The Best Male God

Chapter 841: Everyone expects my wife to testify 23

What did I say to my father that day? After a drink, it seemed to have been forgotten. Zhou Zekai only remembered that his father's sad eyes and the portrait of his mother found in Jade Jane, the father at that time seemed He is no longer a cultivator facing his heart.

It is said that the broken love sect of broken love sect needs broken love and love, but it is a pass, then what?

How can people be ruthless if they are not plants?

It ’s just that everyone does n’t say it or show it. The deceased is already embarrassed, and some of them ca n’t survive it. They will be buried with their wife in the grave. If they survive, it will be a longer period of spiritual cultivation, a long time. Then, they didn't even know when it was head.

With Zhou Zekai's exit, Zhen Lingya also exited. After the two exited, the busiest is about the wedding of the two people, although it is said that Zongqingzong has prepared for the wedding of the two of them for almost two years. Time, but some things need to be done by two people.

For example, Zhen Lingya ’s bridal gown ca n’t be replaced by others. You need to embroider it with stitches. Fortunately, Zhen Lingya ’s level has always been good, so it took almost a month to embroider the bride ’s bridal gown. In addition, Zhou Zekai also wants to do more for her wedding with Zhen Lingya.

In short, it can be regarded as very busy. The faction is very busy and happy all day long. After all, it is the big disciples under their door who are going to get married. Everyone is naturally happy. With the wedding, many clans in Canglan mainland They all came to the wedding. On the day of the wedding, Zhou Zekai wore a red wedding gown and finally married Zhen Lingya back. Since then, she is not an unmarried couple, but a real couple.

The Snow Wolf family is also very happy about this matter, because they have given everything to Zhou Zekai before, so the two got married. The two did not know what to send before, but they gave away their fur. It just happened to fall down during the weather disaster. It can be said that it is very powerful. As long as it is a coat made of such fur, it has great protection ability in the face of attacks from others.

Zhou Zekai was very busy at the wedding banquet. It was already evening to return to Baiyuefeng after finishing the busy. After entering his Dongfu, he found that Zhen Lingya was still sitting there with her head covered with a red hijab.

Taking out the golden pole, Zhou Zekai lifted the red hijab, and then saw Zhen Lingya under the hijab.

The Zhen Lingya who came in was very exquisitely dressed, and Jin Chanchan's phoenix crown was even more beautiful on her head, which made Zhou Zekai unable to take it seriously.

Zhen Lingya blinked at Zhou Zekai and finally waited for this day. Finally she waited for the day when the two were married. Her mood was naturally very good.

"Lingya, you are really beautiful today."

Zhou Zekai praised, looking at such a beautiful Zhen Lingya, her heart was soft, and since today, she is his wife. This recognition makes Zhou Zekai very happy.

Zhen Lingya laughed, and it was like spring flowers blooming. Zhou Zekai picked up the wine on the table and handed it to Zhen Lingya.

"Lingya, starting today, I will be your husband and you will be my wife. I will respect and love you and love you until I die."

The two were very close at this time, their hands were already bent together, and the exchanged wine glasses made Zhen Lingya feel more numb.

"Well, husband."

She shouted the title, but her face was flushed. The two of them finally drank the wine, and then they drank the wine, and then there was a good spring. Zhou Zekai liked Zhen Lingya very much. He thought he really liked it.

After one night, the relationship between the two people is naturally closer, especially because of the Bliss Bible, because the mana flow in the body actually makes the two people's cultivation more integrated, this feeling is very wonderful, let Zhen Ling Ya and Zhou Zekai have a different kind of tacit understanding.

On the second day of marriage, it was natural to visit the head and father. When the two arrived at the hall, the head and many elders were already sitting there, waiting for Zhou Zekai. After watching the little couple come in, There was a smile on his face, very kind.

"Meet the head!"

The two knelt down together, because they have the love sect, and they are the ones they are today. Therefore, after they are married, they naturally want to thank the owner.

"Okay, okay, it ’s a natural pair, and Lingya will take care of you in the future. Akai, I know you have a strong mind, so you must not have uncle Lingya's affection."

The head said, giving the couple a small gift they prepared for the newlyweds, and then all kinds of kneeling. After kneeling, I got a lot of good things from my family, and Father Zhou almost did not. Give Zhou Zekai the good things at the bottom of the box. Because his son started his family, he has a feeling that his son has finally grown up.

After visiting the person in charge, Zhou Zekai took Zhen Lingya to Biluodian to thank those masters of Zhenlingya. This is an unwritten rule of Zhuang Qingzong. As long as it is a girl who is married from Biluodian, she is marrying On the first day after that, I would also return to the palace with the husband to thank the teacher, because these girls do not have a maiden house, so this palace is the maiden house of these girls.

When Zhen Lingya arrived at the Blue Palace, she was surrounded by many girls, and she sent her own blessings. Then she thanked the teacher with Zhou Zekai. Such a happy day, Zhen Lingya never thought Dare to think.

After the couple visited everyone, they returned to Baiyuefeng. It was different from the previous feeling. Zhen Lingya looked at everything in Bian Yuefeng. At this time, she felt completely different.

In the past, when I saw Bai Yuefeng, I just thought that it was the place where my favorite person lived, but now it is completely different. Bai Yuefeng will be her home, and her future home.

Zhou Zekai recently likes to sit on a tree to meditate or play the flute, Zhen Lingya is together. At this moment, even if the two are married, they are still engaged in daily cultivation. After all, cultivation is also a very important thing.

However, after the two became partners, Sapphire and Silver Mane suddenly found Zhou Zekai.

"Akai, since you are married to Lingya, you might as well go to Baimo Snowfield and look at my ethnic group."

This is a good discussion between sapphire and silver mane. Before, because the physical conditions of the two people were not allowed, but now, after watching Zhou Zekai and Ling Ya's wedding, I feel that I can take them to the ethnic group. One trip, and the snow ridge flowers of the Baimo Snowfield have bloomed this year. If used, it will greatly improve the cultivation of human beings. If such things are found by human beings, they will not be found for almost a lifetime, but if there is a photo Looking at Yeta Snow Beast together, it is much simpler.

Moreover, at this point of Zhou Zekai, although there is plenty of aura, it is completely inferior to Baimo Snowfield. When Zhou Zekai passes by, the practice will become faster and faster.

Zhou Zekai naturally heard of Bai Moxueyuan. Although it is not the true hometown of Zhaoye Snow Beast, there are still a lot of survivors of Zhaoye Snow Beast. This one is known from other people. Zhou Zekai did not have much objection to this proposal. Just after getting married, it was not bad to go for a honeymoon.

"Lingya, do you want to go to Baimo Snowfield?"

That kind of place is a bit boring, but there is always a snow beast walking in the night, so Zhou Zekai is very assured of himself and Zheng Lin ’s safety.

"Bai Mo Snowfield? Is there a lot of snow beasts according to the night?"

When mentioning this place, Zhen Lingya took a look at the snow wolf that was seeking to touch. Sapphire and silver mane were both adults. Only snow wolf was still like a child. Now she is trying to touch all day. Ya helped him comb his hair.

"Yes, it is now the second hometown of the Snow Beast according to the night. If you want to go, we can go with the Snow Wolf family, and the place is full of aura, and it will be easier for us to cultivate."

The person in charge has determined that the exercises given by him are useful, so Zhou Zekai also wants to see a lot of this freeland continent, and wants to see more people or things in the future, such as more spirit beasts and the like Yes, Zhou Zekai is still very interested.

"Okay, let's go together."

Zhen Lingya naturally agreed. Before two years of retreat at Bai Yuefeng, she also felt that she had been staying here for too long. Now that she heard A Kai say that she would go elsewhere, Zhen Lingya would naturally not object.

The two soon started to discuss this matter, and decided to go to the Baimo Snowfield first, and then talk slowly to other places ...

After a good discussion, Zhou Zekai wore Zhen Lingya to report to the head. After the head knew it, he did not stop it. After all, the disciples in the door were required to go out and practice in addition to their own practice. After giving a lot of magic Let Zhou Zekai leave.

On the day when he left, Father Zhou did n’t come to see him. It seemed that he did n’t like the parting. Many girls from the Blue Palace came to send Zhen Lingya. After all, Zhen Lingya did n’t know when she could return. Everyone really thinks that they will miss it later.

The same is true of the brothers and sisters of Zhou Zekai. After knowing what the older brother planned to go out to practice, they also expressed their hope that the older brother would encounter many interesting things outside.

After leaving the Qingzong Sect, Zhou Zekai took the flying sword directly and flew towards the Baimo Snowfield. At that place, most people would not dare to go there. But there, the flying sword was completely unusable.

Why do you say that?

The Baimo Snowfield is just like the name. This is a desert, but it snows all the year round, so it is almost impossible for Feijian to use it in such a place.

Zhou Zekai and they soon arrived at the edge of the Baimo Snowfield, with a howling wind coming out, and the sky full of snowflakes, which is completely different from Bai Yuefeng. The snow wolf turned into a prototype, and the two rode on him. The gallop ran into the white desert snowfield ...

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