In order to gain the favorability of Xie Wenxu and Fang Qianhao, Yan Tong worked **** how to attract these male characters.

    In the end he came to the conclusion that it was perfect.

    This perfection is not the kind of perfection that everyone generally thinks is excellent, but what Xie Wenxu, Fang Qianhao and others need, he will show it.

    No matter what others think, in the eyes of his favorite target, he is the most beautiful treasure in the world. And people can do anything to protect the most beautiful existence in their hearts.

    So, Xie Wenxu and others are not so much in love with Yan Tong, but in love with the phantom in their dreams, and they will help each other again and again like Zhongxie.

    And once Yan Tong can't maintain this "perfect" and the character collapses, then his control over Xie Wenxu and others will begin to disappear.

    Xie Wenxu is like this now.

    The fragrance is far and the smell is near, Yan Tong used to be out of reach for him, and the best is to get it. Now that I got it, I found that there was a gap between Yan Tong and his imagination, and natural feelings began to have problems.

    Especially his conceit is no less than Fang Qianhao.

    It is not so much that Xie Wenxu is angry that Yan Tong shamelessly framed his old love that rekindled his feelings, it is better to say that he is angry that Yan Tong deceived him.

    The current Yan Tong is not only imperfect, but also dark and insidious, which is too far from the image of kindness, gentleness and understanding in his perception, Xie Wenxu could not accept it for a while.

    Xie Wenxu looks affectionate, but is actually ruthless. He never really recognizes his mistakes. He only finds an excuse for every mistake he makes that even he himself can hypnotize to believe. .

    Like when he cheated on Yan Tong, he felt that Fang Ziyang had become domineering, willful and stupid, and he disappointed him too much.

    Now, Xie Wenxu is also subconsciously hypnotizing himself, feeling that it was Yan Tong's instigation to make such a bad situation. Although he was not wrong, he obviously didn't think that he had a problem himself.

    "Xiaotong, I really doubt if I really know you..."

    Xie Wenxu was angry and disappointed, suppressing his anger.

    Yan Tong was not a good character.

    The three consecutive blows and suffocation during this period of time made his emotions on the verge of erupting. Now Xie Wenxu clearly said with a sense of blame, which also made him angry.

    What does it mean to doubt whether you really know him? Xie Wenxu was too embarrassed to say such a thing, so he had to really ask this question!

    He always thought that Xie Wenxu was an affectionate male partner, and it was too much for Fang Ziyang to get rid of Xie Wenxu in the book. But after getting along with Xie Wenxu really close, he realized that Fang Ziyang's way of getting rid of Xie Wenxu's TMD was too correct.

    What kind of hammer and affectionate male partner, he is a half-hearted scumbag!

    At first, he just played a kind and considerate person to seduce him, and the other party changed his mind instantly and disliked Fang Ziyang for not being considerate enough; Knowing they just got engaged, okay?

    "Xie Wenxu, you say I'm vicious? I'm insidious? But how can you be better!"

    Yan Tong finally couldn't help venting his anger and anger,

    "Did I ask you to like me? Did I ask you to say those hurtful things to Fang Ziyang? It's true that I like you, but how many times did I say it? I just want to be your friend..."

    "Now we are together, but you are desperate to pursue me! It is you who said that you will love me and protect me for a lifetime, and I am your true love. If you are not so enthusiastic and hardworking , why would I risk being labeled as a mistress to be with you?"

    "Do you want to treat me like Fang Ziyang did? Haha, it's not impossible, after all, weren't you crazy for Fang Ziyang? You are the most affectionate person in the world people!"

    Yan Tong sneered.

    In the beginning, he was really a fool to think that Xie Wenxu was affectionate! Fang Ziyang is so smart, if Xie Wenxu is really affectionate, how could Fang Ziyang give up his childhood friendship and break up with Xie Wenxu!

    The truth of the facts was directly wronged, and Xie Wenxu's face paled instantly.

    Yan Tong's words reminded him of all of Fang Ziyang's actions before. Those memories that he had ignored during this period of time were suddenly turned up, reminding him of how badly he hurt him with the one he once loved.

    And now, he seems to be going the same way again.

    Yan Tong has no other advantages, but it is a good way to grasp people's hearts, especially men's hearts.

    Seeing that Xie Wenxu was affected by his own words, his guilty conscience was suppressed, and he regained his confidence.

    Then he continued to speak, his angry expression turned into a forbearance of sadness,

    "Xie Wenxu, if it wasn't for your half-heartedness, I would have become like this? Do you know that you make me feel really insecure? Think about what you have done these days! You How many times have you stepped on me outside?"

    "It was you who turned me into such a jealous and vicious person. During this period of time, I was always worried that you would leave me, and I was always worried that the old relationship between you and Fang Ziyang would rekindle... "

    "I have nothing, I only have you. In order to help you, I told you my biggest secret, and helped you stabilize the mess left by Xie Zheng. You paid for me After so much, don't I give you a little friendship?"

    "Xie Wenxu, I would do this kind of thing, but it's because I love you miserably! I gave everything to advance and retreat with you, but you were swaying in the middle, why do you accuse me ... woohoo."


    Yan Tong ran out the door crying.


    But he can't lose Xie Wenxu yet, so he must find a way to restore it.

    Temporary separation and calm down is the best choice, distance produces beauty, he can only use Xie Wenxu's dullness to transition the change of character.

    Although he is no longer perfect, he is "affectionate"... If his viciousness is all for Xie Wenxu, with Xie Wenxu's conceited and indecisive character, he is not without a chance to come back.

    In fact, Yan Tong's grasp of men's mentality is really quite accurate.

    Seeing him running away crying, Xie Wenxu stood there in a daze, obviously stunned by Yan Tong's collapse and roar just now.

     Yan Tong's words kept replaying in his mind.

    "Do you want to treat me like Fang Ziyang did? Haha, it's not impossible, after all, weren't you crazy for Fang Ziyang? You are the most affectionate in the world people!"

    This sarcasm was like a sharp knife stabbing in his chest, revealing the fact that he had never wanted to face it all this time.

    He's a scum, a real scum.

    He used to love Fang Ziyang so madly, it can be said that abandoning the other party, or hurting the other party with such a bad attitude.

    And now, he seems to have gone back to the old way, treating Yan Tong, whom he sees as true love, in the same way.

    He never saw Fang Ziyang's grief when he found out the truth, but he can imagine from the way Fang Ziyang calmly confronted him in the clubhouse at first, Fang Ziyang must be more than Yan Tong now Broken and sad.

    After all, he and Fang Ziyang have been in a relationship for several years.

    At this moment, Xie Wenxu, who never realized his mistake, suddenly realized the reality.

    The real vicious person is him; the real scumbag is him; the biggest mistake is himself!

    He failed to hurt Ziyang, and now he failed to hurt Xiaotong...

    What the **** did he do.

    Xie Wenxu squatted down with his head in his arms, and couldn't help crying, his heart seemed to be smashed mercilessly as if it had been stabbed by some sharp weapon.

    He squatted on the spot for a long time.

    Finally, she took out her mobile phone, made a call, and said in a hoarse voice, "Hey, Uncle Cai, please contact the school, I don't want to live at the school anymore..."

    Xie Wenxu closed his eyes in pain, and a tear slid from the corner of his eyes.

    He can't go wrong any more.

    If this continues, he will only make Ziyang look down on him even more.



    Yan Tong ran out of Xie's house, hurriedly took a taxi and left, and didn't dare to stay in Xie's house for a while.

    He was worried that when Xie Wenxu's mood recovered, if he grabbed him and questioned him, he would not be able to explain at all.

    He is really panicking now, Fang Yandong and Fang Qianhao are both in prison, and the other male supporting roles have not contacted him now, the only help around him is Xie Wenxu, if Xie Wenxu really shows up Whatever the problem, the road behind him will directly turn into **** mode.

    A good hand, he just can't understand why it's such a bad game!

    Now let's not talk about reaching the pinnacle of life, whether he can keep the current advantage is a question!

    After leaving Xie's house, Yan Tong was annoyed and remorseful.

    If he knew that things would turn out like this, he might as well not be with Xie Wenxu and hold Fang Qianhao firmly. After all, it is impossible for Fang Qianhao to like Fang Ziyang, and their identities have a natural hostile advantage.

    Xie Wenxu is a half-hearted scumbag! He really was kicked by a donkey in his head before he went to the doctor in a hurry to be with Xie Wenxu!

    Yan Tong was walking on the road with a chaotic mind.

    That's it.

    A car came over the corner, Yan Tong was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't pay attention.

    Fortunately, the other party did not measure the speed very fast and stopped the car in time, so that there was no accident, only Yan Tong was so frightened that his legs fell to the ground.

    Then a handsome man who seemed to be glowing got out of the car and asked politely,

    "Are you all right? Did you hit something? Need to go to the hospital?"

    "Lu, Lu Yan..."

    Yan Tong raised his head, saw the man's appearance, and immediately opened his eyes!

    Xie Family Manor.

    Fang Ziyang turned off the live broadcast, turned his head, and saw Xie Zheng and Tang Xunrui standing at the door of the piano room with solemn expressions.


    The "Abyss" just now not only shocked the netizens watching the live broadcast, but also shocked them at the scene. Even after a period of advertising to adjust the atmosphere, the three people's mood could not be improved.

    Although the song "Abyss" has a firm intention, the whole atmosphere is too dark and depressing.

    The emotion of the whole song is very strong, if I didn't experience it myself, I wouldn't be able to write such a thing at all.

    So...what is hidden in the heart of the good-looking young man in their eyes? Is there anything in the Fang family that they haven't uncovered?

    The three are in heavy hearts.

    Fang Ziyang saw it, but he didn't intend to break it, he directly changed the topic and blinked his eyes naughty,

    "Brother, Brother Xie, Brother Rick, was my advertisement wonderful just now? It must be after tonight that people all over the country will know about our company's new products, and after the first product becomes famous , the company's follow-up products don't have to worry about publicity anymore, three brothers, do you want to praise us?"

    The light voice, without the slightest sadness and darkness.

    If they hadn't just heard such a shocking piano music, Xie Zheng and the three would have almost believed that such a whitewash was too peaceful.

     But the more this is the case, the more uneasy the three of them are.

    This kind of unease made Zhou Jun and Zhao Jingyu, who were just immersed in the success of advertising the company's products, quickly withdraw their emotions.

    Zhou Jun gave Zhao Jingyu a wink.

    Zhao Jingyu immediately understood the meaning, and said to Fang Ziyang, "Ziyang, did you really write the piano music you just played? It's really shocking, but it's also too sad, what are you doing? It was written at the time, why haven't we heard you play it before?"

    "Abyss" is more than shocking, it can make the soul tremble, and when I think about it now, I immediately feel a little difficult to breathe.

    Hearing this question, Fang Ziyang kept smiling.

    It was silent for a few seconds before continuing to laugh, "It was written a long time ago, but I didn't play it before, because this song is not finished yet.'s only a semi-finished product."

    "This is only half-finished?"

    Several people's expressions changed slightly when they heard this.

    The emotion revealed by a semi-finished product is so oppressive, if it is a finished product... they can't imagine it at all.

    Zhao Jingyu was the most unsteady, he opened his mouth and wanted to continue to ask.

    But the next moment was interrupted.

    Fang Ziyang's smile is still good-looking, "The finished product has actually been written, but now is not the time to play it, brothers don't worry, one day in the future, I will definitely play it for you, then you all You must applaud for me."

    This has made it clear that I don't want to say more.

    Xie Zheng pursed his lips and his face was cold.

    Rick glanced at his friend and was silent.

    Tang Xun clenched his fist fiercely, his heart hurting uncomfortably. He hates that he didn't find out the truth earlier, so that his brother grew up under his nose, but he still doesn't know how his brother was hurt to become like this.

    The seemingly cheerful and well-behaved younger brother actually closed his heart and no one could enter.

    Work hard to suppress the distressed, Tang Xun knows Fang Ziyang is stubborn, so he can only force a smile,

    "Okay, my brother will applaud at that time. What piano music are you going to play at the school party this time? Be sure to choose carefully. At that time, it will also be broadcast live on the Internet, and my uncle will also will come to see you."

    "Little uncle? Lu...yan?"

    Fang Ziyang heard the words.

    Tang Xun nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, it's Uncle Lu Yan. He called me yesterday and said that he only knew about the Fang family, but he has been unable to contact you. The mobile phone number has changed. He came back by plane today, let me tell you, he will go to the Qing Dynasty Gala to watch your performance. "

    Grandpa Lu gave birth to a son and a daughter, a daughter named Lu Fei and a son named Lu Yan.

    Although they are two siblings, but because Lu Yan is an old man, the age gap is relatively large, so Lu Yan is only 30 years old this year.

    Lu Yan did not inherit the family's genetic talent, but he inherited the family's good looks. Because he was very interested in acting, he entered the entertainment industry as an adult. After that, relying on the family's money and personal connections, as well as his excellent appearance, he became prosperous in the entertainment industry and has become a famous actor in the circle.

    Because of her successful audition in Hollywood last year, she rose directly from the front line to the top position. It can be said to be one of the most popular stars in the entertainment industry in the past two years.

    The incident with Fang's family has long gone abroad to film Lu Yan, and I heard that the crew is closed, so it seems normal to everyone not to come back.

    Fang Ziyang felt the same way in his last life. He felt that his little uncle didn't help him in time because he didn't get any news abroad.

    However, he will never be so stupid and innocent again.

    Lu Yan didn't hear the news, it was clearly just deliberately ignoring it.

    The crew is closed and not imprisoned, let alone in some mountainous area where the signal is blocked. Do you want to know something about the Internet these days? Even if you don't consciously check it, the Fang family's affairs were so big at the time that any browser could be swiped.

    Besides, Lu Yan is a member of the entertainment industry. This circle pays the most attention to the well-informed information. It is absolutely impossible not to go online for several months.

    So no matter how nice it is, it is intentional in the end.

    His brother didn't notice when he received the call, but it was because he was the only relative who didn't think about it, but after thinking about it a little bit, he knew that what Lu Yan said were just perfunctory words .

    Although he didn't do anything to actually hurt him in his last life, Lu Yan always stood by Yan Tong's side, with a cold and violent attitude of indifference to all his calls for help and encounters, his little uncle It's not a good thing.

    Lu Yan has never been close to him since he was a child. He originally thought that Lu Yan was naturally cold, but it turned out not to be.

    Lu Yan can treat Yan Tong meticulously, but he is so indifferent to his only relative, the reason is just because the grandfather did not leave the entire inheritance to himself that absurd and extremely injustice .

    I was indifferent to him in my last life, but I want to be his uncle in this life, which is really interesting.

    But it's good to come back, the more neatly these people gather, the more talents he can catch.

    He said that he would never let anyone who was sorry for him once...

    Fang Ziyang did not intend to reveal this to Tang Xun, and nodded happily, "Really? My uncle is also coming to see my performance? It's great, then I must prepare better for this meeting. , don't be ashamed. Brother, please send me my uncle's phone number later, you are usually busy, so it's a little disturbing to answer my uncle's phone call for me. "

    "Okay, I'll send it to you later."

    Tang Xun nodded, he didn't know much about Lu Yan, but seeing how happy his younger brother was, he thought that Lu Yan should not be as abominable as Fang Yandong.

    No one noticed that Fang Ziyang was wrong.

     Except for Xie Zheng.

    Although Xie Zheng now looks at Fang Ziyang's filter is very thick, but after all, he doesn't really have zero IQ. Different from seeing Fang Ziyang's obedient and obedient side when they first met, he had seen Fang Ziyang full of anger.

    Fang Ziyang was emotionally unstable when he was just reborn, and the hatred and hostility on his body were overwhelming, even if Fang Ziyang had changed his mind, it would be hard for him to forget it.

    So Xie Zheng captured Fang Ziyang's mood swings faster and more accurately than others.

    He was sure that just hearing Lu Yan's name, the other party's mood fluctuated significantly.

    The young man has a very complicated secret in his heart, but he doesn't know it at all...

    Xie Zheng felt gloomy at this discovery.

    Xie Zheng's aura is very strong.

    So even if he doesn't speak out, even if he stands silently in the corner, it's hard not to be noticed.

    Especially when he was observing Fang Ziyang at all times, since he discovered Xie Zheng's secret thoughts about him, Fang Ziyang was actually observing Xie Zheng all the time.

    The more he observed, the more unbearable Fang Ziyang's feelings for Xie Zheng felt, and the more anxious he became.

    No one doesn't like that others like them, but he is really afraid that he can't afford it because of too pure feelings. So whether it's for Xie Zheng's good or for himself, Xie Zheng's relationship should be pinched as soon as possible.

    Lu Yan is back, and it's time to start closing the net. Now is the best chance.

    Fang Ziyang flicked his fingers on the piano keys twice, then looked at Xie Zheng and smiled casually,

    "Thank you, brother, I want to play the piano for a while, can you go to my room and get a sheet of music for me? Just put it on the third floor of the bookshelf and write it by hand. The door of the room is unlocked. , Brother Xie, just go in directly."

    "Okay, but I can only play for another half an hour. Rest early in the evening."

    Xie Zheng is basically responsive to him now, and running errands to get something is not a problem at all.

    Tang Xun and Rick already know the thoughts of their friends.

    Xie Zheng is a very good partner, Tang Xun will naturally not stop him, if the two have fate, he is still very supportive.

    However, he still rubbed Fang Ziyang's hair and taught him a lesson, "I'm really lazy, I have to use people to get anything, so the boss has a good temper, and he spoils you more than my brother, so don't do this in the future. lazy…"

    "Understood, just this one time..."

    Fang Ziyang smiled. Guaranteed in the mouth, but there is no credibility of the guarantee at all, a juvenile temperament.

    Seeing this, Tang Xun smiled even more indulgently, and the haze of the abyss piano song he just heard disappeared immediately.

    Xie Zheng listened to the laughter behind him, and couldn't help raising the corners of his lips, and the dull feeling just now disappeared.

    There are so many young people who do not call him, so they call him, which shows that he has a very special position in the minds of young people.

    Have a happy mood.

    Xie Zheng quickly walked into Fang Ziyang's room and found the target's handwritten piano score on the third floor of the bookshelf.

    Because the books on the bookshelf are very densely packed, he took it a little harder and accidentally dropped a few books.

    Xie Zheng hurriedly squatted down to pick up the scattered books.

     However, at this moment, he saw a notebook wrapped in other writing, which was obviously intended to cover up.

    Due to the angle of the drop, the notebook appears to be open, and a page of content is revealed by accident...

    Xie Zheng didn't want to peek, but his eyesight was so good that he could see what was written in the notebook at a glance.

    Then his face changed slightly.

    【The weather is fine today, but I am in a bad mood. Because today I made a big decision, I decided to drag them all into **** one by one, and all of them died without a place to be buried... First of all, the person who manipulated me as a doll, he always thought I was a fool, it was ridiculous pole…】

    【I wrote a perfect ending for each of them, and I think they will all love my gift. After all, I'm a good boy who knows good manners, and I'm very generous when dealing with etiquette. 】

    【Why are there such annoying people in the world? If that's the case, let's destroy it faster...]

    [He's finished...he's over...he also entered my by one is too much trouble...let's be together next time...everything is neat and good. 】

      Otherwise, how sorry for her good expectations for me? 】

    [Once Pandora's Box is opened, no one is allowed to close it until the game is over! 】

    Scattered words, with overwhelming hatred and ill-will.

    It's ferocious.

    Xie Zheng looked at the beautiful handwriting, his mind was a little blank.

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