Originally, Yang Qilong didn't want to cause trouble at the training base.

    After all, this is an official site, and it is not easy to do small things, and if you do something wrong, it may cause fire.

    But Yang Qilong really didn't expect his luck to be so unlucky. It would not be a problem to become a regular team member according to his level, but who knew that Yang Kairui and Yuan Zhuoting were not good at the previous grouping, so he just ran to group B and let him What was supposed to be a strong alliance has turned into a competitive relationship.

    In the end, he became a reserve team member!

    Although the substitutes also have playing meetings, how can the regular players be so beautiful and important? He is already in his twenties. This is the only time he has participated in an international science and technology competition. It is also the best time for young people in the scientific research community to become famous. How can he be willing to be a substitute with his ability.

    Under this strong unwillingness, he had to grit his teeth to take risks.

    He couldn't move the two brothers Tang Xun and Fang Ziyang, but Jin Yu, an idiot, could still figure it out.

    With Jinyu's temper, as long as he speaks a word to provoke discord, Jinyu will definitely kill himself.


    Jinyu always fails, Yang Qilong has no choice but to bite his teeth and push himself.

    He did a very good job of ruining Jinyu's image. He didn't believe in failure if he wanted to add guilt.

    Wealth and wealth are dangerous, how can you strive for the top without the courage?


    In a few days.

    Everyone will study the materials as usual.

    Because of the division of labor, each small team gets different materials, and the specific materials are also stored in the USB flash drive. It is very convenient for everyone to use computers and multimedia classrooms for learning.

    Qian Yu is a member of group a.

    Although his ability is not comparable to Jin Yu and Zhao Kairui, he is actually very good. However, he has a dull personality, and is honest. He is usually a hard-working person among groups. Therefore, the work in Group A is more complicated, and he usually does many chores.

    For example, before learning every day, he will help everyone organize the files, turn on the computer, and pass the learning materials needed for the day from the USB flash drive to each team member.

    Today, as usual, when the other team members were laughing, he took the lead in opening the USB flash drive to pass the learning materials of the day.

    However, Qian Yu operated on the computer a few times, but suddenly found that the data could not be transmitted.

    On the computer screen, "The number of transfers of the U disk has been used up this week. If you need to repeat the transfer, please apply to the tutor." A big sentence.

    "What does this mean?"

    Qian Yu understood the meaning on the screen, but he did not understand.

    What is 'this week's transfer times of the USB disk have been used up'? Is there a limit to the number of times this USB drive can be used?

    Although Qian Yu has been to many research institutes to see the world, he has never been to the level of the training base at this moment, so he is naturally unclear about the many hidden rules in the base. He vaguely had a bad hunch about the real words on the computer screen now, but in the end he had no choice but to ask the teacher, Professor Yu.

     Others in group a were also confused and could only sit in their seats and wait.

    In the end, Professor Yu came over and saw the display on the computer, and his face changed immediately.

    Professor Yu's face was serious, and he asked directly, "Has anyone in your group used a USB flash drive during non-study time?"

    The sound is unpleasant.

    A group of people groaned when they saw this, and shook their heads in unison, "No, no. Didn't I say before that the USB flash drive can only be used during study time? I have used a USB flash drive. Professor Yu, is there any problem with this?"

    Although I didn’t understand the rules of the base before, everyone still obeyed them honestly.

    When everyone got the study materials, Professor Yu emphasized that the USB flash drive can only be used during study time, and the USB flash drive cannot be used privately during non-study time.

      , that's not a game.

    But looking at Professor Yu's expression now, they have a sudden problem with the USB drive in group A... I'm afraid they're going to get into trouble!


    Professor Yu's face was even more ugly.

    Did not answer their questions, Professor Yu took out his special communication equipment and made a phone call.

    "Immediately close the base and request the investigation team. The information of Team A of the competition team may be suspected of leaking."

    Professor Yu spoke.

    The entire classroom was quiet and the needle fell, and everyone's face showed panic.

    Data leaked! This is no small matter!

    The members of group a turned pale.

    This is their group information, everyone in their group has a corresponding duty of confidentiality, and if the information is leaked, if this matter is wrong, everyone in their group may not just get out of it. prison!

    Rao Shi Jinyu's face turned pale, so he asked in a hurry,

    "Professor Yu, what the **** is going on here? How could the information of our group be suspected of being leaked? Isn't the U disk good? There are also various monitoring and security facilities, how could it be leaked. And if you want to move the U disk, you also need a fingerprint..."

    Although the data is sent to each small team through the U disk, the data confidentiality measures are still very good.

    Let's not talk about other secret facilities of the base for the time being, just want to open the USB flash drive, you also need password and fingerprint at the same time. It is also impossible to download from the U disk.

    Now that the data of the USB flash drive is leaked, the only possibility is the ghost!

    The rest of the groups did not look much better.

    The information of group a may be suspected of being leaked, and the people of group a can’t get any favors, and they are the same, everyone must be investigated.

    Although everyone has a clear conscience and is very clear that the inner ghost is definitely not himself, but this kind of thing has only been in the base for a long time, which greatly destroys the trust between teammates. Moreover, the taste and pressure of being interrogated are absolutely unpleasant.

    For a while, learn how depressing the atmosphere in the classroom is.

     Except Fang Ziyang and Tang Xun, who had been expected.

    Fang Ziyang was finally in a good mood, put down his things, and passed Yang Qilong without a trace.

    At this moment, Yang Qilong's expression was as pale and panicked as everyone else, as if he was frightened by the sudden situation, and there was nothing wrong with his face.

    Compared to the rest of group A, they stood up immediately when they were frightened. Yang Qilong moved half a beat, and in the end he betrayed him.

    Because of data leakage, Professor Yu finished the call, and the person in charge of the base ran over with the investigation team in less than ten minutes.

    A group of soldiers with cold expressions, armed with live ammunition and equipment followed.


    After the person in charge brought the investigation team over, he didn't talk nonsense with everyone, but directly and solemnly announced,

    "I'm very sorry everyone, because this time may involve data leakage, which is of great importance. In order to ensure the degree of leakage to the greatest extent, I hope everyone will cooperate with the investigation. Now you need to record your confessions one by one. Before, none of you could leave this study room for the time being... Others will make arrangements after the confession is recorded."

    "Now first ask all members of group a to go over with these investigators, and the rest will come out after calling their names..."

    The person in charge briefly comforted and explained everyone, and immediately started the investigation vigorously.

    Everyone knows the seriousness of data breaches.

    So there is no dissatisfaction with the handling of the person in charge, they are all nervous and obedient to the arrangement, and they do not dare to say a word with their mouths closed.

    Fang Ziyang didn't make any plans right now. He behaved like everyone else. When he heard his name called, he immediately went out to record a statement.

    After about two hours, except for the members of group a, the rest of the investigation was basically completed.

    At this time, everyone dared to speak again, all gathered around Tang Xun, and carefully asked what was going on? Why does it mean that the data is leaked when the U disk of group A cannot be transferred? Everyone was dizzy.

    Tang Xun's identity is different from everyone's. Now Professor Yu and other tutors and leaders have no time to talk to everyone, everyone can only hope that Tang Xun can solve their doubts.

    Tang Xun didn't hide it, he explained it to everyone,

    "This is one of the confidentiality measures of the official Institute of Advanced Studies. In order to ensure that the information on the USB flash drive will not be leaked, each USB flash drive has a security device, and the number of times of use is set according to the class schedule. , If someone uses the USB flash drive during non-arranged study time, whether it is intentional or unjust, there is suspicion of leaking secrets and needs to be investigated..."

    "And it is not possible to transfer the software to your computer through this U disk, otherwise it will be destroyed directly during the transfer process."


    Tang Xun explained to everyone that a base will not express hidden rules to newcomers.

    Confidentiality measures are one reason, and another reason is of course law enforcement fishing.

    Otherwise, the base will put the data files in the U disk and send them directly to everyone when the brain is flooded. It is unpredictable. Especially with project people.

    Of course there are people who use the rules.


    It's dawn and it's time for the team to clear some people.

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