The Best Male God

Chapter 860: Eye Blind Web God 8

Such a thing is unprecedented. Because of the popularity of Liang Wanwan's affairs before, many people even thought that the book "The Blind Monk" would not be updated anymore. After all, the official team of the "Blind Monk" was silent, and the author was in prison. Can it be updated?

As a result, Messi got the fact that it was a face-to-face in minutes. The Blind Monk was not only updated, but also changed to an author. It was a horrible look to the readers and did not understand what was happening. Even a lot of melon-eating authors came to watch and wonder what happened here.

Regarding Jiang Chen, many authors know that old readers also know that even people who do not know Jiang Chen have read the book "Drunk Tang". You don't say that the TV version of the book is so powerful. Just to say that this book is still highly visible. Although it can be considered a book three years ago, the website has always recommended it, and many readers have seen it.

Because of this, when you saw the book "The Blind Monk" turned out to be a general, I couldn't believe it.

All this was required by Zhou Zekai. After he returned home, because he became blind, everyone did n’t let him do anything. It made him very boring, and he began to recode. "The Blind Monk" He wrote the book very smoothly. Although he couldn't see his eyes, everything was easy to say with the Braille keyboard. After all, the Braille keyboard was also audible. After he finished writing, he asked his father to change it. , And then sent his father to the background.

Yes, it was a compromise made by Tomato after discussing with the above. At zero, it was decided to do an exclusive interview with Zhou Zekai, saying that it was an exclusive interview. It was better to speculate and declare, and it was scheduled for these two days. Before the case ended, Before the court issued a verdict, it made the best guidance to attract traffic to the zero site.

Zhou Zekai naturally agreed, but there was still a prerequisite for the promise. Holding his own hype, should there be advertising costs? So Zhou Zekai politely asked for five million over the zero side. Although the other party ’s final bargaining has almost turned into three million, this is not a problem for Zhou Zekai. What he wants to do is to let the "blind monk "More famous and more legendary, let everyone know that the birth of this book not only has murder and imprisonment, but also a blind pen farm.

Think about the future when readers recommend this book to others, saying that this book was written by a blind god, how bullish it feels! What Zhou Zekai likes and enjoys most is this feeling.

"Akai, why do you agree to the website interview?" Or a live video interview?

Zhou Qifa couldn't figure out. His son was hurt in this way and his family was not short of money. It would be more uncomfortable to show these scars to everyone. This is what Zhou Qifa is most worried about.

Zhou Zekai heard Zhou's father's worry and appeased.

"Dad, of course I want to be famous, you think about it, how about you reading the book" The Blind Monk "?"

"It's really excellent."

Father Zhou gave an answer. If it is not good, "The Blind Monk" will not be seen and can be shot in TV series and movies. Therefore, Father Zhou still likes this novel written by his son very much, only every time When he read it, he would secretly wipe his tears, because when he thought that the book was written without his son's eyes, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

"That's OK, because" The Blind Monk "is good enough, so I also want everyone to see how good I am when I write it. When I wrote this book, in fact, my heart was a bit painful at first. It was dark, and the doctor I met at the time told me that my eyes might not be visible for a lifetime. In that case, I wrote "The Blind Monk", a storyless blind monk, because of me. When I wrote this book, I discovered that in the process of writing, darkness is not painful, and there will be no pain tomorrow without light, because this is the calamity born in life, just like the scene when you and your mother were In a car accident, mom must have hoped that you would survive. "

Zhou Zekai hopes that more people will know about this matter, and "The Blind Monk" is seen by more people. He also hopes that after everything has come out, he will be able to restore his innocence.

After hearing the explanation from his son, Father Zhou suddenly felt very uncomfortable, but couldn't cry in front of the son, so he could only control himself at this time, and then answered.

"So, that dad supports you. Whatever you want to do, dad listens to you."

I went to the police station before. After learning that his son was almost killed, Father Zhou really was going crazy. Because of this, he cherished everything he got now, what his son likes and thought If he wants anything, let him do it. He doesn't want to stop the son anymore. As long as it is the son's wish, he will help to achieve it. He hopes that the son can have a carefree life in the future.

Regarding the live broadcast, it is natural to do it on the Zero website. After all, because of the matter of Liang Wanwan, the author of their website has taken the name of killing. Then he naturally wants to be whitewashed. It is their zero The author, the so-called Liang Wanwan is just a thief who stole someone else's stuff. No matter when and where their zero point website is, it is the most just.

As a result, readers who read books on the Zero Fiction website opened the Zero App and the website again, and the pop-up ads directly surprised everyone.

"He is the author who was murdered, persecuted and even imprisoned. With blind eyes, he wrote" The Blind Monk ", which is everyone's favorite. He is a general and two years later, he returned with blood !!!!

Such advertisements are all sparkling, both for the author and the reader. In fact, when any reader sees that the update of the author is slow, he thinks that if he can tie the author home, and then close it to a small place, The non-stop code in the black room is just fine, but everyone just thinks about it, no one really does it, but now? Seeing this ad, why did my hand click in uncontrollably?

After clicking inside, what you see is the phone call records of Zhou Zekai and Tomato. How do you say? Instead of using those most gorgeous words to let everyone see everything, it is better to let everyone see the cruelty of everything with the most authentic side.

After the advertisement entered, it was directly displayed on a call interface. The top sentence made everyone thrilled.

[I am a tomato, the general editor of General Chen. After 697 days after General Chen disappeared, I was finally able to talk to him. The following is our chat record. I just hope that everyone can see all the truth. 】

Looking down, it is the call records of the two people. From the concern of the tomato to the understatement of Zhou Zekai, especially that sentence was blinded, which made all readers and authors have a creepy feeling.

Especially after watching this call, thinking of the very hot Liang Wanwan incident on Weibo now, I can already know in minutes what exactly happened in it.

And finally, the following video interview live broadcast three days later, it is even more exciting for everyone.

Is it time to find out the truth? Isn't "The Blind Monk" really written by Liang Wanwan? Combined with the previous arrest of Liang Wanwan, murder, imprisonment, the person who was treated in this way is the general?

The old readers who like to take the minister out are hurry up. For this matter, they have the most say, because at the beginning of the serialization of "The Blind Monk", many readers who have seen "Drunk Tang" came out and said the author. The writing style is very similar to General Chen, plus General Chen has not opened a new book, everyone thinks this is the general's trumpet! Later, the author who exposed this number turned out to be a beautiful female writer. Everyone Hiawas was a little strange. Nowadays, everyone really feels cold sweat.

Why do you say that? Because "Drunken Tang" was really hot at that time, after re-shooting, there were still people who wanted to buy the copyright of "Drunken Tang", but I do n’t know why, I ca n’t find the generals. Now, if it is There seems to be a reason for saying that General Chen was imprisoned.

After the publicity was released at zero, the war soon spread to Weibo. Someone who likes Liang Wanwan doesn't believe it all, but this is not a problem. After all, the truth will eventually be known by everyone.

The other is the police station. Because of all the evidence, the witnesses, physical evidence, and Feng Zihan and Liang Wanwan also finally pleaded guilty. They notified the Zhou family and the trial was scheduled to take place one week later. The next thing can be said to be unreasonable. Suspected of numerous crimes, it will definitely be put in prison.

After listening to Zhou's father, Zhou Zekai said that he would testify at the trial at that time. He did not want to let Liang Wanwan and Feng Zihan know what he wanted.

Father Zhou naturally listens to his son, especially after consulting a psychiatrist. It is very difficult to know that his son is still healthy now. If it is someone else, I am afraid that he would have collapsed because of sudden blindness. So nowadays, even if Zhou Zekai wants the stars in the sky, I am afraid that Father Zhou will arrange for people to pick them.

On the outside media, this incident is full of excitement, especially this issue is already considered a social issue. Major magazines are rushing to report. Although the real identity of Jiang Chen has not been revealed, at least I know at home that Liang Wanwan is indeed Suspected of murder and imprisoned generals for two years. Otherwise, how could a woman write an article like "The Blind Monk"?

Now that he knows that the general ’s victim was blind, the origin of the book The Blind Monk seems to have had results.

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