The Best Physiognomist

Chapter 284 Second Grandfather


Next, on the journey of less than 40 meters to the village entrance, he met more than a dozen old people and children in the village. Jiang Fengye not only got out of the car to say hello, but they all had a bag worth more than 70 yuan. Huazhong cigarettes, and a Xingxing gift pack worth more than thirty yuan.

Of course, from the respectful attitude of the villagers towards Jiang Fengye and the title of "Little God", Su Lizi knew that the man she liked was a good man respected by the whole village, which also made her feel happy.

Turning east from the entrance of the village, the commercial vehicle finally stopped in front of a slightly humble single-family bungalow at the east end of the village.

"Sister Lizi, are you very disappointed?" After taking a deep breath and suppressing the excitement of seeing his relatives, Jiang Fengye asked, pointing to the simple bungalow with the worst conditions in the village in front of him.

"Yi Zi, what I like is you as a person, not your family background, so whether you live in a foreign-style mansion or a thatched cave dwelling, I will like and accept it happily." Su Lizi said sincerely.

"Let's go! Come with me to meet the three grandpas." Su Lizi's sincere answer moved Jiang Fengye, who opened the car door and got out of the car to invite.

Looking at the courtyard gate made of deep-sea ironwood, and the two courtyard gates carved with the mythical beast Purple Dragon and the ferocious beast Taozu, Jiang Fengye mobilized the spiritual power of his Dantian to penetrate into his palms, and then pressed them on the statues of Zilong and Taozu respectively. above.

Immediately afterwards, the two courtyard doors opened slowly and automatically, and then a very rich floral fragrance came out.

Later, Su Lizi, who was standing at the entrance of the courtyard, immediately saw countless colorful flowers planted in the courtyard, and couldn't help but sigh in surprise.

"So beautiful!"

"Sister Lizi, these flowers were planted by my second grandfather himself, and they are also rare flowers in the world."

After briefly introducing the origin of the flowers in the yard, Jiang Fengye held Su Lizi's beautiful hand and walked into the yard.

Although the 15th day of August in the lunar calendar has passed the beginning of autumn, the daytime temperature is still as high as 35-6 degrees Celsius, still giving people a feeling of sultry heat and dryness.

But the moment she entered the courtyard, there was a cool and comfortable breath that made Su Lizi almost scream out.

At the same time, she was extremely shocked that the three simple shabby bungalows suddenly turned into four exquisite two-story bamboo buildings.

"Ye Zi, what's going on?"

Gently shaking Jiang Fengye's arm, Su Lizi pointed to the four two-story bamboo buildings occupying the four directions of the yard, with a look of doubt in her eyes.

"This is an obstacle method that combines Feng Shui layout and Taoism. It was created by my third grandfather."

After a brief introduction, Jiang Fengye cast his eyes towards the flowers. An old man with white hair who was carefully repairing the branches and leaves of the flowers shouted in surprise.

"Second Grandpa!"

After hearing Jiang Fengye's shout, the white-haired old man turned around quickly and said with a kind smile on his face.

"Little Ye Zi is back!"

When she heard the white-haired old man's response and saw his appearance clearly, Su Lizi suddenly felt a very awkward feeling in her heart.

First of all, although the other party is already an old man with gray hair, his round face without a single wrinkle does not look like an old man in his eighties at all.

Secondly, when the other party responded to Jiang Fengye's shout just now, his voice was slightly shrill, a bit like the eunuchs on TV and movies.

However, the other party was not only her man's second grandfather, but also a strange person with special abilities, so Su Lizi quickly suppressed the awkward feeling in her heart, dispelled the messy thoughts in her mind, and followed Jiang Fengye's footsteps without any hesitation.

After looking Su Lizi up and down, Jiang Zhenheng asked with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Little Ye Zi, although Second Grandpa and I have never met that little girl from the Lin family, judging from her inherited appearance and temperament, it seems that she is not the Lin Shilan who is engaged to you!"

Facing the second grandfather Jiang Zhenheng's question, Jiang Fengye shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and explained with a sneer of disdain in his eyes.

"Second Grandpa, Lin Shilan, who is engaged to me, is a high-ranking princess. She is white, rich and beautiful in the eyes of countless men. How could she fall in love with me, a poor boy from a poor rural area?"

"Damn it!"

After hearing Jiang Fengye's mocking explanation, Jiang Zhenheng's eyes immediately flashed with a trace of cruel murderous intent, and then he complained about the third grandfather.

"When I first met Lin Daoyuan's old boy in the forest of Fusheng, I knew that he was not a good person. He was just a wishful thinking of wanting to use the power of the Lin family to make up for the lack of energy in you. Your wealth will not affect your worldly experience."

"But what about the result!"

"His most precious eldest grandson, the most favored successor of Taoism, not only did not receive any help in terms of wealth, but was kicked away mercilessly."

"I'll see how he faces you later and how he deals with those ungrateful guys from the Lin family."

"Second Grandpa, don't blame Third Grandpa anymore."

"If Third Grandpa hadn't made the engagement with Lin Daoyuan privately, I wouldn't have been able to go to Ningji City alone to fulfill the engagement."

"If I didn't go to Ningji City alone to fulfill my engagement, I wouldn't have met the only love of my life."

First, he defended the third grandpa who complained about the second grandpa, and then stretched out his hand to pull Su Lizi to his side. Jiang Fengye introduced with tenderness in his eyes.

"Second Grandfather, her name is Su Lizi. She is the woman I fell in love with during my experience in the secular world. She is also the granddaughter-in-law I chose for our Jiang family, and she has been recognized and blessed by the statue of the mythical beast Qilin."

Then, he introduced Su Lizi.

"Sister Lizi, this is the second grandfather who doted on me the most since I was a child."

"Second Grandfather, hello!" Su Lizi hurriedly saluted respectfully.

"Good, good, good!"

After a careful look just now, Jiang Zhenheng had already seen through Su Lizi's temperament and character, as well as the yin and yang blended with Jiang Fengye's breath, and he also liked her from the bottom of his heart as the future granddaughter-in-law of the Jiang family.

So, facing Su Lizi's respectful salute, he was very satisfied and said three times in a row, then suddenly spread his arms, palms facing up and pushed hard.

Afterwards, the petals of the flowers in the yard instantly broke away from the flower buds and floated in the air, and then formed a sea of ​​flowers flying all over the sky.


Then, Jiang Zhenheng slapped his palms together, and while shouting, he pressed directly on Su Lizi's forehead.

"Concentrate your mind, and the flowers will bless you!"

Accompanied by Jiang Zhenheng's shout, the petals flying in the sky quickly combined into colorful flowers, and then merged into Su Lizi's forehead.

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