The Best Male God

Chapter 875: Wife is a helper demon 13

There was Dou Ying next to Zhou Zekai this time. He was afraid that his brother would be bullied by the best of Du Shishi ’s family, so he planned to come over to see if it was because he had a good relationship with Zhou Zekai. Otherwise, who would be willing to make the most of himself? Let me show you the embarrassing side?

When Du Shishi went alone, she didn't sleep last night. After thinking about it, she finally decided not to tell her parents about it and planned to finally plead with her husband. If the husband really wanted to divorce, she decided to get Money to buy a house of your own, so that you will not be bullied by your parents ...

At first glance, Zhou Zekai saw Du Shishi with red blood in her eyes. It was a bit of a surprise that this woman did not tell her parents in the end. She thought that there was a tough battle to fight, but she did not expect that the other party would divorce so much. Her parents ...

"You are here, what do you think?"

Seeing the other person sitting in front of himself, Zhou Zekai spoke directly, not giving the city a chance to reflect at all. Dou Ying secretly glanced at Du Shishi, and then pretended to look at the scenery. She originally thought that she would support the brothers. No need to watch the brothers lively.

Du Shishi, who was sitting in front of Zhou Zekai, heard her husband's words indifferent, and began to cry again, tears falling down his cheeks.

Zhou Zekai was expressionless, watching the woman in front of her crying, without saying a word, and seemed very patient to wait for her to finish crying.

After crying for a while, and discovering that her husband had no response at all, Du Shishi was finally sure. Her husband is now as hard-hearted as she is, and even if she said anything, she would not agree to not divorce ...

In the past three days, Du Shishi thought a lot, from her first meeting with her husband, to their marriage, to her pregnancy, and now her husband's cold eyes, she always felt that this had changed too quickly. Quickly let yourself have no time to prepare. Is it necessary to be separated from your husband?

"This is the divorce agreement. You have read it before. I have also added some new clauses. You can take a closer look and follow the statement about severing relations with Yin Yin. If you sign it, I can give it to you again. 300,000, you are in this city, 400,000 is enough to make you live well. "

Zhou Zekai has no patience, and he has no distress for the woman in front of him.

The divorce agreement was pushed in front of Du Shishi once again, so Du Shishi finally stopped crying, and asked Zhou Zekai nothing, she began to read this divorce agreement. She had consulted a lawyer on the above things. After she was able to get 100,000 after her divorce, and her severance relationship with her daughter proved that she could get 300,000, Du Shishi's hand holding the file was shaking.

She knew that it was time for her to make a choice. If she signed this contract, she might have 400,000. With her monthly salary, she could live well in Shangyang, but if she divorced herself, Let parents know that parents will blame themselves, and they will come to the Zhou family to make trouble. Even then, even if the people who are in trouble are all aware of it, the money is still not worth her money. It is estimated that it will be held by the parents. Brother, so Du Shishi was finally able to wake up when she was facing her own interests and wanted to fight for herself.

But never thought about how selfish it was for her husband, who had been upright in her arms, to let her feed her parents every month at home.

As for why Du Shishi was so scared, it was because she had seen with her own eyes what a woman would look like after going home after divorce.

The girl was a neighbor of Du Shishi's family. She divorced her husband. When she divorced, her whole family went to her husband's house to get into trouble. Then she got 200,000 from that husband's house. Poetry thought that her parents were really in the early stages of that woman, but she didn't know until she heard the words of envy from her mother.

After that girl was upset at home, 200,000 were taken away by her parents. After returning to live, it was worse than a pig and a dog. She served the whole family all day and was beaten by her brother. The 200,000 was taken by her parents. She took the house and married her daughter-in-law. Later, when Du Shishi grew up, the girl was beaten by her brother, and then she became crazy. Later, she heard her mother said that she was a shame in her family. She was sent away, and no one knew where it was sent. After all, where can a fool go?

In addition, there are other girls in the village. As long as they are divorced, they are humiliated by their families. Du Shishi has seen so many things, so at this time, even if you already know that you have to divorce, But instinct made her dare not tell her parents, otherwise, let alone 100,000, she could not get a dime ...

"I sign."

Speaking of these two words seemed to have spent all the energy of Du Shishi, she didn't know what to do in her heart, but she also knew that she couldn't redeem the marriage herself.

She secretly called Akai, and Akai didn't answer. She called her mother and found that she had been hacked. She secretly went to see her parents-in-law, and found that Akai didn't care about her at all ...

If she could, Du Shishi would like to kneel to her husband, as long as she does n’t want money, as long as she does n’t divorce, she promises that she wo n’t take money from the house again, and she wo n’t give her brother money ...

But it was useless and nothing. The husband's look at his eyes was the same as looking at dirty things, which made Du Shishi very sad.

Zhou Zekai did not speak, handed a pen, and then looked at Du Shishi's signature, not only the proof of divorce, but also a statement about severing relations with Zhou Yinyin, she also signed it.

In Du Shishi ’s eyes, Zhou Yinyin ’s existence is indeed less than 300,000. Although she does n’t understand why her father-in-law likes that cheap girl so much, Du Shishi does n’t want to divorce and she takes the oil bottle. She will marry What about people ...

Seeing that the other party signed the agreement, Zhou Zekai was relieved. Dou Ying sorted out the agreement and then drove two people to apply for a divorce certificate. Because the appointment was in the morning, the green divorce certificate was issued in less than an hour. Being held in hand, since there is no divorce after divorce, Zhou Zekai gives a deadline.

"Before the New Year, you should find a place to move and take your brother away. I plan to sell the house over there. If the people on the sales side know you are still there, what they do, I don't know."

After Zhou Zekai finished speaking, he got into Dou Ying's car and disappeared into Du Shishi's eyes.

Du Shishi holding the divorce certificate and crouched on the ground and wept. She hated herself and hatred such a weak self. If she could have the courage and tell her husband boldly that she didn't really want a divorce, how good?

But nothing happens if they are strangers.

In the car, Dou Ying looked at Zhou Zekai, who was in a good mood after the divorce, and felt very incredible.

"Divorce is so happy?"

As a single person, he really cannot understand the various frictions in marriage.

"Well, it is equivalent to get rid of a fire pit." Zhou Zekai nodded, then looked at his buddy and said carefully.

"Engko, if you look for someone in the future, you must look at the woman ’s parents. After all, marriage is not about love, it ’s just a matter of two people. I was married too early, so I just look at the Du family. Really, Du Shishi may be a good woman, but her behavior will promote the ambition of the Du family. Do you remember the ten dollars and the beggar? If you give the beggar ten dollars every day, one day , The beggar will hit you, I think, you know the truth. "

Dou Ying nodded when she heard what Zhou Zekai said. She remembered that her mother asked A Kai when she went home. After hearing what she said, her mother also felt that such a person would divorce. After all, it is easy to raise a person and it is easy to raise a family. But raising someone ’s family, now it ’s raising the Du family, and maybe he ’s raising the Du Boyang family in the future. Is this the right thing to do?

"Then congratulations on your divorce, let's go to our new home and ask the brothers to have a meal together. Congratulations on getting out of the bitter sea."

Speaking of two people, they think of the new house. Everyone can buy a house together this time, not that they can all afford it. After all, the price at Red Star is very high. Zhou Zekai lent it because of the money. The two brothers are worth three million, and everyone is in a good relationship, so don't worry about them. You can't be happy after buying a house one by one.

As for Du Shishi's side, after crying, she also had to think for herself, because she didn't want to end up with the women in the village. After checking the money on her card, there were almost half a million, so she went directly I recently opened a residential area, which is very far away from my home. It can be said that I can't find it. I plan to buy a house.

If you do n’t spend this money and your parents know about your divorce, you will definitely be taken away by your parents ...

There is also the house of Zhou Zekai, which was directly given to someone to take care of, that is, the second-hand dealers who sold the house. After Zhou Zekai explained, he had decided to go and see for a few days.

Du Boyang was still eating, drinking, playing with the computer at home, waiting for the pie to fall from the sky. He didn't find his sister carrying goods outside every day. When he was kicked out of the house by those second-hand dealers, he knew that his brother-in-law sold the house!

The first time I called my brother-in-law, I found out that my brother-in-law's phone could not be reached, and then I called Du Shishi.

Du Shishi was at work. After knowing that Du Boyang was kicked out, she was a little surprised. She didn't expect those people to be so fast, so she could only cry and told her brother about his divorce from Zhou Zekai, and she told her that he had been cleaned up. Out of the house ...

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