The Best Male God

Chapter 805: She is the goddess of big brother 4

For those he likes, Zhou Zekai naturally will not refuse. He took He Fangfei to his villa, and the water prison in the Chiyang Gang was under his villa.

Others saw Zhou Zekai coming back with the roses of the Imperial Palace, but it was also dare not to take a look at it. In the past, it was rumored that the Kaiye of the Chiyang Gang had injured his body earlier, so he did not care about beauty. Everyone knows that this is a fake. Kaiye actually always has a Baiyueguang. As for where Ange Baiyueguang went, they don't know.

In terms of men and women, Kaiye always has cleanliness. When other brothers play women, Kaiye just looks at it and does not participate. He does n’t like the situation with women. In this way, Kaiye who has been on the road for such a long time has not had any weaknesses.

It seems that Kaiye is also going to be opened this time. After all, everyone has heard of the name of the rose, the most attractive rose in the Royal Palace.

It's just that everyone didn't guess that it was Zhou Zekai who brought the person back, not because everyone thought it was, but to let He Fangfei see someone.

He Fangfei's face was expressionless and her makeup was a bit spent, but the whole person exuded a feeling of being uninvited. Zhou Zekai walked next to her. He knew how much Fangfei had suffered for so many years.

The party quickly went to the water cell below the villa and saw Liang Shuxin soaked in water from the chest down. This water cell was also particular about the undercover that was brought, and the whole person would be hung in the water cell, etc. After being tied up, the water will slowly spread from the soles of the feet, then to the neck, and when you reach the neck, if you do not want to tell the truth, the next thing is serious dishes.

If the undercover is not explained at this time, then the water snake will be put in the pond. I believe that the water snake will be very interested in the human body in the water. Although they are all water snakes that have already eaten rice, but these terrible icy creatures, It's already scary enough.

In addition to water snakes, there are eels and piranhas. In this villa, there are all kinds of strange things. How are those people's bodies handled in the end? Generally, the crocodile and piranha are eaten separately. After eating, someone will arrange the bones and bring them to the crematorium to turn the bones into ashes. In this case, even if the police find that someone is missing, the person will not be found The corpse is uncertain whether this person is dead or alive.

People mingle on the road, if a little evidence is left, then it will be the price of life. Zhou Zekai will be able to mingle even now, but all those who resist him will be put into this water cell. Going out, there is almost nothing.

He Fangfei was standing on the top floor of the water prison, watching Liang Shuxin **** inside the pool.

"This woman is Liang Shuxin. Before the police investigated our case, I felt that Liang Shuxin was like you, so she sent her to approach me, and I found out my identity."

Zhou Zekai explained that He Fangfei approached Liang Shuxin slowly. After two people separated by three meters, Liang Shuxin **** in the water also woke up. At this time, he looked up and saw He Fangfei. Without recognizing who He Fangfei was, he saw Zhou Zekai next to He Fangfei at first glance, and could not help but begged.

"Akai, you believe me, I don't know what you said before ... I am Liang Xue, your favorite Liang Xue ... Will you let me down? Don't you treat me like this? "

Liang Shuxin was just sent in to contact Zhou Zekai, so he did n’t know how cruel this man was. The police could n’t get any evidence from this person countless times, which proves what kind of person he is. Then, she also tried in vain for this man.

Probably beautiful women have a natural sense of superiority, thinking that because they look beautiful, they should be taken for granted by others, especially when Liang Shuxin first met Zhou Zekai, she admitted that scars had formed on her face. The man who gave her a completely different feeling made her want to conquer this man, want to replace the so-called Baiyueguang, and become the man's favorite person.

Zhou Zekai watched Liang Shuxin's performance, and slowly crouched down to see Liang Shuxin, who was already embarrassed at this time. It was winter, and people were soaking in cold water. Liang Shuxin had already shivered and shivered. .

"Liang Xue? I know exactly who you are. I not only know that your name is Liang Shuxin, but I also know that your boyfriend, called Lu Yanan, isn't it? He is a drug police, and now he is checking Xiaochen's gang, oh ~ I am Speaking of undercover, you said that if I told Xiao Chen, would your boyfriend be dead? "

The smiling Zhou Zekai, at this time in Liang Shuxin's eyes, looked like a demon, or should be said, he has always been a demon. At this moment, his true face was revealed.

Liang Shuxin was trembling, but she was pale. What she wanted to say, she also understood that she was making more mistakes under the hood. At this time, she could only pretend that she didn't understand anything.

"Akai ... what are you talking about? Why can't I understand a single sentence?"

At this time, Liang Shuxin also tried to Zhou Zekai to be compassionate and cherish jade, but after learning all the truth, how could Zhou Zekai sympathize with such a vicious woman?

Looking at Liang Shuxin, who was extremely embarrassed at this time, Zhou Zekai could perceive the eyes of He Fangfei behind him, but he said with interest.

"You police are investigating a lot of things. Knowing that I used to like pure girls, did your boss tell you what is the name of the girl I like?"

He Fangfei originally looked at Liang Shuxin with hate eyes, admiring the incomparable look of the other party, but never thought about it, and heard Zhou Zekai's words, thinking of the time she had with Xiao Kai before, she felt a bit sour ,do you like it? That has become her most luxurious thing.

Liang Shuxin didn't speak, but her stubborn eyes fell on Zhou Zekai's face. She admits that she wants to know. In the month of approaching this man, she has been conquered by the strength of this man. That is When I was with Lu Yanan, she felt completely different. She seemed to want something, and the man would send it to her in the next second.

Although this man always looked at her with a nostalgic eye, he would occasionally say a sentence or two that was not very similar, but what happened then? Liang Shuxin was confident that the man in front of him would fall in love with her and forget the so-called white moonlight.

Zhou Zekai couldn't see the ambition in Liang Shuxin's eyes. This greedy woman, while having her boyfriend, tried to conquer another man, and she was really greedy.

"Do you know? I think you should have heard her name. Her name is He Fangfei. Later ... it seems that she changed her name to ... Lu Fangfei."

When the name He Fangfei was spoken by Zhou Zekai, Liang Shuxin almost instinctively opened his eyes and looked at the man in disbelief. He did not expect that such a powerful and powerful man would like the woman and the one who was destroyed by himself. Woman!

It was because of He Fangfei that he was sent abroad by his family to spend four or five years. I didn't expect to come back to help my brother to complete the task, but I heard He Fangfei's name again! Liang Shuxin once thought that he would never hear the name He Fangfei in his lifetime ...

"It turned out she ..."

Muttering, Liang Shuxin's gaze involuntarily fell behind Zhou Zekai. The woman who had been indifferent since then, the hatred in those eyes seemed to be reduced to substance, as if piercing her skin like a sharp knife. .

"He Fangfei !!! You are He Fangfei !!!"

He Fangfei, who was once beautiful and innocent, finally overlapped with the woman with heavy makeup at this time, thinking that she had treated He Fangfei that way, Liang Shuxin's eyes flashed a little fear, but she shook her head stubbornly.

"No, you cannot be He Fangfei ... Yes, you cannot be He Fangfei ..."

With that said, I don't know if I'm confirming or appeasing myself, but He Fangfei, who was standing there, laughed. It was a kind of crazy and sharp laughter, which filled this water cell, which sounded exceptional Spooky horror.

However, Zhou Zekai felt that there was another dull pain in her heart. She stood up and turned to look at the woman who was smiling crazy at this time. She couldn't help but hold people in her arms. He Fangfei was caught in the warm embrace and stopped. He laughed, but then he laughed, grabbed Zhou Zekai's suit, his voice was hoarse.

"Xiao Kai, you know, right? You know that she and that woman framed me, right? I want revenge, I must revenge, those who owe me, I must let those people pay the price !!!"

Crying blood, such a Fang Fei makes Zhou Zekai even more uncomfortable, stroking the other's back gently, promised.

"Fang Fei, rest assured, I will avenge you. Anyone who hurts you, I will make them pay!"

The actions of the two were placed in Liang Shuxin's eyes, but they were even more dazzling. The man he hoped to conquer was with the woman who should have disappeared at that time! !! !! It's disgusting! !! !!

"Zhou Zekai! Do you know what a mean woman He Fangfei is! She is a scumbag with thousands of people riding 10,000 people !!! scumbag !!!"

It seemed to vent his anger, Liang Shuxin's voice shouted sharply. At this time, all the previous training and the like disappeared from his mind. He only wanted Zhou Zekai to look at himself, and wanted Zhou Zekai to recognize the true face of He Fangfei.

When He Fangfei heard this, her body stiffened in Zhou Zekai's arms for a second, and then pushed Zhou Zekai away. After many years, for the first time, she showed a sincere smile toward Zhou Zekai, and everything seemed to return to the original.

"Xiao Kai, I heard you guys have fun in the water prison. How about letting Liang Shuxin experience the water prison?"

She smiled tenderly, just like the smile of that time, even if it was covered with heavy makeup, but Zhou Zekai could not resist.

"it is good."

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