The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 225 Not signing for living people

Hai Xiaotang didn't know how Dongfang Yu was thinking about Hai Xiaotang.

She didn't go to the library today, she just studied at home.

Hai Xiaotang is now very diligent in studying. He spends two or three times as much time studying as other students.

What does that sentence say? The tears you shed after getting married are all the water that went into your head when you were choosing a husband.

Hai Xiaotang felt that this sentence was the most appropriate to describe her.

Even the sweat she sheds for studying now was the water that went into her head when she was choosing a husband...

Hai Xiaotang just wants to drain the water in her head now, even if the process is painful.

Otherwise, there would be no room in her mind for other things.

Unconsciously, Hai Xiaotang had already studied until night.

When the lanterns first came on, the Hai family's old house also lit up with warm lights.

Dongfang Yu's car was parked outside the gate. Looking through the car window, she could see the light in her bedroom was on.

The man's lips curled up slightly and he calmly told the driver, "Knock on the door."


After a while, Zhang Ma knocked on the door of Hai Xiaotang's bedroom, "Miss, there is your express delivery outside the door, and I want you to sign for it in person."

Hai Xiaotang raised his head from the desk, surprised, "My express delivery?"

"Yes, it's quite big." Zhang Ma said with a smile.

Hai Xiaotang was very confused. She didn't buy anything. Where did the express delivery come from?

Was it given by someone else? Is it Dongfang Yu?

Hai Xiaotang went downstairs to collect the express delivery, but as soon as he walked out of the door, he saw an expensive Lincoln car!

She recognized the car at a glance. It was one of the cars of the Dongfang Yu family!

The car door was open, and Dongfang Yu sat lazily inside, looking at her with burning eyes and a faint smile on his lips.

Hai Xiaotang immediately knew that he had been fooled.

She said angrily, "It's indeed a big express delivery, but it's too expensive and I can't afford it, so I refuse to accept it!"

After saying that, she turned around and left.

"Hai Xiaotang." Dongfang Yu laughed, "This express delivery is free and there is no charge."

Hai Xiaotang turned around and said, "I still can't bear it, so go back on your own."

"No one can bear it but you. And you can't refuse!"

"Sorry, I never sign for live people. This is an illegal business."

"A living person?" Dongfang Yu raised his eyebrows, "This is the express delivery for you."

He lifted up an exquisite food box with a roast duck printed on it that seemed to have its own fragrance.

As soon as Hai Xiaotang saw the box, he had a spineless appetite.

Dongfang Yu smiled slightly: "Your favorite Su Ji roast duck. If you are tired from studying at night, you can have a few bites. I think it will be very refreshing."

Hai Xiaotang was surprised. How did he know that she always wanted to eat roast duck when she was studying?

She always ate at home, never in front of him!

So there must be a traitor in the family...

Dongfang Yu waved, "Come and get it. I'm not in good health right now, so it's not convenient for me to get out of the car."

Hai Xiaotang said calmly: "If you are not in good health, don't come here. If something happens to you because of me, I can't bear it."

Dongfang Yu smiled even more happily, "I know you care about me very much, so I plan to go back after sending the roast duck. At least I won't make you worry too much."

"Who cares about you!" Hai Xiaotang felt that he was too narcissistic. Her thoughts were really ordinary and not because of concern.

"Whether you care about me or not, take the roast duck, I care about you." Dongfang Yu said seriously.

"..." Hai Xiaotang stood still.

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