The Best Male God

Chapter 1144: Fall in love with female teacher 5

With the support of the Zhou family, there is no need to use Zhou Zekai's New Year's money, especially when the father and mother Zhou knew that the song sung by Nie Yang was written by his son, and he was very proud. He felt that his son was an excellent one!

Soon it was time to start the election. On behalf of Nie Yang's parents, Zhou's mother took the leave from the school. After all, Nie Yang and Zhou Zekai had a good relationship, and the Zhou family had a good relationship with the Nie family. Therefore, the head teacher did not investigate too much. Nie Yang, Zhou Zekai, and Zhou Mu quickly boarded the plane to Beijing.

Nie Yang was not very nervous along the way. She kept practicing songs. Although she was humming, she also hoped that she could bring the best music to everyone. Zhou's mother listened to Nie Yang's singing and only thought her son was talented. Nie Yang sings well, it will definitely be red! After all, what Nie Yang looks like is really good-looking.

After arriving at the place, it was Zhou Mother's hotel booked in advance, booking a large suite, three people staying together, Zhou Mother can also take good care of people.

The next day is the day to go to the election. In the evening, Zhou Zekai and Nie Yang and Mother Zhou sat together to discuss what might happen tomorrow. In addition, there are various issues of Nie Yang.

"Akai, I think you sing well, why don't you take part in the competition?"

Now Nie Yang hasn't figured out why Zhou Zekai didn't go to the show himself. Obviously according to A Kai's value, even if he doesn't sing well, he will definitely be famous. The star of tomorrow will say that white is a star. High value, talents can be cultivated slowly, right?

Zhou Zekai felt boring about Nie Yang's words. He didn't know how long he had been in the entertainment circle, so he was not interested in returning to the entertainment circle to be a star, but it was fun to be able to hold out a star in person.

"I don't want to be a star. Compared to a star, I want to be an agent for you. When you become famous in the future, I will arrange a job for you. If we are rich, I will open a studio for you."

Zhou Zekai said calmly, so that the mothers on the side did not expect her son to have such an idea, and started a company to support Nie Yang?

In fact, the entertainment industry is unfriendly to newcomers. If the newcomers do not have a big backstage, it is absolutely impossible to be famous, but who is Zhou Zekai? Already mixed with the old churros in the entertainment industry, he has hundreds of ways to make Nie Yang popular.

Drafts are the easiest kind to invest together.

There is also the Internet hype. First, Nie Yang was hyped as a network red, and then developed into the entertainment industry, or let Nie Yang sign a large company ... but the last one is unlikely. After all, Nie Yang is as good as he is, Limiting his development, the combination age is too large, the age of single debut is too young, there must be no fan level ...

Therefore, Zhou Zekai considered a long time before deciding to let Nie Yang participate in this competition, in order to make Nie Yang famous at once. In addition to the song "The Sun", he was already writing other songs, let Nie Yang Strive to get a very good position in this competition.

"Akai, you're so kind to me! That's good. When I become famous, you will be my agent, OK? I must listen to you!"

Nie Yang believed his good friend very much. At this moment, he held Zhou Zekai's arm to be coquettish, so that the mother Zhou was also smiling.

The next morning, early in the morning, because I was going to the election site, Mother Zhou painted Nie Yang's makeup directly. The sunny and handsome Nie Yang finished her hair and made her makeup even more dazzling. The clothes I wear today It is the simplest white shirt and jeans, highlighting Nie Yang's sense of youth.

At the location of the sea election, there are many people, but the more people, the more excited Nie Yang is. He likes this sense of challenge, and the feeling that makes everyone amazing for him. After receiving the number plate, he finally turns. It's him.

After Nie Yang went in, Zhou mother and Zhou Zekai stayed outside. Zhou mother looked nervous at the son of the old god, but she was so nervous that she didn't expect her son to be so calm.

"Akai, do you think Xiaoyang can be promoted?"

She almost trembled almost nervously, so she could only want to hear what her son thought.

Zhou Zekai nodded without pressure to see her mother's nervous appearance.

"He must be promoted."

After the two had spoken, they were silent. The long and terrible past few minutes made Zhou mother afraid that if Xiaoyang didn't get promoted, the child would cry out. What a grievance ...

Then, when the two were having different thoughts, they heard Nie Yang's voice. ,

"Aunt Zhou! A Kai! I got my promotion certificate!"

Nie Yang, who jumped over holding the promotion sign, showed a smile like sunshine, which made Zhou mother instantly relieved.

"Xiao Yang, I know you can do it! You will definitely become the most brilliant star!"

Zhou Zekai stretched out his hand and patted Nie Yang's head. It is not a surprise to this result. After all, the song of Aoyang is very good.

Their plane was an afternoon plane, so in order to celebrate the promotion, Zhou mother took two older children to eat food, but it made Zhou Zekai and Nie Yang happy.

After eating, they went to the airport and got on the plane. They had no idea what would be waiting for them at another airport.

It ’s a coincidence that Nie Yang and A Kai go out together in a lot of times. They also spend a lot of time living in the Zhou family. The Nie family will not rest assured, but this time Nie Yang ’s grandma came from a foreign country. For grandsons, after all, although Nie Yang's grandmother lived in the field and followed Nie Yang's eldest brother, he had a lot of affection for Nie Yang. So Nie Yang went directly to the school and wanted to pick up the child from school. As a result, the child After school, I haven't seen my son and A Kai ...

This time, I was a little panicked. I hurried to call Father Zhou, who could not hide it, so he hurried back from the company and met the Nie family and talked about Nie Yang. It ’s all covered. I did n’t expect my son to say that he wants to be a celebrity instead of talking about fun. He actually went to the draft. Instead, Grandma Nie heard that her grandson was going to be a celebrity and also participated in the game. Supporting the grandson is a straight scold. If the son supports it, can the grandson secretly participate in the game?

In short, under the pressure of the elderly, the husband and wife of the Nie family can't say that the son is not reliable as a star. Grandma Nie said that the young people must dare to fight and dare to fight, the grandson is so good, what do you want to be a star? The star on TV has not looked good with his grandson! Grandson will definitely be a big star!

Father Zhou originally thought that he would spend three inches on his family to persuade the family. As a result, an old man directly led all the thoughts of the Nie family.

Anyway, what is it? Xiao Yang is so handsome and so smart, and he likes singing and dancing. He can definitely pass the competition. If you and your husband are two stars, do n’t stop him. What?

Besides, the child is always a little dreamy. If you don't let him try, how can you know that he can't?

Grandma Nie sprayed on her second son and daughter-in-law. In short, I was standing with my grandson. The grandson would surely be promoted, and then be a big star. Those of you who do n’t support the grandson ’s dream are not worthy of being parents. If there is no money, I give it! I still have coffin board money!

When it comes to this, the couple of the Nie family can't help it. After all, they can't talk back to their elders. They can only guarantee it. If Xiaoyang really passes the election, they will be very supportive after the competition. Yes, Father Zhou watched aside, this matter can be considered as handled.

Just tonight, when their plane landed, Grandma Nie stopped sleeping and went to the airport together by car. She wanted to see her grandson for the first time and wanted to see if her grandson could be promoted. In Grandma Nie's heart, This little grandson is amazing. He can sing, dance and talk. He is very cute. What's wrong with being a star? Everyone can be a star, and his grandson can be a star! !! !!

Nie Yang still doesn't know that his family has been dealt with by his grandmother. In the coming year, the grandma may live at home. In this case, Nie Yang has a supporter.

With a happy mood, got off the plane, Nie Yang and Zhou Zekai saw the people standing at the exit at a glance, not only the father Zhou and Nie family, but also grandma! !! !!

Nie Yang hasn't seen her grandma for more than a year. She no longer needs her luggage. She rushed over and hugged her.

"Grandma you are here! I miss you so much !!!"

This is a good relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. Even if it hasn't been seen for a long time, Nie Yang still likes grandma. Grandma Nie also loves Nie Yang.

"Okay, good grandson, I miss you too."

Grandmother Nie laughed. The husband and wife of the Nie family had long been angry and gritted their teeth, and wanted to give Nie Yang a meal, but there was no way to think of her mother here.

Zhou mother and Zhou Zekai also came over, and sorry to the Nie family husband and wife for the first time, saying that this matter should not be hidden from them and so on, so that the Nie family husband and wife ca n’t tell what they want to say, but they blame themselves at this time, but they are like a Bad guy.

"Yangyang, tell grandma, did you go to that match tomorrow? Did you succeed?"

Grandma Nie didn't know anything about promotion, just knew that success was the grandson conquering everyone, so she looked forward to Nie Yang at this time.

Nie Yang didn't expect her grandma to have known about this, and she immediately flew in a frown.

"Grandma, who am I, Nie Yang! Of course, it was a success. Now that the election has passed, the next game is going to be on TV! Your grandson is going to be on TV. Are you happy?"

One step closer to his celebrity dream, Nie Yang was really happy. Grandma Nie took his hand and felt the grandson's happiness, and smiled. Let the Nie family husband and wife look at his son as if I can understand why my sons are going to participate in the game even if they are carrying them ...

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