The Best Male God

Chapter 912: My daughter is Tong Xing Wan

With the help of Sister Wang, it goes without saying that Ji Shiqi's contract was quickly transferred to the company where Zhou Zekai was located. After all, a small company is really different than a big company. With the guarantee of Sister Wang Of course, people are naturally willing to transfer Ji Shiqi's contract to Zhou Zekai's company. After all, this contract is only six months.

For example, this signed brokerage contract is clearly marked in the entertainment industry. As long as the company is willing to transfer out, it can be exchanged for the company, and it is even easy to take this contract without notifying Ji Wanyun. Xiao Zheng's company didn't even notify Ji Wanyun.

But Ji Wanyun has no time to know now, because she was arrested by the police for gathering drugs ...

Zhou Zekai's elder brother, Zhou Zeyi, was quick to do things. Soon after investigating, Ji Wanyun liked to play in some places, and then let the private detectives follow directly. When Ji Wanyun went to 'play' again, she directly notified the police. Now it is the most severe time to check this. Naturally, after the group of Ji Wanyun was found, everyone was taken to the police station. Because of Zhou Zeyi's special greeting, Ji Wanyun had no chance to call the outside. Sent to a detox clinic.

I have received news that Ji Wanyun has at least eight years of drug use history. I would like to spend a lot of time trying to detox this time. In a few years, I don't want to come out of the detox center.

When Zhou Zekai learned the news, he had already lost money to the company and dealt with Ji Shiqi's contract. In fact, the compensation was not much, but it was only one million. There was no pressure on Zhou Zekai.

After the filming of "The Emperor's World", when promoting this TV series, Zhou Zekai made a decision that everyone felt incredible.

"I will be out of the entertainment industry for a short period of time, maybe five years, maybe ten years. Thanks to the fans who have been with me till now, but I will still come back. Although I may be old bacon by then, I hope Everyone can understand. "

The direct announcement at the press conference to withdraw from the entertainment industry has made the media in attendance stunned. I can't believe Zhou Zekai is only 30 years old! Although I always play some messy idol dramas, but the popularity is there, after all, it is considered to be a good male star, and the actress who is particularly popular with such a person, even if he wants to leave the circle, I feel strange. what……

"Zhou Kaikai, may I ask why you want to retire?"

A reporter asked a question that everyone wanted to ask, yes, a 30-year-old male artist is actually in an infinite time, so it is so strange to leave the circle casually.

"Probably because I found the baby who really needed me. I have missed her seven years of growing up, so I hope to be able to accompany her to grow up in the future, watch her grow up, and exit the entertainment industry. It's only temporary, and I think maybe I'll be back when she grows up. "

This is a decision made by Zhou Zekai after discussing with the Zhou family. After all, Ji Shiqi's situation before was very optimistic. The family could not be considered a family. Usually, those people who were in the entertainment industry were in contact. Now, if they go to school again, they need everything. It is noted that Zhou Zekai hopes to spend all his time on family.

"She is the one you like? Or is it your loved one?"

There are even reporters who directly ask if they are illegitimate children, but after all, they have to give Zhou Zekai face, and ca n’t ask these things randomly, so when the interview was finally ended, Zhou Zekai ’s exit from the entertainment industry has become a hot topic. Headlines.

However, this does not have much impact on Zhou Zekai. The Zhou family is rich. Even if he does not make money and is not a star, he can also enter the company. Moreover, his brother will take care of himself. Zhou Zekai now has 100 million himself. Do you think it's okay to have a child?

As for Ji Shiqi, Zhou Zekai has been brought to the Zhou family. Because of the contract, Xiao Zheng no longer needs to take care of Ji Shiqi, and Zhou Zekai is taking care of Ji Shiqi. By the way, this child is closer to Zhou Zekai, and when he arrives at the Zhou family, Frightened, shouting everyone's title.

Back at home, Zhou Zekai found that his little angel was playing with his family, and immediately he was happy. As soon as he sat down, he saw Ji Shiqi jumping in the arms of Zhou Zekai.

"Dad! Grandpa and dad gave me a new name, Zhou Qingmeng. Do you like it?"

The child's eyes were full of stars, which made Zhou Zekai look at her heart, held her in her arms, kissed the little angel's cheek.

"Of course I like it, shall I call you Mengmeng in the future?"

Every time the previous name was mentioned, Zhou Zekai couldn't help thinking of the child's previous tragedy, so the new name also represented a new beginning and everything, which made Zhou Zekai very satisfied.

"Okay ~ I like the new name too!"

The child did not understand anything, but also knew that the new things were good, so he happily accepted the new name today, officially began to integrate into the family, and became Zhou Qingkai's daughter, Zhou Qingmeng.

I have to say that Zhou Qingmeng is a very clever little girl. Although she has n’t gone to school before, Zhou Zekai bought a lot of tutors for her. She was able to learn quickly, and inferred from it. After studying for two months, the Zhou family asked When I arrived at a good elementary school, I sent Zhou Qingmeng to school. At this time, Zhou Zekai's TV show was already broadcast on TV. It was no surprise that it was popular, making Zhou Zekai dare not go out easily and was afraid of being given. see.

However, Zhou Qingmeng has also been a little star before. Knowing this situation, I understand my father very much. Every time I go to school, it becomes a grandma and grandmother's pick-up. I do n’t want to find a target, but now I have a granddaughter, is n’t it happy? Even Mr. Zhou is very happy. He plays chess with Zhou Qingmeng every night. Although it is checkers, he still plays with interest ...

There is no way, as people get older, they seem to like children more. Zhou Qingmeng feels that the world has changed since he found his father. With grandfather and grandparents, it is really too happy!

As the only little princess of the Zhou family, Zhou Qingmeng's treatment can be imagined, and she gradually began to forget the cold, never caring about her and caring about her mother.

The Zhou family had a good life, but Ji Wanyun in the detoxification center was not so good. Is it easy to get rid of detoxification? What's more, in this kind of official detoxification center, in fact, prisoners are usually released after being closed for a period of time. After all, you don't want to raise these casual meals. It's just that Ji Wanyun was paid by someone after she was brought in. Be sure to quit this addiction.

With money, it ’s okay to say, do n’t talk about staying for a while, even if you live for a few years, that ’s no problem!

In such a place, life is better than drug detoxification. Ji Wanyun wants to leave, or wants to call the outside, but there is no way, she even tempted the administrator, but the administrator hates most people who use drugs. Not to mention Ji Wanyun, who had left the drug, was exhausted in appearance, and the whole person was like a lunatic.

No one looks after a drug addict.

Zhou Zekai, who successfully exited the entertainment industry, turned into a grandma, showing off his good daughter to friends all day, what kind of small handkerchiefs the daughter made for the first time, and cookies that the daughter made for the first time. These are just the friends in the circle of friends. Almost blackened him ...

Time is always the best medicine to heal the pain. When Zhou Qingmeng was a little older, he also knew what happened to him. Dad was his biological father. Although he did n’t know the reason, he did n’t like himself at all. Now, with the Zhou Qingmeng that everyone in the Zhou family loves, he has begun to learn to forget everything he had.

It may be because of her childhood experience that she did not like facing the camera or taking photos. It was because she was clever and learned everything very quickly. She successfully transformed into a bully and allowed Zhou Zeyi to pick her up and go to school. I met Zhou Qingmeng's English teacher, and ... she had an aunt.

When Zhou Qingmeng was ten years old, Zhou Zeyi got married. The Zhou family was in a state of jubilation. When Zhou Qingmeng dreamed at night, he dreamed that his father was also married. Later, he asked Zhou Zekai in the morning and got a message that he would never get married.

She didn't know if she should believe all of this, but in the end she didn't say anything and became harder and better.

At the age of 16, she became an exchange student and needed to study in the United States. However, she did not expect that her father would also go with her. Later in the United States, Zhou Qingmeng encountered a career she loved. She fell in love with design and returned to study abroad. After that, I started to study the fashion design business.

Zhou Zekai respects her choices very much. Although I felt sorry for some fans before, after 12 years, Zhou Zekai finally updated her Weibo. It was a photo of herself with Zhou Qingmeng. Zhou Qingmeng was very good and got abroad Qualifications for a design school, and then further studies abroad.

Seeing that the child who once spoiled in her arms finally left herself. Zhou Zekai's mood was very complicated, but she could only watch the other party go high and fly, and then created her own brand abroad and created her own fashion.

Everything was changed. Ji Wanyun died long ago in the detoxification center. Because she couldn't control her idea of ​​taking drugs, she chose to commit suicide, and Zhou Qingmeng got rid of her previous life and created her own future.

As for Zhou Zekai? He just feels a bit lonely as an empty nest old man.

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