The Best Male God

Chapter 923: Female educated husband 3

After it was getting dark, Zhou Fu and Zhou Zekai, who had finished their work, returned home together. Don't look at the Zhou family having such a leader, but these years, the leaders also have to work, but not enjoy it.

After returning home, Mother Zhou Yingchun had prepared meals and hurriedly brought them to the table. Zhou Zekai hugged her son, teased Zhou Jiayu, and found that the child really looked after him and was very handsome.

Lin Meiyu didn't show up in the room all the time. It seemed that she did not know that Zhou Zekai was back. Zhou Zekai watched her mother be happy because of her birthday at this time, and there was no snoring. The family's evening meals were also very rich.

For Zhou Zekai's birthday, Zhou mother made a lot of delicious food and secretly made some meat. I just hope that my son will be good in the future and eat the longevity noodles made by Zhou mother. Zhou Zekai is in a very good mood. There are Parents and children are by their side, even if it is harder today, he feels that nothing is unbearable.

After eating dinner, Zhou's mother went to wash the bowl. Zhou Zekai originally wanted to help her mother, but was kicked out by Zhou's mother, knowing that he was tired for a day, let him rest more.

Father Zhou always ignores these things at home. He thinks there is something wrong with his daughter-in-law. That's what his wife can say, and his son can say that he is the father-in-law, and it's the worst thing to say. So regardless of this, look at this daughter-in-law. Before going out to dinner, I reached out and asked my grandson to come over.

Caught Zhou Jiayu who was asleep, gently lingering.

"Go and see your daughter-in-law, this meal is not eaten."

Zhou Zekai really didn't care if Lin Meiyu had dinner. Just when she wanted to say something, she heard that there was movement in the kitchen. Sun Yingchun came out of the kitchen directly and shouted at the father and son.

"What to look at! I just won't let her eat today, she won't let my grandson eat at noon, I won't let her eat tonight, shit? My son doesn't look good, is he a mother? "

Sun Yingchun's voice was relatively loud, and it seemed to be intentionally told to Lin Meiyu, so Lin Meiyu, who had been waiting for Zhou Zekai to call her to eat or send meals to her, suddenly became ugly, and even more loathed the mother-in-law.

"What? She won't let Jiayu eat?"

Father Zhou was really shocked. He glanced at the grandson in his arms. This grandson is only one year old. How many meals a day does his daughter-in-law refuse to let his grandson eat?

"Yes, at noon, I brought you back meals, but I saw a cultural person reading a book there. Jiayu's diaper was thrown on the ground. When I looked at it, I found that Jiayu was hungry. She's a good mother. She eats white and tender, but she doesn't want to think about it. When she is a mother, she only knows that she eats it, but she does n’t know that Jiayu is not her son !!! "

Sun Yingchun went on to say that she also liked this daughter-in-law at first. After all, they are people from the city. They haven't seen such a gentle girl in the plan. What happened? As a result, the woman would not do anything after she got married. She would not go to the ground, do not clean or cook. She only knew that she was holding a book and would not breastfeed the child when she had a child.

After all, in Sun Yingchun ’s heart, since a woman is married, it ’s her husband ’s child who is a gimmick. This Lin Meiyu does n’t seem to be a daughter-in-law, and she ’s a mother-in-law ’s wait. It's up!

Zhou Zekai didn't expect such a thing, but it was no wonder that he wanted to come. It was no wonder that after Zhou Jiayu grew up, Lin Meiyu recognized Zhou Jiayu's identity. In order to hide Zhou Jiayu's life, he actually killed Zhou Jiayu so. Emotional, and now, the way Lin Meiyu treats Zhou Jiayu has proved that she does not take this child as her own child, but rather a drag on her.

"Mom, let's talk about her. You don't care about this. Isn't she not letting Jiayu eat? Don't give her a meal tomorrow and let her feel how she feels."

Zhou Zekai's compassion and compassion has always been for those women he is willing to give, such as Lin Meiyu who does not take children as children, is not worthy of being a mother, he will not have any sympathy.

Father Zhou and Mother, when they heard this, looked at his son in amazement. You know, after the son married Lin Meiyu, it was just like offering a bodhisattva at home. Lin Meiyu did n’t have to do anything sooner or later. The son still liked it. No, but now, it is really the first time that Lin Meiyu is not allowed to eat, presumably because she is really angry ...

"In that line, I'd like to see if she's a strong one!"

Sun Yingchun smiled on his face, thinking that this is his son, and that kind of woman should not be spoiled, and she should know who is in charge of such a home! !! !!

Zhou Zekai said nothing, turned and went to his room, which was Lin Meiyu's bedroom. As soon as he entered, he saw Lin Meiyu lying on the bed crying, and the voice was humming, giving a very pitiful feeling. He heard footsteps. The voice came, raised her head, and there were tears on her eyelashes, let alone that Lin Meiyu had a literati temperament on her body, which gave her a very gentle feeling, making her tearful look at this time look almost It is pear blossoms with rain. If a wisher sees it, he will probably be softened.

"Why are you still here to see me? Why don't you listen to your mother telling me!"

She complained with a crying voice, although her voice was soft, but every sentence was a question to the mother of Zhou, oh no, it should be eyedrops.

This is a very clever woman who uses tears to make men sympathize with her and stand on her side.

"Isn't my mother saying that right? You said that you shouldn't let Jiayu feed for so long, I just let Jiayu wean. But what happened? You're good, my mother went to the ground to give us food, and you were at home. Taking care of Jiayu, he didn't even eat Jiayu, but he is our son, what should we do if we are hungry? "

Lin Meiyu did not answer the complaint at all. Instead, Zhou Zekai talked directly about his son's absence of meals, which made Lin Meiyu's face suddenly change and become pale.

"I was just fascinated by reading books. I did n’t mean to not feed him. Jiayu was also my son. Do n’t I feel bad? I just forgot it for a while, but Mom just treated me like that, not only let me wash my diapers. , Wouldn't she let me eat, wouldn't she be wrong? "

Must push the wrong place on Zhou's mother, Zhou Zekai looked at Lin Meiyu in front of her, thinking that no wonder she could cruelly destroy her biological son in the future. What can such a woman not use?

Zhou Zekai frowned, watching Lin Meiyu's tears fall again, and did not compromise as before, and began to comfort Lin Meiyu, but said directly.

"If you do it wrong, you do it wrong. It ’s not right that you did n’t feed Jiayu. Mom punished you for being right. Since Jiayu was born, Jiayu ’s diapers and sheets have been washed by my mother. You never touch I let you all these things, but Jiayu is your son, and you are disgusted with his diapers. Should my mother wash those diapers? Starting today, you should wash all diapers in Jiayu. If you do n’t wash them, , I wo n’t give you a meal. I can do it. "

Such a woman, Zhou Zekai really did not want to be too close to her, and Lin Meiyu was also blessed in Zhou Xiang, and she should also let her know how to live as a wife and a mother.

When Lin Meiyu heard this, she felt unbelievable. She looked at Zhou Zekai in disbelief. Then she got up from the bed and grabbed Zhou Zekai's arm.

"How can you and me do this to me? Who said that as long as you marry me back, you will always be nice to me? Who said never to let me do things I don't like to do? You know very well that I am the most I hate these common things, I will take care of my son, but since the diapers were washed by the mother before, why now let me wash them? "

She asked, as if she couldn't believe that the person in front of her was Zhou Zekai, the man who had always been willing to listen to her, and looked at Zhou Zekai with tears in his eyes, hoping that he could see his tears and be soft-hearted.

"That diaper should have been washed by you, as well as cooking and cleaning at home. Since you married me, you have never gone to the field to earn points, or you have to do other points. You have to weave or make clothes to earn points. And you? Holding books at home all day, I know that you have been admitted to Jinghua University. It is excellent, but you are my wife and my son ’s mother. He is only one and a half years old this year. Do you have the heart to let him leave his mother? "

Zhou Zekai also looked at Lin Meiyu. When he asked Lin Meiyu this way, he also persecuted the other side to let her know that as long as the Zhou family did not agree with her going to school, she shouldn't even want to leave the village!

If it is the home of another person, the father of the Zhou family is the village head. If he wants to conceal one thing, the people in the village will not say it.

Lin Meiyu's face was pale again when she heard this, but there was a hint of stubbornness in her eyes, biting her teeth.

"Does he hope to have a vulgar mother? A mother who only knows life but does not know how to create the future? I have read so many books just to be able to learn better knowledge to serve the country, now I already have such an opportunity, Jinghua University, the best university in China. I can't bear to leave you or leave Jiayu, but I think Jiayu doesn't want to have a vulgar mother in the future! What he wants to have is a A knowledgeable and wise mother! So I must go to college, Akai, no matter what, I must go to college! "

Her firm eyes made Zhou Zekai want to laugh. Such a woman said her selfishness so great, as if it was for children to learn, it made people laugh.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zekai smiled maliciously and nodded.

"Okay, you can go to college, then wash your diapers before you go to report!"

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