The Best Male God

Chapter 1013: Lying in bed old father-in-law 5

Mo Han heard that his biological parents had lost all four words. His memory of childhood was the memory of wandering on the street. He did not remember how he wandered on the street. He only remembered that he needed to ask for a living. , He will be beaten, and the appearance of the righteous father changed his life.

But now, the righteous father suddenly said that he had biological parents, which made Mo Han's face look strange. For so many years, he has regarded the righteous father as a real father, so he never thought that he would have other Parents.

Zhou Zekai looked at the appearance of the child and knew that the child had never thought about it. The wisher estimated that he had never thought about it before, thinking that the child was an orphan, but Zhou Zekai felt that since he knew everything, he couldn't stop the family reunion. This child The parents are sincere and since they have been looking for twenty years and have not given up, they know their mood.

There is also the name An Siqin, which proves how much the Anjia people care about Mo Han. I believe that if Mo Han can recognize his biological parents, it should be a very happy thing, right?

"I have investigated. Your biological parents have been looking for you for twenty-three years. You were lost when you were three years old. Your parents have not given up looking for you for so many years, and you and your father are very special. It ’s similar. When I called your father last night, he was really excited. They care about you. "

Zhou Zekai said, looking at the dull appearance of the child in front of him, reaching out and holding the child's hand, as if Mo Han was a child, to give the other party strength.

Mo Han's mind was completely blank. He simply didn't know what he should think at this time. The sudden appearance of his biological parents made him overwhelmed, and the warm hand of his righteous father made Mo Han's eyes suddenly red.


He wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say. He could only look at Zhou Zekai with red eyes, and felt aggrieved like a child.

He was a bit messy, wondering if he should accept all this, biological parents? Your own biological parents?

Since childhood, I have been wandering in the streets. The only warmth is when I meet my righteous father. Mo Han never thought that he had his biological parents. Even if he did, he did n’t know how to face it because he was raised by his righteous father. He grew up, so even if he had biological parents, he was the closest to his righteous father, but for the so-called biological parents, his heart was in a mess, saying that he had no idea, that was absolutely false.

"Well, Xiao Han, Dad knows you are a good child, and finding your biological parents is not to drive you away. When you find your biological parents, you can still work in the group and still live with your father. If you want With your biological parents, Dad can accept it, but you have to know that Dad has been watching you grow up for so many years, so Dad hopes that there is no regret in your life, your parents are good people, I believe that you Willing to accept them. "

This child is kind. Zhou Zekai understands that if it was not Mo Han's kindness, the wisher would not have left Mo Han with him for so long, and now he has found his biological parents for Mo Han, no matter what Mo Han chooses eventually, yes He's all the same.

As long as the child can be better, that's fine.

Mo Han's eyes were red. After a long time, he finally lowered his head and buried his face in Zhou Zekai's hands. Zhou Zekai felt that tears fell on his hands, and he reached out and touched the child's head, without parents. After all, the child feels a little unsettled. Even with his righteous father, Mo Han's heart is still a sensitive person.

After Mo Han cried for a while, he raised his head. Such a big person is like a child in front of Zhou Zekai.

"Dad, if they are really my biological parents, I will recognize them, but you will always be the most admired person in my mind. I want to accompany my father and serve him."

If it is said that Mo Han had never thought of these things before, but Zhou Shiyi's departure completely made Mo Han understand that the righteous father has gradually become older, and sometimes he has withstood some blows and he is very sad. As a son, The righteous father must not be sad.

"You ~ I know that you are filial, so you can stay with me. I can also take care of you a lot. Lawyer Fang came here this afternoon, and I happened to arrange some things."

Zhou Zekai sighed, there is such a son, how many times better than the daughter who eats and eats, why is the wishing person just like the blind eye, is such a blood thing so important?

In Zhou Zekai's view, blood relationship is actually not so important, only a person's character and conduct account for most of a person.

After lunch, Mo Han did not leave, waiting for his biological parents in the hospital, Zhou Zekai was talking to Mo Han, both of them talked about things when they were young, let Zhou Zekai look at Mo Han now With a cold face and no laughter, he always felt that God was very magical. The child laughed cutely when he was a child, but now he is like an iceberg.

However, it seems that the parents who came to Anjia came late. Before they came, Zhou Zekai used the lawyer Fang to bring people. Before that, he called and asked Lawyer Fang to prepare for the company's shares.

These things were planned by the wisher very early, because the daughter is really not talented and not smart enough in this regard, so the wish of the wisher is to let Mo Han manage the company and let the daughter eat the shares, and then the daughter shares A little more, Mo Han also has any bad thoughts.

But now, since there is no such daughter, Zhou Zekai always has everything to do for filial children.

"Xiao Han, you signed this."

This is a 10% stake in Le Lemon Group. When Le Lemon was listed at the beginning, it had also gone through numerous financings. After these financings, Zhou Zekai's shares of Le Lemon Group totaled 43 percent. Said to be the company's largest shareholder, many things companies will obey Zhou Zekai.

Now, he suddenly took out 10% of the shares and gave it to Mo Han. After looking at Mo Han, he was blinded directly. He looked blankly at his righteous father. He was grateful and moved, but he was unwilling to receive it. Under these things.

If it was before, in order to be able to accompany his father better and manage the company for his father, he may still accept these, but now he may find his biological parents, who will know what will happen then, in order to Unnecessary things, Mo Han doesn't want these shares.

"Dad, please think about the shares. I know you were stunned by Poem this time, but this company is your hard work. I am an outsider. It ’s not appropriate to take these ..."

When talking about outsiders, Mo Han smiled bitterly, because he knew in his heart that Zhou Shiyi was the child of the Zhou family. He was an orphan brought by his righteous father. Even if he wanted to get more attention from his righteous father, However, Mo Han didn't want to take possession of the Zhou family. He didn't change his surname to Zhou, so he couldn't take these things.

"Outsiders? You are all outsiders, who are the insiders? Xiaohan, is it why my father has treated you for so many years, don't you know? This company is mine. I give it to whomever I want. You are my son. Why ca n’t I give it to you? Zhou Shizhen has nothing to do with me anymore. Besides, I have seen you in the company for the past few years, and these are what you should hold. "

Zhou Zekai heard Mo Han saying that outsiders were unhappy, because he could see from his memory that although the wisher sometimes worried about Mo Han's bad thoughts, he still loved Mo Han, almost Zhou Shiyi Some things are cold and cold. Is it possible without emotion?

Mo Han heard the words of his righteous father, and his heart was a little bit happy and sad. He just felt that his righteous father seemed to be doing something impulsive now. After he calmed down, he might have other ideas. The transfer of shares was not easy. , If it is passed to the company, who knows what outsiders say, he is not the biological son of the righteous father, those people in the company know, what would he think of the righteous father?


"Do n’t shout, sign quickly, I tell you, do n’t think that I found your biological parents for you, you can no longer recognize me as a dad. It was Shi Ye who did n’t let you call my dad, now she does n’t want me anyway Now, I ’m just a son like you. If I do n’t give you something, do you want to **** me off? ”

Zhou Zekai began to play the best method of a patient-trouble!

Anyway, if you do n’t, you just do n’t take me as your father. If you do n’t, you just want to **** me off!

Seeing his father-in-law like this, Mo Han couldn't help crying and laughing, and finally he was only able to sign his own name.

Attorney Fang and others on the side also looked funny, you know, if anyone else sees these properties, I'm afraid to take them away, and those who are fighting for the wealthy family property are even more bloody. Before, Attorney Fang thought that these things were always given to his daughter by Zhou, but he did not expect that it was for the adopted son.

Everyone who knows Mr. Zhou knows that he has two children. One boy is an adopted child and now works in the company. The other is a girl. He was born and just graduated.

It is estimated that many people will feel that in the end Zhou Zekai will not give anything to this adopted child, that is, adopted the child as a tool to raise, but now? The 10% share of the Lemon Group is distributed to more than a billion yuan each year in dividends. It is so easy to give to adopted children. If there is no emotion, who believes it?

The agreement for the transfer of shares was soon completed. Mo Han was red-eyed from beginning to end, knowing that his righteous father was good to him. Now when I think about myself, I was sometimes jealous of Shi Yun, and I wish I was the righteous father. A biological child, now that he wants to come, even if he is not biological?

He will take good care of his father and will always filially honor his father! !! !!

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