Several players who did not get the expected ranking directly shouted in anger and unwillingness on the field.

    It's rude, but it's really hard for them to accept the results.

    Especially the M country players who had a bet with the Hua country team, their faces were even more livid.

    They never thought that the Chinese players would use a new programming language. They couldn't even connect the other party's data, so how could they carry out an intrusion attack? This is completely a rolling type of hanging and beating!

    The judges did not speak immediately, obviously thinking.

    Seeing this, Fang Ziyang stood up calmly, "Judges, is there a rule that new programming languages ​​cannot be used in the competition?"

    This...of course not.

    After all, who would have thought that someone would enter a competition with a new programming language? The invention of a new programming language is not Chinese cabbage, it can appear casually.

    But the players who were greatly stimulated could not accept it.

    "You are cheating! Even if you use a new programming language, you have to connect with our data. You don't even connect with our data. What kind of competition is this?"


    "Can't connect to data? Can't connect to data? Who hacked your computer just now?"

    Fang Ziyang's face is no longer the innocent and lovely smile before, her eyes have become sharp and sharp,

    "Skill is not as scary as human beings, the scary thing is that there is no tolerance for human beings. There is no peak in technology, only continuous progress. I believe that people all over the world have heard the principle of the race between the tortoise and the hare. The person you look down on today will be able to stand on your head tomorrow?"

    “If the rules of the so-called technology competition must be carried out according to the old framework and no innovation is allowed, what is the point of holding this competition?”

    Fang Ziyang's youthful face is unparalleled seriousness and confidence.

    The once proud boy, at this moment, radiates his own light like the whole world, like the sun of the Milky Way, becoming the center of the world, attracting everyone's attention.

    This is true and there is no rule that new programming languages ​​cannot be used.

    Whether you are convinced or not, the ranking of winners and losers has been determined.

      , second place in country B, third place in country c..."

    As the results were announced, the national audience who won the ranking cheered and cried with excitement.

    The live broadcast room of these countries that won the ranking unexpectedly was also lively.

    "Good, this Chinese player said a lot, there is no peak in technology, only continuous improvement, maybe the person you look down on today will stand on top of you tomorrow."

    "I know that our country has no chance of qualifying, but it's nice to get a top ten in a single game..."

    "Have you seen those players who were furious? That expression is really hideous. Isn't it just that they lost a single match? They can't afford to lose at all."

     "That is, every time we come here, we have a round trip, and we are not so unwilling. It's not as good as people's efforts to catch up. What's the point of losing?"


    Some people are happy and some are worried about a game, but in general, there is more joy. You must know that some countries have long been unpleasant, and people are very happy to do things like getting into trouble.

    The result of the game is a foregone conclusion, Fang Ziyang is also relieved.

    He was really afraid that some people would shamelessly show favoritism in front of the whole world. It's not like this kind of thing has never happened before.


    In the audience.

    Xie Zheng looked at his lover at the moment, with a smile on his face.

    He took out his mobile phone, adjusted the focus, took a picture of the shining person in the center of the arena, and then…posted it on Weibo.

    Start your daily show.

    Xie Zhengv: My wife. [Image] [image]

    New World Technology Executives:…


    Come here, the male god/boss is showing off his daughter-in-law again.

    There will be a team game after the single game, but the time is set for the day after tomorrow. Today's game is over, and the players are leaving the field to prepare for a rest.

    When Fang Ziyang returned to the lounge, he saw Xie Zheng and Rick waiting at the door with water.

    The corners of his mouth cracked into a smile, he ran over without even thinking, hugged Xie Zheng's neck enthusiastically, leaned in to exchange warm kisses, and didn't care about the ambiguous eyes around him, foreign countries were originally more open .

    Although Xie Zheng is an antique, he can't refuse the enthusiasm of his little lover.

    "Old Gong, was I bad just now?"

    After the kiss, Fang Ziyang couldn't help asking for praise.

    He doesn't know what's going on either. Since he was with Xie Zheng, his temperament has become more and more alive. The soul is actually not young.

    Maybe this is the result of someone petting? Didn't I see Jinyu that chick Bai is more powerful!

    In fact, Xie Zheng also likes the appearance of his little lover relying on him more.

    Although the radiant appearance of the lover is also very attractive, but the lover is too powerful, so that he has no room for diligence, and he feels that he has no self-worth.

    "Amazing, super awesome."

    Xie Zheng scratched Fang Ziyang's nose and praised him generously.

    Fang Ziyang smiled and rolled his eyes.

    The husband and wife were sticky.

    Tang Xun was helpless next to him, and then looked at Rick, who was looking forward to him, and couldn't help blushing... The younger brother is so lively and enthusiastic, it seems that his brother seems a little cruel to his lover?

    But it's a shame to kiss outside.

    The introverted Tang Xun only dared to take the initiative to hold Rick's hand with a blushing face, clasping his hands, and the tip of his ear was crimson dripping blood.

    Rick was so happy.


    The four of them didn't stick together in the lounge for too long, this is a public place after all.

    After drinking water and taking a rest, I returned to the hotel with other members of the team and started the discussion meeting for the day after tomorrow.

    Today they showed such a crushing hole card, I believe that in the team competition, the competition will definitely change and increase the rules, otherwise the result of the team competition is absolutely no suspense, they must Make a response plan.

    Professor Yu looked at everyone with a serious face,

    "Our people on the jury have sent back news that they have been discussing changing the rules of the competition. It is impossible for us to use a new programming language in the team competition the day after tomorrow. I know you don't use it. The new programming language also has confidence, but I still hope that you will not be careless and go all out.”

    Confidence is good, but too much confidence is arrogance.

      a moment.

     "Professor Yu, rest assured, we must remember!"

    Everyone nodded solemnly and assured that they must win the championship in this competition, which is related to their country's international status and development in the next ten years.

    Professor Yu was satisfied and continued,

    "Very well, you understand, this time we not only won the first place in the single game, but also won the highest points in the single game. As long as you don't fall out of the top three in the team game, we will play the next game. The exhibition area for the competition is stable.”

    Except for the first competition about information and security, the follow-up competitions are basically to showcase scientific research results.

    The top 10 qualifying teams will be assigned to a display area. In addition to the judges, the most important key is the number of tourists' experience and satisfaction.

    Although the fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, if the display area obtained is better, it will naturally be more beneficial to the results of the competition.

    The display area at the back is allocated according to the results of the previous game, which is why they took out a hole card in the first game to show off.

    "But according to previous experience, we are in the limelight today, and some people are afraid that they will not be reconciled. So before the start of the team game, you should not leave the room one step further, and don't touch the things in the hotel , meals and daily necessities will be arranged by our life assistant team here..."

    The last G country was careless and missed the championship.

    This time they are in the limelight, and there is a gambling appointment, so I really have to guard against it.

    "Especially the two of you, Tang Xun and Ziyang, you must be their focus and the most important thing to pay attention to."

    Professor Yu looked serious and worried.

    It is a good thing that the two Tang Xun brothers are excellent, but it is because they are so good that it is even more worrying. If it is not for the competition, the two of them must appear, and the country really wants to hide the two.

    "Don't worry, professor, we understand."

    The two brothers nodded solemnly.

    The other end.

    As Professor Yu said, leaders from country M, country A, country H, country R, ​​etc., and some politicians are gathering together.

    Everyone sat on the sofa in silence.

    Moore's face was gloomy, the red wine glass in his hand was about to be crushed, and his tone was gloomy.

    "Tell me what you think, this bet can't be lost, and the Huaguo team can't advance. The technology competition is our exclusive stage, not a springboard for others."

     Originally, Moore was very confident in this competition. Even if he knew that Huaguo’s technological level had improved, he did not take it too seriously, but who knew that he would come up with a new programming for him now language.

    In fact, losing the bet is a small deal, and advancing is a big deal. With the ability shown by the Huaguo team today, his original confidence suddenly began to shake.

    According to Yan Tong, the information in the other party's hand is the Lu family's relics stolen from the Fang family, and the Fang Ziyang brothers may have other relics.

    Everyone heard the words with a solemn mood.

    "The entire competition was broadcast live, and after the events of the previous competition, the Huaguo team will definitely take precautions, and they are not very good at doing things..."

    Because the people in the last competition were too obvious, all countries stood on a united front in fairness before the start of this competition.

    Although I don't want to admit it, some people on their side are indeed too arrogant, which makes it difficult for them to act now.

    In the end, they are outnumbered, no matter how powerful they are, they can't make everyone else angry.

    "If it's not clear, it's dark, and it's not easy to do it in other places. How about starting with the rules?"

    At this moment, Shi Liangchen spoke.

    Everyone looked at him for answers.

    This Shi Liangchen and the others also know that although he is a Chinese, he has already treasonous.

    Moll smiled when he heard the words, squeezed the red wine glass hard and relaxed, his voice finally brought joy,

    "Shi, let them see your abilities."

    "Yes, Mr. Moore, but I need an assistant."

    Shi Liangchen smiled and stood tall.

    "Just him."

    Moll pointed at a person at will, and the superior who holds the power of life and death does not need the consent of anyone.

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