised Li Yixuan's skirt corner and the roses all over the floor. In such a heavy rain, Li Yixuan saw the teenager in a white shirt turned around and exposed him. The most real faces.

He was as if he had seen it at the psychological clinic. His eyes were hot and he seemed to be on fire. The moment he saw Li Yixuan, his eyes were full of joy.

"Are you coming to see me?"

He spoke, then stepped towards Li Yixuan, and when Li Yixuan's entire body didn't respond, he had already walked to her, then lowered his head and kissed Li Yixuan's hair slowly.

"I've been waiting for you here."

His voice was bright with joy, as if he had found the most precious thing, but Li Yixuan looked at the illusion in front of her complex look. She was very sure that she was able to have such a dream. Hypnotized ...

This child ...

"I didn't come to you."

When she said this, she saw that the person in front of her was getting a little bit upset. One pair of eyes seemed to be crying soon, and Li Yixuan could see her expressionless self from the other's eyes.

"Even if you don't like me, I still like you."

The boy in the white shirt stubbornly said that there were tears in his eyes, but those eyes were full of pleadings, which made people unbearable to refuse.

"You shouldn't like me."

Li Yixuan said calmly, but found that the person in front of him seemed to be enduring something. As a result, he lowered his head, but saw the other person's bare feet as himself, but the other person's feet exuded bright red blood.

The red rose was intertwined with the bright red blood, which surprised Li Yixuan for a moment, but she was held by the person in front of her.

"I'll like you, just stand here and let me like it."

He didn't seem to care about the pain under his feet, but looked at Li Yixuan with expectation in his eyes.

Li Yixuan looked at each other, her eyes were complicated, and her dreams were projections of her thoughts. Now she is in a passive hypnosis. Although what she sees is false, her feelings are real.

The bright moonlight represents the other party is now in a crush, the red roses visible to the eyes, the hot feelings of this child, and the violin tune that represents crush and confession, it proves the other's mood, as for why she came over It ’s okay at the time, but Zhou Zekai came over but needed blood at every step, which proves that in this child ’s heart, the relationship between the two of them is not equal. If he wants to pursue himself, he must pay more The price.

If she does not take the initiative to walk towards this child, then every step this child takes will be bloody.

Thinking of these hints, Li Yixuan closed her eyes and remembered what happened after she saw Zhou Zekai. After looking for a long time, she found that the most wrong place was the bell that she wore when she came over ...

The bell, I am afraid, is not an ordinary bell, but something used to hypnotize her.

In his mind was a stormy thought. Just in front of Li Yixuan, Zhou Zekai in white had turned into a rose petal floating in the air, and everything around him began to spin and collapse, which proved the end of the dream.

In Li Yixuan's single apartment, Li Yixuan lying on the bed frowned, then suddenly opened her eyes, and there was darkness in front of her eyes.

He reached out and touched the lamp on the bedside. After turning on, Li Yixuan sat up. The bed linen was white, and she had black silk pajamas on her body. This room didn't look like a girl's room. .

As a very successful psychiatrist, Li Yixuan likes to use the fastest method to solve whatever she does. Of course, it would be nice if things were not so complicated.

He got up and poured himself a glass of water. Li Yixuan was standing there. She had no sleepiness. Look at the clock on the wall. It was only four o'clock.

She really did not expect that after returning to China, she didn't meet her colleague to do things, but she first encountered a child.

Turned out to be easily hypnotized by a child.

I didn't think too much before, but now, whether it is Zhou Zekai's words or the weird bell sounds, it proves that from the beginning, she has fallen into the trap of the other party.

I'm afraid that everything like dreaming is fake. He just wanted to come and tell her that he liked her very much.

Originally, I was not interested in such little farts, but now, Li Yixuan does not think that a child who can hypnotize a psychologist can be so easily relaxed. If Zhou Zekai is willing to study psychology, I'm afraid she's smarter than her.

She has been training for two years from learning to hypnosis to successfully hypnotizing others.

This child is only fifteen years old this year. If he really imagines it, he should become a very good hypnotist in the future.

After drinking water, Li Yixuan lay back on the bed, but no sleepiness. Except for being curious about Zhou Zekai, somehow, the other person's likes always appeared in his mind.

Usually people like them have some special attachments. Li Yixuan doesn't think she has any unique advantages to make the other person fall in love at first sight, but now she really wants to see what this child wants to do. .

Or ... did he already know about his brother and his father?

Thinking of her eldest brother, Li Yixuan was in a bad mood. She was more sensitive since she was a child. After being a little sensible, she found that the two brothers were a little strange to Zhou. Later, they only reacted after going abroad. The unique tacit understanding between the two is definitely not A good friend can compare. After returning home, Li Yixuan feels more worried.

Brother already has a family and Brother Zhou has a child. Isn't Brother still giving up?

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