The Best Male God

Chapter 949: Ome poison 4

The mother-in-law came to see her daughter-in-law vomiting when she saw the fish, but she had a conjecture in her heart, but now she didn't expect it to be true, and her daughter-in-law was really pregnant! I have a grandson! Immediately frowned, hurried over and grabbed Pei Xuetong's hand!

"Xue Tong! You do n’t tell me and your dad about such a big thing. Also, is n’t Kai Kai aware of it? Seeing him all silly!"

While talking and joking at his son, Zhou mother looked at Zhou Zekai's situation and knew that Zhou Zekai certainly did not know that her daughter-in-law was pregnant. At this time, looking at her son's appearance was really cute.

Pei Xuetong looked at her husband secretly, and found that her husband was really happy and stupid, which made her feel a little fun, and secretly laughed.

Father Zhou was even more pleased, and asked quickly.

"Who were you with when you went for the test today? How was your health?"

After all, a woman's pregnancy is a matter that needs to be taken seriously, so Father Chou only felt that her daughter-in-law was pregnant at this time. Not only was he pleased with his son, but also his old friend.

"Dad, I went with them and they went to eat together. It turned out to be uncomfortable. I was also very surprised after checking it out. I just wanted to come back and tell you. I'm fine and my child is good. . "

Pei Xuetong was already sitting there, and Mother Zhou was sitting aside, caring about her daughter-in-law's body very much, and watching her daughter answer her own man's words, she suddenly thought of her old friend.

"So did your parents inform you? They just came tomorrow. I see. Do n’t go out to play. Your mother just happened to come. Pregnant women want to eat delicious food. I and your mother liked it together when they were young. Cook, wait for her to come, prepare food for you, and take care of your body. "

Mother Zhou is really happy. Before, her son liked Du Xiaoyue as much as his brain. It was clear that Du Xiaoyue was not a good girl. He accepted everything from his son, but refused to be with his son. This incident made Zhou mother unhappy. Later, it was not easy for her son to go on a blind date. Now that her son is married and can lead a normal life, she can't be happier. If something happens again, she feels that she really wants to vomit blood!

The son's happy appearance certainly loves his daughter-in-law and also the child. After having a child, he will not think about Du Xiaoyue.

"Yes, your parents need to know such a big thing!"

Father Zhou nodded. Pei Xuetong said that before he could tell his parents, he originally planned to call directly, but thinking that Father Pei would drive by then and was afraid he was too emotional, he decided to wait until they came tomorrow morning. Announce the good news.

Zhou Zekai was nagging from beginning to end. Although Pei Xuetong was already pregnant, after hearing about it, Zhou Zekai felt overwhelmed and happy, and after sitting for a while, sat beside Pei Xuetong and pulled Lived in Pei Xuetong's hand.

"Wife, you are really great, I am really happy, no matter if it is a boy or a girl, I will like it and give you all the best things, thank you, thank you for being able to help me Having children, thank you for giving me children ... "

Talking that the eyes turned red, so that the pregnant woman Pei Xuetong was also infected with red eyes. The moment she knew that she was pregnant, she was very surprised, and even wanted to cry, if it was not soothed by the slight and bright side, she felt She had to cry for a while, and now she saw her husband cry because of this child, and she felt soft and happy in her heart, and tears fell unconsciously.

The two-year-old couple laughed and burst into tears as they laughed, leaving Zhou's father and mother on the side also infected. After a while, Zhou mother struck her son's head.

"You stupid child, why are you crying? They are all going to be fathers, aren't they good enough to look like fathers? Your daughter-in-law is a pregnant woman. If a pregnant woman can't cry while pregnant, it will affect the child!"

What Pei Xuetong said made Pei Xuetong immediately stop crying. Although she knew that what Zhou said was likely to be false for everything, she was willing to do anything when there was a new life in her belly. Believe that she is really afraid to affect the child in this belly.

The family is really happy. When they eat, they all serve Pei Xuetong, which makes Pei Xuetong loved by the whole family.

At night it was going to sleep, and Zhou Zekai was called out by his mother.

"Xue Tong is pregnant now, don't you do anything messy, you stupid boy, if she's not healthy, be careful I will choke you!"

Mother Zhou is watching her son and intending to sleep with her daughter-in-law, so she must be warned. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, everyone will regret it.

When Zhou Zekai heard her mother's account, she couldn't help crying and nodded.

"Mom, don't worry, I know the situation and I won't treat Xue Tong. She is pregnant and I will take good care of her."

With the guarantee of her son, Zhou mother was relieved a lot and let her son go to sleep.

When Zhou Zekai returned to her bedroom, Pei Xuetong was already lying on the bed. She was waiting for Zhou Zekai to sleep together. When Zhou Zekai put on her pajamas and lay beside her, she automatically snuggled into Zhou Zekai's arms.

Zhou Zekai holding Pei Xuetong had unprecedented joy and calm in her heart. The kind of feeling that seemed to have the whole world made Zhou Zekai feel very comfortable.

However, thinking that my wife is already a pregnant woman, what should I do if I meet Du Xiaoyue? So I plan to tear the wound first. If Du Xiaoyue really does anything, the wife should not feel angry, after all, what the husband and wife need to do most is trust.

"Xue Tong, today I know about your pregnancy. I am really happy. On the way home with you, in fact, I always have something to tell you, but in the end I do n’t know how to speak, and now, I I want to tell you something about Du Xiaoyue, would you listen to me? "

Zhou Zekai's gentle voice, falling in Pei Xuetong's ears, can also make Pei Xuetong feel his feelings. Although she is stiff and somewhat repels the name Du Xiaoyue, she knows that she will have to face the name sooner or later. For the past two years, Du Xiaoyue has been in Zhou's family for a long time, or in her own life. As a woman and a wife of Zhou Zekai, Pei Xuetong naturally does not like women who have a close relationship with her husband.

Even if that woman is already married.

"You say it."

She had wanted to bring up Du Xiaoyue countless times before, but her husband was always reluctant to say more. Now that her husband suddenly wants to say something, Pei Xuetong has a few unspeakable worries, but she is willing to give her husband his own trust.

Zhou Zekai looked at Pei Xuetong's worries, but tried to calm her eyes, and kissed her brows in the past, so she began to speak.

"About me and Du Xiaoyue, you should also know from your parents. We are considered childhood friends, and I have been pursuing her until I met you. I have liked her since I was a teenager, even from a young age. The dream is to marry her as my bride, but I did n’t expect that I did everything, but she did n’t like me, and fell in love with another man, so I watched her marry and marry an eight year older than her Sheng Rongkun has become the wife of Sheng family. "

He said here, stopped, took a look at Pei Xuetong, found that the other party was listening carefully, and then continued.

"Later, my parents were very worried about me. I felt that I could n’t keep in touch with others because I liked Du Xiaoyue. Du Xiaoyue got married. They also hoped that I could get married. At this time, I just met your parents and we got a blind date. I like you very much. When I get married, I hope to be able to spend my whole life with you and give you happiness. But I did n’t expect that Du Xiaoyue would always call me and ask me out. Happy, saying that Sheng Rongkun always does not go home, and that Mrs. Sheng asked her too much. As a former friend, I comforted her several times, but this does not mean that I will be called by her casually. Go, because the only person who can do this to me is you, my wife. "

Pei Xuetong was uncomfortable in her heart, but she would not express it in front of her husband. She looked at the handsome face of her husband and thought that if she was Du Xiaoyue, she would be able to grow up with her husband Qingmei Zhuma. What a happy feeling ...

Previously, although Pei Xuetong would be unhappy because of Du Xiaoyue's affairs, she knew that people were young and beautiful, and many things were not something she could talk about lately. Now she sees her husband can seriously raise this matter with herself. Although Pei Xuetong was unhappy, she felt relieved.

Because the husband dare to say this to her, it proves that he has put down that Du Xiaoyue and no longer cares about that Du Xiaoyue.

"Xue Tong, I promise, from today on, my eyes are only you and the child, and I will not have any contact with Du Xiaoyue. Although she grew up with me, everyone now has her own family and should Keep your distance from each other. You believe me. I have let go of my previous relationship. Since I married you, I know that the person who can stay with me forever is you. "

Zhou Zekai gently looked at his wife in front of him, and kissed the other's forehead gently. After seeing Pei Xuetong nodded, he felt relieved a lot. He felt that his frankness was the best result.

It was just that the atmosphere was just right for the two of them, and they heard that the cell phone on the table beside them rang, not by Zhou Zekai, but by Pei Xuetong.

Zhou Zekai got up and picked up the mobile phone on the desk. As a result, he saw the above name, and frowned, giving the phone to Pei Xuetong.

"Du Xiaoyue often calls you?"

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