The theme of the fourth round: entertainment.

    Because of the holographic technology of the previous mental relief instrument.

    So when everyone heard that the fourth round of the Huaguo team was a holographic game, there were only surprises and shocks in their hearts this time, and no previous doubts.

    Is it really the kind of holographic game they think? Isn't it just a gimmick to shout slogans?

     "Yes, our holographic game this time is completely developed based on the holographic technology of the previous mental relief instrument, but the two are fundamentally different..."

    The items in the fourth round are different from the previous ones, because it is a massively multiplayer networked holographic game, the real experience effect is naturally that the more people, the better.

    So Fang Ziyang and others naturally don't mind taking advantage of the east wind to promote a wave of popularity first.

    Although both holographic games and mental relief devices use holographic technology, the two do have essential differences.

    The main function of the latter is to soothe and treat nerve fatigue. The holographic technology only increases the interest in the treatment, and the time spent in the holographic world is very limited.

    The holographic game is a real game, and the experience audience can completely regard the holographic world as a second life.

    The message went out.


    "Fuck, really, now I really don't know what to use to describe my mood except this sentence, this is too high!"

    "After the previous performance, I guessed that the next thing the Huaguo team brought out must be extraordinary, but it still exceeded my guess..."

    "No, in fact, when I saw the mental relief instrument before, I was thinking that Huaguo's holographic technology has been developed to such an extent, will there be a holographic game in the future, the result is really Yes!"

    "Again regret not grabbing audience tickets!"

    "I regret not getting ticket 1."

    "Regret adding my ID number!"

    Whether online or on-site audiences were stunned by the surprises that broke in.

    Wait until the official start of the fourth round the next day.

    No surprise, there was a rush of people in the exhibition area of ​​the Hua team, and there was a long queue within ten minutes of the start of the game.

    The eyes of the surrounding teams were all red.

    It really doesn't have such a crush! They are here to serve as a foil for this technology competition!

    Including the super-real simulation pets brought out by the M team, they were all overshadowed for a while.

    It's not that the other teams are not good, but in the face of the charm of holographic games, there are really not many things that can be compared.


    M Team.

    All members' faces are extremely solemn.

    How confident they were before they came to the game, how much blow they are now, it is still a crushing blow.

    "If we knew this earlier, we might as well just take the things we prepared ourselves, at least there will not be so many problems now..."

    Someone couldn't help but whisper.

    However, in the quiet environment where the needle drop can be heard at the moment, this voice is really not small, and all the members present can hear it clearly.

    Everyone didn't speak for a while, but most people actually agreed.

    The products brought this time were not developed by them at all, all of them were made halfway through the cooperation of the James family with the above politicians, so they have no technical understanding of these products at all. deep.

    There is a problem with things now, and the technicians from Mr. Moore's side have not come, and it is difficult for them to solve it.

    Let's look at the Chinese team...


    Although all countries have selfish intentions and want to win, but for most technicians, the honors obtained by the sidelines are always a little ashamed and guilty.

    "I'm going to see if their holographic games are really that good. Holographic games can't be completed with holographic technology!"

    There are also people who are unconvinced and unwilling to believe that those who have fallen behind so much have caught up.

    "Yes, let's see for ourselves."

    "Whether it's really good or not, it's up to those of us who understand technology to see."

    "Come on, let's go together, I still don't believe it..."

    When someone takes the lead, there are people who agree.

    In the end, the members of the M team discussed it. Whether they were unconvinced or curious, they finally decided to take turns to experience it.

    Knowing the enemy and knowing yourself can win a hundred battles.


    A group of people in groups of threes, threes and twos, taking turns to run towards the Chinese team.

    But when everyone came back from the experience, they all closed their mouths and couldn't say the least bit of sarcastic words.


    The only problem that can be picked out is probably only because of the player's health, the game is set to log in and online for no more than 8 hours a day!


    This game is a complete loss for everyone.

    During the entire half-month exhibition area, the flow of people in the Hua team was undoubtedly the first.

     Although the "super-real simulation pet" of the M team was not as attractive as the holographic game, it also attracted a large number of audiences. The level of robot pet simulation is very high, far exceeding the current level.

    If the level of simulation does not look at the details, it really seems to have reached the feeling of a real animal.

    According to this rhythm, it is definitely no problem for the M team to take the second place.

    But what I never expected was that something went wrong with the M team in this round!

    "What? Hyper-realistic simulation pets hurt people?"

    Moore received a call from the arena, and the bloodshot eyes were about to burst out.

    The other end of the phone was also trembling,

     "Yes, Mr. Moore, there have been a lot of injuries to super-real simulation pets. Although the degree is not serious, it has also caused a serious impact. Now the audience's reaction is very fierce..."

    "According to the report of the participating team members, it should be because the program is disordered and the material of the product is also wrong. I hope Mr. Moore will send the R&D team over quickly, otherwise it will not be easy to explain."

    "You calm down first, I'll think of a way..."

    More did not answer directly, but simply explained to hold on.

    Wait until you hang up.

    Moll threw the phone out again in anger.

    Send the R&D team there? The main researcher in his lab has already run away, where did he send someone!

    Although the last "healthy exercise" had some impact, it was basically over when the problem occurred. On the surface, the product problem was not a big deal, and the impact was not as big as expected after proper handling.

    But this time "real pets" are different.

    Product injury and product failure are completely two concepts.

    Even if the injury is not serious this time, most of them are fright, but this completely means that the product has hidden dangers that threaten personal safety!

    The audience can accept that the technology of the product is not good enough, that the innovation of the product is insufficient, and even semi-finished products like the suspension car. However, it is absolutely unacceptable that a product has security risks.

    If you can't even maintain basic conditions like safety, you dare to bring things to the competition. This is simply a kind of contempt for the lives of the masses, and the attitude is extremely bad!

    After the incident, the audience immediately started making trouble.

    One of the middle-aged men made the most trouble.

    The other party is a single father, and this time he brought his daughter to play and relax. Because his daughter has been in poor health since childhood, middle-aged men attach great importance to her daughter's health.

    So even if the things on the Huaguo team are very attractive, middle-aged men still dare not take their daughters to try it easily, and they are worried about flying sports, holographic nerve stimulation and other technical defects. As soon as she hurts her daughter, it's not good, and she doesn't dare to take any chances.

    The real pets of the M team made the middle-aged man very excited.

    Because of her poor health, her daughter has few friends around her, and she can't hang out with friends often. I also thought about raising a pet for my daughter before, but I was afraid that the pet would go mad and disobedient and hurt my daughter, so I thought about it and never implemented it.

    And now the real pets of the M team are just right, the simulation level is very high, and the program intelligence is also very real, it can be kept as a real pet, no need to worry about pets hurting and growing parasites Wait for trouble.


    The middle-aged man did not expect something to go wrong, and the real pet suddenly went crazy.

    Although she didn't hurt her daughter, she was too frightened and couldn't recover for a long time, which made the middle-aged man who was distressed about his daughter very angry.

    "How can you take out a product that doesn't even solve the safety conditions? This is really too much! You must explain it to me!"

    The middle-aged man roared directly at the camera in the live broadcast room.

    The rest of the frightened experience audience also spoke up and shouted at the scene.

    Netizens from all over the world in the live broadcast room saw that there was another problem with the M team, and they were all dumbfounded.

    "It's really too much to take out a product that doesn't even solve the safety problem..."

    "Fortunately, none of the audience who went there had heart disease, coronary heart disease, etc., otherwise it would be a shock?"

    "This is not the first time. There have been problems with healthy exercise before. The two times cannot be used as a coincidence. If the technology has not been broken, don't rush to take it out. This is Not responsible for the lives of the masses."

     "Second, although it is understandable to want to win the championship, but you still have to be cautious about the competition..."

    This competition adopts the live broadcast method, it is doomed that if something happens in the competition, the competition party cannot easily cover it up, and must face the surveillance pressure from netizens all over the world.

    It happened again.

    Even if the contestants want to protect themselves, they will not dare to be too obvious.

    Everyone was watching, the competition side was also under a lot of pressure, and the forehead couldn't stop sweating.

    And right now.

    A subpoena from the International Court of Justice brought the M team and the James family, which were already on the cusp of the storm, to international news headlines.

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