The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 1048: Ginger is still spicier when old

Yao Xue, Yao Xue...

Such a beautiful and kind girl was so heartbroken that she almost died because of him.

But he couldn't do anything. He really hated himself.

She just didn't ask for anything, she just wanted to stay by his side. This little wish couldn't come true. She was so pitiful!

Yao Xue loved him so much and sacrificed so much for him. If possible, he really wanted to make it up to her.

But he is going to marry Yunshan!

And Yunshan had no idea what he was suffering from in order to be with her.

In order to marry her, he is cruelly hurting another girl!

But Yunshan was happily choosing jewelry, buying this and that...

Yao Xue didn't want anything but to stay by his side.

Compared with Yunshan, Yao Xue is really pitiful.

Wei Zhijie sympathized with the weak. In contrast, he felt that Yunshan was not so cute and kind.

But he had forgotten that Yunshan didn't ask for anything at the beginning, she just wanted to stay by his side.

He forgot that he also compared Yunshan and Hailan in this way...

Wei Zhijie forgot all this, but it didn't stop him from feeling dissatisfied with Yunshan. Then, whether intentionally or unintentionally, he showed Yunshan's shopping list to Wei's mother.

When Mother Wei saw that Yunshan had to buy so many things and they were so expensive, her face immediately turned ugly!

However, Jiang was still very old, and she didn't have any attacks. She just asked Yunshan to come out for tea and told her about the wedding arrangements like a loving mother-in-law.

The more Yunshan listened, the more something seemed wrong.

"Auntie, didn't you say that the wedding was going to be held on a cruise ship? Why did it change to a church?" Yunshan asked softly.

Initially, she made an agreement with Wei Zhijie and wanted to hold the wedding on a cruise ship.

A luxurious cruise ship and a wedding at sea, how romantic and classy...

But why did it become a church? !

Wei's mother sighed: "This is one of my wishes. Yunshan, when Auntie was young, she most wanted to hold a wedding in a church. But I don't have that luck, so I just want to watch you and Zhijie hold it in the church. And Auntie believes in Christianity, if you don’t hold it in the church, what will happen if God doesn’t bless your happiness? Besides, the church is so good, so many girls want to hold it but don’t have a chance.”

Yunshan's face was stiff.

Can she compare with other girls?

Also, holding weddings in churches is a waste of time these days, okay?

But Mother Wei had said all that, so what else could she say to refute?

Yunshan had no choice but to agree reluctantly, "Then let's go to the church. The church is also very good..."

"Yes! The church is so nice, Yunshan. Auntie likes girls like you, simple, not vain, well-behaved and obedient!"

Yunshan was happy to hear this and thought Mother Wei was praising her.

"Auntie, you can hold it however you want. I will listen to you. I believe you will bless Brother Zhijie and me." Yunshan said with a beautiful expression.

Mother Wei smiled more and more kindly, "Yunshan, Auntie likes you even more. Since you said so, I will tell you about my arrangements. Don't worry, my arrangements must be for your benefit..."

Her arrangement was indeed for their own good.

In order to save more money for her children's milk powder and education, and to highlight the simple family tradition of the two families, she decided to let them hold a low-key wedding.

There will be only 50 tables for the banquet, and just invite some relatives and friends.


The concubine is finishing up~

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