The Best Physiognomist

Chapter 174: Ghost

Golden Orchid Court, in the apartment!

"Brother, don't worry, I will buy one or two kinds of medicinal materials from different pharmacies and guarantee that the secret of the prescription will not be leaked."

Since the reform and opening up, with the continuous improvement of people's quality of life, obesity has gradually become a chronic disease that affects health, a hidden killer that can destroy the self-esteem of young men and women.

This has led to various medicines and health products that can be used for weight loss becoming a violent industry for gold digging, and the profits obtained from them are no less than the real estate hated by the Chinese people.

However, nearly 90% of the various popular weight loss products on the market are counterfeit and inferior, and the remaining 10% of genuine products are not as good as the weight loss effect through reasonable exercise.

A Chinese medicine prescription that can easily reduce more than 40 kilograms of fat in a month and has no side effects can definitely directly detonate the entire Chinese country, and even the entire earth.

If the Taoist weight loss prescription given by Jiang Fengye is leaked, it will inevitably cause a lot of competition between wealthy families and chaebols, and may eventually endanger their own safety.

Therefore, Zhu Zhengjun, who knew the preciousness of the prescription better than Jiang Fengye, happily took the prescription and patted his chest to promise.

"Brother Zhu, the second white paper records the items I urgently need now. Please buy them all for me as soon as possible."

Zhu Zhengjun carefully looked at the nine items recorded on the white paper, thought for a while, and then nodded and replied.

"Brother, I will send these nine things to you before 6 pm at the latest."

"Then I'll trouble you, Brother Zhu!"

Jiang Fengye thanked him, stood up and watched Zhu Zhengjun leave the apartment, then turned around and waved to Shao Yusi.

"Yusi, come to big brother."

When Shao Yusi jumped to the sofa, Jiang Fengye picked up a red apple from the fruit plate and handed it to her, and then took the opportunity to press her wrist with his right index and middle fingers while she was biting the apple.

Then, he used the diagnosis and treatment method of taking the pulse to carefully check her physical condition.

Then, he used his spiritual power to open the Heavenly Eye, checked her souls, and finally confirmed the cause of her Qi and blood deficiency and mental retardation.

He took out some fruits from the fruit plate and placed them in front of Shao Yusi, letting her eat and play. Jiang Fengye stood up and walked to Shao Yuxuan, and then said solemnly.

"Shao Yuxuan, I have a few words to say to you."

"Please go ahead!"

Jiang Fengye's sudden serious look made Shao Yuxuan nervous.

"Does Yusi have a twin brother who died prematurely?"

"How did you know?" Shao Yuxuan stared at Jiang Fengye with his eyes wide open, with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

When Yusi was born, the doctor's operation error caused her mother to die unexpectedly due to dystocia. Later, when she was suing the hospital for an autopsy, she found that there was a healthy baby boy in her mother's womb.

At that time, the hospital chose to mediate privately in order to preserve its reputation. Except for her and her father who later died, a doctor who was in charge of the autopsy, and two leaders of the hospital, no one else knew about the twin boy.

"Because the twin boy who died prematurely was the culprit for Yu Si's frail health and low intelligence." Turning his head to look at Shao Yu Si who was eating and playing, Jiang Fengye sighed with a trace of pity in his eyes.

"This is impossible!"

Shao Yuxuan immediately shook her head to express doubt.

Although Shao Yu Si's intelligence is only three or four years old, her actual age is fourteen years old.

In other words, the twin brother who was conceived with her has been dead for fourteen years. How could he be the culprit for Yu Si's frail health and low intelligence!

"Come with me!"

Shao Yuxuan's questioning did not surprise Jiang Fengye at all. He motioned for the other party to come to Shao Yu Si.

Jiang Fengye directly cut his finger and forced out a drop of blood. After quickly drawing a blood talisman on Shao Yushi's forehead, he shouted.

"The sky and the earth are boundless, the blood curse returns to its source!"

Along with Jiang Fengye's shout, the talisman drawn with blood shone red, and a dim shadow was forcibly pulled out from her forehead.

"Sky Eye, open!"

He stepped back and stood beside Shao Yuxuan. His fingers containing spiritual power quickly passed through her eyes, and he shouted softly.

Along with Jiang Fengye's shout, the dim shadow gradually became clear in Shao Yuxuan's eyes.

A boy who looked 80% similar to Shao Yushi, but full of tyranny, was desperately hammering and pulling his blood curse red light.


Perhaps because of the special induction between blood ties, the moment Shao Yuxuan saw the boy's clear appearance, she immediately knew that he was her younger brother who had died before he was born, and immediately excitedly shouted out the name that his father had specially given him before his death.

However, in the face of Shao Yuxuan's shouting, the boy continued to hammer the blood curse red light without any reaction, and his clear eyes gradually turned scarlet.

When he saw the scarlet in the boy's eyes, Jiang Fengye's face suddenly changed and took a step forward, and then quickly wiped off the blood symbol on Shao Yusi's forehead.

As the blood symbol was forcibly wiped off, the pulling force formed by the blood light also disappeared quickly, which made the boy who stopped struggling return to the center of his eyebrows.


Seeing the boy who was about to return to his sister's forehead, Shao Yuxuan reached out emotionally and wanted to touch him, but was forcibly stopped by Jiang Fengye.


At the same time, the boy who was about to return to Shao Yusi's soul suddenly turned his head to look at Jiang Fengye, and his clear eyes revealed strong resentment and murderous intent.

"Jiang Fengye, my brother is still alive!" Shao Yuxuan asked excitedly, turning her head to look at Jiang Fengye with a gloomy face.

"No, he has been dead for a long time!"

After shaking his head in denial, Jiang Fengye said with a cold light in his eyes.

"That was just a trace of resentment when he was unwilling to die young, and then with the help of Siyu's three souls and seven spirits, he finally formed a resentful spirit that could not be reincarnated."

Although Shao Yuxuan was not a Taoist monk, she had experienced a lot of online novels and knew the meaning of resentment and resentful spirits.

Therefore, she was no longer entangled with her brother, who did not have much affection for each other, but worried about her sister who depended on her for life.

"Jiang Fengye, my sister won't be in danger, right?"

"Not for now!"

After shaking his head to comfort her, Jiang Fengye reached out and patted Shao Yusi's back, letting her fall asleep temporarily, then turned to Shao Yuxuan and reminded her solemnly.

"But her life will be in danger soon."

Shao Yuxuan's face suddenly changed, and she immediately stretched out her jade hand to hug Jiang Fengye's arm, begging with tears in her eyes.

"Jiang Fengye, please save my sister, I can't lose the only relative in this world."

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