The Best Male God

Chapter 1117: Change of doubt 4

The DnA blood test came out soon, just as Zhou's father and mother guessed, Fang Junyi was their biological child!

This result made Zhou's father and mother both happy and uncomfortable. It was a pleasure to find their own son. Just looking at his son seemed to have suffered a lot. The thought of Zhou mother was very uncomfortable.

Zhou Zexin was a little absent-minded these two days, because over time, she always felt that what happened in her last life may happen in this life, or even in advance ...

So before that, Zhou Zexin secretly called Zhou Zekai.

"Brother ... Do you think your parents have been awkward for the past two days?"

When Zhou Zekai heard what Zhou Zexin said, she knew that the tangle in the little girl's heart was calm.

"No, Xinxin, parents may be a bit uncomfortable because of the accident in the past, you can just talk to them as much as possible."

Pretending not to know anything, Zhou Zekai's answer made Zhou Zexin feel even more. So he hung up to the hospital after hanging up his brother's phone. The address of this hospital was still heard by Zhou Zexin. At that time, she never thought about coming, but now she just wanted to see what her parents wanted to do.

After inquiring Fang Junyi's ward over the nurse's station, Zhou Zexin secretly passed by, and just happened to bump into Zhou's father and mother, and Fang Junyi confessed ...

It turned out that Zhou's father and mother had investigated Fang Junyi's identity in the past two days. After learning that his son had been abused since he was a child, Zhou mother cried so much that she was distressed. After coming to Fang Junyi, she even held Fang Junyi. Keep crying.

"My son, it's all bad for mom ..."

Fang Junyi was a little overwhelmed by her crying, knowing that these two were the brothers of Brother Zhou, but it was really strange that Aunt Zhou held herself like this. It made Fang Junyi look to Father Zhou for help. It was found that Zhou's face was a little too similar to himself.

"Child, I am your biological father. Listen to me, this is the thing ..."

Father Zhou slowly said that the lies that had been prepared for the future of Zhou Zekai and Fang Junyi were nothing more than stealing dragons and turning into phoenixes, oh no, maybe it should be said that the sons of Jackie Chan were changed. In short, it was a summary of the sentence. Parents valued their Zhou family's money, so they exchanged their two children while they were away, so Fang Junyi was the child of the Zhou family, and Zhou Zekai was the son of the abusive couple ...

Fang Junyi listened to this word, and he was a little bit aggressive. Brother Zhou's face appeared in his mind. When he thought about his father, they didn't have any similarities at all.

"No, this is absolutely impossible ..."

Brother Zhou is not that kind of person. He takes care of himself like this and also allows himself to work in his company. He will never be the son of such a couple.

"Did you get something wrong?"

Fang Junyi didn't have any surprises in his heart. For the two who said that he was his parents, Fang Junyi couldn't trust him. Compared to them, Fang Junyi even trusted Zhou Zekai even more. He didn't believe that such a couple would have such outstanding brother Zhou. Son, and if he is really their child, what about Brother Zhou? What should Brother Zhou do?

"Child, we are not mistaken. You are really our son. You do n’t believe it. This is our blood test report. Look at it ..."

Regarding this son ’s behavior that he did n’t want to post it even if they knew that the Zhou family was rich, Zhou ’s father and mother thought that his son was a good child. At this moment, thinking about everything that Zhou Zekai had, and thinking about what his son had suffered from childhood, he felt even more Don't want to see Zhou Zekai, he took everything that belongs to his son.

Fang Junyi got this blood relationship appraisal. Seeing the above appraisal shows that his blood relationship with the two people in front of him is father and son, and he is also a bit dull.

Before, he never thought that his parents were not biological, but he felt that his life was not good and was not loved by his parents, but now someone came out and told him that they were their biological parents, and also said that he was affected by This kind of abuse was because his previous parents wanted to change Jackie Chan and exchanged himself with Brother Zhou, who was the son of that family ...

"If this blood test is true, then I am your son, but I definitely do not believe that Brother Zhou will be the son of my parents. They are nothing like ..."

Just like Fang Junyi's appearance is similar to that of Zhou's father, the parents in Fang Junyi's memory don't say that his appearance is inferior to Zhou Zekai's one or two, just say ability, that's definitely not what Zhou Zekai does.

Although a person's origin can prove many things, genes are sometimes more important.

This is like what a scientist said, hard work is necessary, but without talent, some things can not be done.

"But we have investigated, he is the couple ’s child, child, I know you were grateful to him because he let you work in his company, but you have to know that he has occupied your place, whether it is Zhou ’s Everything is still that company, it should have been yours, do you understand? "

Father Zhou watched his son care so much about this matter and hurriedly expressed his own thoughts. He thought that anyone would feel a little uncomfortable when they knew that others had their own life.

And his eldest son ... He is so good that he can live well even after leaving the Zhou family, and in order to protect his wife, that secret can only be a secret brought to the grave.

At this moment, Zhou Zexin, who had been eavesdropping outside, finally couldn't help but rushed in!

"Not like that! Brother! Not what parents say! Brother is not the child of the couple !!!"

The sudden appearance of Zhou Zexin made Zhou's father and mother be stunned. Unexpectedly, the daughter who should have been in school came to the hospital at this time, but Fang Junyi was in a good mood after seeing Zhou Zexin.

"Xinxin, are you here? Where is Brother Zhou?"

He was afraid that Brother Zhou knew about this and felt that if it was true, being a brother with Brother Zhou was also a very happy thing, so after seeing Zhou Zexin, Fang Junyi Haihuas was very happy.

"Brother didn't come." After answering Fang Junyi's words, Zhou Zexin looked at his parents.

She never thought that, even if it was never before, her parents were still so selfish. She still wanted to conceal her brother ’s life, and even poured dirty water on her. What ’s more, Jack ’s biological parents might be in a certain world. Looking for a big brother, their Zhou family is rich, but it is not a very powerful family. Zhou Zexin never thought that his parents would destroy the big brother in order to cover up the truth of the year.

"Dad, mom, whether it's Fang Junyi's brother or big brother, I already know. I know that Fang Junyi is my biological brother, but the big brother is also the brother who grew up with me since childhood. I don't know his identity. , Mom, my elder brother was lost at that time, how did you get the elder brother? Do you still tell me? "

This is Zhou Zexin's threat to his mother. When it is absolutely necessary, Zhou Zexin does not want to tell this matter, but if the parents have to force the elder brother to leave the Zhou family, or even want to destroy the elder brother with a bad reputation, she is Never allowed!

"Xinxin, you, what are you talking about? The couple obviously replaced your brother and Zhou Zekai ..."

Mother Zhou's voice was a little trembling. She looked at her daughter's firm eyes as if she had been seen through. Did the daughter already know the truth of the year? If the daughter knew, did the eldest son already know?

The eldest son is so smart. Why did he suddenly have contact with ordinary people like Fang Junyi? Did you know Fang Junyi was their son from the beginning?

Thinking of this, Mother Zhou grabbed Zhou Father's arm and wanted to seek comfort.

Father Zhou looked at his daughter coldly. No matter what the daughter knew, he would not allow the daughter to say anything messy.

"Xinxin, I know you have a good relationship with your elder brother, but that's the truth. Your elder brother's parents replaced your biological brother and even abused your biological brother. Don't you feel sorry for your biological brother? Do you still have to stand by the bad guys at this time? "

With tears in his eyes, Zhou Zexin listened to his father's words as in his previous life. At that time, he was jealous that his brother was better than himself, studying and working, so after knowing this news, he easily believed his father's words and thought that his brother was the one. The couple ’s children even felt that the elder brother had occupied the position of the elder brother for twenty years, and then it was ridiculous to go back to the elder brother. Now when I want to come, I look like a clown.

"Dad, the big brother is not a bad guy! I know what the real truth is! If you still want to do this to the big brother, I will tell the truth about the big brother's life and the big brother's life! I don't allow them to be hurt !!!!!! "

This is Zhou Zexin's first refutation of her parents. Even in her last life, she did not refute her parents much. At this moment, Zhou's father, Zhou's mother's face was ugly, and Fang Junyi also found out the situation, I am afraid that his identity is Brother Zhou. There is a problem with his identity. Brother Zhou can never be the son of the couple. If not, then he is the son of the couple. Whose child is Brother Zhou?

Fang Junyi is not stupid. He who knows him well knows that this couple obviously wants to lie to her. He believes in Zhou Zexin more than the Zhou couple.

The father and mother, Zhou Zemin, wanted to pull Zhou Zexin away, and Zhou Zexin grabbed the door and shouted.

"I already called Brother, and Brother will be here soon!"

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