The Best Male God

Chapter 1147: Downed Landlord 1

What happened in the 1960s?

Many people seem to have forgotten this memory, but it does not mean that the victim can go out of confusion. When Zhou Zekai wakes up, her lips are dry, her head is still a little hot, and she feels that she is having a cold.

Just when Zhou Zekai was dizzy, a woman came over, put Zhou Zekai's head in her arms, and wiped it with a towel moistened with water.

"Okay, Niang, don't do anything else, otherwise your grandpa and your dad can't really survive, how can you let your mother live ..."

Talking, the woman's tears fell and dripped on Zhou Zekai's face. Zhou Zekai opened her eyes hard and saw a woman with a beautiful face, her hair pulled behind her ears, and her eyes were red at this time.

"Mother ..." Following the memory, Zhou Zekai shouted a mother. In this era, there are still few mothers, mostly mother and father. Although Zhou Zekai felt dizzy, his memory of the wishing person has been printed. In this body, he didn't want to see this woman shed tears.

"Okay, mother's good son, you're awake, mother made rice porridge for you, you wait."

Hurriedly put her son safely on the bed. Mother Zhou hurried out to feed her son. Lying on this tattered bed, Zhou Zekai's memory had begun to recover gradually.

The wisher ’s family is a wealthy family of five generations. By the generation of the wisher, there are still servant maids, even long-time workers and the like. There are thousands of acres in the field alone. Regardless of where the conditions are placed, I am afraid they will not be mixed with the current results, but the Zhou family was unlucky and became the landlords of the so-called ordinary people! !! !!

This is a turbulent era. The new country has just begun to be established. Everyone is shouting for democracy and freedom. But these people who are shouting for democracy and freedom are starting to exploit other people ’s wealth crazy. Due to being beaten, Grandpa Zhou and Father Zhou have been arranged to transform the pigsty in the village. Fortunately, Zhou Zekai is young, so he can follow his mother. Zhou Zekai is twelve years old this year.

This is a very embarrassing age. If it is an ordinary child, it must be very sensible, but the wisher who grew up as a young master does not know how much this has caused his family's turmoil.

Grandpa Zhou and Father Zhou are smart people, knowing that after the establishment of a new country, there must be policies, so they hid their money and antiques in a dug underground palace in advance, and plan to wait for the family members in the future. Dig it out later, so you can live a good life.

After all, you can't change things like policy, you can only choose to live well.

If things are as expected by Grandpa Chou and Father Chou, the Zhou family may not wither, but in reality? Because the Zhou family was the landlord before, most of them were rich in hatred. It was even more difficult for Grandpa Zhou and Father Zhou. After all, Hu Luopingyang was bullied by dogs, and Grandpa Zhou and Father Zhou were brought to the pigpen. After that, it didn't take long for him to die in half a year to one year.

Although the mother of Zhou had a beautiful face, she was an earlier lady, no matter how much better than some women in the village, in this case, even with a son, she would not worry about marrying. What's more, many people want to know where the Zhou family's property is. Everyone thinks the Zhou family must have possession.

In this case, Zhou's mother still wanted to keep the wisher, and always felt that his son would be better when he grew up, but he did not expect that the wisher was not good because of his earlier years. When he was fourteen, he was The man pushed down the lake and nearly fell to death.

In this case, Zhou's mother wanted to save her son, but she could only compromise. She married a man named Confucius, and that man also healed the wishing person, but the wishing person's illness took too long. Become a fool.

Mother Zhou was distressed by her son, and she couldn't help it. She just wanted to raise her son well. Although she gave Confucius a son and two daughters, no matter how Confucian asked Zhou mother about Zhou's situation, she didn't say anything.

In fact, Zhou mother didn't know where the Zhou family's palace was. Only the wisher knew it alone, and the wisher was still stupid ...

Of course, this palace was not obtained by the wishing people, but by a girl. After more than ten years, the girl secretly got everything from the palace. The new era is coming and social progress is very good. The girl of this property successfully became a rich man, then started his own company and met his own overbearing president, although this is another story.

The wisher did not really fall into the lake himself. Everyone thought that the wisher fell down by himself, because it was found that it was Wei Yazhen, a five-year-old girl in the village, but in fact, the wisher knew that he It was Wei Yazhen who fell into the lake, and Wei Yazhen, the one who took away all the property of the Zhou family ...

Because of this, the wisher hopes that his grandfather and father will not die, and the mother will not remarry, and can see a new future ...

Such a wish is still very simple. Zhou Zekai thought of his grandfather and dad in the pigpen. Both of them are in good health. It is estimated that they were given to die in it. This time, Zhou Zekai does not intend to let grandpa and dad. Dead, he wants to keep two people alive.

There are also those who fancy her mother, he will not let those people succeed!

This is a turbulent age, and it is bound to be a tortured age. Zhou Zekai's current family composition has already had problems. Those who can become leaders are generations of poor peasants, but when the Zhou family goes up, they are the landlords, so they become leaders. This kind of thing, just leave, Zhou Zekai still plans to take grandpa and dad to live well, sooner or later the day to come out.

Soon, Mother Zhou came over holding a bowl of porridge, which is a kind of multi-grain porridge. There was no desire when she saw it, but now Zhou Zekai can't be picky. She ate porridge under the eyes of her mother's tears. In fact, she knew This porridge is useless at all. You have to take medicine for this disease.

After a while, Zhou Zekai coaxed his mother away, and then opened his golden finger.

That's right ... Although I don't understand why I have a golden finger in this era, Zhou Zekai is very happy to see his Taobao interface. After all, I haven't eaten anything this year. At least one Taobao can't be hungry!

Before binding Taobao, Zhou Zekai rushed a lot of money for himself, anyway, this life can not be spent.

I searched for cold medicine directly, and sure enough, I saw several effective cold medicines in it. Zhou Zekai chose a few for himself. After buying them, the medicine appeared in front of himself very quickly.

In fact, it seems that there are very few cold medicines for this kind of effect. If the children in the countryside have a cold, then they must be burned to fools. After Zhou Zekai got the medicine, he bought himself a bottle of mineral water. The medicine was drunk, and he believed he would be better after taking the medicine.

After drinking the medicine, he was lying in the quilt. He was twelve years old at this time. His grandfather died six months later, and his father passed away one year later. After fourteen, his mother married that Confucian ...

Zhou Zekai did not allow all this to happen. He needed a chance, a chance for the village chief to let his grandpa and dad go.

Thinking about how to deal with all this, Zhou Zekai fell asleep. Mother Zhou came in quietly and saw her son fall asleep. He reached out and touched his son's head. After confirming that his son's head was no longer hot, it was relaxed. Tone, thinking that someone just called her out to help out, and hurried away, now she is not the lady before.

Once the landlord family plummeted. In the pigpen, the two grandpas of the Zhou family were also very worried about the situation at home. There was only one woman and one child in the family. Father Zhou was worried, and Grandpa Zhou was also worried.

"Dad, we don't know when we can go out, nor do we know what happens to Akai."

The thought of those people rushing into his own house scared his son, Zhou's father frowned.

"Don't worry about it, your wife-in-law takes care of her. If she has a chance, she will definitely come to us. We're good enough this time. Do you know Lao Wang's house? Everyone is in a village, and the incense is already burning. "

Grandpa Zhou was assigned here after bribing people. Don't look at those people who say so nicely. For the country and the like, who hasn't actually benefited from hitting the landlords? So Grandpa Zhou had already passed through in advance to be able to be assigned here. Actually, it was only two years before they could go out ...

"Dad, I'm really worried, hey, Akai has been served since he was a child. Now, he doesn't know how to bear it ..."

Distressed by his son's tightness, Zhou's father was uncomfortable. Anyway, tears soon appeared in his eyes, so Grandpa Zhou aside didn't know what to say, and sighed.

Zhou Zekai didn't know that both Grandpa and Dad were thinking about him. After taking the medicine, he quickly went to sleep. When he woke up, he probably had a fever.

At the same time, in the village of Wei, Wei Yazhen was having a nightmare. She dreamed of her future. Her husband beat him, her family did n’t help, her son was disobedient, and she was abandoned by her son. These all made Wei Yazhen tremble all over. After that, I was awakened by a slap.

"Why are you smelly? Are you lazy? Go out and get firewood!"

Wei Yazhen was awakened by her mother. She looked a lot younger in front of her. No, she should be a living mother. After a while, she found her little arms and calves.

In the Wei family, girls have no status. Three-year-old Wei Yazhen has begun to collect firewood. She felt the pain of her mother beating her, but couldn't help laughing.

She Wei Yazhen came back to life! !! !!

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