The Best Male God

Chapter 1021: Dad's First Love Daughter 2

If you want to talk about the relationship between Fang Yaxian and Zhou Honghui, it is not really good love. At first, Fang Yaxian and Zhou Honghui were dating each other. After that, everyone in the family felt that Zhou Honghui was able to live. You must know that Fang Yaxian was a boyfriend. Instead, she became a star, so in contrast, today's husband and counterparty Yaxian are just people living together.

What kind of love and love, Fang Yaxian was taken lightly, that is, after having a child, everything is dominated by children, and she hopes that the child can get a better education and become a better talent, but she never expected that her parents would choose it honestly People, turned out to be someone who could bring the child of his first girlfriend to his house, which made Fang Yaxian unacceptable.

"I tell you, Zhou Honghui, when I am here for a day, you don't want to bring these people who are not inconspicuous at home. You are not ashamed, I am ashamed! Akai will have a college entrance exam in more than a month. , If that time will affect A Kai's future, are you responsible? "

Fang Yaxian is like a lioness who protects her cubs. She firmly does not allow anyone to enter her territory. The so-called first love girlfriend, haha, is her family dead? Why did you let her come to you? Fang Yaxian did not think whether Zhou Honghui had been derailed in his marriage, but he was very annoyed at the thought of affecting his son.

"Ya-xian, can you not be so aggressive? Xiao Xuan is not a person who is not inferior, and her academic performance is also very good. It will not affect A Kai. Moreover, A Kai is now jumping, and the principal said that A Kai The grades are very good, why do you keep telling Kai Kai? You obviously do n’t want Xiao Xuan to stay at home. So if Kai Kai agrees with Xiao Xuan, do you agree to let Xiao Xuan left behind?"

Zhou Honghui looked at the wife in front of him, and thought of his first love involuntarily. His first love was so gentle, he always spoke softly, unlike his wife, who always looked indifferent, making it look like It's that he doesn't deserve her.

In recent years, Zhou Honghui feels very aggrieved. He is the job that his father-in-law found. For so many years, he has not been able to enjoy the blessings of parents, live with his wife, and his son is more close to his grandfather and grandmother. Unable to understand, the son should obviously trust his father better.

Thinking of this, Zhou Honghui looked at Zhou Zekai sitting there.

Zhou Zekai was actually a little impatient. After all, he went out to play basketball before. After returning, he was covered with sweat. At this time, it was very uncomfortable sticking to his body.

"A Kai, Xiao Xuan's current family members have died. You see that a girl has nowhere to go, how about letting her live in our house?"

Faced with his father's question, oh no, or to ask, Zhou Zekai laughed, and then looked at Sun Xiaoxuan with a strange look and said after watching it for a while.

"Dad, are all her parents dead? Are all grandparents dead? Are all relatives dead?"

Such a questioning directly confuses Zhou Honghui, and Sun Xiaoxuan on the side seems to be stimulated. She immediately redens her eyes and starts to cry. Her mother really just passed away because her mother divorced her father, so she just let her go. Handed over to Zhou Honghui, the grandfather and grandmother were alive, but did not want her because ... because ...

Sun Xiaoxuan didn't know why. At this moment, there was a kind of weakness and grievance in her heart. Why did the mother want that? If it weren't for her mother, she wouldn't have been kicked out of her house, and she would still be left behind.

Everything that has happened these days has caused Sun Xiaoxuan to blame her former mother.

Fang Yaxian almost laughed when he heard what his son said, but he didn't expect his son to be so hard. It would be very popular to say this. Generally speaking, if he was going to live in someone else's house, isn't it orphan? An orphan is someone who has no relatives, but his son is too shameless.

Zhou Honghui did not expect his son to be so vicious, and when he saw Sun Xiaoxuan silently crying, he wanted to speak again, and heard his son's new voice.

"Dad, don't say if her family is dead, just say her identity, and I won't let her stay at home, um ... your first love does not look like a good person, oh I forgot to say that I accidentally saw the text message of you and your first love on your phone before. When she died, she didn't bring her daughter to her family and gave it to you. Is it for you to raise it as a child? "

Zhou Zekai's speech was really awful, making Sun Xiaoxuan cry even more. Zhou Honghui also had a sudden complexion. He didn't expect that his wife saw it, but his son saw it.

Fang Yaxian snorted and didn't ask much. She didn't want to care about these messy things. She just wanted to drive people who were not in the house out of the house.

"A Kai, Dad doesn't know what you saw, but Dad can guarantee that Sun Xuemen and I are innocent, only because of our feelings that year, after bringing back her illness, she brought Sun Xiaoxuan back."

Although it was difficult to bring Sun Xiaoxuan home, Zhou Honghui didn't want the backyard to catch fire, so he hurriedly explained it, although he explained it to Zhou Zekai, but actually looked at his wife.

Zhou Zekai sneered and got up from the sofa.

"I don't care if you are innocent or not. I'm going to take a bath. If I come out and see that she is still alive, I'll call grandpa and grandma over to judge, yes, she ... is a student from our school? If you have to make me unhappy, I will make her unhappy at school. "

Regardless of Zhou Honghui ’s reaction, he went to his own room to take a shower. When he bought this house, Zhou Zekai was born. Zhou Honghui had no money. It can be said that Zhou Zekai's grandparents paid for it. After coming down, he put it in the grandfather's place first. Zhou Honghui didn't take the money, so naturally he didn't dare to say a word. Later, when it came to the decoration, Zhou Honghui's parents were sick because they were leaving Zhou Honghui's 70,000 or 80,000 deposit. It's nothing.

In the 150-square-foot house, there are two bedrooms, two guests, one kitchen, and one hall. Zhou Zekai's house is the best for the whole family.

Regardless of the people in the living room, Zhou Zekai went to his own room to take a bath. After the sweat on his body was washed away, it became more comfortable. Hearing the movement of the door of his room, he thought it was his mother who came and thought he did n’t seem to take it. Shouted.

"Mom, hand me the clothes on the bed."

While surrounding myself with a bath towel, I was ready to open the door and take the things. After all, I was too old, and I should keep the distance.

As a result, there was no movement for a long time. Just when Zhou Zekai was about to step out, Fang Yaxian came to his son's room, and he saw Sun Xiaoxuan standing there, holding his son's clothes in his hands, and **** in it!

"Who asked you to come in? Just enter a boy's room casually. That's how your parents taught you?"

Seeing this, Fang Yaxian was just frustrated just after arguing with her husband. Let's look at the situation in the son's bathroom. The water stopped. If I take one step later, will this girl be skinless? Faceless going to give men clothes?

When thinking of this, Fang Yaxian was angry.

"Mother Zhou, yes, he wants clothes."

Sun Xiaoxuan bit her lip, her face of fear and helplessness, as if she did not expect that she would be condemned, and quickly put things back on the bed, while Fang Yaxian sneered.

"He asked you to take it? You do n’t know who my son is? Did he just call me mom, are you a **** mother? I ’m such a young girl, I do n’t know how to keep a distance from the boys? He ’s in there Do n’t you take a shower? I was still crying in my husband ’s arms, and now I ’m here to get my son's bathed clothes. Why are you everywhere? ”

After Fang Yaxian finished speaking, he picked up the clothes on the bed, went to the son's bathroom, knocked twice, looked through a door slit, and passed the clothes.

Zhou Zekai didn't say a word, and touched his nose. I didn't expect Sun Xiaoxuan to come to his room. The little girl didn't know how dangerous it was to get alone with the boy in a room? If you do n’t say this, let ’s just say that normal girls do n’t come to the boys ’room when they know they ’re in the bath?

Although they are still small.

After handing over the clothes to his son, Fang Yaxian pulled Sun Xiaoxuan out of Zhou Zekai's room. After going out, he saw her husband smoking in the hall and hummed.

"Look at who you brought back, and just sneaked into A Kai's room. A Kai was taking a bath, but she was a big girl, so she didn't know how to face her?"

Although Fang Yaxian was a teacher, it was precisely because she was so old at teaching that she was more meticulous and extraordinarily concerned.

When Zhou Honghui saw Sun Xiaoxuan being pulled out by his wife, he obviously did not know how Sun Xiaoxuan ran to his son's bedroom. Didn't he let her go to the guest room to rest first?

Sun Xiaoxuan's eyes were red and tears were falling. She did not expect that she would go to the wrong place, but when she entered, she heard people wanted something. Sun Xiaoxuan didn't know how to refuse, so she took the thing, but she didn't expect to be seen by Fang Yaxian. Arrived.

"Wife, this must be a misunderstanding. Xiao Xuan came to our house for the first time. It must be wrong. Wife, you see what I should say. Xiao Xuan's family situation is also there. She is a girl. You ca n’t eat much at home, so show your kindness and let her stay in our house. You can also be a companion to A Kai! ”

Zhou Honghui, who had a quarrel with his wife before, still had some regrets, so at this time he wanted to let his wife agree with this matter, but Fang Yaxian was so furious that he saw Sun Xiaoxuan secretly went to his son's room. How could he agree? How about it?

"Oh, I dare not let such a person accompany A Kai, besides, A Kai will go to Beijing after the college entrance examination. This girl came home, I'm afraid not to accompany you?"

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