The Best Male God

Chapter 1102: Pretend to be a rich second generation 6

The appearance of this news not only made He Sitian somewhat unaware of how to face his boyfriend, but also a lot of discussions on the Internet about holographic movies, indicating whether this thing is the true holographic movie as the novel says ?

In particular, Manhattan Pictures said that it would launch a holographic movie conference in a week, and announced that it would officially launch the holographic movie program, which made countless fan fans excited.

He Simian's family is also covered. I did not expect that He Simian was telling the truth. It was a bit nervous. Although the other party was an illegitimate child, but he was also a member of the Manhattan family, so it would be better for his daughter to see someone. Pay more attention to your own image, and don't say much else. After all, after all, this kind of male and female friends see their parents. The more the family cares, the more things are estimated.

Zhou Zekai also called He Sitian. He has successfully acquired his identity and became a member of the Manhattan family. Although he has no inheritance, the technology he has in his hand is enough to make anyone's heart. The development of the theater in China will be handled by him in the future. In addition, the bodyguards sent by the country are expected to follow him for a long time to ensure his own safety.

"You have seen your father. I saw your group photo. At that time, I just told your family about you. My father thought I was deceived, but after seeing your photos, I believe I ’ve said, and let me perform well. If you return to China, do you want to meet my family? "

The boyfriend ’s family really surprised He Sitian, and even thought that he did n’t know if he could match it, but later Grandpa He said that even if Zhou Zekai was capable again, her status as an illegitimate child had restricted her, so the He family did n’t advise. In the future, the entire He family is He Sitian, so as long as He Sitian likes it, everything is fine.

"Yes, but I can't return to the country for the time being. Sorry for your family. I may switch to the holographic movie conference in a few days. After the conference, there are still some things that need to be handled here. Go back. It should be more than two months, you must take care of yourself, you know? "

Zhou Zekai understood the meaning of He Sitian and said softly, making He Sitian on the phone more smart.

"Well, I know, A Kai, your good friends all called and told me about it. It turned out that you were hiding them in addition to me. No wonder they were all surprised, So am I the first person to know who you are? "

When thinking of this, He Sitian was very happy and was the first to get the secrets of others. This is such a close relationship. He Sitian enjoys this intimacy.

"Well, you are the first one. I may not be able to chat with them here. You tell them, and I ’ll ask them to eat and plead guilty when I go back."

Zhou Zekai said that they are the various rich second generations that they knew after they came to work in college. It is because of the existence of these rich second generations that He Sitian never doubted Zhou Zekai's identity, or that they have become accustomed to it. I think Zhou Zekai is a low-key person. After all, in the world of the rich second generation, it is actually like a kind of unjustified waste or drag racing. Most of the rich second generation come together to make money for the benefit. Zhou Zekai In this circle, he can also be regarded as a character. In addition to stock trading, he has invested in many companies before and has made a lot of money with those people. Therefore, Zhou Zekai's identity has never been doubted.

"Well, then you have to pay attention to your body. I've been learning to cook these days, and I'll make it for you when you come back."

She is very sweet. Every day with her boyfriend makes He Sitian feel as if she has taken up honey. She hopes that she can see the most real boyfriend.

The two talked for a while before hanging up the phone. After Zhou Zekai hung up, it seemed to understand why the wish made by the wisher was to make the rich second generation come true.

Unlike the wishing person's deception at the beginning, He Sitian sincerely gave her this feeling, sincerely faced the person she liked, and wanted to use her own way to help the person she liked, her heart was Like a crystal, transparent and clean.

Compared to the wishing person, He Sitian's feelings are pure and struggling for the future of the two. This was originally the idea of ​​a mature girl, but she never thought of the wishing person's deception.

The wishing man's deception began very early, when he did not meet He Sitian at that time, he still started to become a liar, although in the end he became a successful liar.

In college, freshman began to show his differences gradually, and used the bonuses to build himself into a real rich second generation. During four years of college, he contacted many people and knew several relationships. Good second-generation rich friends, they are cherished by each other. They are all bound by the family. In this case, no one can break his identity with the wishing person who is mixed with the second-generation rich.

After graduating from the age of 23 to the age of 26, in the life of a wisher, money is to prove that he is more honorable. In fact, he doesn't care much about money, but he has become accustomed to setting up for himself. That rich second-generation person.

Just like fans like celebrities, the collapse of the celebrity's people may cause fans to take off the powder, which is the same reason.

In Zhou Zekai's memory, He Sitian was a smart and wise woman. It is precisely because of this that she would be attracted to wishing talents and then fall in love with her deeply.

She is clever and has a strong personal charm, but she has more personal ideas.

For He Sitian, the separation of the two people was not a matter of rightness at all, nor was it because the wisher had money, but because of the lies of the wisher.

This is not a lie to He Sitian alone, but a wishing man who deceived everyone around him with a lie, and then tried to convince himself that this lie was originally an unconfident behavior.

How many lies are required to cover up a lie, and it is no longer necessary to mention, and a person needs too much time to live and face too many things. If these lies are constantly stacked, then one day, the lie will be broken That day, at that time, how should everything be faced?

After He Sitian knew the wisher's own lies, he finally chose to break up with the wisher, but did not tell anyone about the identity of the wisher, and let the wisher choose whether to face the truth or continue to survive in the lie.

If the wisher is willing to face the truth, maybe this love that started in a lie may be saved, but the wisher flinched, ending his life in his huge package of lies.

Zhou Zekai thought of the wish made by the wishing man, hoping to become a real rich second generation. This is to make the lie a reality, since it cannot be separated from the lie.

This is a smart wisher and a wise wisher.

Because his deception did not appear when he faced He Sitian, but before he met He Sitian, it had been for several years. Even if he wanted to face the truth, he walked in the mist of lies. Already trapped, unable to extricate themselves.

The best way is not to dispel the fog, but to pull everyone into the fog so that no one is harmed.

Zhou Zekai, who hung up the phone, looked at the brightly lit city outside, and Cittel came over behind him, a little curious.

"Did you just call your girlfriend?"

He asked, thinking of the surprise when he saw the document that day, he didn't expect the other party to give up such a great benefit, but only wanted an identity, an identity of his son. In fact, Sittel greatly appreciated Zhou Zekai In his eyes, as long as this child is given time, this child will be able to create more powerful enterprises than Manhattan.

"Well, my girlfriend, you will see her when you arrive in China."

Zhou Zekai nodded, feeling very good, and with a smile on his face, Sittel couldn't help but keep asking.

"Do you think it's worth it?"

Is it really worth paying such a big price just in exchange for an identity and a few benefits? Sittel already knows everything about Zhou Zekai, so he knows better that this person came to himself just for his girlfriend.

He is a man wrapped in lies, and now, in order to be with his girlfriend, he wants to turn his lies into truth.

In other words, from the moment Citer saw the holographic movie, Zhou Zekai's identity began to change, and he could become anyone.

"It's worth it. Some things are far more important than you think."

Zhou Zekai turned his head and looked at Citer, meaning something, but Citer just laughed, looked at the young man in front of him, and suddenly understood what he meant.

"I think I can understand your mood. Of course, I also think you can create more miracles for more people."

The energy of a super hacker is enough to change a country, and Citel thought of the account of the above, and looked at his cheap son, but it feels very good. After talking for a while, the two separated, but Citel, began Asking his secretary to prepare gifts was prepared for He Sitian. After all, in another two months, he will return to see his daughter-in-law. For this daughter-in-law, Seatel is very satisfied.

Being able to let a man give up so much for her is enough to prove the woman's excellence.

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