"No!" Qiao Ning opened her eyes wide in fear and wanted to turn over and escape.

The body was suddenly pulled back again!

Then the man's strong body suddenly pressed down——

With a tearing sound, Qiao Ning suddenly heard the sound of clothes being torn.

"No, don't—" Qiao Ning struggled painfully, but she couldn't shake the terrifying man on her body...


Suddenly, the originally clear sky began to rain heavily.

"Ah!" There was a sudden scream in the room, and Su Zigao curled up on the bed, covering his bleeding head.

Qiao Ning threw away the ashtray he grabbed from the bedside table, stumbled out of the box holding his messy clothes.

"Qiao Ning!" Kong Minjuan, who was waiting outside, was surprised when she saw her rushing out.

Qiao Ning stared at her angrily and shouted in pain: "From today on, you are no longer my mother!"

"You..." Kong Minjuan was stunned, "Qiao Ning, stop!"

Qiao Ning rushed out of the hotel madly and into the heavy rain outside.

She kept running, not caring that her whole body was already soaked. At this moment, she just wants to run to the end of the world so that no one can find her.

Rain and tears blurred her vision, and she did not see an oncoming car...

"Squeak!" The car suddenly braked. Although it stopped in time, Qiao Ning was still knocked away and her body fell to the ground.

Chai Xiyang in the car looked at Qiao Ning who was hit by him in shock.

How did you bump into her?

But Qiao Ning didn't see him. She got up, as if she didn't know the pain, and continued running numbly, stumbling, aimlessly...

Chai Xiyang looked sideways at her, frowning subconsciously.

At this moment, his cell phone rang. It was Lin Xiner's call.

Today they made an appointment to go see a movie together.

Chai Xiyang answered the phone, "Hello."

"Xi Yang, have you arrived? Why didn't I find you?"

"I'll be right away."

"Okay, please pay attention to safety on the road." Lin Xiner said softly.

"Yes." Chai Xiyang hung up the phone, started the car and left.

However, he couldn't help but glance at Qiao Ning's figure in the rearview mirror.

In the rain curtain, her slender body was very thin, and she looked so desperate and helpless...


There was another frightening thunder.

Hai Xiaotang, who was lying on the bed in a daze, was suddenly awakened.

"Are you awake?" Dongfang Yu, who was leaning next to him and reading a book, asked in a low and pleasant voice.

Hai Xiaotang looked up and saw him, propped up his body and asked doubtfully, "Is it raining outside?"

"Yes." Dongfang Yu put down the book and suddenly leaned over to hold her down, his breath hot.

Hai Xiaotang was stunned, "What are you doing?"

The man smiled evilly and touched her belly with his big hand, "You look so good, your stomach doesn't hurt anymore?"

Hai Xiaotang woke up immediately and said sadly: "Although I feel better after sleeping, there is still a little pain."

"Does it really hurt?" Dongfang Yu's hand moved down slowly, ambiguously.

Hai Xiaotang suddenly focused all his attention on his hand!

Moreover, the cells in the places he touched were trembling inexplicably.

She hurriedly grabbed his hand and said, "It really hurts. I'm probably going to have my period. You don't know, my stomach feels uncomfortable every time before I get my period!"

Dongfang Yu raised his eyebrows, but he saw through her disguise at a glance.

He frowned deliberately and said, "It's really here, let me check."

With that said, he leaned down and was about to pull down her pants!

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