The Best Male God

Chapter 1171: Okinawa Bride 4

what's the matter? Of course it's okay! Isn't it just to cultivate feelings?

Jing Rouyin was really powerless, but he kept a smile on his face.

"Mr. Zhou, we may be together for some time in the future, so I just want to know about Mr. Zhou and talk with Mr. Zhou, do not know what Mr. Zhou thinks?"

When girls are generally weak, no one can resist, but unfortunately, Zhou Zekai has never been the kind of person who is fragrant and precious.

"not good."

Rejected directly, Zhou Zekai looked coldly at this soft sound.

"I like being alone and I don't like talking to people."

This sentence made Jing Rouyin embarrassed to death. She never thought that there was such a puzzling man in the world. The whole person was stunned. At this time, she said nothing and let the life assistant on the side I have seen Jing Rouyin several times. After all, this situation is really embarrassing.

The atmosphere suddenly became very dull, Jing Rouyin finally accepted the setting of the other's poisonous tongue, and the smile on his face was a little stiff.

"So, don't you feel a little lonely like that?"

She thought it was the most embarrassing chat ever since she was sensible, and even wished to leave here.

"I don't think reading is wise. Ms. Jing is only eighteen years old this year. She doesn't understand a lot of things, good and evil are clear, and humane morality. You need to read more books. I recommend Miss Jing to learn a lot. You will expose your ignorance when chatting with people. "

The book in Zhou Zekai's hands was so bad that at this time he did not point directly at Jing Rouyin's nose and said that you have no brain, you are not smart, you have a low IQ ...

Jing Ruoyin, who was said to be ignorant, really hates this person who looks so good but speaks so badly. After all, he is still young and has a little impatience on his face, which makes Zhou Zekai Shaking his head in his heart, I just felt that Jing Rouyin was really no grade.

"Send Miss Jing out, by the way, take some books from the study and let Miss Jing study well."

The next step of Zhou Zekai's explanation is that he directly hit Jing Rouyin's face. Originally, Jing Rouyin wanted to talk to Zhou Zekai with the other's future wife. She can only go out with the life assistant. After all, this is the Zhou family, not a place where she can speak and resist.

After Jing Rouyin was taken out, Zhou Zekai sat there, setting the book aside.

At the time of the wishing person, Jing Rouyin approached the wishing person in this way. I have to say that a person who did not have much contact with outsiders from an early age and met such a enthusiastic wife naturally fell into it. Under the fall of China, we have the current results.

how to say? In the growth process of everyone, there are places where people can take advantage of it.

The servants of the Zhou family had been at the Zhou family earlier. It was already seen from the attitude of the old Mrs. Zhou. Although this so-called Miss Jing was made to be happy, she was not really a young lady, so The mansion is now called Miss Jing Rouyin, which makes Jing Rouyin very uncomfortable.

After seeing the wealth of the Zhou family these days, she feels that she cannot leave everything here. If Zhou Zekai recovers, will she lose everything now? Then think of Zhou Zekai's lukewarmness to himself. It seemed that he could not do the act of touching the other party before. Now every time Jing Rouyin approaches Zhou Zekai, he will be reported to Mrs. Zhou. The wife found someone to follow Jing Rouyin.

After all, Master Wang said, Chong Xi, worshiping heaven and earth according to the old method, worshiping heaven and earth is a husband and wife recognized by Heaven, but did not say anything else, so Jing Rouyin's approach to his grandson made Mrs. Zhou very unhappy.

At the same time, something serious happened at the Jiang family in Shangjing. First of all, Father Jiang's body didn't know how to die all of a sudden. It passed a few days later. After that, Father Jiang's sister was also weak and lying in the bed. Suddenly this happened, the hospital couldn't find out what was going on. Even the Jiang family had begun to find the Taoist. Could this be a ghost?

In the old house of the Jiang family, Jiang Wuyong was also very anxious. Outsiders only said that he knew his father had died after he was weak, but Jiang Wuyong who had seen his father's body with his own eyes, knew that his father was bound to be cursed. That whole corpse turned into a dry corpse was just an instant thing, as if being drained of life ...

This allowed Jiang Wuyong to quickly come to this place where the juniors did not often come to see his ancestors.

In fact, Jiang Wuyong is terrible here, because the Jiang family of each generation chooses to contribute a child to support this ancestor. When was the ancestor Jiang Wuyong unable to say, he was born of his love before Contributed by his child. This ancestor blessed the prosperity and prosperity of Jiang ’s family. Now, his father was killed by spells. Jiang Wuyong thought of this old ancestor the first time, but it was not right. One generation will send things to the old ancestors. The old ancestors should not hurt their fathers.

Entering an eerie empty room, Jiang Wuyong hurried to his knees and pinched three heads.

"Old ancestors, help! My father has died, it was not a normal death, he was killed by a spell!"

After he had spoken, he started to scratch his head again. In the empty room, the sound of his scratching head was echoed. After a while, an old and dark voice came over.


One word made Jiang Wuyong's body goosebumps, and the fear in his heart spread quickly, but think of it as the ancestor of their Jiang family, Jiang Wuyong worked hard not to scare himself.

"The thing is this, old ancestor, my father did not know why he suddenly fainted six days ago. We thought his father was old, so we sent the father to the hospital, but the doctor couldn't diagnose anything, it was just his father's body. But then it seemed as if someone was taking life away, starting to wither from the exterior to the internal organs. My father had been suffering for three full days before he died. I was in the field at the time, so when I returned, my father had gone, and the body was like dead wood. It turned out to be the wind. And scattered ... "

At the thought of what he saw at the time, Jiang Wuyong decided to tremble. For so many years, he did not find the old ancestor to do the tricks, but the first time retribution was on the family, this is the first time, which makes Jiang Wuyong feel that it is Wasn't his behavior discovered before? So in order to get revenge, those people have found a stronger minister?

Thinking like this, Jiang Wuyong's voice was trembling even more.

"Old ancestors and aunts reacted the same way. After the death of his father, the aunt also fell down, and was pulled out of all vitality like his father, and then the whole person was like dead wood ... Now people have been taken home. , Ancestor, can you see ... "

There is really no way out. Jiang Wuyong came to ask for this old ancestor. Previously, his father came to contact the old ancestor. Jiang Wuyong didn't know that his father was afraid or not afraid of this person, but Jiang Wuyong's heart was Scared.

"Bring your aunt here."

The old voice spoke again, still cold and horrifying. Jiang Wuyong instead felt a little calm in his heart, and nodded quickly, indicating that he would bring someone immediately.

Then Jiang Wuyong left this Jiang family's old house with his own fear, and quickly found someone to take his aunt here. An hour later, Jiang Wuyong reappeared in this cold house with his aunt who was already there. It's inside.

Next to him was an adolescent who was already immature. Jiang Wuyong didn't dare to look at it, and his fear was magnified again.

"Old ancestor, my aunt has brought it."

After speaking, he scratched his head again, but this time he did not hear a voice, making Jiang Wuyong even more sweaty.

"You go out."

When he heard these four words, Jiang Wuyong felt as if he was saving his life and ran out.

The room was still silent. After a while, a man in a black Tang suit appeared in the room. He looked like he was in his early thirties. If Jiang Wuyong was to see it, he would be very surprised, because his He looks almost the same as Jiang Wuyong's son.

The man came to the woman lying on the ground and looked at the woman who described the withering as if it had been drawn. After that, he took out a yellow note directly from his body and stuck it on the forehead of the other person, trying to stop the vitality. Being drawn, but it is clear that there is no use ...

Zhou Zekai, who is thousands of miles away, feels that there is a continuous flow of vitality in his body. Reincarnation is a very vicious spell, just like the demon fairy said. It is used for crooked ways. This time, if Zhou Zekai is not for revenge, I will not use such an array, but now, the continuous flow of vitality in the body is really refreshing, so that Zhou Zekai understands why this thing is like a crooked path.

Reincarnation is used to absorb the vitality of the caster's family, and it is a transfer method of absorption. It can be said that when Zhou Zekai is absorbing the vitality of the other's family, the caster is also absorbing the vitality of these people at the same time, if the family is large, That can increase life expectancy even more until that person's family dies.

The main thing is that in this way, people can't find the source at all. No matter how much they can find, they can only find themselves.

That's what it means to treat people as they are, and to treat others as well.

Thinking that the person who cast the spell should pay for his behavior, Zhou Zekai felt good. After all, if I counted upwards, I am afraid that not only the wishing person was counted, I am afraid that the Zhou family had already been counted?

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