The Best Male God

Chapter 1018: Lying In Bed Old Father 10

After seeing Zhou Shiyi that day, Zhou Zekai was discharged from hospital the next day. Mo Han was still running before and after running. For Zhou Shiyi's affairs, he would no longer be on the premise of his righteous father.

He believes that no matter what decision the righteous father makes, it must be decided after a long consideration. All he has to do is support the righteous father's choice.

Back at home, Zhou Zekai also told the servants about this matter. The villa in the family changed the password again, and people outside the community were notified, and Zhou Shizhen was not allowed to appear in his sight again.

This time, unlike the previous report, the official website of Le Lemon and the official announcement all explained this matter in detail. It is estimated that Zhou Shizhen and Zhou Zekai broke off the relationship between father and daughter. An executive called Zhou Zekai to ask about the situation. Zhou Zekai said that he would not care about Zhou Shizhen in the future.

After all, a person's background represents part of the network, and now, Zhou Shizhen has voluntarily given up all this.

After waiting a few days at home, Zhou Zekai went to the company and watched it. After confirming that the company's condition was OK, he remembered that he was in the hospital that day and called Mo Han.

"Xiao Han, you have found your biological parents now. This name is also false. Did your biological parents say your previous name?"

When Mo Han heard this, he remembered the words of his biological parents and nodded.

"They said I used to be called An Rui."

Because he wanted his son to grow up handsome and wise, he gave his son such a word of wisdom. This was what An father told Mo Han.

"Oh, so, are you going to change your name, or do you think?"

Regarding whether Mo Han changed his name or surnamed Zhou, Zhou Zekai didn't have much influence. He just hoped that the child could have a certain idea in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the righteous father would mention this suddenly, Mo Han was a little surprised, but still followed his own thoughts.

"Dad, my biological parents also mentioned this, but I still intend to hear from you."

After all, it ’s just a name. No matter what he ’s called, he ca n’t change who he ’s ending in, and now he has a righteous father, parents, and a sister. This is a very lucky thing for Mo Han. .

"What about yourself? Do you want to follow your parents' last name, or do you want to follow my last name?"

It is mainly Mo Han's thoughts. Zhou Zekai respects Mo Han's consideration even more. Even if the child changes his surname, he will still be his child.

"Dad, actually ... I want to follow your last name."

Although he was very happy to find his biological parents, for Mo Han, the righteous father who has raised himself for more than 20 years is his real father, and now he has taken 10% of the shares of Lemo Group If his surname is Zhou, he will be closer to his father in the future. Although the righteous father says that he will get married, he still does not know whether he will have his own children in the future. Before his father has other children, Mo Han hopes to become righteous Father's child, just a little more.

"Follow me, that's fine." Zhou Zekai nodded, and after discussing the matter, he quickly handled the matter. In order to show Zhou Zekai's respect for the Anjia couple, he also ate a meal because of this. , Choose the last name of Zhou Zekai, choose the name that Anjia couple originally gave to Mo Hanqi.

In this way, Mo Han became Zhou Rui. For this name, Zhou Zekai liked it very much.

Company affairs, Zhou Rui is still busy, and Zhou Zekai also ushered in his first blind date in his life.

According to Wang Dong's description, the first woman Zhou Zekai saw after entering the restaurant was definitely Zhou Zekai's blind date!

That's right! Wang Dong also had to engage in mystery. A blind date did not tell Zhou Zekai's identity, but only said that the identity is excellent. Although there are some minor problems, that is not a problem. If he can win this kaolin flower, Zhou Zekai will definitely not You will lose.

The agreed place was the revolving restaurant. When Zhou Zekai arrived, it was ten o'clock in the morning. When he arrived at the cafe on the third floor, he saw the woman sitting by the window at first glance.

She was wearing a black dress, just sitting there elegantly, looking out the window slightly, exposing half of her delicate cheeks, and the hair that was still normal was draped over her shoulders. This kind of sexyness made people enter this hall. You can see this woman at a glance.

For a moment, Zhou Zekai always felt that this woman seemed to have seen her somewhere else. In addition, the third floor was left alone. Let Zhou Zekai sort out her formal clothes and walked over. After all, it was a blind date. Make a better first impression.

Xie Lingfei looked indifferent. Sitting there was like the most perfect statue. Her shoulders were as white as porcelain and her skin was so clean that she didn't dare to take a closer look. Zhou Zekai walked over and stood there. She turned her head to reveal her delicate face.

This is a very beautiful face for men. Zhou Zekai suddenly felt that this face seemed to have been seen before, but I really couldn't remember it.

"Hello, is this Miss Xie?"

He was polite. At this time, Xie Lingfei looked twice. He thought that his mother could introduce himself to strange and rich people, but he didn't expect that this person looked like him.

"Well, sit down."

She is a little rude, but this does not affect Zhou Zekai's appreciation of her, and Xie Lingfei looks at the calm appearance of the man in front of her, feeling a little puzzled, but she has only performed a movie abroad, and it is only half a year. Is it so low? The man seemed to not know himself.

"Hello, Miss Xie, this is Zhou Zekai, and I'm glad to meet you."

Zhou Zekai's habits have always been good. From sitting down to talking, even the smile when talking, will not make people disgusted. Although Xie Lingfei thought that the blind date arranged by her mother was boring, it was quite curious to see how obedient the person was. .

"you do not know me?"

Anyway, she is also the one who has gone abroad, and Xie Lingfei feels that it is really strange that she can meet someone who does not know herself this year.

Do n’t ask why she ’s going to go on a blind date now. Forty-three-year-old Xie Lingfei has contributed all the time to the crew before, and occasionally rumors with the actors in the crew are also fake, she ’s not She likes having children and occasionally chases her men, but after hearing Xie Lingfei's reluctance to have children, she seems to have retreated.

Zhou Zekai was also asked by Xie Lingfei, and then carefully looked at the woman in front of her. The more she looked, the more she felt familiar with the woman, but she couldn't remember where she was familiar, and his confused look made Xie Lingfei instantly happy. Now, a delicate white finger pointed out the window.

"Well, that's me."

Zhou Zekai walked through it, and then saw the big screen outside the window, where Xie Lingfei's advertisement was just broadcast. She was in the advertisement that made people feel glowing, and Zhou Zekai, who had good vision, also saw the other party ’s name- Xie Lingfei.

There was a moment of helplessness in my heart. I was thinking about a strong marriage, but Wang Dong seemed to be wrong. Why did he find a star?

Zhou Zekai does not mean that Xing's identity is not good, but that he feels that the reason he gave Zhou Rui is to find a partner and to accompany him, but the celebrity is always going to perform. He thinks that some are not appropriate.

Xie Lingfei originally wanted to persuade Du Yu's blind date, but after seeing that the other party seemed to have no expression on his face after knowing his identity, but after he wanted to shrink back, he became interested.

"Zhou Zong, I heard that you have a daughter and an adopted son. Do you know what requirements you have for future objects?"

As a film actress, she promised her mother to come to this blind date, but it was just because she was tired.

From being famous in China to going abroad, Xie Lingfei has worked very hard at each step. Her latest film will not be released until the beginning of next year, but Xie Lingfei has resigned and no one knows that when she was abroad, A sea play almost drowned in the sea.

At that moment, Xie Lingfei decided that after returning to the country, without saying anything else, first find a man to experience the taste of love. If appropriate, get married. Anyway, she doesn't want to have children in her life. It is best if the man is willing. Already.

Today, she is very satisfied with Zhou Zekai, so she has such a problem.

Zhou Zekai said for a moment.

"I have severed my father and daughter relationship with my daughter. Now there is only one son. He is indeed my adopted son. I don't have much requirements for the future target, just two people can get together."

Of course, a busy star is definitely not suitable for his current mate selection conditions.

Xie Lingfei is a clever person. She can see the meaning in Zhou Zekai's eyes at a glance, and smiles beautifully.

"Is that right? Mr. Zhou is just like me. I have no conditions for the future. There is only one. I don't want to have children, and I have already planned to withdraw from the entertainment industry. I hope that people who marry in the future will have no trouble. To worry about. "

She said, with a bit of longing on her face, this coincided with Zhou Zekai, and Zhou Zekai didn't necessarily have to have children. As long as there were some people in the Lemo Group to take care of him, he would be fine. He is alive. Zhou Shihuan Can't do anything.

"Ms. Xie has considered leaving the entertainment industry?"

Looking at the other's advertisement is an advertisement for a luxury perfume, which is enough to prove the woman's status in the entertainment industry, so Zhou Zekai is still a little strange.

Xie Lingfei looked at the other person and seemed to be interested in her, but laughed.

"Of course, I've been busy for so long, and I also want to take a break and live a normal life. That's why I am here for a blind date. Mr. Zhou, you are a very nice person, and I appreciate you ..."

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