The Best Male God

Chapter 1394: God from heaven 2

In this world, many times humans are standing at the top of the biological chain. Even the abyss forest where spirit beasts live, occasionally humans come here to hunt spirit beasts. So many times, although the spirit in the abyss forest is Beasts also kill each other, but when they meet humans, everyone is the same against humans. After all, humans are the real aliens to them! !! !!

All major ethnic groups learned of the coming of God from the squirrel, and the Heiyuan Forest immediately became lively. The bosses of all the spirit beasts brought the younger brothers to the squirrel's ethnic territory. If it was the past, It is estimated that these squirrels have been scared and shivered for a long time, but now, seeing the joy of God has made them take no fear of them.

The outside is full of puppets, but Zhou Zekai can't hear it at all. The old squirrel put a ban on the inside of the room. It's impossible for the outside sounds to be heard by the people inside, and other groups saw the transformed children in the squirrel family. It is even more exciting, and it shows that it is willing to serve God at any time! Of course, I also hope that my juniors will be taken care of by God!

These squirrels did not refuse, because he felt that since God had landed in their Abyss Forest, they must have come to enlighten these spirit beasts, so he must have more children, and God must be happy!

As a result, the spirit beasts of all ethnic groups sent the best things hidden in their clan here, and under the arrangement of the old squirrel, many children will be arranged to touch Zhou Zekai's hand every day, and then transform!

Everyone saw real miracles, and even more respect for God, hoping to give God the best of everything! The silver wolf has seen it in places where humans have lived, so they are leading people of the ethnic group to build a house for God for God. God is so noble that he must live in a noble place!

Because the spirit beast has been nourished by Zhou Zekai's immortality, and his spells have become more and more sophisticated, it took only three days to build such a huge temple. In the deepest part of the Heiyuan Forest, a temple stands, and Zhou Zekai was also sent to this temple.

All spirit beasts do not know when God will wake up, so they are more worried that those humans will come to take away God, so almost every day, many elders are banned in the Black Forest, hoping that those humans cannot perceive To the power of God, otherwise, God has not yet awakened, and fell into the hands of human beings. Will human beings bully God?

It is said that human beings are the most arrogant, so God is so unconscious, they absolutely do not allow God to fall into the hands of those humans!

On the Canglan continent, everyone knows that God descended from the sky. It is said that it was tens of thousands of years before the last advent of God. The Canglan continent was almost made by God. Now, God again Once came down from the sky, is it still the **** that year?

Human beings are eager to move, everyone is pursuing the position of God, and there are people who want to follow God's ascension. After all, that is God, a **** that everyone has never seen ...

The old squirrel can now be said to be more famous among these monsters, because the **** was discovered at the beginning, so the squirrel family is now respected by other spirit beasts, because if the squirrel does not find the god, then their children will not deform. Now, in the whole forest, almost all the children after transformation, plus the nourishment of aura, are trying hard to cultivate spells.

After everyone diligently guarded God for ten days, Zhou Zekai finally woke up. He not only restored all the memories, but also knew where he was ...

The Canglan continent was the place where he had landed before during the calamity. At that time, also in this world, the Emperor Dongyue had the name Zhou Zekai. At that time, the Emperor Dongyue who had lost his memory was too lonely. With a lot of apprentices, and seeing the way they should spy after seeing themselves among these children, the heavens are unfair. Even if he is the Great Emperor of Dongqi Taishan Tianqiren, he has the limit of life.

Before he fell, he landed on this Canglan continent, and then found a way to continue his life. Now that his life has passed, he has returned to this Canglan continent, which makes Zhou Zekai feel a little cynical. .

For God, time is also the most useless thing. With a moment of closed eyes, you may have spent tens of millions of years traveling through so many worlds. In fact, for the Emperor Dongyue, it is just a momentary light in a long life. .

Waking up, Zhou Zekai was lying on this white jade bed, looking at this splendid hall, remembering his apprentices, not knowing whether they were still there. The return of this memory is when he returned to the prefecture, thinking about it, Zhou Zekai Decided to stay in this world for a while and see if my apprentices are good ...

When the old squirrel arranged to serve God's little squirrel, the whole squirrel was frightened when he saw that God opened his eyes.

"God, you, you open your eyes!"

God has been sleeping for ten days, so Huahua didn't even think that God would wake up at this time, it was a shock, and then he thought of Grandpa's explanation and hurried to kneel on the ground.

"Pray, see God!"

Her voice was a little trembling, and Zhou Zekai had already made a decision. Then she got up from the bed and looked at the little baby kneeling on the ground. Although it is a humanoid, it can still be seen that the child's body is a little squirrel. Said, he looks cute.

"Get up, where is this?"

The mana is all over, and he can clearly explore the world, but Zhou Zekai does not like to use magic to do something. He prefers this loose rhythm. No matter where he is now, he seems to be in the spirit beast. .

The original face was restored again. Zhou Zekai did not know how exquisite he looked at this time, as if it were the most carefully polished jade in the sky, and it was dazzling that made people dare not look straight. The sound was like a Tianshan cold spring. The sound, like the passing of water, makes people listen to the ground willingly and willingly.

"God, now and now in the Black Forest! I, I call Grandpa!"

Huahua remembered this. Grandpa said that if God wakes up, he will inform them the first time, so that he can give God the best!

After talking about Huahua, he ran out, leaving Zhou Zekai to laugh and cry.

Huahua rushed out, and then saw that the grandfather outside was discussing protection with the elders of other ethnic groups in the hall. After all, human beings were getting closer and closer to the abyss forest, and they were of course very anxious.

"Grandpa! Grandpa! God! God wakes up!"

Huahua's words shocked all the spirit beasts in the hall, even the old squirrel. Then he hurriedly got up from the chair, walked tremblingly toward the god's room, and the remaining spirit beasts followed. When everyone walked to the door of Zhou Zekai's bedroom, he finally stopped at the door and then knelt down to eat.

As soon as the old squirrel knelt, the other spirit beasts also knelt down, so that the children behind were the same.

Zhou Zekai, who was sitting in the room, heard the sound outside.

"All spirit beasts in the Black Forest, worship God!"

Such a neat voice, and the aura outside, let Zhou Zekai never think that he would fall in the Heiyuan Forest and be protected by these spirit beasts, but he was in a good mood, got up and walked towards the door, kneeling on The spirit beasts outside felt only a tremendous coercion and aura spreading from inside.

At this moment, Zhou Zekai's clothes had become a black robe, with long hair and a high beam and overhead. After the door opened, he stepped out of the door and looked at all the beasts kneeling on the ground. These spirits The beasts have been transformed into humans, and it looks good to see Xiuwei.

"Get up."

One word, all kneeling spirit beasts, as if dragged by something, stood up, and then someone secretly looked at God, only to find that God is just too beautiful! A hundred times more beautiful than when I fell asleep!

At this time, God's coercion prevented all spirit beasts from speaking, but Zhou Zekai spoke and introduced himself.

"I am the Great Emperor of Dongyue Mountain, Qiqiren, and today, I can call on the Great Emperor of Dongyue."

He spoke, the cuff waved towards the crowd, and a spirit flew towards everyone, and then merged into the body of these people, so that these aged spirit beasts broke through all of a sudden, which let all spirits The beast knelt on the ground again.

Although I do n’t know why the spirit beasts also started to do this, Zhou Zekai couldn't say that they were not allowed to kneel. After they finished kneeling, the elders of the nine-tailed fox clan brought Zhou Zekai to the hall, and the hall A lot of spirit grass and fruit have been prepared in it. If they are eaten by human beings, they will be able to cultivate greatly. The same is true of beasts. Now, all these things have been taken to God they recognize!

Zhou Zekai ’s Dongyue Emperor has spread throughout the Heiyuan Forest, letting all the spirit beasts in the forest know that it was the Dongyue Emperor that came down from the sky. Although you do n’t know why Dongyue the Emperor came down, you can meet a **** , Is already the thing that makes them feel most grateful!

After eating these spiritual fruits that have not been eaten for a long time, Zhou Zekai was in a good mood. When I thought of those disgusting apprentices when I was in this world, I did n’t know how they were. Looking at the nine-tailed fox and spirit cats, I felt Can ask about one or two.

"Little fox, have you ever heard of the name Barry Tenya?"

The patriarch of the nine-tailed fox is over nine thousand years old this year, but he was called a little fox, but when facing God, the patriarch was even more respectful, and he nodded hurriedly when he heard the barry of heaven.

"Back to the emperor, Baili Tianmao is the head of Lingxiaoyuan among human beings. This year is said to be more than three thousand years old ... A few days ago, I heard that Baili Tianmao was closed for retreat and did not go out of the gate. "

Listening to the little fox, Zhou Zekai was very satisfied. I did not expect that the child of Tian Tian was so shy and timid, but now he is also a master of the faction. This made Zhou Zekai look forward to this child and did not know what the child was. I can come to him in time ...

"Then you tell me about this vicissitudes of the continent. It's been a long time since I last came."

There were a lot of spirit beasts around Zhou Zekai at the moment. It was even more exciting to hear Zhou Zekai's words. It was recorded in the spiritual book that the last time God fell from heaven was a thousand years ago, and the Emperor Dongyue said that I've been here before, and all the spirit beasts are so excited, they really met the legendary god!

According to the records in the Spirit Book, it is said that when God fell from the sky, he lost his memory, and then re-flyed in their Canglan continent. He also left a lot of things, even rumors that God and his disciples remained with them. But for so many years, no one came out to claim this title. Over time, everyone thought that this thing was false. Why did God leave apprentices here?

If so, it's been more than ten thousand years, and it must be dead, right?

"Emperor, in addition to our spiritual beasts in the Canglan continent today, there are many martial arts in the human world. Needless to say, among the martial arts, the most famous is Mingxinzong. After Ming Xinzong practiced in retreat, no one knows his whereabouts since then. There is also Xuanyuanzhai. It was said that Xuanyuanzhai was a very vicious and evil person. Xuanyuanzhai also became the Xuanyuanzhai after suppressing these people. The most powerful martial arts in the Canglan continent today! Chiyang Hall, also known as the Demon Temple, as long as the evildoers in this world are all locked in the Demon Temple, I do n’t know who it is today, but the first one One head, Si Konghanhai, is rumored to be locked in a magic circle created by himself ... and Dongfang Kun of the Royal Beast Sect, which is more closely related to our spiritual beasts, and orphans in some of them. We will also send them to the Royal Beast Sect to raise them ... Finally, it is the Ling Xiao Yuan. The divination technique of Ling Xiao Yuan is the most powerful, so whenever something happens on the Canglan continent, Ling Xiao Yuan will notify you as soon as possible. , This ten thousand Where we can be considered to save the Lan Cang continent several times, it is an excellent martial art ...... "

Listening to these spiritual beasts talking about human affairs, Zhou Zekai felt a sense of sorrow for years, because he had never thought that his own difference had been for thousands of years, and his apprentices have now changed. Is it like this?

Everyone is missing, and there are people in the legend. Zhou Zekai does not know whether his apprentices are still alive, or whether these apprentices can perceive his existence. Now there is a different kind of worry.

It is said that when the children grow up, parents will be worried, as is the master, and Zhou Zekai is also worried about these apprentices.

While Zhou Zekai was listening to the spirit beasts talking about all kinds of things happening on this vicissitudes of the continent, Baili Tianmao had already come out of the Heiyuan Forest through the voyeuristic technique. After his divination, his master was here. In the deep forest ...

At this moment, Master may be awake, and Baili Tianmao is afraid to disturb Master, so that all the disciples in the door stay outside, and he enters Heiyuan Forest alone.

The first time when Baili Tianyu stepped into the Black Forest, all the spirit beasts have begun to be vigilant. After all, everyone is working very hard to protect God, and it is impossible for humans to hurt God!

The elders of all ethnic groups received the news of humans entering Heiyuan Forest for the first time, but because the enemies couldn't see through, everyone didn't do anything for the time being, just intended to observe again.

What a clever person? How could you not notice that something is wrong with this Black Forest? And so many birds and beasts were watching him secretly, which made him even more sure that Master should have fallen into this dark abyss forest, I'm afraid they have been found by these spirit beasts.

A stupid little tiger, in order to prove that he is very powerful, just secretly followed Baili Tianmao, but did not know that his behavior was actually too stupid, already in the eyes of Baili Tianmao, right now When the other party stumbled over from a vine, the foot suddenly stepped on the air, and the little tiger almost fell to the ground. A dusty sweep of Baili Tianquan caused the little tiger to float up, and then it floated directly to Baili Tianquan. Before.

"You, what are you doing to me? I, I am so fierce!"

Being controlled, the little tiger has no way to resist. He can only threaten the other person by learning his brother's appearance. He utters this sentence with a grin, but never thinks that he has already become a human figure and looks very cute. Tooth grinning for a while will only make people feel funny.

"Well, you are so fierce, what about your grown-up? Go and tell your grown-up, I am a Barry Tenya, and I come to find my master, which is God. As long as you tell my name to God, God will definitely let me See him. "

Baili Tianmao let go of this little tiger, and I feel that the Heiyuan Forest has not been so scary after so many years, but it is a bit more cute. Is it because the Master is here, these spirit beasts have become stupid. What?

When the Baili Tianmao caught the little tiger before, the surrounding beasts had already planned to launch an attack on the Baili Tianmao. Now he saw that he suddenly let go of the small tiger and said that he would see God! He said he was a disciple of God! This time, everyone is a little curious, and some have secretly returned to report the situation.

In order to protect the gods this time, it can be said that all spirit beasts are united as never before, so the news was quickly brought back to the temple by the lark. After the patriarch of the lark knew this, he hurried to the hall to see When the abominable civet cats are still courting God, they are so angry! This civet cat has shallow magical powers, but it looks good on its own. Once it turned into a prototype and was seen by God, God liked the civet cat. He carried the civet cat that has not transformed yet. What's so easy to touch? Don't they sound better than cats?

"See the emperor, Heiyuan Forest has entered a human being, he said that he is the disciple of the emperor, the head of the Ling Xiaoyuan, Baili Tianyi!"

It managed to find a chance to talk to God, and Lark worked hard to adjust his voice to make his voice nice, so that God could like them more and more!

Zhou Zekai laughed after hearing the name of Bai Tiantian, and this smile made the spirit beasts around him look at it. He had been with God for such a long time, but the way God laughed was still So good-looking, good to see that they can't find adjectives to describe it!

"It's heaven, he's really my disciple. You arrange the clan to bring him here. We may haven't seen him for a long time."

I didn't expect that the first apprentice who came to me turned out to be Baili Tianquan. Zhou Zekai thought of the soft look of the child when he was a kid. He was very sticky and didn't know what the song looks like when he grew up now.

After God's command was given, the patriarch of the Blackbird was the first to notify the Baili Tianzhu, and then within a short time, the Baili Tianzhu was taken to this temple.

Seeing the appearance of this temple, the Ten Thousand Miles knew that Master must have been doing well. These spirit beasts were born to be born and raised, and the most revered is God, so Master should be better here than he was then.

As soon as the Baili Tianma in white came into the temple, he saw the black robe man sitting on the throne at a glance. His face is still the same as ten thousand years ago, but he is even more unattainable. The pure white cat, with white and slender fingers, shuttled the cat's hair, so that he couldn't help getting his face black. This was how Master touched his head, but now he is touching a spirit beast! !! !!

Zhou Zekai also looked up at the disciple he hadn't seen in years. Baili Tianyi was his last disciple in the world, and the youngest disciple. He was weak and timid at the time, and was very sticky. Zhou Zekai received The reason why he was an apprentice was because he was so good that he couldn't bear it.

Now I see this person again. Although Bai Litian's face in white has no expression on his face, he has a delicate face, white skin like jade, raised eyebrows, and thin lips. The smell of dust is not like that sticky child.

"Tutor's Baili Tianji met with Master. He never saw him for many years, and he missed him very much."

Baili Tianmao planned to kneel when he talked, and was stopped by Zhou Zekai, watching standing there, calming himself, but his eyes were already reddish, Zhou Zekai could not help but sigh.

"Go play ~"

Putting the cat aside, he got up from the throne, and walked towards the apprentice under the stage. The two gradually got closer to each other. In front of this person, Zhou Zekai stretched out his hand and touched each other's hair as if he was young .

"Tianji, you have grown up, a little different from what you imagined as a teacher, and have a more handsome appearance. If you smile, it is the best."

His words made the struck Barry Tennin clenched his hands, and he could feel the coercion of the people in front of him, as well as the familiar feeling, red eyes blinked, and thin lips were even more so. He slightly hooked up, and seemed to be trying hard to squeeze out a smile, but how could he not succeed, those eyes, as if immediately grieved, was about to cry.

Zhou Zekai was most helpless with this child. Anyway, he brought it from childhood to old age. Although this child is not young now, but for him, he is still a child ...

"Okay, if you cry like a kid, you do n’t know how to coax you, now you do n’t have your brother ’s tail to drag you, oh, goodbye for the teacher. I ’m here to ask you if you want to follow the teacher. "

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