Fang Yandong was not only pitted by Yan Tong, but also pitted himself.

    There are problems with the information Yan Tong gave him, but if he is a little more sensible and careful, he will not be so anxious to turn over and be dazzled by the interests, and directly dare to make a team of his own without even figuring out the core code If the software is released, it will not suffer so badly.

    However, Fang Ziyang also understands Yandong's mentality, so he will give him such a 'gift'.

    So Fang Yandong is suffering now, and it's not really wrong.

    Nowadays, there are not only large-scale bugs in the sleep world, but also terrifying viruses that destroy other software in the mobile phone. Nova Technology has not come up with a solution, and the official explanation is also perfunctory.

    This made the consumers angry and worried, causing ups and downs for a while, and panic.

    To this end, major technology companies and relevant government departments have also stepped in.

    The entire research team of Nova Technology Corporation and Fang Yandong were all under control. In this way, this is no longer a simple company product issue, but involves affecting the social order. Who will they arrest?

    All software related to Sleepworld was also taken away. Technicians from major technology companies all gathered to the government to study the virus that appeared in this software. It must be solved before it causes bigger problems!

    Xie Zheng's New World Technology Company naturally sent people over.

    This past is none other than Tang Xun and several key researchers in the team, to show attention. Of course, their company is also curious about the software of Sleep World. As long as they actively participate, the government can share the software information with them.

    Other technology companies have similar ideas. Although there are huge bugs in sleep software, the technology involved is really amazing.

    But the government called them up. Obviously, the virus brought by the software this time should not be underestimated, otherwise it would be impossible to disclose the technical information of the sleep world to them.

    The technical staff on the government side is also really helpless.

    They thought it would not be difficult to solve a virus program with the technical information of Nova Technology and the ability of the national team.

    But who knows that after a few days of research, they can't even find the way.

    Seeing that the software virus situation is getting worse and worse, the government has to cast a wide net to catch fish, and also call people from technology companies.

    "...This is probably the case. The code used in this technical document should be a new type of code that has never been published. We have tried many methods here, but we can't crack it. To put it directly, it is completely impossible.”

    "Fang Yandong has been interrogated, but he does not know who the inventor of the software is. He said that this technical information was obtained from Yan Tong, but we investigated and interrogated Yan Tong. , except for Xie Wenxu, Yan Tong has no friends related to these technologies at all."

    "Yan Tong himself does not have such research ability, we can feel that Yan Tong should not tell the truth, but we have no clear evidence to detain him, and Mr. Xie..."

    Speak here.

    The researchers on the government side stopped talking.

    Everyone present understood what the unfinished words meant.

    If the Xie family really wanted to support Yan Tong, then without clear evidence, the police would not dare to blatantly detain Yan Tong for questioning, thus offending the Xie family.

    At least not now, unless it's really a last resort.

    "Then we will publish the information now, everyone will study and study together..."

    The government technician had no choice but to turn on the computer.

    Send data to people.

    Tang Xun sat in the crowd with two research assistants and did not show anything special.

    In fact, they have some guesses about the truth of the software virus this time. After all, they only got a highly technical antivirus software not long ago... But they will never show it. If their guesses are true, things are complicated and shocking.

    The data is passed on.

    Researchers from major technology companies were all excited and confident, ready to rely on this event to make a name for themselves.

    But an hour later.

    The expressions on everyone's faces were not much better than those of the researchers on the government side.

    The people present are basically good talents in the technology circle. Since they joined the team of a large company, they have not shown this kind of dizzy state like when they were studying in school for many years. .

    You look at me and I look at you, all with the same look in their eyes.

    This is a technical document, this is clearly a book from heaven!

    Except for a few less important data, they can't understand all the codes involving core technology!

    No wonder researchers on the government's side use new, unpublished codes to describe...

    Everyone looks alike.

    Except for New World Technology.

    After reading the information, Tang Xun and his two assistants had no expressions on their faces, but there was absolutely no other confusion or dizziness.

    There is no doubt that New World Technology has two brushes here!

    The government researcher's eyes lit up, "What can Mr. Tang do?"

    "Although the code of this information is very strange, you can try a new antivirus software developed by our company."

    Tang Xun pushed up his glasses and smiled, "But we have a request."

    "What are the requirements?"

    "If this matter is resolved, please allow the government to allow our company's team to participate in the follow-up study of Sleep World."

    "Yes. I can agree to this condition directly!"

    The government researcher nodded excitedly.

    This requirement is not a requirement at all. If New World Technology can solve this virus incident, let’s not talk about it here, they will also invite people from New World Technology to participate in the follow-up data research and development!


    As soon as the virus of the sleep world was born, it caused a huge storm.

    However, although the trouble was big, it was resolved quickly. On the morning of the third day when the virus made everyone panic, things took a decisive turn.

    New World Technology Co., Ltd. has launched a new antivirus software that has just been developed.

    This software was not planned to be launched now, because it is still in the beta stage.

    However, because the virus of the sleep software is too aggressive, the anti-virus software of major companies does not work, and the government is helpless, and can only bite the bullet and use this anti-virus software to suppress the situation.

    For this reason, the software of New World Technology is free for trial without charging any fees. It is also regarded as inviting the majority of users to help test.

    As soon as the message comes out.

    Where do netizens care whether this software is in the testing stage or not, as long as it works, they are willing to try it. After all, all antivirus software on the market has been tried. If this virus is not solved, everyone will be unable to live and work.

    Although New World Technology claims that the software is still in the testing stage, in fact, they have already completed the testing, and the quality of the antivirus software is absolutely guaranteed.

    Not to mention the high-tech software that appeared suddenly, their origin is much clearer and more formal than Fang Yandong.

    Fang Yandong was a white wolf with mouth gloves, and he deserved it.

    They bought it for real money and put it into their hands to research and test to determine the safety.


    No doubt.

    The 'sleep virus' incident was quickly brought under control as soon as the antivirus software of New World Technology came out.

    The Internet was full of cheers for a while, and everyone's evaluation and recognition of New World Technology rose to the height of a century-old enterprise overnight.

    "Ah, ah, worthy of being a New World Technology, a big company's products are guaranteed. I will never dare to touch those new three-no brands in the future, especially technology products, if something goes wrong It's really killing people!"

    "Agreed. Although New World Technology has a short company history and was established only a few years ago, it is really a dark horse in the technology industry. And its reputation and quality are very high."

    "No, Tang Xun is the main researcher of New World. Even if New World is a new company, what if New World is a new company, it is much more guaranteed than Fang Yandong's Sanwu products!"

    "And it's free this time!"

    "This antivirus software is really useful, it not only solves the sleep virus, but also cleans up all the hidden viruses in my phone, this time I'm willing to be a guinea pig for the free trial ."

    "Haha, me too. Although it's very thrilling, this opportunity to try out the guinea pig will give me another dozen..."

    Netizens are emotional creatures.

    Once the problem was solved, the atmosphere on the Internet changed suddenly, and everyone started laughing again.

    The researchers on the government side were also relieved.

    At this time, the police finally freed up their hands to clean up Fang Yandong.

    There is no doubt that Fang Yandong will go bankrupt this time. He spent all his trump card funds and established Nova Technology which went bankrupt in less than half a year.

    Because this time the movement was too great, all the real estate, shares, jewelry and antiques collection under his name, as long as it is valuable, all have to be used to pay off debts. Completely turned into a pauper.

    In addition, Fang Yandong was brought to court again by the police on charges of disturbing social order, tax evasion, commercial crime, etc.

    Finally, the court ruled that Fang Yandong would never want to walk out of the prison gate again in his life...

    The outside world is jubilant because of the solution of the sleep software virus.

    Fang Ziyang should have been very happy to see this result, he finally killed Fang Yandong completely.


    Now Fang Ziyang is not happy.

    The reason is simple.

    Of course it is because the target of issuing antivirus software is New World Technology!

    This is beyond Fang Ziyang's expectations.

    To be honest, when he planned to sell the antivirus software to the 'little kidnapper', in addition to being short of money and digging a hole for Fang Yandong, he actually wanted to know where the 'little kidnapper' was. Which company is it.

    After all, as far as he knows, in his last life, the 'little crooks' dug out so many cutting-edge talents in the forum, and the company he works for must be a famous Beidou Taishan in the technology industry.

    He will definitely be involved in technology companies in the future. In order to survive better, of course, he must have some understanding of various powerful technology companies.

    Know yourself and know your enemy.

    The results tell him now.

    'Little Kidnapper' is an employee of Tiansha...and Tiansha is the boss who bought his antivirus the company that distributes the software is New World...and his brother Tang Xun is working in New World ...his brother's boss is Xie Zheng again...

    Then... Does this mean that Xie Zheng is a god!

    He said nonsense in the forum that he is the daughter-in-law of Tiansha, so is it not nonsense now that he is Xie Zheng's daughter-in-law?

    What the **** did he do?

    If Xie Zheng knew that he was the one who destroyed his innocence by talking nonsense in the forum...

    Fang Ziyang wiped his face with a guilty conscience.

    This was originally from the last time he was poked by others on the spot to raise the flag, he did not plan to use the name of the little goblin to go to the night diving forum, in order to avoid fighting with the gods, he was determined to be thick-skinned Good luck slipping.

    But now.

    Finding that Tiansha was Xie Zheng, he didn't dare to hide like this anymore.

    He can only guess Tiansha's temper through the Internet, and Xie Zheng's temper is really intuitive and clear.

    What a quirky person Xie Zheng is, he is very clear. For those who dare to step on the threshold of relationships, Xie Zheng has always been as ruthless and ruthless as the autumn wind sweeping leaves!

    Don't look at Xie Zheng's reaction now, but Fang Ziyang absolutely believes that the other party must be secretly holding grudges and will wait for the opportunity to catch him.

    Before, he was able to rely on his good skills to be at ease across the network.

    But now he really doesn't dare to have this mentality anymore. His skills are good, but Xie Zheng still has his brother! He gave his brother a copy of the information in Goldfinger. With his brother's ability, he will definitely surpass him soon!

    At that time, Xie Zheng asked his brother to follow the network and break his firewall to check the IP...

    He's gone!

    "No, I'll have to see the situation."

    Fang Ziyang took a deep breath, picked up the car keys and went out.

    He felt that he had to go to his brother's place to investigate the situation.

    As soon as the antivirus software came out, Xie Zheng and the others must be talking about him now!

    Moreover, he will start to rip off his vest from Fang Yandong. After all, in this situation, a fool can guess that Fang Yandong was trapped by the 'little goblin'.


    In fact, Fang Ziyang guessed right.

    Xie Zheng, Tang Xun and Rick are indeed talking about 'the little goblin of the Tiansha family' at the moment.

    If they were only interested in this little goblin before, now they are determined to find out.


    The sleep world in Fang Yandong's hands must be the little goblin's handwriting.

    Originally, they could confirm from the antivirus software that the goblin is a very powerful and cutting-edge talent. However, with the existence of the Sleeping World now, it can be directly said that the technology of the goblin has surpassed everyone in the current industry.

    A layman watches the fun, an expert watches the doorway.

    Ordinary people only think that the software of Sleep World is cool and it is the pinnacle of current technology.

    However, the insiders know better that the technology contained in the sleep world cannot be described by the word peak. This is completely the technology of the era!

    "We have to get people into our team before anyone else discovers the goblins."

    Rick is very excited.

    New World Technology was jointly established by him, Tang Xun and Xie Zheng. Tang Xun is responsible for technology research and development, Xie Zheng is responsible for research and development management investment, and he is responsible for business personnel.

    At least 90 of the company's capable employees are brought back by him. As for the selection of employees, he will definitely do his part.

    Xie Zheng also agrees, but the problem is that the little goblin doesn't seem to have any plans to contact them further.

    "Actually, it's not difficult to find the goblin now. Although we exposed ourselves, the goblin also revealed his feet. Fang Yandong is obviously a trick for him by the goblin. So it's hard to find online, so it shouldn't be difficult to start from Fang Yandong..."

    Xie Zheng pondered.

    Tang Xun shook his head, "I think it's best for us not to pick up each other's vests from Fang Yandong. Our goal is to befriend each other and absorb them into our team. The little goblin's character is very Weird, starting from Fang Yandong, I'm worried that if we can't make a good relationship, we might end up revenge."

    "The best way is to start from the Internet. Either convince him directly, or use technology to conquer him... Even if you can't cooperate in the end, it's good to be friends."

    "With the research materials Ziyang gave me, I am confident that the technology will reach the level of this little goblin within two years."

    Tang Xun is very rational and confident.

    They value the goblins just because of each other's skills. If it is really impossible to win over the other party, but with the information given by the younger brother, the little goblin is not irreplaceable. Just a pity for a talent.

    Rick touched his chin, "That's the truth, but I think we have a better way."


    Rick looked at Xie Zheng and winked with a smirk, "Let Mr. Xie sacrifice his hue."

    Xie Zheng:…

    Xie Zheng went over with a knife.

    Tang Xun covered his face, this guy would go to the house without being beaten for a day.

    But Rick thinks his proposal is really good, and it really works!

    "Don't you think this method is really good?"

    Rick analyzed carefully,

    "I tell you, don't think that this little goblin is very weird, but according to my experience, this little goblin definitely refuses and welcomes it! I can tell you in a responsible manner, I think The goblin must have a crush on us, Mr. Xie…”

    Xie Zheng's indifferent face.

    I want to stand up and kick someone.

    Rick became more and more excited as he said, "Brother Xie, don't worry, I say it makes sense. The goblin definitely has a crush on you and didn't run away! Don't you think that we and the goblin are from Do you realize that buying software is too coincidental and smooth?"

    "With the technology of the goblin, if he is really short of money, where can he not get money, he has to go to the forum to sell software? With the technology of this antivirus software, it will sell 2.3 billion? I bought the technology of this software at a price, and I also brushed a wave of fans for the company in this Fang Yandong incident, completely gaining a firm foothold in the mouths of consumers and starting the brand..."

    "I don't think our luck is so good, and we just picked up such a big leak in the forum. And the nickname of the little goblin... It's just an old saying in your country, oh oh, Sima Zhao's heart is well known!"

    "So to sum up, the little goblin must have a crush on us, Mr. Xie, and everything she does is to attract your old attention!"

    Rick was very firm.

    Tang Xun was silent for a few seconds after hearing the words, "Although it's a bit exaggerated, but..." It seems to make some sense.

    How can there be such a coincidence in the world.

    Rick's eyes brightened and he leaned over for praise,

    "Tang Tang, you think my analysis is correct, don't you? For the sake of our career, let's let Mr. Xie sacrifice his color this time. Anyway, he is single, so I'm not sure this time We are just begging for a daughter-in-law by mistake, we no longer have to worry about him watching too much, we show affection, envy, jealousy, and hatred to the point of twisting, thinking about it is really happy!"

    "Tang Tang, if I hadn't already had you, I would have sacrificed my ego for the sake of righteousness, but now I want to protect you like a jade..."

    Rick took the opportunity to express his passion.

    Tang Xun:…

    He doesn't want to talk anymore.

    Xie Zheng felt a little grumpy all of a sudden. Rick, this bastard, always likes to linger on the edge of death.

    And right now.

    Fang Ziyang, who came to inquire about the news, finally arrived.

    Because Tang Xun gave him a key, he wouldn't bump into anything he couldn't see in the daytime. He drove to the villa and opened the door and walked in, as familiar as when he went home.

    As soon as he entered the villa, he happened to encounter this scene where the atmosphere in the living room was not right. The tense atmosphere made him nervous.

     "Brother, what are you doing together? It looks... serious."

    Fang Ziyang was so guilty that his palms were sweating.

    Mom, these three are already discussing how to arrest him! Don't act so fast, okay?


    The three of Xie Zheng didn't realize what was wrong with him.

    When they saw him appear, the expressions on the faces of several people instantly softened a little. Although Fang Ziyang is actually more than a year younger than Tang Xun, in the eyes of several of them, Fang Ziyang is similar to the younger generation of children, and he comes with an age reduction filter.

    Tang Xun smiled immediately, "No, it's just a matter of work, why did Ziyang suddenly come here with brother?"

    Xie Zheng did not speak.

    But with a soft expression, Fang Ziyang nodded.

    Then the buttocks were stacked to the side, leaving an empty seat.

    …The sullen man does not explain.

    Rick didn't notice Xie Zheng's actions. He was looking for an ideological alliance when he saw Fang Ziyang appear, and his eyes lit up.

    Then waved excitedly and said,

    "Oh dear Yangyang, you are here just in time. Come here, you are an outsider, your advice and opinions must be the fairest! We are talking about the emotional topic of your brother Xie... We are in I met a netizen online, and I think the other party must have a crush on you, Brother Xie, come and listen to the comments."

    Fang Ziyang:…

    Fang Ziyang asked cautiously, "Brother Rick, who is the netizen you are talking about? What is the name of the other party, why do you think so?"

    Rick is full of desire to share,

    "Of course I have a basis! It's a person called 'The Little Goblin of the Tiansha Family', it's like this..."

    And the rest is not finished.

    "Cough cough cough cough!"

    Fang Ziyang coughed violently, choking his throat.

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