He couldn't tell what he was feeling, but it was very uncomfortable.

He felt very painful not being able to be with Yao Xue.

It's like losing something very important...

But he will marry Yunshan soon!

Why didn't he discover earlier that his feelings for Yunshan were not real, but for Yao Xue?

Now that he has reached this point, where will he go?

Wei Zhijie left in despair. Yun Shan called him several times but he didn't answer.

He was in a very confused mood now and didn't want to answer her call at all.

However, Yunshan thought that he really didn't want her anymore!

How could this happen? Why did brother Zhijie suddenly change?

Doesn't he love her very much? How did he become like this?

Is his love for her all fake? Does he really not want her?

Yunshan locked herself in the room, curled up on the bed and hugged her body tightly, crying aggrieved, pitifully and sadly...

But no one knew her sadness, and she tried to be sensible and not let others know.

She could just bear all the heartbreak and sorrow silently alone.

But within two days, she lost a lot of weight and became a little haggard.

Yunmu and Yunfu asked her what was wrong, and every time Yunshan smiled and said she was fine, but the sadness in her eyes could not be hidden at all.

"Yunshan, what's wrong with you?! Did Wei Zhijie do something to you?" Yunmu asked her worriedly.

"Mom, I'm fine, really, I'm fine, I'm really fine." Yunshan shook her head, trying to show that she was happy, but unfortunately the tears in her eyes could not deceive anyone.

Yunshan is getting married soon. She was happy a few days ago, but now she is like this. If there is no problem, there will be ghosts!

But she didn't say anything, and Yunmu didn't approve of her marrying Wei Zhijie, so she was very angry.

"Yunshan, is there something wrong with your relationship with Wei Zhijie? Mom has told you a long time ago that he is unreliable, but you still don't believe it! If there is really something wrong with your relationship, don't get married before it's too late! "

"No..." Yun Shan opened her eyes wide in shock, "Mom, my relationship with brother Zhijie is fine. I want to marry him, and I will not cancel the wedding!"

"Then why do you think you are like this now?"

"I'm fine, Mom, I'm going to rest, I'm really fine..." Yunshan shook her head, stood up and walked upstairs in a vain manner.

Yunmu looked at her worriedly. Suddenly, Yunshan's body shook and she fainted on the ground!

"Yunshan——" Yunmu screamed in fright!

Yunshan fainted and everyone was quickly notified.

Wei Zhijie also received the call. He hung up the phone and rushed over immediately. He was worried about Yunshan along the way.

When Wei Zhijie rushed to the hospital, Yunshan had just been sent to the emergency room.

"Auntie, what's wrong with Yunshan? Why did she faint?!" Wei Zhijie asked Yunmu anxiously as soon as he arrived.

Yun Mu was very angry when she saw him, "You ask me? I still want to ask you, what did you do to my Yunshan?!"

Wei Zhijie was stunned for a moment and was very confused: "Me? I don't have Yunshan?"

Father Yun was also very angry, "If you didn't do anything to her, would she be out of control in the past few days and become more and more haggard?"

"Wei Zhijie, let me tell you, if anything happens to my daughter, I won't let you go! If you don't like my Yunshan anymore, cancel the engagement immediately!"

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