The Best Male God

Chapter 1142: Fall in love with female teacher 3

Soon after arriving at Zhou Zekai's house, Nie Yang parked the car outside. At this moment, Zhou mother was cooking at home. She is a standard housewife, at least to others, but in fact it is An online writer can also make a lot of money every month.

As for Zhou Zekai ’s father, he was engaged in design, so he had plenty of time each day. When Zhou Zekai and Nie Yang returned home, Zhou ’s mother was cooking, and Zhou ’s father was sitting in the lobby watching TV dramas. Strange, but Zhou's father had such a strange hobby.

"Hey? Xiaoyang is here? My wife, Xiaoyang is here too. You can deal with the shrimp that Xiaoyang said he liked to eat last time."

Father Zhou loves Nie Yang very much. His son is a silent child. Previously, Father Zhou had been worried that his son would have no friends if he went to school. However, he did not expect to have met Nie Yang. After meeting Nie Yang, his son not only had Friends, and it seems that his character has become a little bit more cheerful. This kind of Nie Yang is also very fond of Zhou Father, especially the child's eyes are very clean, and at first glance, there is nothing fancy.

"Okay, I see." There was a voice from Mother Zhou in the kitchen, and Nie Yang was a little embarrassed, and her face was hot.

"Uncle Zhou, no need, I'll be home in a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Zekai was shamed.

"I already told your parents that you want to stay at my house for dinner."

Father Zhou was very happy to hear his son talking, and smiled and let Nie Yang and his son sit down.

"Yes, Xiaoyang, stay here for dinner. In this family, only your aunt likes to eat crayfish. As a result, I and A Kai did not like to eat. I can only accompany her every time, just this time she I bought a lot of shrimps and waited for them to be ready. You can eat with her, or she will complain about me and A Kai again. "

Father Zhou is a man with a strong sense of humor, so talking is also very happy. At least Nie Yang is very happy to hear such things, but he just can't understand why some people do n’t like crayfish. Like to eat?

"Uncle Zhou, then I'll eat with Aunt Zhou later. The aunt didn't eat as much as I did last time."

He showed white teeth when he talked, and it looked very funny. His father was even made him laugh a lot, and after a while, his mother also came out of the kitchen.

"Xiao Yang, you are here this time, but it must be delicious. I made a lot of your favorite meals, but your mother complained to me that you have lost a lot of weight recently, which makes her particularly worried ~"

Mother Zhou and Nie Mother are girlfriends. They have known each other for a long time and often communicate about their sons together. Therefore, they still know these things very well. Xiaoyang is almost another child of the Zhou family.

"Aunt Zhou, don't listen to my mother saying that it's all fake. I've lost two pounds ?!"

Nie Yang deliberately raised her arms to show Zhou mother, trying to get a muscle, but found that he couldn't get out, making Zhou mother laugh immediately.

"Okay, I'll cook first, you guys play, and eat together later ~"

After receiving the guests, Zhou mother returned to the kitchen again. Zhou Zekai didn't say anything at this time. Zhou's father asked what happened in the school. Nie Yang on the side helped to answer. I am very curious about my career. After all, this is not the past. It is completely different from the life of Zhou Father ...

After chatting for a while, Mother Zhou called everyone to eat. Although the three big men could n’t cook, they hurriedly cooked the meal and entered the kitchen and smelled a burst of fragrance.

"Aunt Zhou, you are so amazing! If only my mother could cook as good as you ~"

Nie Yang said, holding a plate of dishes, the expressions are enjoyable, so that the mother Zhou smiled after seeing it, as a cook, what I like to hear the most, is that the dishes you make can be liked by others .

"If your mother can hear you, your mother will definitely hit you, but it's okay. If you want to eat, come to Aunt Zhou, what you want to eat, Aunt Zhou will do it for you!"

The mother of Zhou almost regarded Nie Yang as her son, because her son was relatively silent, and it was a lot better after she met Nie Yang. Nie Yang was nagging all day, but made the mother of Zhou feel very fun. Nie Yang is also regarded as a child at home.

Everyone served the food quickly, and then started to eat. The table was very warm, because there were two big boys, and the meals made by Zhou Mu were very much, enough for two people.

It ’s said that half-size boys eat poor laozi, that ’s definitely not a bluff. Two-thirds of this table is eaten by Zhou Zekai and Nie Yang. Zhou ’s father and mother eat less, and a large plate of crayfish With Nie Yang, they kept eating and drinking, after all, one of the characteristics of crayfish is spicy! !! !!

After eating, Zhou's mother cleaned up the chopsticks, and Zhou's father went to brush the dishes. After finishing, all the people sat on the sofa, and Zhou's father spoke.

"A Kai, Xiao Yang, do you have anything to tell us today?"

If it's okay, how did Xiao Yang always talk and stop before, compared to the silent and calm son, Zhou Father obviously many things can only be found from Nie Yang's face.

When Nie Yang heard this, he couldn't stop nervously. Looking at Zhou Zekai, don't look at the usual time he likes to play with people. There are thousands of friends he knows, but when he encounters something, he is the first one who wants to find Zhou Zekai.

Zhou Zekai looked at his father and said very frankly.

"That's it, Dad, I want to transfer."

As soon as this sentence came out, Zhou Father and Mother were a little surprised. They didn't quite understand why the son wanted to be transferred. Was he bullied at school? But looking at his son's height doesn't seem to be bullied? Besides, Nie Yang is still around ...

"Why did you want to transfer? Xiaoyang, do you want to transfer too?"

Father Zhou asked, in fact, he was guessing the possible reason, but he didn't really guess what he was willing to do for a while and a half, so that the two children wanted to transfer at the same time ...

"Well, Uncle Zhou, if A Kai transfers, I will be with you too!"

Nie Yang didn't hesitate. Of course, he thought he was a good brother with Zhou Zekai. Of course, he would not let his good friend go to another class alone, so he naturally wanted to be together. Otherwise, how would A Kai go home after class?

In short, Nie Yang felt that he could cut the knife for his brother.

Father Zhou felt that his son had never been an offensive person. If he chose this result, there must be a certain reason, so he asked.

"Akai, I would like to hear your reason for the transfer. If this reason is acceptable to me, I will go to the school to find the leader to transfer you."

These are all sophomores, and the transfer is actually a bit difficult to handle, so Father Zhou hopes his son can give him an answer he can accept.

Of course, Zhou Zekai will not let his father down. He opened his mouth in his mother's anxiety and his father's calm eyes.

"A young English teacher was transferred from another place before our class. Teaching English is not very good."

He stopped talking about halfway, and his father and mother looked at him nervously.

"She often asked me to go to the office after class, she would take off her coat, she would also pull my hand, and even lowered her clothes intentionally to show me, I think she has formed sexual harassment to me, I do not like She, so I have to transfer. "

Father and mother thought of countless possibilities, but never thought that his son would be sexually harassed! !! !!

Mother Zhou looked at the delicate and handsome face of her son, as if she could understand why the teacher would do it. The thought that the son purposely said that he was a young English teacher, presumably because he saw his son's face, he did so to his son. Don't suffer, but the thought of a teacher who would be a good teacher would do such a thing to her son in the office, Zhou mother felt unable to forgive.

Father Zhou is also foolish. He admits that his son is good, but he did not expect that his son would be sexually harassed by a female teacher ... at this moment he didn't know what to say ...

Nie Yang said at this time that he played his warm-up physique.

"Uncle Zhou, Aunt Zhou, you do n’t know. Other students, Mr. Chen, never call them, they are called A Kai. I secretly asked Mr. Kai Kai what he called him, A Kai. Also, I thought that Kai Kai liked Teacher Chen, but I did not expect that Teacher Kai liked Kai Kai ... "

Nie Yang's chattering made the truth clear, while Zhou's mother hurriedly asked.

"Xiao Yang, how old is the teacher Chen you said?"

Young female teacher ... Mother Zhou really couldn't accept her son to be with a teacher, especially the son is only 16 years old this year, and he is not yet an adult ...

"Mr. Chen, twenty-four years old, looks very beautiful, has a very good figure, and is very fashionable. The male students in the class like her very much, but A Kai is very indifferent ..."

Nie Yang, who has no idea, thinks about the situation in the class. In fact, he doesn't understand why everyone likes Mr. Chen so much, doesn't it just look good? There are more beautiful female stars.

Father Zhou had calmed down quickly and looked at his calm son, knowing that his son would never lie, that was the female teacher's problem.

"A Kai, I will go to school tomorrow and discuss the transfer with your class teacher. You don't have to worry about this. I promise not to let that teacher Chen approach you again."

If the son is an adult and someone likes it, Father Zhou would think that the son is attractive, but the son is still seduced by an adult before he is an adult. It is personally unbearable.

Zhou Zekai still trusted his father. After speaking, Zhou's father drove Nie Yang home. By the way, he told the Nie family about the incident. The Nie family has always been concerned about his son's affairs, and it exploded immediately, although it was not harassment. My son, but besides A Kai in the class, his son looks the best. What should I do if his son is harassed if A Kai leaves? So quickly decided to transfer together ...

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