The Best Male God

Chapter 824: Everyone wants my wife to testify 6

The kiss in the hot spring seemed to be a dream. After that, the two people did not have any intimate behavior. After all, they were not married, although Zhen Lingya felt that she really liked Akai! But after thinking about the kiss that day, A Kai took himself back to Dongfu, only feeling warm in his heart.

In order to let Kai Kai see her most beautiful dancing posture, Zhen Lingya now attaches great importance to the "Elysium Bible". Apart from making things for Akai, she spends most of her time practicing "Elysian Bible". It can be said that In two months, from the beginning of the foundation to the integration stage, Zhou Zekai was also very surprised by this progress.

After all, on the Canglan continent, there are several stages of the atmosphere of the cultivation level. As long as a person can build the foundation, it is almost a step into the ranks of cultivation. For example, the women in the Blue Palace are girls who have already established the foundation. Well, if you just want to go up, it will be a little impossible.

These poor women, who do not know their role, think that they have come to Broken Sect from a poor or struggling family, and have a beloved fiance, but never thought that it was this fiance who would send them away in the future. Take Huangquan Road.

Blue Palace, Blue Palace, why wasn't it a replacement for Huangquan Road?

Zhou Zekai ’s green magpies are also extremely well-trained. At least one thing is certain now, as long as the animals of Bai Yuefeng are turned on, they can already talk to Zhou Zekai.

However, what surprised Zhou Zekai happened.

One night, Zhou Zekai sat on the millennium ice bed to practice, and Snow Wolf broke in from the outside and looked a little embarrassed.

"Snow Wolf, what's wrong with you? What's going on outside?"

It stands to reason that all the scope of this Baiyuefeng is regarded as Zhou Zekai's personal territory. As long as anything happens, Zhou Zekai can discover it for the first time, but now Snow Wolf looks so embarrassed, Zhou Zekai has not found anyone attacking. It is usual to touch Snow Wolf's head.

At this moment Snow Wolf raised his head to look at Zhou Zekai, but it was Zhou Zekai who discovered that the snow wolf had tears in his eyes, and the red teardrops fell from the silver hair. It looked pathetic.

Before that, Zhou Zekai had studied Wanshoulu, so I knew that the Snow Wolf in front of me was just an underage child, and I did n’t know why. He came to Baiyuefeng. Fortunately, he met him. When I meet someone, I'm afraid it has been given a coercive contract.

It takes about a hundred years to get a snowman from birth to adulthood, and this snow wolf is only in his teens. It can be said that he is still a small child! Otherwise, Zhou Zekai's roast duck will not be fooled.

Snow wolf cried pitifully, only when Zhou Zekai wiped tears for it.

"My mother is being abused. Two-legged beast, are you a terrific person, right? Can you save my mother? My mother's monster Dan is about to be dug out. If you save my mother, I will Be your covenant beast. "

When it comes to spirit beasts, most of them are unwilling to contract with small humans. Because the life of a spirit beast is very long, even if a human practitioner is very powerful, it also has a life span of 10,000 years, but the age of a spirit beast. At least they are thousands of years. Like a monk who can have a life span of 10,000 years, everyone ’s beasts are fairy beasts ... so after the general spirit beasts were contracted by people, they were spiritually intertwined with people and shared. Life, in this case, any spirit beast is unwilling to be contracted by a weak human.

Although Zhao Yexue Snow Beast does not like to live together, it can be felt if a blood relative is injured or about to die. Now, this Ye Ye Snow Beast feels that his mother is about to die. How can death make it sad? It was only a few years since he left his mother.

After hearing this Snow Wolf's words, Zhou Zekai understood it. It turned out that this Snow Wolf's mother was in danger of life, thinking that her green magpie method had reached the fifth floor, which could heal the wounds of ordinary spirit beasts, so she gently Touching Snow Wolf said.

"I don't ask you to be my covenant beast. You are my friend and your mother's affairs. I will help. But before that, you wait with Lingya. I will report to the head. Come and take you away. "

This kind of going out of the mountain must be told to the person in charge, and can not go silently, Zhou Zekai intentionally helped Zhaoye step on the snow beast.

"Two-legged beast, thank you! My mother will appreciate you too!"

At this moment, the teenage boy just shed tears, and then ran towards Zhen Lingya's cave.

Zhou Zekai directly sacrificed the flying sword, and then headed for the palace on the side of the head. After entering, he found that the head was there, and after telling the other party that he was going to travel abroad for a while, the head agreed. Although it is strange for Zhou Zekai to bring Zhen Lingya, he has no objection, because Zhou Zekai is already the best genius of their Broken Love Sect! Thirty-six-year-old monk Yuan Ying can laugh and take pride in the entire Canglan continent ...

After getting the token out, Zhou Zekai flew back to Bai Yuefeng directly, and found that although Zhen Lingya couldn't understand what Yeta Snow Beast was talking about, she also packed up things and knew that something was about to happen.

"Snow Wolf's mother seems to be injured, we are going to save her now."

Zhou Zekai explained to Zhen Lingya and asked Zhen Lingya to nod her hastily. During this time here, she also liked this snow wolf, only to think that it was really cute to step on the snow beast according to the night.

But even so, the one who has the most fate with Zhen Lingya is the red candle silver ring snake. When Zhou Zekai did not respond, I did not expect that red candle silver ring snake, and actually recognized Zhen Lingya as his master. Now he likes it the most. It is wrapped around Zhen Lingya's ankle or wrist. In short, she likes Zhen Lingya very much.

After explaining with Zhen Lingya, Zhou Zekai cast a spell to reduce the Zhaoye Snow Beast into a pocket, and then took Zhen Lingya to the flying sword.

"Snow Wolf, you say direction, let's go straight."

Snow Wolf quickly whimpered and instructed Zhou Zekai to drive a flying sword. This flying sword is very fast, and now Zhou Zekai's deep spells turn out to be a thousand miles away. Under the command of Snow Wolf, Zhou Zekai's destination turned out to be the Black Forest .

Heiyuan Forest is not a place where ordinary monks dare to come. Only those monks with high spells will come to this place to capture spirit beasts or hunt Warcraft. Warcraft's killer nature is not easy to be recovered, so since ancient times, monks All are killed directly, and the body of Warcraft is used to make it.

When Zhou Zekai saw this Abyss Forest, he really couldn't figure out why the mother of Snow Wolf, a snow beast that walked by the night, would choose to cross the distant Promise, and came here to the Abyss Forest where Warcraft was everywhere.

You know, this place is actually the site of Warcraft, even if the spirit beast and fairy beast are in this kind of place, it is not cheap.

It was just that Snow Wolf was very anxious, and it seemed that Snow Wolf's mother had a problem, so Zhou Zekai didn't ask much, and flew towards the address that Snow Wolf said quickly.

Zhen Lingya was held in her arms, and at this time the whole person was buried in Zhou Zekai's arms, only to find such a Kai, so difficult to let go.

Finally in front of a cave, Zhou Zekai stopped the flying sword, Zhen Lingya and Zhou Zekai came down together, Snow Wolf jumped out of Zhou Zekai's pocket, and recovered his appearance under Zhou Zekai's spell.

The cave in front of him was dark, but the snow wolf shouted at it, and the wolf's cry seemed extremely pitiful at this time.

While Zhou Zekai and Zhen Lingya were waiting, a cry similar to the response suddenly came from the cave, making Snow Wolf immediately red eyes and was about to cry.

Then I saw a man in a white fluffy coat walking out of the cave. He had a lot of blood on his body, and it seemed that he had gone through a battle. After seeing him, the snow wolf went straight to the past. The whole The predecessor lay there.

The man's eyebrows were all white, although he had a handsome face, but his face was condensed at this time. After seeing the Snow Wolf, he actually stomped towards the Snow Wolf, making Zhen Ling Ya feel very distressed , But this person seems to know Snow Wolf, it is not easy to speak.


The man spoke, but Zhou Zekai heard Snow Wolf speak.

"This is my friend who brought my mother to save her. Father, they are good people!"

But these words did not reassure the man, but looked at the two people in front of him, and after confirming that they were not a problem for them, he said.

"Your mother wants to see you for the last time."

After speaking, they ignored Zhou Zekai and Zhen Lingya, turned around and walked in, and Snow Wolf quickly followed.

Zhou Zekai and Zhen Lingya stopped at the same place, and both knew that this man, who might be Snow Wolf's father, was unwilling to let himself enter this cave.

After Snow Wolf entered, after a while, he ran out like crazy, at this time there was blood on his head and body, lying directly in front of Zhou Zekai.

"Two-legged beast, will you save my mother? Please save her, I can't live without my mother ..."

He was talking, and the red tears in his eyes fell again, and Zhen Lingya almost cried out, thinking of his parents who didn't know where they had gone.

Zhou Zekai bent down and reached out and stroked Snow Wolf's head.

"Well, you are my friend and I will save her."

Talking about taking out his own flute, he didn't need to go in. Standing at this hole, he blows out the fifth layer of the Qingyi Xianfa. With that music, it is Zhou Zekai ’s rich mana. At that time, watching the white-browed man who had turned his wife into a prototype in the hole, but after hearing this tune, he just felt that the internal injuries suddenly began to be repaired ...

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