"Hello, my name is Yan Tong, this is my boyfriend Xie Wenxu, are you classmate Shi?"

    The two well-dressed young men standing in front of Shi's house were none other than Yan Tong and Xie Wenxu.

    Xie Wenxu didn't want to come here in such a hurry. On the one hand, the road in Baixing Village is remote and bumpy, and on the other hand, it is not a business to be in a hurry, and it is very unfavorable for the negotiation to be too anxious.

    But he couldn't bear Yan Tong's persuasion, so he could only let the driver drive in a hurry.

    In fact, Yan Tong didn't want to be so anxious, but the accident of Fang Yandong and Fang Qianhao brought him a lot of pressure and a sense of urgency.

    Although he knows the plot and the book Fang Ziyang met Shi Liangchen because of the help of the surgery, but he doesn't know the specific time when the two met. In order to avoid another accident, he can only pull it as soon as possible Come with Xie Wenxu.

    Shi Liangchen is still staying in the countryside, it seems that they are not too late.

    Yan Tong breathed a sigh of relief, showing a lovable smile,

    "Hello Shi, this is the case, we came here to find you today, mainly because I heard that you are writing a software program, the framework is very good, my boyfriend is preparing to do some small type I don’t know if I can talk to you about the software investment…”

    Xie Wenxu disapproved of Yan Tong's act of expressing his purpose in such a hurry.

    Shi Liangchen is only a talented young man in his eyes at the moment, and he has not reached the level of respectful corporal who treats superior people. Yan Tong's behavior of holding people up is really not In line with the businessman's style.

    This has a great impact on the acquisition cost of the program and the employee treatment that may be negotiated in the future.

      , I was a little disappointed again.

    Yan Tong also had serious doubts about what Yan Tong said that Shi Liangchen was a very powerful talent.

    After all, Yan Tong doesn't understand business at all, where did he get his vision?

    Think of this.

    Xie Wenxu's interest in Shi Liangchen disappeared for the most part, he did not speak, and Yan Tong asked, standing by to observe.

    Yan Tong originally thought that when he showed his intention, Shi Liangchen should be immediately happy, but now the other party is worried about the lack of money.

    But when he was disappointed, Shi Liangchen did not show joy.

    Instead, she looked at him vigilantly and shook her head,

    "I'm very sorry, my program has been sold, I don't think we need to talk anymore..."

    I can't blame Shi Liangchen for refusing so directly, and even showing strong vigilance. Not many people knew about his programming, and even if he did, they were just friends on the Internet, and there was basically no one other than Li Xiao who knew his true identity.

    Li Xiao has already helped him find a buyer, so how did these two strangers know that he was writing a program and the results were good?

    Everyone has to be wary of conspiracy theories.

    The smile on Yan Tong's face disappeared immediately.

    As if encountering something unacceptable, her voice couldn't help raising her voice and asked urgently, "Sold it? Who did you sell it to? How much did you sell it for? We can add money, the price is easy to negotiate... "

    He brought people directly to Shi Liangchen's hometown, and Shi Liangchen was still at home writing programs, it was impossible to meet Fang Ziyang earlier than him!

    Yan Tong was a little anxious.

    When Shi Liangchen behaved like this, his vigilance became even stronger. He could obviously feel that the two might not have come to buy his program as simple as buying his program, for fear that they have no purpose.

    Xie Wenxu's reaction to Yan Tong was also very strange, but he didn't think too much about it. He just thought that Yan Tong could be so anxious because things didn't go well and didn't help him.

    Although he has been disappointed with Yan Tong recently, he is still very satisfied and happy that Yan Tong likes him wholeheartedly and thinks about himself.

    Take hold of Yan Tong who is too anxious.

    Xie Wenxu stood up and nodded politely to Shi Liangchen,

    "Sorry, my boyfriend is in a hurry. It doesn't matter if your program has been sold. In fact, we are here today not only to buy your program, but also to see your technical level. I am preparing to set up a team, if your level meets the requirements, I would like to invite you..."

    Yan Tong completely lost their negotiating advantages as soon as he came up. In order to avoid doubts and resistance from his partners, he had to continue to choose to negotiate directly, omitting the steps of tai chi.

    Shi Liangchen was dubious and did not speak for a while.

    When Shi Meijing saw Xie Wenxu, her eyes flashed instantly. Glancing across Xie Wenxu's clothes, trousers, shoes, watches, and...the off-road vehicle that was worth a lot of money behind the two, and finally stopped on Xie Wenxu's handsome and noble face.

    From her perspective, Xie Wenxu's identity as tall, rich and handsome is almost obvious.

    Shi Meijing pressed her slightly beating heart, grabbed directly in front of her brother, and immediately interjected with a surprised expression,

    "Really? Are you really going to invite my brother to work on the team?"

    Looks like a good sister who is surprised that her brother has met a good thing and is happy.

    Such a sudden interjection naturally caught the attention of Yan Tong and Xie Wenxu.

    When Yan Tong saw Shi Meijing, she almost immediately guessed her identity. This sickly beauty is still staying at Shi's house, so it must be Shi Liangchen's sick scorpion who is dragging her sister down.

    Shi Liangchen is very willing to pay for this sister and loves her very much. If Shi Jingjing helped to speak, Shi Liangchen's choice was very easy to be shaken.

    As long as the person who purchased the Shi Liangchen program is not Fang Ziyang, he will be able to win the other party over!

    Yan Tong suddenly smiled again, nodded enthusiastically at Shi Meimei, and continued to quickly say,

    "Hello. Yes, we really want to invite Shi to work in our team. I have always heard that Shi's computer skills are very good, but I didn't have time before, and it has been delayed until the summer vacation. come over…"

    "We very much hope to have a good talk with Mr. Shi, so we were very emotional just now. After all, a person as talented as Mr. Shi should produce perfect works. It's a pity, after all, there are many contract loopholes in the software industry business, and we really don't want anything bad to happen to Shi."

    "I don't know which company Shi sold the program to. Did you sign a contract? If you haven't signed a contract yet, we may be able to talk again. ,To make friends…"

    Student Shi, you must not be deceived, we are the real good buyers!

    Just being so enthusiastic and positive is a bit over the top.

    Shi Liangchen's sense of Yan Tong is not good, he always feels that Yan Tong's eyes are very utilitarian.

    But Shimei is different.

    Even if she doesn't understand her brother's industry, she also understands what it means to be invited to the team, especially the dress and temperament of the two in front of her, which are obviously rich and handsome. With this kind of understanding, it represents the four characters of a bright future!

    She hurriedly pulled her brother's clothes to help persuade,

     "Brother, you see they are so sincere, let's let them in first, it's not a problem to just stand at the door, right?"

    "But..." Shi Liangchen frowned, he didn't want to have contact with these two.

    But Shi Meijing was not reconciled and acted like a spoiled child.

    "Brother, what's more, it's your first time to sell a program, you say to shop around, the previous boss didn't even show his face, and only asked Li Xiaoge to come over, which shows that he didn't take you to heart . That program is your hard work, how can you sell it at a low price?"

    "It's better to listen to what these two gentlemen have to say. Even if the sale fails, you can talk about work."

    Yan Tong nodded again and again,

    "Yes, Mr. Shi, we actually value your talent more. Don't be in a hurry to refuse, we can talk slowly if you have any questions. Whether it’s work or life benefits, there will be no shortage of…”

    If it wasn't for fear of Shi Liangchen's suspicion, he would have wanted to talk about Shi Jingjing's surgery directly.

    However, Shi Liangchen didn't listen, Yan Tong hurriedly approached him, and his attitude was so strange that he couldn't believe it easily.

    The two in front of them looked extraordinary, and his program was not a masterpiece, so enthusiastic, what if he got involved in some business dispute? He already has five million, and there is no need to be greedy to take risks.

    "No, I don't plan to go to the team for the time being. My skills still need to be improved, and the problem of work will not be considered for the time being. After the summer vacation, I plan to go back to school to continue classes."

    Shi Liangchen didn't give a chance to discuss at all, and immediately closed the door after speaking with a firm attitude.

    He did not lie, and solved the problem of his sister's surgery fee. He will definitely continue to go back to school for further studies. It is not good for his future development to join the team too early.

    Besides, these two seem to have a problem today!


    The door was slammed shut.

    The host's refusal attitude is very obvious.

    Xie Wenxu frowned, his interest in Shi Liangchen waned by half again.

    He doesn't think Shi Liangchen is a genius, and now he is not an ideal team partner.

    He shook his head, ready to give up,

    "Forget about Xiaotong, let's go. With his temper, even if he is really talented, it is not a good choice for the team. I don't like disobedient employees. An employee with such a temper can cause a lot of problems for the team.”


    Yan Tong didn't want to give up, and became even more anxious when he heard it, "Brother Xu, believe me, you must draw Shi Liangchen over, or he will definitely become your confidant in the future. Shi Liangchen really has great potential, Brother Xu, you must not give up..."

    Shi Liangchen is a great help for Fang Ziyang in the future, how could he leave such a talent to Fang Ziyang to turn over!

    Seeing Xie Wenxu frowning.

    Yan Tong gritted his teeth and said simply,

    "Brother Xu, do you remember Fang Yandong said that the research and development data of the sleep software was something I gave him? Although I denied it to the police at the time, I lied, and the data was indeed mine. given."


    Xie Wenxu was shocked when he heard this.

    Did Yan Tong really come up with the research and development data of sleep software? how can that be?

    Although I didn't see the specific information with my own eyes, but with the Xie family's connections, he also heard about the importance of sleep software information, which is simply technology beyond the times. It is for this reason that Fang Yandong said that the information was obtained from Yan Tong, so no one believed it.

    After all, Yan Tong did not meet the conditions for being able to come up with those materials, either from himself or from his friends.

    Xie Wenxu looked left and right, and quickly pulled Yan Tong into the off-road vehicle with a solemn expression, only to confirm in a low voice,

    "What you say is true? How do you have that information?"

    Yan Tong didn't want to say anything, but if he didn't say it, Xie Wenxu would definitely not listen to his words to win over Shi Liangchen.

    He gritted his teeth and could only spell it, half-truth and half-truth,

    "Brother Xu, originally I couldn't tell about this matter, but for the sake of brother Xu's wish, I can't control so much. But brother Xu must promise me, this matter is thousands of times. There must be no third person who knows..."

    "Uncle Fang's sleep software information was indeed given to him by me, but I got it from a friend before. That friend was a netizen I met a long time ago. At first, it was just an ordinary friend, but later I met him. After a long time, the relationship will be very good, although I have not met him, and the other party is very mysterious, but the other party is really a very good person, and he is also very good in computer technology."

    "I originally wanted to help Uncle Fang and help him get this information, but Uncle Fang was so anxious that he was in a hurry to make money before the research and development was completed, which led to subsequent accidents. ...The information is of great importance, so I didn't dare to admit it when the police came over."

    Yan Tong looked at Xie Wenxu weakly, his eyes full of wholehearted dependence,

    "Actually, this time I persuaded Brother Xu to come to Shi Liangchen, and that friend asked me for help. He said that he had some connections with the Shi family, and that Shi Liangchen's sister needed a bone marrow transplant, so he He wants to lend me a secret help here, and he can send me another document after the matter is completed."

    "I know brother Xu, your biggest wish is to create a technology company that is entirely your own. Although I don't understand computers, I also want to help brother Xu..."

    "That's why you kept persuading me to come to Shi Liangchen?"

    Xie Wenxu was shocked and moved.

    He never thought that Yan Tong would know such an awesome guy who created sleep software. It turned out that the reason why Yan Tong actively persuaded him to come here was for his own good and to help his career.

    Yan Tong nodded and tried to persuade,

    "I wanted to tell Brother Xu from the beginning, but I wanted to give Brother Xu a surprise. But I didn't expect it to be a step too late. Shi Liangchen actually sold the program. But It doesn't matter, Shi Liangchen is very talented, and he has a relationship with my mysterious netizen, as long as Brother Xu gets along well with each other, it will definitely benefit in the future."

    Xie Wenxu felt a heat in his heart when he heard the words, he couldn't help but hug him,

    "Xiaotong, thank you, I didn't know you did so many things for me silently, I'm so happy... I know what to do, we'll come back tomorrow."

    "I'm very happy to be able to help Brother Xu."

    Yan Tong shyly agreed, and he was relieved.

    After listening to Yan Tong's words, Xie Wenxu finally became interested in winning Shi Liangchen.

    But he paid attention, but Shi Liangchen was not so easy to believe them with a few words, so it was not easy for Xie Wenxu to convince Shi Liangchen in a short time.

    But with the big brother relationship that Yan Tong said, Xie Wenxu was very patient.

    In order to convince Shi Liangchen, the two of them directly found a good house in Baixing Village to live in, and planned to use Liu Bei's sincerity to visit the cottage to impress the masters. Yan Tong agrees with this.

    The area of ​​Baixing Village is so large.

    Xie Wenxu and the two of them drove millions of off-road vehicles to appear in a high-profile manner. Naturally, there was a lot of discussion. It was impossible for Li Xiao to hear the news.

    So on the second day of arriving at Li Xiao's house, Fang Ziyang knew that Xie Wenxu and the two had also run over, and his face became ugly at that time.

    Li Xiao's expression is also not good.

    He also knew something about Fang Ziyang's past, and through his brother's relationship, he knew more about the inside story. I know very well how Xie Wenxu cheated on him, and how Yan Tong robbed someone's boyfriend with green tea.

    "Chat, what are they doing here? They didn't know that you were here, Ziyang, and came here on purpose to show off their power? Don't say it, it's really possible!"

    Li Xiao is directly on the conspiracy theory. He knows a lot of inside information from his brother. His sense of the two is simply too bad.

    Although the arguments are wrong, the attitude of the conspiracy theory is correct.

    Fang Ziyang worked hard to restrain the tumbling emotions in his heart,

    "It's not me. It should be for Shi Liangchen. Xie Wenxu is also a computer genius. He has always wanted to form his own technical team. If there is no mistake, where should they know that Shi Liangchen's computer skills are good? , come and dig people."

    Li Xiao was even more rude when he heard the words,

    "What? They are thinking of Liangchen? This is not good! Just because of the character of these two people, they will definitely have no good results after mixing with them. No, I have to tell Liangchen, This is pretty bad news!"

     "Besides, Liangchen has sold the program to Ziyang for your investment. If Liangchen really joins their camp, how will we operate at that time, and the core of any loopholes will be known to others. It's clear..."

    "No need." Fang Ziyang stopped Li Xiao, his voice was indifferent, "Brother Li Xiao, it's not a good thing to be too enthusiastic, Shengmien fights against rice, especially this kind of thing that involves the future, you'd better not get involved too much. ."

    "But dealing with Xie Wenxu and Yan Tong is obviously a pit!" Li Xiao was a little anxious, and his personality was too straight.

    "Is there something you know that others can't see?"

    Fang Ziyang's voice was cold, "The matter with Xie Wenxu and Yan Tong has long been known to the whole Internet, and many people should know their character, I think Shi Liangchen should not As for ignorance."

    "If Shi Liangchen is a clear-headed person, he will naturally not deal with the other party; but if he knows that he still communicates with the other party... Li Xiao, you think you should wake up a person who pretends to be asleep on purpose ?"

    Worrying about a friend is a good thing, but only if it depends on the friend's own thoughts.

    After all, cows don't drink water, and no one can drink it according to cows, right?

    Being so little by Fang Ziyang, Li Xiao also calmed down.

    It is true that he is in a hurry. Now that Xie Wenxu and Yan Tong are so famous, if Liangchen realizes who the other party is, he will definitely not continue to contact them.

    "Ziyang, you are right, I was too anxious. I believe Liang Chen, he will not make a choice that he regrets."

    Li Xiao is very firm, and he knows the friends who grew up with him since childhood.

    In the past, Liangchen may have considered money for the sake of money, but now Liangchen has solved the cost of surgery, and will definitely not be mixed with Xie Wenxu and those people.


    Fang Ziyang did not speak any more, his eyes were light.

    But the hands were clenched tightly, and the slender knuckles were a little white.


    With Fang Ziyang's reminder, Li Xiao did not rush to find Shi Liangchen.

    In order to prevent Xie Wenxu and Yan Tong from knowing that they were also in Baixing Village, Fang Ziyang directly started to continue the house trip. Before Xie Wenxu and Yan Tong left, he didn't plan to leave Li Xiao's house.

    Anyway, he can meet and have a relationship with Uncle Li Xiao without going out. It doesn't matter if he stays at home.

    But Li Xiao is still a little worried.

    I still took a chance to visit that day, and gently reminded the gossip news about Xie Wenxu and Yan Tong on the Internet, in case Shi Liangchen really didn't pay attention to the news on the Internet and was deceived?


    Get a polite reminder from Li Xiao.

    Shi Liangchen turned back and carefully read the gossip of Xie Wenxu, Yan Tong and others, and his vigilance suddenly became more serious.




    Shi Liangchen was even more vigilant.

    But Shi Meijing wanted to have more contact with Xie Wenxu.

    When she saw Xie Wenxu's dress and car, she guessed that the other party must be Gao Fushuai, but after listening to the other party's somewhat familiar name, she looked back on the Internet and directly made Shi Jingmei's entire portrait. It's like being hit by a pie.

    Xie Wenxu! The heir to the Xie Group! The Xie Shi who can rank on the world's richest list!

    Shi Meijing couldn't believe what she encountered, and was immediately surprised. How many people in the world do not want to marry into a wealthy family? She is no exception.

    Especially after knowing that Xie Wenxu can get rid of his former fiancé for a common boy, Xie Wenxu has become the first choice for ordinary girls and boys to dream of wealthy families.

    In everyone's opinion, since Xie Wenxu can like Yan Tong, maybe he can like other ordinary girls and boys in the future?

    After all, although Yan Tong is good-looking, he has not reached the point where the country is alluring, and other aspects are the same. Why should Yan Tong have a chance and everyone does not?

    Shi Meijing's heart is really pounding.

    She feels that her chance to change her destiny has finally come!

    The chance of marrying into a wealthy family is seldom able to resist the temptation.

    Shi Meijing was originally a little jealous of the weak and the charming lady, but unfortunately she was sick with the princess, but she didn't have the princess' life.

    So now that a fat sheep like Xie Wenxu appears, how can you give up easily?

    But Shimei is not stupid.

    Although she has an idea in her heart, she is not stupid enough to show it right away.

    Let's not say that Yan Tong can steal Xie Wenxu from a rich and handsome young master like Fang Ziyang, it's definitely not easy, trying to pry the corner from the opponent's nose is a technical job;

    On Xie Wenxu's side, although the other party's behavior has been scumbag so far, it can be seen that Xie Wenxu will definitely not like the mistress who is sent to the door.

    So she wants to dig this piece of fat, she must not be too obvious.

    Shi Jingming was very smart and did not rush to start immediately, but took advantage of Xie Wenxu's interest in her eldest brother, and started to find a topic without a trace to establish a familiar relationship with Xie Wenxu.

    Xie Wenxu wanted to bring her eldest brother into the team, so she helped to persuade him.

    In short, if you want to pry the corner away, you need patience. Not to mention the others, let's get to know him and get familiar with it first. When her eldest brother becomes the right-hand man of Xie Wenxu's team in the future, is she afraid that she won't have a chance to climb up to someone?

    Shi Meijing thought very well.

    But Shi Liangchen is already vigilant, it is not so easy for her to help and persuade her, and even talking too much can be counterproductive.

    So Shi Jingjing didn't dare to go too far, she could only occasionally show a sad attitude of worrying about not being able to find bone marrow for surgery to stimulate and shake her brother's thoughts.

    Then she turned her attention to Li Xiao.


    What Shi Jingming needs is an excuse to approach Xie Wenxu in the future. Her eldest brother can't make any sense here, so let Li Xiao come on.

      At that time, she can also use Li Xiao as an excuse to run around in front of Xie Wenxu, perfect!

    Yan Tong and Xie Wenxu did not know her thoughts.

    I heard Shi Meijing say that there is also a top student in the computer science department of Qingda University in the village. Although he is not interested, Shi Liangchen has not made progress. Anyway, he is idle. nothing.

    Then the two were taken to Li's house.

    Then she naturally met Fang Ziyang, who stayed at the Li family and didn't want to meet them.


    Fang Ziyang really wanted to hack Shi Meijing to death.

    In his last life, he knew that Shi Meijing was a good stalker, and a large part of the reason why Shi Liangchen came to deceive him was because of this sister, if it wasn't for Shi Meijing, Shi Liangchen would not give up His own conscience, gave up his dreams, turned into a liar full of lies, and made a grudge with him.

    In this life, he did everything possible to not want to have any more communication with these two brothers, but Shi Jingjing really knew how to poke things.


    "Fang Ziyang, why are you here?!"

    Yan Tong looked at Fang Ziyang in disbelief, obviously never expected to meet him here.

    Xie Wenxu was also a little surprised, staring blankly at the teenager sitting on the reclining chair in Li Xiao's yard playing with a tablet.

    “You… know each other?”

    Shi Meijing was stunned by the sudden situation.

    Fang Ziyang? What does Yan Tong call this nasty rich second generation? Fang Ziyang? Wait, isn't it Lu Yang? !

    Shi Jingjing suddenly remembered something, and quickly took out his mobile phone to search for Fang Ziyang's photos on the Internet.

    Then she turned green...

    He looked up at Fang Ziyang with a bad expression.

    She didn't expect Fang Ziyang to treat her so coldly. Not only did she not want to talk to her before, she didn't even say her real name. She has never been so neglected since she was a child.

    Very good, no wonder the fiance was taken away, this Fang Ziyang really deserved it.

    Now that she meets her ex-fiancé and rival in love, she wants to see how Fang Ziyang will cry later!

    Shi Meijing couldn't help but gloat over the misfortune, raised her voice directly, and said with a deliberately shocked look,

    "Ah, you, you, you are Fang Ziyang? Is that Mr. Xie's fiance?"

    Her words seem ordinary, but in fact they are simply throwing matches into the fireworks pile, which can directly lead to an explosion.

    If Yan Tong and Fang Ziyang are both really violent, there will definitely be a battle between the ex-boyfriend and the current boyfriend, and the two rivals in love will be pitted at one time. Insidious enough.

    But Shi Meijing made a mistake.

    Yan Tong knows that Xie Wenxu likes a gentle and sensible boyfriend the most.

    Therefore, there was no such thing as Shi Meimei's anticipation.

    Yan Tong instead took the opportunity to gain goodwill, and immediately hugged Xie Wenxu's arm cowardly, as if in need of protection, and shouted with tears in his eyes, "Brother Xu..."

    On the little white flower who pretends to be loved by men, he thinks second, no one dares to think first.

    Xie Wenxu almost subconsciously protected him behind him, and then looked at Fang Ziyang with complicated eyes to say hello,

    "Ziyang, long time no see."

    "It didn't take long, didn't you see it again on the news a few days ago? No, your boyfriend's popularity of 'accidentally' replacing my college entrance examination results is still in the hot search tail. Everyone It's an old acquaintance, so what are you saying politely when you meet?"

    Fang Ziyang would not act like a husband to show Shi Jingming, and was not in the mood to talk to Xie Wenxu, so he choked people back with a light smile.

    The matter of the college entrance examination results is now a thorn in Yan Tong's heart, and he feels uncomfortable when he talks about it!

    Xie Wenxu's mood was also very complicated. He always thought that Fang Ziyang was ignorant and ignorant. It turned out that Fang Ziyang's grades were not only not bad at all, but also terrifyingly excellent, which caused a serious gap between him who turned around and left with ease.

    He thought he would be very happy to leave Fang Ziyang, but when he saw Fang Ziyang again, he found that he was inexplicably uncomfortable.

    Especially the way Fang Ziyang looked at him, he lost the focus and friendship he used to be familiar with, it became dark and unable to see to the end, it became clear and cold and there was no more of him...

    Xie Wenxu suddenly felt a emptiness in his heart.

    Faced with Fang Ziyang's irony, he couldn't help but defend,

    "Ziyang, I know I was sorry for you before, but we really don't need to be like this, I..."

    But it's not over yet.

    I was interrupted by Fang Ziyang raising his hand,

    "Okay Xie Wenxu, you're sorry, I don't need to stress it again, we have terminated the engagement, you don't need to say anything, let alone the nonsense that you can still be friends after breaking up, my temper is yours should know."

    "I am unlucky to meet you today. If you have something to do, talk to the host, and leave if you have nothing. I am in a good mood on vacation now, and I don't want to quarrel with you. It's boring."

    After finishing speaking, Fang Ziyang picked up the tablet, lowered his head and continued to play the game.

    Obviously there is no intention of revisiting the old chat.

    There is no previous anger and anger, and no more exciting emotions to betray your fiancé and rival in love. The indifferent attitude is like treating people who are not related at all.

    This was originally a picture that Xie Wenxu had hoped for, and hoped that he would not be entangled in troubles after the dissolution of the engagement.

    But when he really faced such indifference, he was indescribably uncomfortable.

    Fang Ziyang let go, really let go of him, all the happy memories between them have vanished...

    Xie Wenxu's face suddenly turned pale and his heart throbbed.

    Seeing this, Yan Tong secretly clenched his fists, hurriedly opened his mouth to interrupt the atmosphere, and tried his best to stretch his character,

    "I'm sorry Ziyang, I don't know about the college entrance examination results that Brother Qianhao would do to help me change the test number, and I didn't expect to involve you. I know now It's useless, but I still want to apologize to you. But why did you come to Baixing Village? Do you know Brother Xu..."

    The last words are not finished, but the meaning is in place.

    Fang Ziyang came to Baixing Village by coincidence? Or follow them?

    Or do you want to **** Xie Wenxu back? After all, Fang Ziyang's feelings for Xie Wenxu are very deep, so it's not surprising to do something that happened on purpose.

    When Xie Wenxu heard this, he couldn't help showing a nervous look in his eyes that he didn't even know.

    Shi Meimei also pricked up her ears.

    Fang Ziyang looked at these pretenders.

    If you really don't find something to do for these people, you have to keep your eyes on him, right?

     Putting the tablet down, he looked directly at Yan Tong with a faint smile,

    "Yan Tong, what are you worried about? Are you worried that I will come back and **** Xie Wenxu away? I thought you were more confident, but that's not the case. Also, you only know Xie Wenxu very well. It's less than a quarter of my time in half a year, so it's not surprising to worry that our old relationship will rekindle."

    "But don't worry, I won't turn back, and I will never forgive those who betray me. For the sake of your hard work to steal men from me, I Just give you a piece of advice, instead of worrying about me, it's better to worry about yourself."

    "After all, it's not enough to just rely on brain heat. Just like me, I can only eat, drink and have fun, and sooner or later I will be disliked. And you... Worse than me, except for being gentle and small, it will coax Man, I don’t look good enough, and my grades are average. If you want to come to the computer that Xie Wenxu likes, you must not talk much about it, tsk tsk, I can persist in being dumped for three years, but I don’t know how many days you can persist like this?”

    Fang Ziyang chuckled lightly, with endless mockery.

    Yan Tong's face was very bad, and he looked a little worried in the bottom of his heart.

    Shi Jingjing heard the words and fell on Yan Tong's face, her eyes rolled straight, she didn't know what she was thinking.

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