This trial.

    China and the other 57 countries that lost scientists are fully prepared.

    There are two charges in this prosecution: illegal prisoners. Prohibit scientific research scholars and illegally steal scientific research results from others.

    Because the former covers a wider range and the gaffe is more serious, the first consideration is naturally the crime of "illegal imprisonment. Imprisonment of scientific research scholars".

    “…According to the record, a total of 78 victims confessed, and they were first detained. The people who were detained for freedom were 16 scientific researchers from countries P, U, and T, of which 9 were not cooperating. Resisting, has been killed, the body was thrown into the Moros Sea area and cannot be retrieved... After that, 5 researchers were killed one after another, and currently 64 people survive..."

    "14 of them could not salvage the bodies, but according to the personnel transfer records in the laboratory, relevant evidence can be inquired... In addition, some living video data in the laboratory completely recorded the 78 victimized researchers In Moros. Black Shark Island is all detention. Evidence of confinement…”

    “In order to force the victims to work for them, the James family conducted long-term monitoring and coercion on most of the families of the victims…”

    "To sum up, this is a premeditated, purposeful and egregious crime. The defendant James family seriously violated the life safety and liberty rights of 78 victims and their families... Because all the 78 victims involved in the case are professors of honor in the scientific research community, and most of them have made great contributions to the progress of scientific research, the defendant James family has also violated Article 167 of the International Law on the Protection of Scientific Research Scholars…”

    "... Therefore, I hereby file the above-mentioned lawsuit with the International Court of Justice, and hope that the International Court of Justice will deal with it in accordance with the law and sentence it in accordance with the law."

    With speaking.

    The representative of the public prosecution also submitted a thick victim information.

    The original identity information of each victim researcher, the disappearance process, the treatment and coercion suffered after disappearance, etc.

    Each piece of information is shocking when taken out alone, and several points are superimposed together. For the James family, there can only be one word to describe, that is: maddened.

    The James family is a family of businessmen who made a fortune from wars. Most of the family members have brought the four words of businessmen to the fullest. Even in the business world, the James family's reputation is not very good. it is good.

    It's just that the James family has grown so far, and it is too huge. Let's not say how much the family's financial resources are, and the number of politicians who have penetrated into the officials of various countries is very estimated. You must know that most foreign countries are capitalist, and it is an unspoken rule that the people know that chaebols dominate the government.

    So if you want to remove the James family, unless most of the officials work together, the single action is to deliver food.

    How many interests are involved, everyone has their own thoughts, how can they work together?

    But this time, the James family is illegally imprisoned. The exposure of the ban on scientific research scholars gave everyone an opportunity to join forces to fight.

    Even if the other party is backed by several powerful countries, under the watchful eyes of the public, with so many officials working together, it is not easy for the major powers to protect the James family.

    What's more, whether these people will guarantee it is also a question worth pondering.

    After all, the people of the James family are arrogant and don’t take anything seriously. In the eyes of the James family, those politicians who are in a good position outside are just a group of puppets and lackeys.

    The wall is pushed down.

    At this moment, it is the best chance to get down.

    James is gone, and the rest of the estate and wealth are all mouth-watering fat.

    The public prosecution representative presents all evidence.

    Although the netizens in the live broadcast room cannot see the evidence, the interviews and private prosecutions of these victims have long been shared on the Internet in various countries.

    So when they saw the trial here, netizens from all over the world were very excited.

    "It must be severely punished! The matter is real! Professor Ebis in our country is one of the victims. At first, we all thought that Professor Ebis had an accident on the way to travel, and the whole country mourned. Thinking of it like this, if we hadn't lost Professor Ebis, our country's OLIH project research and development would not have wasted so much time..."

    "And Mr. Loris of our country, who was said to be the star of hope for our country's progress back then, but it turned out to be such a waste..."

    "And our country's Professor Cheng Jun! Back then, when our country was poor and backward, we counted on these professors to develop. As a result, there was no time to shine, so the James family was cheap... "

    "It is said that the Orpheus Group is owned by the James family. No wonder Orpheus Group is developing so rapidly, and its technological products are far ahead of its peers. This has captured the elites of all countries to do research. With such a battling team, can you not take the lead?"

    "It's terrible. How big or crazy is this James? He doesn't care about the country at all."

    "Many chaebols are like this. Many European chaebol families are far more powerful than some small countries. This is how capitalism is..."

    "Something beyond 300% interest is enough to be tried in spite of all laws and difficulties."

    Netizens continue to discuss and analyze.

    Many barrage speeches are rough but not rough. Looking at the essence through the phenomenon, after all, it is just the word "interest temptation".

    However, no matter how powerful the James family is, the consequences of public anger are still unimaginable.

    Especially illegal detention. Banning scientific researchers is a big taboo. Even some extremely arrogant powers do not dare to go too far. Even if they threaten, they are within the bottom line. There are threats, but more of them are lures.

    Otherwise, people will be taken away casually, and the whole world will be in chaos, and who would dare to come out as scientific research scholars?

    Knowledge is the foundation of human progress.

    In the past, we did not talk about the feudal and backward era, but in modern times, everyone understands the importance of scholars. No matter what happens in various countries, they will tacitly adopt an attitude of respect and protection towards scholars.

    Scholars are a group of people with a special status in the world because they carry the hope of human progress.

    This time, the James family is really too maddened.

    However, the James family cannot easily plead guilty.

    Since it was wise and the consequences were serious, I did it, and naturally I have made sufficient preparations for the follow-up.

    "This is all slander, no one in our family has done it!"

    In the international court, the James family refused to admit it.

    The lawyers on their side also came up with all kinds of exculpatory evidence prepared early.

    Although the public prosecution evidence submitted by the public prosecution representative is very sufficient, the James family has considered the response to exposure at the beginning, and all the suspects involved in the evidence can never be found on the surface with the James family. Half way.

    Therefore, they can completely argue that this is all slander, without the most direct evidence, if you want to convict them, don't even think about it.

    As for the target after tearing the face down, they believe that the accumulation of the James family for many years is enough to withstand this difficulty.

    So everyone in the James family is very calm.

    Fortunately, the alliance's application for public prosecution also anticipated this situation and responded early.

    The representative of the public prosecution calmly glanced at the recalcitrant James family, and continued to the judge,

    "The James family's remarks are not without reason. The evidence and suspects we have provided so far do appear to have nothing to do with the James family, but ... we have one more certification."


    Someone left next to the representative of the public prosecution, and then a gentle and handsome young man of Chinese descent was brought to the court.

    It is none other than Shi Liangchen!

    The rest of the James family didn't react much when they saw Shi Liangchen, because they didn't know Shi Liangchen at all.

    When Moore recruited Shi Liangchen, he found that the other party's scientific research talent was high. In order to further consolidate his heir status, he naturally had to firmly control such talents in his own hands.

    Therefore, none of the James family, except for the cronies around Moore, knew of Shi Liangchen's existence.

    So now.

    Only Mole's face changed greatly.

    "Moll, who is he?"

    The James family saw that Moore's face changed greatly, and they also realized that it was not good, so they couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

    The family laboratory is now managed by Mohr, and Mohr's face is now, could it be that there is something wrong with the laboratory? !


    More didn't dare to answer the question when he heard the question. No matter how confident and conceited he was, he was so confused at the moment that he didn't dare to meet the eyes of the rest of the family.


    Shi Liangchen knew a lot about him, and the disappearance of those professors in the laboratory was also related to Shi Liangchen, he could hardly imagine what Shi Liangchen would say...

    Shi Liangchen lived up to his expectations.

    After the judge asked, Shi Liangchen immediately took out a USB flash drive, and then his expression was decadent and sad,

    "...At first I wanted to take my sister abroad for treatment. In order to raise medical expenses for my sister, I had to go to Orpheus and try to sell my program software... After that, I was forced by Mr. Moore threats, I had to agree to their demands and work for them..."

    "After entering the laboratory, I knew that many people had died before. I was worried that I would suffer the same fate and died silently, so I quietly made a lot of preparations."

    "The video in this USB flash drive is from the time I entered the laboratory to the time I was rescued from all the projects I participated in, as well as the evidence of the James family that I came into contact with... There is also a video..."

    Speaking of which.

    Shi Liangchen's red eyes shed tears directly,

    "One of the videos is from something I left with a camera on my sister's body. My sister didn't have time to save her. In order to force me to take revenge, these people went crazy and tortured my sister alive. .to die..."

    As a victim, Shi Liangchen recounted the various crimes of the James family sadly and indignantly, which is more shocking and touching than any evidence.

    Especially after the video site inspection of Shi Meijing's death in order to vent Shi Liangchen's betrayal was exposed, the scene and the Internet all exploded.

    Although public opinion cannot convict a person legally, it can influence the judge's decision.

    Since you want to strike, you have to strike it thoroughly and leave no room for the James family to turn around. There are two concepts to arouse public outrage in the international political arena and public outrage from people all over the world.

    Last life.

    The James family was also brought to court, but the result was not satisfactory.

    Even though most people see that the James family has done so many illegal things, it is ultimately because there is no real direct relationship, and the James family has done many "public welfare" things on the surface.

    Finally, with the help of Yan Tong, who was at the top of the world at the time, the James family was so successfully exonerated.

    Ordinary people know too little to be fully aware of illegal prisoners. The real meaning of the ban on scientific research scholars, I don't know what the real hateful face of the James family is.

    And if there is a more intuitive video, it will be different…

    Since the James family's previous direct incriminating evidence can't be found, it will be recreated.

    Shi Liangchen looked at Moore, who was angry and mad, from a distance, thinking of everything in his previous life.

    In the beginning, he could have left with Ziyang, but it was his good sister who tipped off the news, and it was Moer who was ruthless and ruthless, and so many things happened in the future.

    He will never forget the regret at the moment of frequency death;

    He couldn't forget the despair when he saw the news of Ziyang's death;

    The thing he regretted the most in his two lifetimes was taking Shi Meijing as his own sister.

    His life was messed up by these people, then these people will accompany him to hell!

    "Moore, you must die..."

    Shi Liangchen stared at Moore, his eyes were also red, and there was crazy hatred in the bottom of his eyes.

    Even if I have seen this person's fate in my previous life, it is someone else's credit.

    And now, he finally got his revenge himself!

    Everyone didn't know what Shi Liangchen was thinking. Seeing his appearance, they hated him only when he was persecuted.

    The rest of the James family looked ugly when they saw such ironclad evidence.

    Mole, a guy who has more than enough success and failure, even let the spies come around and record so much irrefutable evidence!

    I can't get away from seeing things.

    Someone from the James family responded quickly and gave the defense lawyer a quick wink.

    The lawyer quickly stood up and began to argue, and directly pushed the matter on Moore, intending to argue that this was Moore's personal behavior, and it did not mean that it was done by the James family.

    This moment.

    It is the best choice to push Moore to face the crime.

    And right now.

    The representative of the public prosecution again brought out another witness.

    Witness? What other witnesses?

    The complexion of the James family can no longer be described as ugly.

    After Shi Liangchen's accident just now, they could already imagine that Moore might have something to hide from them.

    When Moore heard that there were witnesses, he also seemed to think of something, and his face changed again.

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