The Best Male God

Chapter 1060: Super Eater Zombie King 1

In the hilltop of Yong'an County, when the bell rang in the early morning, it was the morning class of Mingyin Temple. All the monks were sitting there, reading the scriptures at this time, and the head above was closed. Holding the beads in his eyes, he knocked on the wooden fish in front.

Quiet and peaceful, this is the Mingyin Temple. Mingming is now a modern society, but everyone still maintains the old habits in the Mingyin Temple. Morning classes, morning, afternoon, and evening chanting, so it is because of this Ming Because the monks at the temple looked very kind and kind, so more people came here to travel, which brought a lot of incense.

The sound of chanting in the room spread out, and in the quiet temple, a six-year-old child frowned and seemed to be thinking about something big.

Zhou Zekai sat on the stone bench, frowning, and he was still speechless about becoming an abandoned little monk.

His wishing man was abandoned to this Mingyin Temple from an early age. If it was not hosted by the host, he probably would n’t know where to go. Now he is six years old and has a lot of understanding under the care of a monk. Find your father and mother and ask why you abandoned him.

This wish may be important for wishers who have never met their parents, but for Zhou Zekai, it is not a problem at all.

When Zhou Zekai thought about how to find the wishing parents, he felt that there was a strange spiritual power spreading in Houshan, and he got up from the stone bench and ran towards Houshan.

In the temple on the side of Mingyin Temple, there is a large forest in Houshan, which is full of bamboo. Zhou Zekai went secretly to eat and eat, so he was naturally very familiar and ran towards the different spiritual power.

He felt that this mental power was very familiar, but it was not familiar.

I came to Houshan soon, but I did n’t see anyone. When Zhou Zekai twisted around to see the situation, suddenly someone jumped at Zhou Zekai and threw him to the ground. Zhou Zekai Seeing the appearance of the person in front of him, a white teenager looks like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old, but his face is pale and terrible. At this time, his mouth is open, and the fangs in his mouth are exposed.

This ... is by no means normal human.

Just as the boy was about to bite, he suddenly put his head around Zhou Zekai's neck and sniffed carefully.

"Old ghost?"

His clear voice was a little puzzled. Looking at the children who were pressed to the ground by themselves, human children, he hadn't seen him for a long time. Since he was hooked on what the old ghost gave, he hasn't eaten human flesh for a long time.

Zhou Zekai looked at the doubting eyes of the other person, and then he thought of someone, and he couldn't believe it.

"Zombie Emperor?"

Except for those in the red envelope group, Zhou Zekai really couldn't imagine who this person with fangs in his mouth would be. At this time, this familiar mental power also made Zhou Zekai understand that this is absolutely a zombie emperor ... ...

Seeing Zhou Zekai talking, the Zombie Emperor twitched and released Zhou Zekai, and the two sat on the floor.

"Old ghost, how did you become like this? This is your new world, right? I heard the demon fairy said that I had been to a space with you before. I didn't expect it to be true. Is there no zombies here, or are they all human? ? "

The Zombie Emperor said that the drool at the corner of his mouth was about to fall, but he was already a Zombie Emperor and was able to control his physical condition. In fact, he no longer needed to eat human flesh, but the thought of all people in this world Inevitably a little excited.

"Even if it ’s someone, that ’s not for you. This is a safe world. If you want to stay here, it ’s better to be quiet and do n’t do anything messy, otherwise, no one knows the world. Will consciousness drive you out. "

Zhou Zekai was calm, looking at the Zombie Emperor whose eyes were shining towards him. Although he was somewhat weak, he calmed the Zombie Emperor.

Zombie Emperor is not stupid about world consciousness. His existence has been for thousands of years. Zombie said it was because of the formation of drugs, but it may be a new evolution. When Zombie Emperor was an ordinary zombie, he I never thought I could live so long. After he became the Zombie Emperor, he even established the Zombie Empire. It has almost 5,000 years of history. Human beings have been held in captivity for a long time. The whole world belongs to They were zombies.

Being a zombie emperor, he is naturally smart, so he quickly reached out and wiped his saliva, watching Zhou Zekai frown, a little disgusting.

The person in front of him was pale, but he was a clean-looking teenager. If Zhou Zekai did not listen to the other party's identity, he would not recognize it, and this person would be the Zombie Emperor.

"Old man, don't worry, I will never do anything casually. Since I came to your home field, I am sure I can eat anything, what kind of human flesh, what is delicious, I am so hungry, you Take me to eat, okay? "

The Zombie Emperor was a large-scale foodie at this time. After complaining, he directly held Zhou Zekai on the ground. Although he was a teenager's body, his strength was unimaginable, so there was no pressure to hold Zhou Zekai.

Zhou Zekai has long been accustomed to them, and he is very calm about the embrace of the Zombie Emperor.

"What is the name of your human being? I ca n’t call you Zombie all the time, right? And I'm too worried about it now, there is nothing delicious, you are an adult, you should think about making money."

I thought that when I saw the demon fairy before, the demon fairy was playing in the front, and I cleaned up the mess behind me. Now I am so small, I should rely on ‘adults’.

The Zombie Emperor held Zhou Zekai until he found that his place was strange. If he looked at the situation of the old ghost, he didn't seem to be a rich man, and suddenly frowned.

"I was called Pang Yuan when I was alive, but why are you a kid this time, old man? It ’s not your parents who abandoned you in this place?"

He said, after all, this is the relationship between human beings, and what is abandonment is common, so Pang Yuan will say such things.

"Well, that's right. My wisher wanted to find his biological parents, but just asked them why they abandoned him. The others are easy to say."

Zhou Zekai looked at the Zombie Emperor calmly, and found that the Zombie Emperor had nothing here. It seemed to be the same as the demon fairy, subject to space constraints, and nothing could be brought over.

Zombie Emperor Pang Yuan heard Zhou Zekai's answer, and he really felt that the dog was getting ridiculous.

"Wo grass! Why can the magic fairy enjoy it so much when looking for you? I came to support you when I came, and I was young when I was alive. Later, I became a zombie. If I want, I will grab it and eat it. I will bite it myself. After the empire was established, the people below me will be sent here. How do I know how to make money? Otherwise ... I will control myself? "

Pang Yuan reluctantly came up with a bad idea, which made Zhou Zekai despise him. For this contempt, Pang Yuan was helpless.

In desperation, Zhong Pang Yuan held Zhou Zekai and planned to go out of Houshan. As a result, he saw someone in the bamboo forest ahead! Not only are there people, there seem to be many, there is a handsome-looking man and two pretty-looking girls squatting there, it seems that they are digging bamboo, while someone is holding a camera to shoot ...

This screen made Zhou Zekai immediately think of the reason.

This seems to have been said by the host before, is the film crew recording "National Treasure"? I forgot it before.

The Zombie Emperor did not know what was going on, so he walked directly to it. He was a little curious about the three humans crouching on the ground, holding Zhou Zekai and squatting, and then patted the man beside him.

"Why are you squatting here?"

This mysterious and mysterious makes Pang Yuan a little curious. After all, he hasn't seen humans for a long time, so even though fragrances have been uploaded from these people at this time, he can still control himself very well.

Meng Chang'an originally wanted to bring two female guests to find Xiangfei Bamboo. As a result, the two female guests wanted to know what the bamboo shoots were dug out from. He was responsible for digging the bamboo shoots and said after hearing the question.

"Dig bamboo shoots ..."

I just felt that something was wrong after I finished speaking. I quickly turned around and saw a handsome young man holding a bare headed monk talking to himself.

Pang Yuan looked at the person in front of him and was a little excited. Bamboo shoots, he remembered it! It was delicious, but I didn't remember it many times before. At this time, after hearing Meng Changan's words, my eyes were glowing.

"Can I be together? I want to eat too!"

Can't eat without money? Pang Yuan set Zhou Zekai aside, took one of Meng Chang'an's tools, and started digging bamboo shoots crazy.

The camera on the side hit him. He was indifferent. Meng Changan, who was robbed, looked at the young boy who appeared suddenly, a little at a loss. The two female stars on the side looked curiously at this handsome man Teenagers, but before they arrived, the bamboo shoots that had not been dug by Meng Changan before were dug out by Pang Yuan.

Pang Yuan, who dug out a bamboo shoot, obediently placed the bamboo shoot in Meng Chang'an's hand, and his glasses were still shooting stars.

"Will you do it, right? Would you like it for me?"

His coquettish appearance made him overwhelmed, and he couldn't help taking two more shots. Zhou Zekai on the side was a little speechless, glanced at Pang Yuan with contempt, and then said.

"I can take you to the kitchen in the temple."

This time, I was just digging the bamboo shoots, and it turned out to be eating! However, Meng Changan faced the look of the young man in front of him. Somehow, he couldn't refuse hard, and nodded hesitantly.

"Okay, let's go to the kitchen and cook for you ..."

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