The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 1063 She has prenatal depression

For a pregnant woman who is about to give birth, it is not a good sign to sigh all day long!

More than once, Dongfang Yu asked Hai Xiaotang caringly, considerately and gently: "What's wrong with you? If you feel uncomfortable, you must say it."

"I'm fine." Hai Xiaotang shook his head, as if I was really fine.

"Is the recent food not to your liking?" Dongfang Yu asked unwillingly, otherwise, why would she sigh while eating.

"No, it's pretty good." Then Hai Xiaotang ate two big bowls of rice.

As a pregnant woman who has gained weight, her appetite is still a bit large...

Dongfang Yu felt relieved when he saw that she could eat.

But Hai Xiaotang still seemed a little depressed.

One day, when she was eating snacks and watching TV, she didn't know what scene she saw, and suddenly she sighed again.

Dongfang Yu turned his head to watch the TV and happened to see a fat girl inside.

He thought he was very smart and comforted Hai Xiaotang, "Honey, don't worry about your figure all day long. You are not fat, you just gained a few dozen pounds. This is normal. You must not worry."

Hai Xiaotang glanced at him, and Dongfang Yu suddenly felt as if he had said something wrong.

Then Hai Xiaotang silently put down the snacks and stopped eating...

"Honey, I really don't mean to dislike you. In my eyes, you are really not fat at all, and you don't have to worry about it. Isn't it normal to gain some weight during pregnancy?"

"Oh, I've gained dozens of pounds..." Hai Xiaotang said expressionlessly.

Dongfang Yu: "..."

He really said something wrong!

Hai Xiaotang's sorrow increased. Not only did she achieve nothing, she also grew into a fat person!

Not only that, her memory seemed to be failing a bit.

There is always something she wants to do one second and she forgets the next.

Even Haohao and Chen Chen saw something was wrong with her.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Why do you keep forgetting things lately? Are you no longer interested in me?" Chen Chen snorted dissatisfied.

Hai Xiaotang apologized hurriedly, "Mom is not indifferent to you. Mom has a bad memory recently..."

Haohao, who was holding the encyclopedia and reading with gusto, immediately raised his head and made a very serious suggestion: "Mom, you need to eat more pig brains, whatever you eat will make up for it!"

Hai Xiaotang: "..."

Is she looked down upon by her children? Is this being rejected by the child?

Sure enough, nothing was accomplished, just everything was unsatisfactory!

Hai Xiaotang became even more worried...

Dongfang Yu took her to see a doctor. The doctor said she had prenatal depression and that he would just make her happy.

Then in order to make her happy, the whole family tried their best to make her happy.

"Whatever you want, just buy it!" Dongfang Yu gave her all the cards. He knew that the cure for a woman's depression is just one word, buy!

She has accomplished nothing and only spends her husband's money all day long. She is really useless!

Not only did Hai Xiaotang not become happy, but she became even more depressed...

She decided that she wanted to change her appearance, transform, and fight!

Hai Xiaotang is now looking forward to the early birth of her child so that she can do what she wants to do.

Fortunately, we didn’t have to wait too long and the baby was finally coming out...

In fact, Hai Xiaotang can know the gender of her child during pregnancy. But everyone in the Dongfang family decided not to see the gender of the child. No matter what the child was, it would be a surprise!

Otherwise, if the gender of the child is known early, there won’t be much of a surprise on the day the child is born.

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