The Best Male God

Chapter 853: Eye Blind Web God 1

When I woke up, I opened my eyes, but my eyes were completely dark, and then in this darkness, light gradually appeared in front of me, but it was vague, but I still couldn't see anything. Zhou Zekai reached out and touched the bedside. The crutch, then gradually touched it after touching the crutch.

It seems that I have already come here. The memory from my mind tells Zhou Zekai that he is now a blind man. Although he can't see his eyes at this time, he can sense the daylight and reach out to touch himself. Clothes, and then began to put on his coat skillfully.

This feeling is very bad. This is the first time for Zhou Zekai, even if he has encountered his own physical difficulties before, he has never become a blind person once, but fortunately, it is the physical memory that made Zhou Zekai Deep in the darkness, I still don't feel scared.

Dressed myself, twisted my body and put my feet on the floor, then touched the slippers on the floor with my feet, and then put on the slippers, but did not move, sitting there, the memory in my mind kept tumbling. Come.

This wisher is a literary creator. Why do you say that? Because he is a super **** with an annual income of 10 million. Although he wrote online novels, he has been in the industry since school. At the age of 22, he got his own manuscript fee of 10 million copyright. At that time, he can be said to be proud of the spring breeze, and also gave a beautiful girlfriend named Liang Wanwan, Liang Wanwan is not only beautiful, but also very gentle, making the wishing person like her very much.

It ’s just that it ’s not a long time. The two have n’t been in contact for a long time. In less than half a year, Zhou Zekai suddenly had a car accident, and then his eyes were invisible. The doctor checked that it was a sequela of a car accident.

The wisher claimed to be an orphan. Actually, there were parents, but the mother died because of his father. Therefore, the wisher was even more reluctant to recognize his father. He only said that he was an orphan. Even his girlfriend thought that Zhou Zekai was really an orphan.

After the wisher lost his eyesight, he was fortunate to have a girlfriend who was taking care of him, so that the wisher was not so scared and degraded. He quickly learned Braille, and his super talent allowed him to learn quickly. Braille, and also exclusively customized a keyboard for the blind for his use. Because of this, even if the wishing person is blind, he never intended to give up writing novels.

The name of his first big red novel was "Drunk Tang", which wrote about what happened after a man crossed through Datang. It was also this book that was later made into a TV series and a movie. It was very hot. As the author, Jiang Chen has also become the most outstanding existence among the authors of the history department.

However, the wisher is a hard-working person, and will not be proud of his previous achievements. He had a car accident during the preparation of the new book. He later studied Braille for almost half a year, and then wrote a new novel again. This time, because What happened in life, he began to write a story about reincarnation, the name is "Blind Monk", the story system is about a blind and not blind monk along the way, all the stories encountered, every little story is superb Endlessly.

Of course, the novel "The Blind Monk" was released by Wishman's girlfriend Liang Wanwan. From the first day of the release to the shelves, Liang Wanwan will tell the wisher about the situation, both good and bad. Wishing people, the book "The Blind Monk" is not as powerful as "Drunk Tang", but it is still possible.

As a blind man, the wishing man naturally believed in the girlfriend who was with him after he was blind, so he never thought about what kind of results he should get from this book, because he has n’t I have been writing a novel, so I am a little embarrassed to start again, but almost every day I think about how to write this novel more wonderfully. I also have a girlfriend to modify it. Such a day makes the wishing people very happy.

Now that the book "The Blind Monk" has serialized more than one million words, Zhou Zekai has found the memory of yesterday. Yesterday was April 26, 2028. Thinking of this, Zhou Zekai evoked a smile on his face.

Sometimes, it is not necessary to see the true feelings of suffering. Maybe what you get after suffering is the bullying of others.

How good would it be if all this was as it was seen in memory? But the facts are often cruel. The reason why Zhou Zekai received the wish of the wisher was, of course, related to writing novels, and also to his present virtuous girlfriend.

It turned out that whether it was a car accident or blindness from the original owner, or even a later novel, it was all calculated.

Liang Wanwan is indeed a gentle woman, but her tenderness can already be used to kill people.

Six months after the two were in contact, Wishing Man was planned to have a car accident by Liang Wanwan. During the operation, she joined her doctor boyfriend to destroy the wishing man ’s cornea, and later he took the Wishing Man to a place where no one knew and no one The place I found, for the reason of waiting for the wishing man, successfully obtained the writing fees of the wishing man "Drunk Tang", and later even sold the drunk Tang several times, because the wishing man could not see it, so when signing, it was basically I don't know what kind of contract she is a so-called gentle girlfriend.

Later, the wishing man worked hard to learn Braille, and when he restarted writing the novel, the appearance of "The Blind Monk" suddenly made Liang Wanwan see the last use value of the wishing person, and did not put "The Blind Monk" like the wishing person said. It was published under the pen name of the wisher. Instead, he used his identity card to re-establish an author number called Feng Buji, and uploaded "The Blind Monk".

After all, the wishing man was a great novelist. He was able to become popular with "Drunken Tang" at that time. After changing a style, because of different experiences, the "Blind Monk" written was very superb, hundreds of thousands of words. It ’s not good at times, there are people who come to buy TV drama rights and movie rights, not to mention those that are published ...

Liang Wanwan took the opportunity to disclose her identity, coupled with her good looks and gentleness, she was hyped to become a beauty writer. She was very famous at zero, and she became the best newcomer of the year with "The Blind Monk". Later, "The Blind Monk" also sold tens of millions of copyright fees. The TV series movie plus the physical book in reality and other things made Liang Wanwan almost overnight.

Of course, these wishers don't know. He just heard that his fans do n’t seem to like "The Blind Monk". I think this novel looks uncomfortable, but I don't mind it. I just think that I should take a long break. It's not good enough.

After the "Monk of the Blind", Wishing Man opened a horror suspense novel "Blind", which is similar to the "Blind Monk" series, and fully described the psychological dynamics of a blind person. If only this is the case, in the horror suspense novel In "Blinding", the emergence of a blind man connected a series of stories. This book, which was only 300,000 words in total, was regarded as a classic of domestic horror suspense novels. Liang Wanwan even adopted this book "Blinding" identified the status of her great god, fame and fortune.

After that, there were several books in succession. The more the Liang Wanwan's popularity became more and more, Liang Wanwan was afraid of being exposed by the ghostwriting, so she finally did not hold back, and re-applied the tricks again. This time, the wishing person died completely. Under the big truck, all the corpses were crushed and nothing was left, let alone the family of the wishing person.

However, Liang Wanwan gained the money by virtue of the emerging writer's name, and finally married her boyfriend happily and then together ...

Knowing all the ins and outs of Zhou Zekai really felt that Liang Wanwan really was cruel and clever. She knew how to use wishing people. On the other hand, she wished to make troubles with her family for several years. Then she was deceived by Liang Wanwan. She had nothing on her body and must rely on a woman. Survived and was later tortured to death by this woman.

I have to say, what can't be solved with my family? When a person is blind, shouldn't he instinctively look for his family?

Zhou Zekai learned from his memory that although the wishing person was indifferent to his father because of the separation between his father and mother, and the father did not know how to get along with the wishing person, the grandparents were very good to the wishing person. I have been in contact for almost three years. I am afraid the family members are crazy?

Zhou Zekai is now in Hong Kong, and his real home is in Shanghai. As for why he came to Hong Kong, it has a lot to do with Liang Wanwan.

I am afraid that the biggest relationship is to make the wishing person isolated and helpless in such a place, can only rely on her?

However, Zhou Zekai thought that "The Blind Monk" is still being serialized. I am afraid that everyone knows that the author of "The Blind Monk" is a beauty writer? At this time, Zhou Zekai felt that if he didn't do something, he would be sorry for Liang Wanwan.

I reached out and touched my mobile phone on the table, not the sliding screen mobile phone used by others, but a blind mobile phone with buttons. I pressed a string of notes in my heart and did n’t know how long, but I have n’t touched it for almost three years. phone.

After the cricket's voice, someone soon answered the phone.

"Hello? Hello, I'm Zhou Qifa. May I have your son's news?"

As Zhou Zekai expected, the Zhou family is now looking for him.

Zhou Qiqi ’s father is Zhou Zekai ’s father. Although he is usually indifferent and does not speak much, he does not care about the son. Before, Zhou Zekai ’s “Drunk Tang” he bought a lot of physical books at home. It will show off that it was written by his son.

Now, the other side's voice was a bit tired and old, which made Zhou Zekai feel a little surprised and said.

"Dad ... I'm Kai."

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