The Best Male God

Chapter 1119: Change Doubt Cloud 6

Looking at the woman right now saying such words, she didn't feel guilty about what she had done that year. Zhou Zekai found that there are people in this world who can be selfish to such an extent.

Now that you have recovered your son, why hide the true life of the wishing person? I'm afraid there isn't any favorite among them, and some are only afraid of the truth of the events that were exposed at that time, and also for the status of Fang Junyi who just returned to the Zhou family.

Compared with Zhou Zekai's 20 years of excellence, it is clear that Fang Junyi, who lives outside, will never adapt to the circle at first, so this couple chose to drive Zhou Zekai away.

Mother Zhou was red-eyed, and the lies she said seemed to be believed a little. Thinking of her own son being abused by others, and thinking about the child being loved in her own home, Zhou mother even hated Zhou Zekai even more. If none of this happened, how good it would be ...

The complaining eyes of Zhou Zekai can see, in fact, Zhou Zekai can understand more or less the thoughts of the Zhou family husband and wife. If he is really replaced by the dragon, these two people do not know their true identity, I am afraid they will really treat themselves Hold it in the palm of your hand, treat it as if it were your own. But the truth? The fact is that he was the child stolen by Mother Zhou after losing her child! This one alone is enough to make Zhou mother more afraid after putting in affection for him, so after Zhou Zekai grew up, she became more and more excellent, and her relationship with Zhou family was not so close.

Of course, there is also Father Zhou. The loss of children stimulated Mother Zhou, but it also stimulated Father Zhou, so after the wife did that kind of thing, Father Zhou did n’t stop it, but Zhou Father ’s heart became clearer. Man is not his own biological child, no matter how he is not biological. Because of this, let him take Zhou Zekai as his biological one, isn't that a joke?

When Mother Zhou was talking, the father Zhou was staring closely at Zhou Zekai in front of him. He could understand the other party ’s excellence, but it was because of the other party ’s excellence that he became more afraid. At that time, Zhou ’s mother took Zhou Zekai to a hospital A relatively good private hospital, because of the lack of electricity in the city and a complete power outage that day, there was no monitoring, no electricity, nothing, so no evidence was left.

At that time, there was no automatic power supply machine at all, so after discovering that his wife had done such a thing, Father Zhou chose to help his wife conceal this matter, and even later, because he already has a son at home, he treats his true son There are fewer searches, in Zhou's heart, as long as he is with his wife, they will be other sons ...

"Well, I know."

Zhou Zekai's voice interrupted Zhou's thoughts. Looking at the son who was still calm when he knew this, Zhou really admits that this person is not like him at all, or that he should be more like Is his family?

If such a person stays in the Zhou family, then his real son will have nothing, so Zhou's father will have such a plan, in addition to protecting his wife, it is also to protect his son's property.

He did not allow any property of the Zhou family to flow out! !! !!

"Akai, although our real son has been found, but you have also grown up with us for so many years. You can rest assured that what you deserve is yours. I will not take back your company, but in the future, To prevent Junyi's child from being hurt, you better not show up in front of him. I'm afraid you two will have a dispute ... "

Father Zhou still said what he had prepared. The center is a meaning, that is, to drive Zhou Zekai out of the house. Everything in the Zhou family is not Zhou Zekai. The small company of Zhou Zekai is left ...

For such a result, Zhou Zekai just laughed and nodded.


He didn't like the money of the Zhou family at all. Besides, he already had the identity of his parents, so he would be free to open the company later. The next thing he had to do was to attract the attention of the country. In this case, it is best to be separated from the Zhou family.

The final conclusion of this negotiation was calm and calm, so that Zhou and his mother did not expect that the matter was so perfectly resolved. Zhou Zekai did not have any resistance at all. They said that the other party would agree with what they did. This made Zhou and Zhou's mother and mother a little incredible and incredible. At the same time, I was assured that even if the child had been precocious and intelligent before, but it was just an ordinary person after all, and it was a child, and it didn't make any waves.

After saying goodbye to his father and mother Zhou, Zhou Zekai came to the hospital, and just after entering Fang Junyi's ward, he saw that both Fang Junyi and Zhou Zexin looked at themselves with joyful eyes. The eyes of these brothers and sisters are most similar. When staring at these similar eyes, Zhou Zekai couldn't help but smile.

Although Zhou's father and mother had personality problems, these two children are the most innocent. They are both good children.


"Brother Zhou!"

Two people saw Zhou Zekai as if they had met Dinghai Shenzhen. Before, they did n’t know how long they had discussed things at home, but they did n’t think how to fight. Now when they suddenly see Zhou Zekai, they think they have someone they can trust.

Fang Junyi has lived for so long. For him, Zhou Zekai is a good man who has nothing to do but is still willing to help him. It can be said to be the indicator of his life.

As for Zhou Zexin, after hearing her brother's death in person, after experiencing the death, she also hoped that everyone is good, as long as she is alive, everything is well said.

"Um." Zhou Zekai nodded, looking at these two people who looked the same as the little milk dog, but they were helpless. After coming here, Zhou Zexin held his arms.

"Brother, why are you here so late?"

When I called before, I said that it was coming, and the soup had been delivered in advance. They had all eaten before the big brother came ...

"I went to see my parents."

Zhou Zekai gave a calm answer, but this answer made Fang Junyi and Zhou Zexin both stunned, then looked nervously at Zhou Zekai, Zhou Zexin's voice was shaking.

"Do you already know that brother?"

Talking even more, she was about to cry. She didn't expect that her parents would be so cruel. She obviously raised her brother for 20 years, but she had to abandon her at a critical time. It's wrong ...

Fang Junyi also looked at Zhou Zekai. He didn't know whether he should trust the couple of the Zhou family, but he was willing to give all the trust to the man in front of him.

"Well, I already know what happened to me and Junyi."

In this matter, perhaps the most calm is Zhou Zekai. After watching the nervous appearance of the two, he reached out and touched Fang Junyi's head, and said.

"Parents said that I was not their biological son, that was Junyi. They also showed me the DnA appraisal. I have promised my parents that they will move out of the house after a while. We should accept the fact that Junyi also has a lot of time to learn now. "

He always seemed to be thinking about others, so that Zhou Zexin's tears came down instantly, and Fang Junyi on the side was also full of tangled faces, but he didn't know where to start.

"Brother! Come with me! I have something to tell you!"

At this time, my elder brother didn't listen well. Zhou Zexin grabbed Zhou Zekai and pulled out. Fang Junyi watched the two disappeared into the ward, and was a little lost. What happened today made him feel irritable. Nope.

Obviously such a family, if he can have a better family, he should be happy. His father and mother knew at a glance that he was a rich man and his sister was also obedient. However, when thinking of Brother Zhou, Fang Junyi felt a little bit Strangely, the Zhou family said that Brother Zhou came to the Zhou family after exchanging with themselves, but in his memory, the couple in the family could never have such an excellent son ...

Zhou Zexin pulled Zhou Zekai outside and knew that his parents had begun to deceive his brother! But she didn't agree, and didn't want to let her brother be deceived again! The elder brother was stolen by his mother and also has his own family! Since parents don't need big brothers, that big brothers have the right to find their loved ones! !! !!

"Brother, I know what your parents told you. Did they say that you were the child of the couple who abused your brother? I saw that my parents were rich, so I replaced you and my brother, right?"

Zhou Zekai looked at Qi's whimpering sister, apparently her tears had not yet dried, but at this time she was blushing with anger, which made Zhou Zekai's heart feel a bit of world-class softness.


Although the older brother did not like to talk in the past, Zhou Zexin still felt that today's older brother was more verbal. Thinking of his parents' behavior and what happened in his life, Zhou Zexin pulled Zhou Zekai and looked at the other person firmly.

"Brother, don't believe in your parents. They are not true. You are not the child of that abominable couple! You were actually stolen by your mother. At that time, your brother was stolen and your mother was stimulated. That ’s why I stole my brother back home, and now my parents have found my brother, but in my heart, you are still my elder brother, elder brother ... I know it ’s all my parents ’fault, I just hope that elder brother, you can do well of!"

Nothing is more terrible than giving up life. Zhou Zexin thought of the situation after his family ’s bankruptcy in the last life, isolated, helpless, and even facing death ...

"Brother, you have been smarter than me since childhood. I hope that if my brother can find my biological parents, no matter what punishment I have, my parents and I will be willing to accept ..."

She couldn't say that she shouldn't blame her parents. She just hoped that her brother would never be hurt again.

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