The Best Male God

Chapter 1131: Lianmai Me My Goddess Voice 7

Knowing this drunk dream is of course angry. My former apprentice pitted the current apprentice. After all, the previous apprentice was not as good as the current apprentice. Drunk dream was naturally unhappy after listening to the gang members saying this. I contacted everyone, thinking about putting Zhou Zekai's Feixian Stone out, but before he could do so, Zhou Zekai appeared in the gang.

[Zhen Yurou: Can anyone accompany me to forge weapons? I give salary ~ three thousand dollars per person. 】

As soon as this word came out, Drunk Dream first formed Zhen Yurou. For his apprentice, he felt distressed and did n’t know what to do. After knowing that she was married, Drunk Dream was really a little confused, but this was not On behalf of him, he will be allowed to bully her, because she was brought into the gang by herself, so she must be responsible to her.

[Drunken Dream: It's all a gang, let's just pay, everyone comes! 】

In fact, Drunk Dream promised everyone a salary in private. He quickly assembled 25 people, and then the team went on to forge weapons vigorously. After defeating BoSS, Zhou Zekai was very happy. In order to thank these people in the gang , Sang a song to these people, let everyone more deeply surrender to the goddess voice.

Zhou Zekai's first battle was successful. After all, it is very fast to change a man's heart, even if these men don't admit it at all.

The relationship between Yuxueyu and Yuxueyu quickly found that the people in the gang rejected them. To be precise, it was the rejection of Yuxueyu. Whether it is a copy or a battlefield, it is no longer called Yuxueyu In the past, Yu Xuezheng was always called to play together, but now it is called Zhou Zekai who is smart and does not have to worry about it.

Zhou Zekai said that this was the first time he played the game, but he was very wealthy. When he went to play, he gave a banquet to everyone, and when he went to the battlefield, he ate a banquet for everyone. A banquet was four thousand gold. She has eaten it up, and if someone's DpS is not enough, she will also send a small medicine for free, and once she gets there, she will become more and more familiar with the people in the gang.

Unlike Yu Xueying, Zhou Zekai's fans are not just men. Men like to fight with Zhou Zekai on the battlefield. With such a superb milk around, they will never be afraid of death. The leader of the copy also likes to bring Zhou Zekai, because Zhou Zekai makes him smile and blossom every time he consumes, and he also knows that the banquet table to send small medicines is arrogant!

There are also those girls in the gang. Zhou Zekai occasionally took out some cosmetics to say that she had used but did not want to use it. Let everyone see who wants it. These things are all creams and creams, and they are all well-known brands. I saw that it was not used much just after disassembly, so after giving it to the girls in the gang, Zhou Zekai had a large number of fans.

In addition to these, the arrival of Zhou Zekai has made everyone have a special style, and I feel that I can meet such players for the first time, and I have no regrets for the game career, although everyone knows that Zhou Zekai has been married However, without delay, many people have a good opinion of her, and even the girls have confessed to Zhou Zekai.

Faced with these confessions, Zhou Zekai's response is always touched by me, but I already have a family.

You are clearly exuding charm, but you just can't hold people in your arms. This feeling makes everyone follow the rhythm of Zhou Zekai, but within two months, Zhou Zekai has become the true gang of drunk dreams. The goddess, the former goddess Yu Xueyu, has become a gangster.

It ’s no wonder Yu Xueyu, after divorcing Zhou Zekai, she did n’t have the 5,000 yuan that Zhou Zekai gave each month, and she was too lazy to go to work. She had some savings, but she did n’t think about going to work in the past. The money was spent inside and I didn't know about temperance. In the end, I was almost at the bottom.

Her current relationship is a 26-year-old young man who also works very well. She is also a very gentle person. After so long, Yu Xueyi finally agreed to meet Yu Xueyi. The two were considered formal. It is intended to develop inside.

If it was Li Yufei in the past, she would feel that she had a family and other reasons to refuse others, but now she is anxious to find the next place where she can stop, so after the other party asked to meet, she agreed to the other party's request.

Yu Xuexuan promised to meet with Qing Yuan. As her relationship, she was really happy. Although before the relationship with Yu Xuezhen, the Mr. Huang Minglou knew that Yu Xuezhen had a lot of love, but he didn't care. Knowing that Yu Xueyi had never met those men, but now the other party agreed to meet with him, making Huang Minglou think that he was the true love.

It's Yu Xue's true love.

But he never thought about it, he was just a spare tire after Li Yufei's divorce.

Yu Xueyi was not online, and Huang Minglou was not online. When Zhou Zekai was chatting with people, she realized that Li Yufei had met her! !! !!

"I really didn't expect that Xun would look at Ming Lou. You know, when she was with Xu Feng before, how good was Xu Feng and how was she very good to her. As a result, she rejected Xu Feng and let Xu Feng left the game with his own sorrow, but now meets Ming Lou in reality. Is this the true love in the legend? "

Sharing the news with Zhou Zekai is the few young girls in the gang. The channels between them are the most, so naturally they know what Li Yufei met with Huang Minglou, and they are not very optimistic about this matter.

"Maybe, our goddess used to have a lot of ministers under the skirt. Now these people don't like tadpoles so much. She naturally wants to find someone who likes her. I think Minglou will be wholehearted about her. If they can It ’s also good to be together. Although Ming Lou is not a rich second-generation, it can still grow long, work well, and be worthy of being raised. "

The photos these little girls saw were pictures of Li Yufei ’s ps who did n’t know her mother, and Li Yufei always packed herself as a second-generation rich girl, so there is more than 10,000 in a month ’s pocket money. Enough for many people to envy, this time watching Li Yufei and the gang inside the gang finally, they are curious about the results one by one.

"Sweet, you have to ask Minglou about the news of their meeting, isn't it really a goddess? If it is a goddess, isn't Minglou worthy of her?"

Everyone joked, Zhou Zekai didn't listen, but knew that Li Yufei started to die.

The photos of her pS, she did n’t know how much whitening her skin had, and her face had shrunk a lot. Even her eyes were bigger, not to mention that Li Yufei still had that extra flesh, and at a glance, she was definitely not her. The twenty-four-year-old said in the gang did not know who gave her the courage to let her really meet people.

Are men's eyes blind? Don't you know how old a woman is?

Zhou Zekai said nothing in his heart. He knew that as long as they met, there would be an end soon. Could Li Yufei impress the man with true love? This became a curious thing for Zhou Zekai.

Everyone here is wondering if Huang Minglou can hold a beautiful woman, and Huang Minglou himself is the same. You know, it was two years ago when he first saw Yu Xueyu's photo. At that time, he I fell in love with Yu Xueyu, but at that time Yu Xueyu had a relationship, and after a period of time, Yu Xueyu's relationship died, and it was hard for me to have a chance, but what happened? In the end, it wasn't herself who fell in love with her. After looking back and forth a few times like this, it was Huang Minglou's turn.

Huang Minglou didn't think there was any problem with a girl's relationship with so many people, but she thought it was the embodiment of Li Yufei's charm. If not everyone liked Li Yufei, wouldn't she rush to love her?

So in the end, I was able to have a relationship with my uncle. This is a very happy thing for Huang Minglou. How do you say?

This feeling is like I was only able to see people buy a lottery ticket, but now I have won the prize myself, especially after I promised to meet him, Huang Minglou felt that this lottery was a big prize! !! !!

He simulated the appearance of seeing him many times in his heart, but never thought that everything was completely different from his imagination.

On the Internet, Yu Xueyu created a person named Fu Fu Bai Fu Mei, and Huang Minglou was just an ordinary man. When he came to the city of his favorite person, he was naturally nervous. At the same time, I think it's hard to meet someone I like, and this excitement can hardly be concealed ...

The place I agreed with Yu Xueyu is a hotel. As long as I think about the hotel, Huang Minglou is even more excited, and I think I might be able to do something. So after getting off the plane, I have always been very excited, even my face. Unstoppable smile.

Li Yufei also prepared a long time for today's meeting. She bought **** clothes and **** underwear. In her mind, Huang Minglou is a person who can be together. She wants to give herself to him, so Find someone to draw delicate makeup, then dress up and wait in the hotel. She hopes that the other person is Gang An, who she can call.

Over time, Huang Minglou finally came to this hotel, and then went upstairs excitedly according to the information Li Yufei gave him. He thought there would be a beautiful Bai Fumei waiting inside, so after opening the door, it was like Go in excited.

It's just that everything in front of him has blinded the whole person. Why isn't Bai Fumei in front of him, but a fat middle-aged woman? Is this makeup scary? And wearing a black lace skirt, you can see the meat below ...

"You, who are you?"

Li Yufei has seen Huang Minglou's photos. After all, men still use a small number of pS, so Li Yufei suddenly recognized Huang Minglou.

"I'm Yu Xueyan ..."

As soon as this voice came out, Huang Minglou had some familiarity, just looking at the woman in front of her, and then thinking about the sexy, innocent and seductive Miss Fu II in the photo, Huang Minglou really couldn't contact the aunt in front together……

The whole person was a little bit covered, and they were trembling when they spoke.

"You, your picture is fake?"

He never expected that he had known the younger sister for two years, and the younger sister who had read thousands of sails would be such an aunt! Doesn't anyone know?

"It's not fake either, just repair it a little ..."

Li Yufei explained to himself, but with this explanation, it is obvious that Huang Minglou cannot be bought. He continued to point to Li Yufei in front of him, and said tremblingly.

"Then you're not twenty-four, right?"

Can this woman be twenty-four years old? At least thirty years old, Huang Minglou thought that he almost had a relationship with a thirty-year-old woman, it felt a little broken, and his eyes were incredible.

"Minglou, I admit that I lied. I'm not twenty-four years old, and I'm thirty-four years old, but I still like you. It is because I like you that I am willing to meet you ..."

Li Yufei's answer made Huang Minglou take a step back. He didn't dare to think that the person in front of him turned out to have said so many sweet words. As long as he thought about it, his heart was disgusting.

"You! Don't come over! You liar !!!"

Talking about Huang Minglou, he just turned around and ran away, leaving the door without leaving Li Yufei any chance, so that Li Yufei was also aggressive, reaching out and touching his cheek. Is he already so old? Is it so disgusting and makes people run away?

Somewhat uncomfortable in my heart, Li Yufei didn't go out in the room, so I didn't know Huang Minglou didn't leave at all.

How excited Huang Minglou was before, how disgusting I am now, I can't wait to spit out the bile in my stomach. When I think of what I said to the woman on the plane, I love you, I felt like a fool!

I originally wanted to go straight, but I thought that I had been deceived by such a person. The other party had been in the gang for so many years, and every time I told others that I was 24 years old, so Huang Minglou thought of a way. , Began to sneak shots of Li Yufei, he must pay the price of this person who deceived himself for half a year! !!

After a day, some people in the gang went to Huang Minglou to ask about the situation because they saw Yu Xueyu didn't go online at all and asked what was going on. Huang Minglou saw this news and just wanted to give himself a slap How much affection had been shown in the beginning, now I feel how much water is in my head.

In the end, he didn't hold back, and found a writer in the post. He decided to break through the true face of Yu Xueyu. Not only that, he no longer wanted to play the game. The most wonderful game career, when I met such a person, it was simply Like a nightmare ...

We do n’t know how Huang Minglou is here. Zhou Zekai is accustomed to playing games every day. Because the news of his marriage has been disclosed, no one asks her for love. Occasionally he confesses, but that ’s also sweet. Confession: In reality, the parents have had a comfortable life, and their son has begun to integrate into the new school and even met new friends, which makes Zhou Zekai very satisfied.

During the weekend, Zhou Zekai took his son to amusement park with some of his good friends during the day. These children almost did not kill Zhou Zekai, but seeing his son so happy, Zhou Zekai felt that everything was right.

In fact, after so long divorce, Li Yufei's parents tried to contact Zhou Zekai, but helplessly Zhou Zekai not only blackened Li Yufei's parents, but also made all relatives black. In this way, Li Yufei's parents wanted to find Zhou Zekai's There was no way to get in trouble. I heard that the other party had moved away and wanted to find out, but I couldn't find out.

Li Yufei's parents were both blinded by her daughter's affairs, but at the same time, she thought that her daughter had a house and a car, and she could find another person. She wanted to recommend her daughter. Who can think of her daughter saying that she likes it People, can only let the father and mother give up this thing ...

They never thought that Li Yufei was talking about a netizen on the Internet, and that netizen was several years younger than Li Yufei ...

After a few more days, Yuxue Yu hasn't been online yet, but a post posted directly exploded the entire server of the whole country!

Without him, Huang Minglou asked someone to help write a post.

[818 That drunk dream goddess Yu Xuexu, a 34-year-old aunt who cheated all the flesh is fun? 】

You know, Yu Xueyu was also a person who had gone to August 18 at that time. At that time, because of drunk dreams, it was said that it was because of her that she was in a fight with others. So everyone knew that drunk dream had a goddess called Yuxue in her life Alas, what happened now? Another one appeared on August 18, and it turned out to be a direct call, and the 34 aunt and the small fresh meat all stimulated everyone's senses at once, so that everyone didn't consciously click into this post to see what happened ... ...

After entering the post, first of all, I introduced Yu Xueyu. As the goddess of drunken dreams in the country ’s largest gang, Yu Xueyu is still very famous. She looks beautiful, her voice is good, and she has never been down. However, many fans liked her, so the landlord specifically explained.

Yu Xueying announced that she was twenty-four years old, Bai Fumei, and her family was affluent. It was considered to be a rich second-generation. Every month, there were 10,000 yuan in pocket money for games, and she never bought anything in the game. He is heroic and loyal to his friends, so he is very popular. The most important thing is that for six years Xianfan, some people have recorded that Yu Xueyu has changed a total of fourteen relationships. These fourteen relationships are in their thirties. Teenagers, also in their twenties ...

Just these, directly let the people who eat melon take a big mouthful of melon, but I just feel that all this is simply incredible.

Then the appearance of the male lead, that is, Huang Minglou, he was no longer planning to play games, so it was no surprise to expose his vest.

Huang Minglou, 26 years old, has two years of fresh meat. He looks good and has good family conditions. He is considered a male divine voice and has been with Yu Xueyu for half a year.

Because Yu Xueyu is Bai Fumei's reason, many suitors want to develop with Yu Xueyu in reality. As a result, they are rejected one by one, and all of them are listed. Then Yu Xueyu is mentioned. Suddenly agreed to meet with Huang Minglou.

The author of this post wrote really well, it was very seductive and made the post very hot. Everyone wants to know what is going on with the so-called 34-year-old aunt ...

As I continued to look down, Luzhu used a lot of beautiful words to describe Huang Minglou's expectations and anxiety when he went to meet the goddess by air, for fear of being lifted by the goddess, what kind of actions did Huang Minglou do, and so on? of.

Although the two have been dating for half a year, although Huang Minglou has no money, he also spent more than 40,000 yuan on the goddess. There are some in the game and some that are not in the game. So for the meeting between the two, he thought it was true love .

However, it never occurred to me that God made him the biggest joke. After looking forward from the plane, he came to the hotel and thought that he would meet the goddess of his dreams. However, he did not expect that what he saw was actually wearing a lace. The 34-year-old aunt deliberately seduce ...

That aunt also claimed to be the goddess Yu Xuexu! !! !!

When I talked about it, the post bar had already exploded. I wanted to know what was going on, and even spread it into the game. I was asking about Yu Xuexuan. Drunk Dream knew nothing about it and posted it to others. After the link, I went to see it, and as a result, I just saw the photo of Luzhu.

[My gossip: Oh, let me show you what Huang Minglou looks like a sneaky goddess. Can you look at it? [photo]】

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