The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 212 Love can’t be faked

In her previous life, when she was imprisoned, she could only huddle in a cold, dark room every day.

Every night she misses everything at home crazily.

I miss my grandfather’s kindness, Zhang’s mother’s cooking skills, and the warm quilt at home.

At that time, she was really desperate, thinking that there would never be any hope of rebirth.

But she was reborn...

Hai Xiaotang is really grateful to God for giving her such a precious opportunity.

So in this life, she has always wanted to live a good life without resenting anyone or dwelling on the past.

What she didn't expect was that she let go, but Dongfang Yu couldn't let go.

Hai Xiaotang is not a fool. She feels that today's duel between Dongfang Yu and Tao Yi is not only due to past grudges, but also because of her.

Tao Yi must have known about her and Dongfang Yu for a long time, otherwise he would not be surprised today.

But why should we fight because of her?

"Miss, Master Dongfang will be fine, don't worry." Zhang Ma thought she was worried about Dongfang Yu, so she comforted her.

Hai Xiaotang looked up at her and suddenly couldn't help but say, "Mama Zhang, do you know, Dongfang Yu almost died today."

Zhang Ma was surprised, "So serious?!"

"He saved my life some time ago and almost died."

Zhang Ma sat down opposite her and sighed: "It seems that Young Master Dongfang really has true feelings for you. How could he be like this before?"

Hai Xiaotang's eyes flashed, "But I don't even love him anymore."

"Miss, it's okay." Zhang Ma enlightened, "If you don't love it, don't love it. Don't force yourself. Master Dongfang used to be like this. If you don't love it, you don't love it. Love can't be faked. If you really have feelings, There’s no way to pretend that you don’t love me. But you two are the kind of people you can’t bring back once you fall in love... No, luckily the lady has woken up."

No, she only woke up after dying once.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to pull him back.

So she was very worried that Dongfang Yu would not be able to pull him back in this life...

"Miss, the chicken soup is cold, drink it quickly." Zhang Ma urged her.

Hai Xiaotang nodded with a smile, lowered his head and picked up a spoon to drink the soup.

That night, Hai Xiaotang thought she would not be able to sleep, but she fell into a deep sleep, but woke up very early.

She woke up just after dawn.

It was drizzling outside. Hai Xiaotang washed up and went downstairs. When he opened the door, the cool rain suddenly hit his face.

She took a deep breath of cool breath, feeling that summer was passing and autumn was coming.

Today is Saturday, and Hai Xiaotang doesn't have to go to class.

She drove out of her old house, not to school, but to the hospital.

She didn't know why she came here, but she did.

Outside Dongfang Yu's ward, two bodyguards in black stood.

When they saw Hai Xiaotang pushing the door open and going in, they didn't stop her.

Dongfang Yu hadn't woken up yet. He was sleeping deeply with his eyes closed. The dim light in the ward highlighted his sharp features.

Hai Xiaotang quietly walked to the window and opened the curtains, and the bright and non-dazzling light from outside suddenly poured in.

She opened the window a little, fresh air came in, and the smell in the room became much more comfortable.

In the garden downstairs outside the window, a patient couple was walking with red umbrellas.

At this early morning, and because of the rain, there was no one else in the garden, only them.

The man thought no one was paying attention to them, so he took the opportunity to secretly kiss the woman's face.

The woman and Hai Xiaotang both laughed at the same time.

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