The transaction of more than two billion was reached in these three or two sentences.

    Don't say that Fang Yandong couldn't accept the myocardial infarction on the spot, even the people who came to join in the fun today secretly whispered that they had never seen such a smooth transaction in their lives.

    Although you can get these more than 2 billion if you want, but there are very few people who can spend so much money at one time to buy antiques and jade, and those things will never be liked. As for making people such a loser, after all, there are not many fans who have really spent a lot of money so far.

    There are many giants, but the giants also have rankings, and there are differences, not everyone can be so generous.

    While everyone secretly smacked their tongues, they couldn't help but look at Fang Yandong, who had a bad face, and silently lit a candle for each other in their hearts.

    No one in the circle knows that Fang Yandong is a prodigal son. Although he said he wanted to be motivated, if a **** who is used to eating, drinking and having fun can be easily changed, everyone will not worry about his family’s insecurities. The angry child is worried.

    The son of the prodigal family is about to lose more than 2 billion... No wonder Fang Yandong's face is not good.

    The most hateful thing is that Fang Ziyang also ran over to insert a knife and said happily,

    "Dad, don't worry, I will try my best to live up to your expectations of me. During this time, I will think about it, and when the college entrance examination is over, I will give you a good result. Look, it just happens to be a birthday present for you this year, you will be very happy."

    No, I'm going to be pissed!

    On the evening of the end of the antique jade exhibition, Fang Yandong went back and angered Uncle Liu Zhang who proposed to exchange real antique jade to deal with the bad idea of ​​the exhibition.

    And then went to the hospital.

    Although Fang Yandong is well maintained, works out all year round, and looks handsome, he is still very young and handsome from the outside, and he is the kind of stable and mature boyfriend that many simple girls and boys expect Objects, infinite charm.

    But age cannot be denied. Now Fang Yandong is 39 years old, no matter how he maintains his fitness, he is definitely not as good as a real young man.

    It has been smooth sailing for many years, Fang Yandong has not encountered a blow for a long time.

    Those antique jades are all rented. He not only has to pay for the value of the things, but also the compensation for the loss of the things. How much did he lose this time?

    As long as he thinks about it a little bit, Fang Yandong can't do it without going to the hospital, he feels that he wants to vomit blood...

    Fang Qianhao was so angry that he almost fainted after knowing what happened at the exhibition.

    In his heart, his father's things will be given to him in the future. Fang Ziyang cheated his father's money, so wouldn't he cheat him indirectly!

    Thinking of Grandpa Lu's legacy, this is another large sum of money.

    Fang Qianhao couldn't hold back his temper and ran to Fang Ziyang to make trouble.

    But now Fang Ziyang is not afraid of him making trouble, I wish he was more excited, the more excited people are, the more likely they will lose their minds, and the more they lose their senses, the more likely they are to make mistakes, isn't it just quarrels, he is not afraid now.

    "You have so much time to trouble me all day, why don't you care more about your sweetheart. Are you really making fun of the fact that I asked the lawyers to call the police on the live broadcast?"

    "Yesterday the lawyer team called me, and the court result has already come down. Xu Jiaqing, the marketing studio, a few gossip from the media, and my class teacher and any teachers... Finally, there are those few Help Yan Tong to scold me as the most joyful keyboard warrior, but none of them are pleasing to you, I believe there will be news on the Internet tonight."

    "So, you should help your beloved classmate Yan Tong, and think about how to deal with the family members of the keyboard warriors and the Internet public opinion."

    Looking at Fang Qianhao, who looked like a violent lion, Fang Ziyang turned around and left in a good mood.

    I plan to take this excuse to run away from home again and continue to live out for a few more days.

    The hot search video case has been waiting for so long, and the result is finally down.

    Under the strong dialectical ability of the lawyer team, as well as the full and completeness of his evidence, and the scope of the incident was too wide, finally Zhao Jingyu's uncle helped to turn this matter over for discussion , by deciding to establish a model.

    So Xu Jiaqing, who was originally sentenced to three years at most, was sentenced to ten years.

      Solidly endured this great lesson.

    As for the class leader, any teachers, marketing studios, etc., they have also been judged to varying degrees.

    Including those keyboard warriors, they were also sentenced this time, not a simple detention education. Because the impact of the other party's swearing posts, comments, and reposts has also reached the sentencing standard.

    This is also what Fang Ziyang did on purpose.

    There are so many scolding him on the Internet, why are these few people guilty?

    Of course it wasn't that he just arrested people and wronged them. These netizens were all carefully selected by him.

    From the network traces of the other party's computer, these people have scolded him more than him. They used vicious words and acted agitatedly. Relying on the hidden network of the Internet, they stirred up trouble everywhere, and used words to vent their feelings in life. Disappointed.

    It is not comparable to netizens who are simply blinded to follow the trend.

    Since this is the case, then no wonder he is too ruthless, using these people to kill chickens as an example, alert some netizens who are too simplistic, and make a contribution to the harmony of the network.

    As soon as the court result came out, the reporters who had been on guard for a long time immediately went back to work overtime to write articles.


    No way.

    Although Fang Ziyang's battle was scary before, there were not many people who cared about it. Most people thought that Fang Ziyang was in order to clear his grievances, so he came up with this posture, thunder and rain. Small, heavy and light.

    The case never came to trial. After waiting for so many days, everyone paid less attention to the court trial.

    Results now.

    I don't know if I don't know, I'm startled.

    With the help of the lawyer team and Uncle Zhao Jingyu, this case was directly set up as a model. A typical case was made with a light sentence? Hehe, that is impossible, the government has always been a thunderbolt in places like this.

    Nowadays, there is freedom of speech, and the online situation is chaotic and bad. The government is also very happy to use this as a deterrent to improve the online environment.

    "My God, it's too scary for such a heavy sentence."

    "That's not true. I said before that Fang Ziyang was genuine, and the lawyers were all sorted out. If it ended so easily, wouldn't it be a waste of expression?"

    "The court has ruled it all. It seems that what Fang Ziyang said before is true. Although people are a little self-willed, they really won't get bullying to such an extent, at most they are rich two. For a bit, then Xu Jiaqing is really scary enough, I heard that the two have been good brothers for many years."

    "Any teacher in that class is vicious enough. As a teacher, he even framed his students for a little money regardless of law and morality. Although our class teacher hates it, he is still very protective of our classmates. , this Teacher He is really…”

    "The same is true of No. 1 Middle School. They hurriedly clear the responsibility without finding out what happened. Although there is no evidence to prove how the school is, I always find the attitude of No. 1 Middle School very intriguing."

    "Hey, do you pay attention to these places? Haven't you paid attention to Yan Tong? I thought he was pitiful before, but now that he has eaten all the melons, I think he may not have It's so simple on the surface..."

    "Attached, I also think, I didn't find it before, but now I see this Yan Tong as a kind of white lotus."

    "Agree upstairs. Although Yan Tong has always misunderstood his external attitude after the hot search video came out, I hope everyone will not scold Fang Ziyang or anything, but now I go back and read those words, those videos, no matter how you look at them There's an illusion of adding fuel to the fire... I don't know if I'm thinking too much."

    "More than that. Do you still remember what Fang Ziyang said? He said that since he met Yan Tong, he began to be unlucky. I studied the events he listed in detail, and secretly followed me in No. 1 Middle School. After inquiring from people who knew him, they found that Fang Ziyang was telling the truth."

    "...Then the question is, is this really a coincidence, or is there an inside story? If it's the latter, I think it's just terrifying."


    As Fang Ziyang expected, the thoughts of netizens began to develop in a direction unfavorable to Yan Tong.

    Yan Tong, in fact, to say that he is smart, Fang Ziyang also feels that the other party's IQ is the same.

    Reviewing everything in his previous life carefully, he didn't realize that Yan Tong's successful career was entirely done by himself.

    When netizens no longer focus on the man around him, when everyone ignores his deceptive innocent appearance, then many hidden things are easy to see.

    A little more guidance.

    The netizens are a group of people who watch the fun and don't think it's a big deal, so naturally they will inevitably go in the direction of his guidance.

    Didn't Yan Tong like to pretend to be innocent and harmless? Don't Xie Wenxu and those people like beasts in clothes... When these faces are torn off layer by layer, he wants to see the way these people will go in the future. It won't be as smooth as in the past.


    Put the last piece of the puzzle into the frame, and an oil painting of angels and demons is complete.

    Fang Ziyang stared at his masterpiece with an indifferent expression.

    These people do not deserve his kindness and kindness.

    Not worthy.

    The power of online public opinion cannot be underestimated.

    At first, Fang Ziyang was scolded badly on the Internet, but now the discussion about the follow-up will be fierce. Among them, Yan Tong's name appears the most frequently.

    If there is no direct evidence to show that Yan Tong's image of the white lotus flower will definitely be broken immediately. But even so, many people on the Internet have begun to look at him soberly and rationally, unlike those who were bewitched without thinking before.

    Fang Qianhao and Xie Wenxu were very worried when they saw the rumors on the Internet.

    Both of them have been deeply poisoned by Yan Tong, even if some evidence is in front of them, they don't believe those speculations on the Internet, and even can't help but think badly, is this Fang Ziyang looking for someone to spread it? Yes, after all, Fang Ziyang really hates Yan Tong.

    Thinking like this, the two consciously found an excuse, and their disgust for Fang Ziyang couldn't help deepening.

    Then in order not to make their loved one sad, the two consciously used their personal connections to control the remarks on the Internet that were not conducive to Yan Tong, and worked hard to suppress all negative comments.

    In the end, it turned out to be self-defeating!


    In the book, Fang Qianhao and Xie Wenxu are actually very capable.

    But after the two have really grown up, their age and means are still too immature. Even if they have a family who have trained them and have begun to contact the affairs of the company group, they are still in school, whether it is experience Or anything else, it's still not enough to see in society.

    After all, there are not many monsters like Xie Zheng that cannot be judged by common sense.

    Therefore, Fang Qianhao and Xie Wenxu's imprecise public relations behavior made netizens' speculation about Yan Tong soar to the top.

    Some negative comments are controlled just after they come out, what does this mean? This means that there is no silver 300 taels here!

    Fang Ziyang, as a serious young master of the Fang family, was not controlled by anyone when something happened. As for Yan Tong, an ordinary student, someone came up to help with background power.

    Looking at Yan Tong's lovable appearance and what Xu Jiaqing, a crazy suitor, did, what else can you think of?

    It doesn't matter if there is no evidence, the Internet is always a place for chasing shadows.

    What's more, Yan Tong has not reached the point where everyone in the world likes him. There are many people who like him and many people who hate him. For example, some girls and boys in the same school are jealous of Yan Tong's light.

    There is never a shortage of people in this world.

    Fang Ziyang was.

    The same is true of Yan Tong now.

    Seeing the negative upsurge of crazy speculation and discussion on the Internet, Fang Ziyang almost died of laughter.

    Why didn't he find out that Fang Qianhao and Xie Wenxu were so stupid before, did those who fall in love have negative IQs? Or care about chaos?

    He really admires Yan Tong's ability to seduce men.

    Fang Ziyang laughs at home holding the computer every day.

    Yan Tong, who is on the cusp of the storm, can't laugh anymore, staying at home is going to be crazy.

    He didn't expect things to turn around like this!

    How can this be? How did it become like this?

    Isn’t everything going well, Fang Ziyang is almost finished, how could everything turn around overnight! Not only that, but also pulled him into the water!


    I am afraid that according to Fang Ziyang's thunderous tactics this time, he will have to be completely killed...

    It is the best situation to be just guessed and discussed on the Internet.

    "Fang Qianhao and Xie Wenxu, these two idiots, aren't they usually very smart? This will make the basket even bigger."

    Thinking about Fang Xie who made things worse, Yan Tong was even more angry.

    Fang Qianhao and Xie Wenxu are both very powerful in the book, especially Xie Wenxu, but they have done a lot of amazing things for Fang Ziyang, how come he has the lower limit of IQ? !

    Is it true that Fang Ziyang's protagonist's halo is so powerful that he has become a dummy who can only eat, drink and play, and can he inspire his potential to turn over?

    Although some don't want to believe it, but this is the only reason...

    In the book, Fang Ziyang's ability is really undeniable, even if there is no golden finger, the achievement of the other party's ability alone will not be low.

    Think of these.

    Yan Tong felt very unwilling and panicked.

    Fang Ziyang is not a master who will admit defeat after suffering a loss. Looking at Fang Ziyang's attitude now, I am afraid that he has already hated him and will kill him sooner or later.


    He can't sit still.

    He must get Fang Ziyang's golden finger quickly, otherwise, when Fang Ziyang grows up, he will be completely useless.

    ...If so, what's the point of him crossing here?

    He poured a bottle of water and took a deep breath, Yan Tong tried to calm down his panic.

     Right now.

    The phone on his desk suddenly rang, a reminder of the latest news from the browser.

    Yan Tong was stunned, and then seemed to think of something, his heavy and flustered expression suddenly disappeared, and he opened the webpage with a little excitement and eagerness.

    Only the mobile page news shows:

      The plane crashed into the Pacific...

    This is a very sad crash.

    Yan Tong suddenly laughed, as if he had expected it.

    "Hahahaha, good good, the plane crashed well, finally there is good news. Hahahaha."



    People everywhere have also seen the news of the tragic crash of HC1325.

    Although science shows that the plane is actually the safest means of transportation in the world, the safest does not mean that there will be no accidents. Once the plane has an accident, it will be a catastrophic blow.

    In every aviation disaster, the number of passengers and flight attendants who survive is chilling.

    It's even 0 most of the time.

    The major TV channels immediately started reporting, and various browser pushes were one after another. With this wide spread, soon even people who didn’t care about the news could know about it .

    And people like Xie Zhengrui who have to pay attention to the news every day because of the company's affairs, they see it as soon as it comes out.

    The moment you see the message.

    Rick's face turned pale on the spot, and his body trembled because of fear, "Xie, this, this is the flight to Los Angeles, country M on April 29? I , the trip that I gave Tang Ding?"

    Just a few days ago, he was still trying hard to persuade Tang to return to M country, and even booked the air ticket.

    And the plane he booked was exactly the one that crashed now.

    God, he couldn't imagine, if Tang didn't stay because of Fang Ziyang's affairs, but flew back to M country according to the normal schedule, the consequences...

    "Thanks, did I almost kill Tang?"

    Rick collapsed a little while holding his head, and a 1.9-meter man almost didn't cry.

    He couldn't imagine what Tang would become if he died.

    The most important person in his life.

    Xie Zheng broke into a cold sweat watching the news on TV.

    Fortunately, they missed it, they were lucky, Tang Xun didn't get on that plane.


    Fang Ziyang also saw the news of the crash of HC1325.

    The happy mood just now became a little heavy.

    There were so many things after the rebirth, he even forgot this big news.

    At this time in his last life, he was still immersed in the influence of hot search videos, and was scolded by the whole network to stay at home and dare not go out.

    However, the news of the crash of HC1325 was too shocking, and all of a sudden he suppressed the heat of his affairs a lot. Even if he was in a trance at the time, he knew a little bit of news.

    On the day the news came out, he suddenly had an inexplicable sudden onset of angina pectoris, and he woke up in a coma for a day and a night in the hospital.

    So I didn't pay much attention to it later.

    If he had remembered sooner, he might have been able to find a way to stop it.

    He remembers...the crash resulted in no survivors.

    Fang Ziyang was a little uncomfortable. Although he was full of hatred in his previous life, it was only for those who had hurt him.

    When he fell into the dust, it was not that there were no strangers who helped him. He knew very well that the world was not all bad people, not all dark, there was always light and warmth that people yearn for .

    For Yan Tong, this is the book world of a paper man.

    But for him, everything here is real, everything here is fresh.

    I can't blame him for not preventing the crash, but he is always a little uncomfortable.

    After all, he may have the opportunity to save, he has the opportunity to be reborn, and God has given him too many preferential treatment.

    Although revenge is very important, his eyes can actually see a little wider...

     Staring at the news on the phone for a long time.

    Fang Ziyang called Uncle Liu, "Uncle Liu, after the sale of the antique jade, the original value of 2.3 billion was left, and the remaining liquidated damages were directly exchanged for material donations. to poor mountainous areas and schools.”

    "Donate all?"

    Uncle Liu seemed a little scared.

    This time, the young master not only got back the 2.3 billion that was deceived by his husband, but also swindled nearly 300 million in liquidated damages for the lease, just donated 300 million? !


    Fang Ziyang's voice was low.

    It's all for nothing, Fang Yandong's money is not comfortable for him to hold.

    End the call.

    Look back to the news page on the computer.

    I don't know why, although it was such a heavy news, he seemed to have a feeling of negative release in his heart.

    As if he almost lost something important but narrowly kept it.

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