The Best Male God

Chapter 1112: I am an old man

Producer Xu saw Zhou Zekai for the first time, and other players also looked at it. Maybe someone has a higher value than Zhou Zekai, but compared to Zhou Zekai ’s own topic, other players are nothing, let alone ... ... Zhou Kaikai also has the ability to write and compose.

"Zhou Zekai, right? Will new songs be used in the new competition? I have heard all your songs, and they are all very good."

She likes topical players. Nowadays, with the rapid explosion of the entertainment industry, it is no longer the era when the well-performed and well-known singers became famous. The popularity has been achieved through speculation. People, the most afraid is that a star does not even tap the potential.

Gossip created an environment for the entertainment industry. In order to cope with this environment, the stars of the entertainment industry should also appropriately give people gossip materials!

"Well, Sister Xu, I still plan to use new songs."

Zhou Zekai has nothing else. The new songs are written one by one without pressure, so I am very proud at this time.

"Yes, you can have a good exchange with the bands in our group. When you sing live, I hope you can make good use of it."

Producer Xu is very satisfied with this good seed. He patted Zhou Zekai's shoulders, and now he feels that those who are old are really not hype?

Zhou Zekai naturally nodded, and then raised the matter that some relatives and friends were coming to the scene. Producer Xu agreed, which only made Zhou Zekai feel relieved.

Here, a closed practice started in the program group to prepare for the next game, but it was not very smooth on the Internet.

As the name Zhou Zekai was mentioned more and more times, people who knew Zhou Zekai before suddenly found out, oh my god! Why did this old old man suddenly become a star? Is it unscientific?

After listening to Zhou Zekai's songs, everyone just felt that Zhou Zekai was different from what he imagined. Moreover, the girl who was previously arranged to date Zhou Zekai and then refused, even posted a post, and became an Internet hit instantly. .

In fact, there was no Hei Zhou Zekai in the post, but the blind date of the two of them was described in a way of laughter and scolding.

In short, it happened half a year ago. At that time, Father Zhou and Mother Zhou were worried that the son could not find the target, so he asked someone to introduce the target to the son, this little girl. As a result, before they met, the little girl's circle of friends was already there. Said Zhou Zekai ...

At the age of 16, he went to school, no education, long expecting not to work at home, no potential, playing games all day, is a standard Internet addiction teenager, in addition to looking good, parents at home earn a little money, what else nothing……

In short, this is an out-of-the-box old boy. In the eyes of any woman, it will not be a good marriage target.

The breaking news reminds everyone of Zhou Zekai's self-proclaimed 啃 old man, but there are a lot of fans who whitewashed it, saying that Zhou Zekai has only written carefully in recent years. Otherwise, can there be so many good songs now?

When a person succeeds, his previous unsuccessfulness will also become a trial on the way to success. Zhou Zekai successfully proved himself.

Father Zhou and Mother Zhou have already come to Shangjing City, so there are still many people who want to introduce objects to Zhou Zekai! I did n’t look at Zhou Zekai before, but they all came here, but now Zhou ’s father and Zhou ’s mother could n’t figure out his son ’s idea, so they all rejected it ...

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when the program was actually recorded. Father Zhou and Mother Zhou sat with those players who knew in Zhou Zekai's game. Zhou Zekai had asked Chen to take care of his parents. After all, the parents are now old ...

In this game, it was a wheel promotion. After the lottery, Zhou Zekai was playing against another female player. Their game was in the middle, and there was no pressure.

The program is a recorded program, so even if there are mistakes, they can be corrected immediately. The previous players have performed well, but there is not much sense of surprise. The good kids who played games talked a lot about their sons. In the past, they only knew that their sons were playing games. Now, listening to them, they still find it very interesting.

After it was Zhou Zekai's turn, he wore a clean white shirt, as he did when he got the promotion brand for the first time. Today he sits in this recording studio and becomes more handsome. The projection of the lights made the fans send out Strong screams, Zhou Zhou's mother and his mother always looked at his son's face and couldn't stop smiling.

"My dear, I want to call your dearest, dearest ..."

Zhou Zekai sitting there, holding the guitar in his hand, brought out the most exciting sound, but then everyone found out that this "Dear" is not a pop song, but a folk ballad, but not the kind of wandering. Tianya's folk songs, on the contrary, are a song of thanks to their parents. Among them, dear, it is parents.

Born as a person, the moment you give birth to your mother, you have two of the closest people in the world, father and mother, who will be willing to give you the best things and give you all of them.

Zhou Zekai took a soft and dear voice to make Zhou's father and mother's eyes circle red. Other people were quietly listening to this tune, red eyes, and some of them missed their parents and some of their children. In this world, love is Great, but affection is essential.

When you encounter setbacks in life, you will expect a harbor to stay, this place is the home of your parents.

The live version of the song does not know how many times better than the live broadcast, so one piece of music, Zhou Zekai successfully conquered all the audience and reviewers present, four reviewers began to give Zhou Zekai a high score, this "Dear", destined to become After the explosion.

After the recording, Zhou Zekai took his parents to dinner with the gang friends who came this time. Although many of them met for the first time, everyone was very familiar with each other. After all, they had known each other on the Internet for several years, so The relationship is more intimate.

Father Zhou and Mother Zhou also like these friends of Zhou Zekai very much, and even promised to give these friends some special products of their farmhouse, which made everyone happy to accept.

At the golden night of the second night, "Super Singer" was aired at 8 o'clock, and Zhou Zekai and his father and mother Zhou were watching TV in the hotel. They wanted to see how it played. Zhou Zekai, who was sitting on a chair, swiped Weibo with a mobile phone. He now has a million fans, so many fans are very fun talking ...

"Super Singer" originally had a good rating, but now re-doing it, the players have a high face value, not to mention the singing skills, so the ratings broke after the broadcast, so that the program group can rest assured a lot, online The discussion is endless.

It was already 10 o'clock when a program was broadcast. Although my father and mother had watched the scene, the sons who watched the TV were different. They were all proud, and all the relatives were beaten before the TV broadcast. On the phone, Zhou Zekai was so prosperous that naturally they wanted to show off more.

Overnight, "Dear" successfully counterattacked the top five of the major music charts. The name Zhou Zekai became completely red. The attention on Weibo increased by half a million overnight, making Zhou Zekai feel that the show was not Participate in vain.

His father and mother also didn't expect his son to become popular overnight. Several times he wanted to discuss with his son what happened in the future, but he didn't know how to say it. Instead, he planned and went directly to the door.

That's right, she planned the "Superstar" Zhang plan. She has a company under her hand and few artists, so Zhang plan to make a decision to sign Zhou Zekai.

"But I don't plan to enter the entertainment industry."

Facing Zhang ’s seductive conditions, Zhou Zekai said helplessly, leaving Zhang scheming speechless.

It ’s all famous and you do n’t want to enter the entertainment industry? As soon as Mr. Zhang planned to say something, he heard Zhou Zekai speak again.

"I came to participate in the" Super Singer ", really just for the bonus, sister Zhang, you have also seen, my parents are not too young now, and I am the son, and it is time to give my parents an old age, I just want to get To the championship of the game, and then I can give my parents an old age. After this competition, I plan to go home and play a game ... "

When Zhou Zekai was talking, Zhang Zhuo was stunned, and the father and mother Zhou Zhou did not expect that his son came to sing. This was the reason, not to be a star or to be famous. It was just for their retirement. Some of them didn't know what to say.

"But you are now popular, even before the show ends, even if you ca n’t get the championship bonus, as long as you officially debut and sign up with our company, our company will give you more money after releasing the record. Isn't it good for your parents to do anything? "

People who want to enter this circle are not just for the sake of their name or for the sake of profit. Zhang Jiuhua has n’t stopped answering so freshly for a long time. After winning the championship and getting the bonus, he has to go home to play the game?

Are you kidding me?

Zhou Zekai really thought so. He watched Zhang Zhuai persuade himself, and then looked at his parents' somewhat shocked expression.

"I'm not short of money right now. The show crew has sold my songs to other music software and ringtone downloads. There are at least a few million. Regardless of whether I win the championship or not, I have money. Zhang Sister, my parents are not too young. I want to be with them. They have raised me for twenty-two years. I also want to be with them. It ’s good to be a star, but then I do n’t have time to be with them. It's my parents ... "

This kind of truth made Zhou's father and Zhou's mother's eyes red, but it was a matter of the son. The two of them didn't know what to say at this time. After Zhang planned to leave, Father Zhou thought for a long time before shouting. Son, said.

"Akai, no matter what you do, your parents will support you. Do n’t do nothing because of your parents. If you want to be a star, your parents will definitely support you. Big deal, big deal. Sell ​​it with you ... "

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