The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 274 There is a problem with the design

Hai Xiaotang shook his head, "I'm fine."

"Get in the car quickly, the old man is also in the car."

Hai Xiaotang was surprised when he saw his grandfather sitting in the car not far away.

She hurried over and got in the car.

As soon as he saw his kind grandfather, Hai Xiaotang couldn't help but blush, "Grandpa..."

Hai Zhiyuan stroked her head and sighed: "It's okay, grandpa knows about it. Don't worry, with grandpa here, you will be fine."

Hai Xiaotang shook his head: "I'm not worried about me..."

The old man suddenly understood and laughed out loud: "Girl, are you worried about Ayu?"

Hai Xiaotang nodded and said sadly, "I don't know how he is doing now."

"He'll be fine, don't worry too much."

"But when he left, the situation was very bad..."

"Ayu is destined to be rich, so he won't get into trouble so easily. You should just worry more about yourself, hey..."

Hai Xiaotang hurriedly comforted him, "Grandpa, I will be fine. Don't worry too much."

Hai Zhiyuan looked solemn, "Xiaotang, I don't know why, but I always feel a little uneasy in my heart. In recent months, you have had accidents one after another. Grandpa is really afraid that something will happen to you."

"Grandpa, although I always get into trouble, I always manage to turn disaster into good luck!" Hai Xiaotang was more optimistic, "Don't worry, I'm sure nothing will happen to me!"

Seeing her certainty, Hai Zhiyuan smiled and said, "Yes, our Xiaotang will definitely be fine! Grandpa won't let anything happen to you either."

Hai Xiaotang felt warm in her heart and comforted him: "So grandpa, please don't worry about me and take care of your body. Only if you are healthy can I be protected for the rest of my life."

"Hahahaha, you're right!" Hai Zhiyuan laughed, "For you, grandpa will live for a few more decades no matter what."

"It's necessary!" Hai Xiaotang emphasized.

Hai Zhiyuan couldn't help laughing again.

After the grandfather and grandson laughed, they felt much better. Hai Xiaotang did not dare to show any pessimism, but privately, she was still worried about Dongfang Yu.

In the blink of an eye, Dongfang Yu left for several days.

Hai Xiaotang couldn't contact him and waited anxiously every day.

Everyone knew how she felt, and no one dared to mention anything about Dongfang Yu in front of her.

In addition, Hai Xiaotang had to cooperate with the investigation of the case, and she was very depressed every day.

Appetite also decreased.

Zhang Ma tried her best to make delicious food for her, but she still ate very little.

In just a few days, she lost several pounds.

The only comforting thing is that she is in a good mood, at least she is strong and optimistic.

However, she is afraid that if she continues, sooner or later she will not be able to bear it...

What worries Hai Zhiyuan even more is that the orphanage case seems to be getting more and more complicated.

He was afraid that Hai Xiaotang would eventually be implicated...

Another day, Hai Xiaotang was summoned to the police station for investigation early in the morning.

She thought she could leave after saying the same thing as before, but unexpectedly, this time the police directly produced evidence against her.

"Ms. Hai, we have already investigated and found no problem with the source of building materials. Experts believe that there is probably a problem with the design. In other words, your design is wrong!"

Hai Xiaotang was surprised, "How can there be no problem with the materials? If there is no problem, the house will collapse?"

"It's caused by design problems. All problems are caused by design errors!"

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